sundalanded ago

some of them may also be self-interested - let's review these letters and see if we can't sniff out the edges of a coverup

PleadingtheYiff ago

That would be a great idea. I'm sure some of these people are not writing letters out of the pure goodness of their heart.

justiceforever ago

Holy crap. Post this as its own post? Add to the sidebar?

sundalanded ago

it would be nice to get more eyes on these letters - they allow us to widen our net via a convicted pedophile with links to Alefantis as well as Epstein and the Clintons (thru Starr).

so someone please feel free to make a new post for that; maybe link back to this one, too, for context's sake.

edit: also, be sure to note that Susan Alefantis' letter is still MIA - would be great to find it!

sundalanded ago

for some reason, Susan Alefantis' letter not part of this - but there's a lot of high-ranking people here

would still be nice to see what Susan Alefantis wrote...

blind_sypher ago

I wanna see her brothers head on a pike

PrideOfOshtekk ago

And her head. She's supporting a pedophile.

sundalanded ago

he's famous as the "independent counsel" who investigated Bill Clinton's sexual escapades leading up to Bill's impeachment. that much i knew. what i had no idea about until just now, is that Starr went on to serve as chancellor/president of Baylor University when a sex scandal broke out there (from Wikipedia):


Starr was additionally named chancellor of Baylor in November 2013, a post that had been vacant since 2005. He became the first person to hold the positions of president and chancellor at Baylor at the same time.[54]

In September 2015, Baylor's Board of Regents initiated an external review of the university's response to reports of sexual violence to be conducted by the Pepper Hamilton law firm. Baylor had been accused of failing to respond to reports of rape and sexual assault filed by at least six female students from 2009 to 2016. Two former football players, Tevin Elliott and Sam Ukwuachu, have been convicted of rape. Elliot is currently serving a 20-year sentence after his conviction in January 2014.[55] Pepper Hamilton reported their findings to the Regents on May 13,[56] and on May 26 the Regents announced Starr's removal as university president, effective May 31.[57]


so maybe Starr is really good at damage control for sexual scandals? just speculating, but what if Bill's sexual proclivities weren't so much Monica Lewinsky, but rather pedo already? and Starr just project managing the case to keep that aspect out of the limelight?

he was a Reagan and then H.W. Bush appointee - could it be that Starr's name shows up in connection to the Franklin scandal, running interference all the way back then?

wroughtchild ago

"Charlene Wilson, a convicted drug dealer and informant, testified to a grand jury in 1990, that she had attended several parties in which she watched Bill Clinton's brother Roger pass cocaine to Bill. On one occasion, Bubba was so high on cocaine, that he fell into a garbage can. Very symbolic of the presidency, in my opinion. Wilson also testified that the party attendees would often share sex partners, that would often times consist of underage teenage girls." ( Statutory rape ) So yes his sexual proclivities were pedo for quite some time when the Monica scandal seized the spotlight.

sundalanded ago

ok, so i ran a cursory search attempting to link Starr back to the Franklin scandal, but i found something else. regarding Bill Clinton's pal Jeffrey Epstein's legal defense:

Dershowitz joined the best legal dream team a billionaire pedophile’s money can buy that also included onetime Clinton-Lewinsky adversary Ken Starr and other hot shot lawyers Roy Black and Gerald Lefcourt. They successfully convinced the US Attorney for the Southern District of Florida to not charge Epstein or his pimp co-conspirators with sex trafficking underage girls across state lines nor prosecute any of the other frequent flying child molesters. Despite Dershowitz’ name not being on that sweetheart deal of a plea agreement protecting super-rich "perps", the civil case that victim Virginia Roberts filed does accuse Dersh-of-bagging his own immunity, a slight conflict of interest violation. In revenge, Dershowitz vowed to have Roberts’ attorney dis-barred.

so it could be my wild speculation^ re: Starr being a sex scandal damage control specialist, not so wild after all?

this Kloman situation bears further investigation...

ThrowMeAVoat ago

This is an excellent find! Great work.

An environment of denial and normalizing....

sundalanded ago

interesting list of letter writers - i believe i spot Kenneth Starr and his wife on there. perhaps others will be able to dig in and find more.

recalls some of the "serial killer" ties to political party machinery - bundy, gacy, et al.

could potentially be another thread that ties to clintons, albeit in an unexpected manner...

derram ago :

Potomac School investigation uncovers more alleged abuse - The Washington Post

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