queenhootie ago

i swear you find one pedophile and they're all linked... everything is really starting to come to the surface

dontkillmehillary ago

It's fucking shitty. I have a theory about John Wayne Gacy I'm going to field

sundalanded ago

@kingkongwaswrong - why isn't this post showing in Top?

urso ago

For searching old newspapers use google news archive then select 'specified dates' on date added box, then fill start and end date

Nicefind ago

Another connection: Media Matters helped to out Jeff Gannon as a gay escort (whose real name is James Guckert, who ran escort websites under the name Bedrock Corp). In fact, Brock ironically coined the term "Gannongate."

See Nick Bryant new book Confessions of a DC Madam pages 150-151, where Henry Vinson claims Gannon was an escort, who boasted about working parties at the highest levels of government in the late 80's. https://youtu.be/GTitnDgw3Gc

Gannon resurfaced in 2003 as a "journalist," which special privileges under the Bush admin. Media Matters confirmed that Gannon attended elite parties at the white house. https://archive.fo/5eFWE#selection-881.84-881.99

News breaks evidence confirms Gannon was an escort (americablog.org) (WARNING X-RATED) https://archive.fo/bv3V3

BerksResident ago

It's thought that Jeff Gannon is Johnny Gosch who was abducted doing a paper round in Nebraska, also connected to Franklin Cover up & Paul Bonaci.

dontkillmehillary ago

And Podesta helped set up Media Matters.

sundalanded ago

great work!

here's another chain: Stephens is Chairman of the Board of a legal policy group that counts among its board members the (in)famous Kenneth Starr. Kenneth Starr not only "investigated" Bill Clinton leading up to Bill's impeachment, but he also joined Jeffrey Epstein's legal defense team along with Alan Dershowitz (who was actually a frequent flyer on the Lolita Express), Roy Black, and Gerald Lefcourt, "the best legal dream team a billionaire pedophile’s money can buy." Furthermore, Kenneth Starr wrote a letter of support for the same convicted child molester as James Alefantis' sister, Susan.

edit: quote marks around "investigated"

billcaseyABC ago

Kenneth Starr (and his wife Alice) signed their names to a petition in support of Christopher Kloman, a northern Virginia schoolteacher who was charged - and eventually sentenced to 43 years - for molesting 5 underage girls. Kloman taught at THE POTOMAC SCHOOL, an elite prep school in McLean, VA (where CIA is headquartered).

http://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/835178/kloman-letter-writers.pdf https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/crime/potomac-school-investigation-uncovers-more-alleged-abuse/2014/06/30/57abfa0e-0072-11e4-8fd0-3a663dfa68ac_story.html

Susan Alefantis (James' sister) also signed that petition.

dontkillmehillary ago

Ya, following the breadcrumbs leads to Gannon I found. Apparently Karl Rove is gay. That was interesting.

ThrowThisAwayPi ago

Lovin' your site, yo! That is GREAT work! Will be using it.

DamnTheTorPEDOES ago

Guess who wants to build the passive border fence?

Raytheon pitched a fit when Boeing was awarded the contract, now Raytheon has bid lower, stocks rose after Trump election, no word as to who gets the contract http://m.nextgov.com/defense/2014/07/Southwest-Virtual-Fence-Project-Halted-After-Raytheon-Protest/89705/ Passive security includes Raytheon RAID towers

This system is not to keep people out, its to keep people who are in, in check.

"As we’ve stated previously, Raytheon is confident in the solution it proposed and we look forward to working with the Department of Homeland Security on the next steps in response to the GAO decision," the company said in the statement

SpectraDatum ago

Stephens is friendly investigator in Whitewater scandal. It seems everyone expected him to go after the Clintons and were angry about his appointment.



In 94, if OP is correct, the NYC was playing it off like a WWE match. Super fake. At face value, he is not a Clinton ally.

The Clintons replaced practically every prosecutor with their own appointments, which is unheard of. Bush only replaced 8. Stephens was fired, too.

Equally extraordinary were the politics at play in the firings. At the time, Jay Stephens, then U.S. Attorney in the District of Columbia, was investigating then Ways and Means Chairman Dan Rostenkowski, and was "within 30 days" of making a decision on an indictment. Mr. Rostenkowski, who was shepherding the Clinton's economic program through Congress, eventually went to jail on mail fraud charges and was later pardoned by Mr. Clinton.

After leaving the DOJ, he went on to be lead counsel for Honeywell International.

Honeywell International is a major producer of aviation, aerospace and military products, as well as a range of other things from construction materials to various consumer goods. Founded in 1906, Honeywell is the sponsor of one of the more active political action committees in the United States, donating to politicians from both political parties. Honeywell International routinely spends close to $7 million each year on federal lobbying efforts aimed at dozens of agencies including both chambers of Congress, the Department of Defense and the Federal Aviation Administration.

The company still meets Hillary off the books.


The Examiner brings up the relationship, too.


September 2009, Clinton asked her aide to help another corporate donor, Honeywell, with some export regulations that were hampering Honeywell's bottom line. The former secretary of state said David Cote, the CEO of Honeywell, had personally requested assistance, but the exact favor he asked of Clinton's team was redacted by the State Department.


A number of big names in defense circles have opened their checkbooks for Clinton. They include former Lockheed Martin CEO Robert Stevens; Edward Kangas, who chairs the board of directors at United Technologies; Pam Wickham, the vice president for corporate affairs and communications at Raytheon; John Casey, who leads the Marine Systems division at General Dynamics; Vivek Lall, a senior executive at General Atomics; and Frank Ruggiero, the top in-house lobbyist at BAE Systems, among others.

So, at the very least, there exists friendly and illegal financial relationships between these people. Specifically, the Clinton Foundation, whose money is being used as a personal piggy bank for the Clintons and the two defense contractors tied to Stephens, who fill those coffers.

Stephens benefited from the firings at the DOJ by moving to Honeywell and then Raytheon while the Clinton Foundation benefitted by accepting money from these two companies beyond the normal scope of lobbying. That is exactly what the Clinton Foundation is designed to do and it is illegal. The Clinton Foundation is a clone of the American Security Council Foundation, run by miners, that traded political influence for money. The Bush family had a similar political trade machine, though they did a better job of obscuring it by using more than just one central foundation to coordinate.

dontkillmehillary ago


Spuddlebuns ago

What a crock of horseshit. Especially since you post NOTHING but the link, and expect others to take the wild imaginative foray to make the same conclusions as you. You are just SPAMMING the subverse with a link, and NOTHING SPECIFIC to #pizzagate but your wild accusations...

You go right ahead and be 'out standing' in your own field. Your SPAM has NO BUSINESS here.

Take it to /v/pizzagateunedited where you will find a most welcoming home for all forms of unrelated bullshit.

derram ago

You should read usernames of the people you're responding to -w-

Anywho, the link is an archive of the bloomberg link posted in the OP. For some reason archive.is has that link redirecting to the stocks page https://vgy.me/xc5SvD.png

My bot looks for links to certain sites and posts archives so people can avoid giving those sites clicks and views.

Spuddlebuns ago

SPAM is SPAM, Spammy-boy. I don't care if your name is Barack Osama Fuck yo mama. SPAM is SPAM. Bot linked or manual, that is BULLSHIT SPAM that you post, which adds absolutely NOTHING to the discussions you repeatedly SPAM across the subverse. Archives of bullshit SPAM are STILL bullshit SPAM.

BFD, you have successfully been SPAMMING VOAT for 2.3 years now. GOSH, I'm SO underwhelmed, I can't stand it. Or you. Just because you have been here for YEARS doesn't mean you have contributed anything of true value to any discussion other than bot-generated SPAM...I wouldn't stand too proudly on that widdle soapbox. It might collapse under the weight of your EGO...

Blacksmith21 ago

1) I 100% agree that pedos associate with other pedos. Secret handshake and all. 2) DC is a very small and tight-knit place. It is possible that there can be associations that are pure business.

Just sayin'

dontkillmehillary ago

Dude. What the fuck

Azagthoth ago

I feel like I am now schizoid. Jesus fuck bubblin christ

dontkillmehillary ago

Sweet site!

quantokitty ago

GREAT work!!! Outstanding, really ... it's just amazing how these people are all connected .. and giving each other these jobs because I guess you need lots of money to buy "pizza".

contrarianism ago

Good digging. There's a Roy Spence who send baby pics in wikileaks emails (TBH they seem innocent to me). His ad agency works closely with the Dems. I just wonder if he's related to Craig because they are only 7 years apart.

Also you might find older newspapers in microfiche at a bigger library.

Spuddlebuns ago

This is an interesting connection, but by your own words, these pervs all travel in the same circles, and DC is, in the end, a somewhat small circle, with very wide reach. Please feel free to continue digging, but no. This has NOTHING SPECIFIC to #pizzagate beyond who knows who.

Until you can DIRECTLY tie Stephens into the EVENTS of #Pizzagate, it is nothing more than a tenuous connection of (yet another) pedophile to the Clinton Foundation because he knows a guy who knows a guy who's wife is a lobbyist -type of connection. NOT SPECIFICALLY RELATING TO #pizzagate...

dontkillmehillary ago

I respectfully disagree. We have a guy with serious conflicts of interest investigating a child pedofile ring, who 25+ years later is dealing directly with the Podestas and Clintons. His employment at Raytheon is irrelevant beyond the scope of power and money it brings him today. Because he was a public official in the 80's/90's FOIA requests can be made into the Grand Jury he was forming. This gives us access to additional people of interest. Its stupid to keep searching the internet for pizza restaurants with funny logos instead of following actual trails of real documentable evidence to see who and where they lead.

Spuddlebuns ago

I respect your respectful disagreement.

All respect aside, It is NOT SPECIFICALLY related to #pizzagate. You have NO DIRECT TIES of this specific individual to the #pizzagate situation. You ONLY have tangential ties of a guy who works for a company who has a lobbyist who...oh fuck it. SPECIFICALLY RELATING TO #pizzagate. PROVIDE SOMETHING TYING THIS GUY TO WHAT IS GOING ON.

If we start posting every government employee who has been caught for pedo-related activities, who knows someone tangentially related to #pizzagate, the message will simply be lost in the "I know a guy, who knows a guy, who once worked for Hillary, and he visits CP sites..." SPECIFICALLY RELATED TO #pizzagate. SPECIFIC. NOT vaguely kinda sorta maybe tied to something.... SPECIFICS or it DOESN'T COUNT!

If YOU think this so important, get SPECIFIC tie ins. Otherwise, post it in Conspiracies. It doesn't belong here.

VictorySoon ago

Yeah I agree with everyone. Obviously airtight proof is not the nature of what this, but as more of these 'strong connections' come up, the more clearly it eliminates the possibility that these could ALL be coincidences, so through probability it is strong evidence.

Spuddlebuns ago

STRONG connections is the point. Not tangential evidence. SPECIFICALLY relating to #pizzagate.

That is what many people seem to be having a problem with...

alneuman ago

Sheesh. Another one? How is this not related to pizzagate? Pedophilia related. Check. Involves high level politicians. Check. Person can be specifically connected to Podesta. Check. Why are you filling these threads with pointless speculation on if this is 'related' or not? It's freaking pedophilia and politicians. Stop posting ridiculous stuff that obfuscates any good info coming in...very suspicious...anyone with half a brain sees the connections...

Geez. I just read the rest of your 'response'. Please go 'help' another investigation, like the conspiracy subredit. They'll appreciate you more over there. The fed gov't pedophilia is ALL related! Anyone who has investigated this stuff knows this. Except you it seems. Don't bother responding because you're ignored. Just wise the f up.

Spuddlebuns ago

SHEESH, ANOTHER idiot trying to make extremely tenuous connections seem relevant to a SPECIFIC SITUATION? WOW. who'da thunk it?

EVERYTHING pedo-related is NOT specific to #pizzagate. And in DC, everyone is somehow connected to someone else. We are NOT playing "6 degrees of Kevin Bacon" here. I'm sure you can tie HIM into #pizzagate if you try...

SPECIFICALLY RELATED does NOT mean a guy who knows a guy who was once indicted - type associations.

YOU go help the conspiracy theorists. I'm sure you can find a menu from Comet Ping Pong to tie into the Franklin scandal. You can also "wise up," and get over your butthurt to learn what the word "SPECIFICALLY" means.

Until then, please feel free to visit /v/pizzagateunedited. They will accept ANYTHING that involves pedophilia, no matter HOW far-fetched and unrelated. Enjoy!

dontkillmehillary ago

I've found a link, and hopefully others with more researching skill than me can move it forward from where I am.

I don't really understand how you are not connectng the importance of a guy DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO A PEDOPHILE RING COVER UP and HEATHER PODESTA. I'm pretty sure you don't get much closer to Pizzagate than the wife of Tony Podesta.

If YOU aren't seeing it, fine leave it be. Personally I'm going to keep looking down these paths with actual evidence until I find something else of value to the community.

citizen444 ago

Raytheon is a colossal part of the military-industrial complex, you can connect virtually every important person in DC with them.
But I commend your work, especially digging around attorneys/DOJ members who happen to drop cases involving pedorings...

dontkillmehillary ago

I agree. Tying peeps to Raytheon is easy, but what struck me with this is that there is a direct line from the Franklin scandal, which allegedly involved the trade and torture of minors, to the Podestas through Stephens. That's an anomaly worth looking into.

I think all these pervs travel in the same circles, so making connections is going to be pretty easy. I think, however, if we are going to find real breaks in pizzagate we need to look at guys like Stephens.

There is a HUGE spotlight on the big players like CPP, Podestas, Clintons, etc. They have mountains of cash and support to clean their tracks. Finding a break with them now is going to be near impossible because we have lost the element of surprise.

The weak links in the chain are those not expecting examination. Stephens has been coasting along for 25+ years with no one looking closely at his activities. If there is dirt on him he likely won't be as dilligent cleaning it up like HRC. The odds of a breakthrough are much greater with him. edit Also, these old school guys aren't as savvy with computers, so they have digital weak points.

I'm going to start tracking some other names mentioned in the Washington Times article to see who else pops up on the pizzagate radar. Stephens was literally the first guy I looked at.

edit One word of caution here too.... Raytheon is a defense contractor. Defense contractors are notoriously vigilant on keeping shit quiet. Investigating companies like this definitely will, raise the likelihood of "accidental suicide"

citizen444 ago

Sorry to insist, but Raytheon must have hundreds if not thousands of politicos/lobbyists/journalists working for them. There is no way we can use this connection in a meaningful way. Money flowing in all directions is totally normalized, Tony Podesta received millions for lobbying on behalf of Saudi Arabia for example. So all these claims will be easily dismissed by NYT, WaPo, Bloomberg journalists as ravings coming from ppl who don't know how "business is done".
I agree with you, we must focus on specific persons whose DOCUMENTED actions were INSTRUMENTAL in helping "human trafficking" like Stephens or Silsby.

alneuman ago

Wut? You have a prosecutor, who most definitely rigged and obfuscated the investigation in DC in the Franklin Scandal. Are you seriously that obtuse? Wtf? If it doesn't have anything to do with 'jimmy comet' that means it's off limits? What a ridiculous comment. As someone who has researched the Frnklin scandal for years, I can tell you that that creep is as dirty as they come, and it's about freaking time people glommed onto him and started to do some research on what he's been up to the last 25+ years.

When I investigated, I got lost in the so many characters involved, and didn't get to him, before I got disheartened from the complete lack of caring of everyone I spoke to about it, or tried to send them the books...

citizen444 ago

Calm down. Read again my comments.
I repeatedly said that the prosecutor who covered Franklin is a VERY INTERESTING LEAD. What I'm critisizing is the fact that we're trying to hastily tie him up with Podesta/CPP/Alefantis.
Trying to tie everything up is a mistake, even if there is a global conspiracy where every action can be explained, most of the conspirators probably don't know the big picture. Everyone of them is in charge with a small part of the machinery.
Outing JUST ONE of them will already a big victory for the citizen investigators.

KingKongisCTR ago

I disagree. I think seeing who is chosen to investigate the trafficking may even be more important than the traffickers if you had an understanding of how they work. Trafficking doesn't take much skill and can be replaced easily. Scummy lawyers pretending to be good guys aren't as easy.

citizen444 ago

My comment was about the link DC attorney<->Raytheon<->Podesta which I consider weak and distracting , not about the ATTORNEY himself who deserves some investigation about the reasons why he acted as a FIREWALL preventing the Franklin scandal from contaminating DC.

dontkillmehillary ago

The sad part about Washington is that it's very incestuous with employment opportunities. Usually when someone moves to the private sector from the public one they are going to get picked up by one high rolling company or another. I agree 100% that following the mega-corporations will lead nowhere usefull. As you said, it's the individuals that need to be analyzed. Likely anyone of interest we find will be tied into a large company one way or another.

Spuddlebuns ago

WTF does a Stock Market site link have to do with ANYTHING?!? Fucking SPAMMER.

Thrash57 ago
