ch3f4554551n ago

Just checking in. It's been about a month since you lot cursed me, and I wanted to let you know that I've started a great new job, and will be moving into a nicer place at the end of the month, due to my increase in pay. Thanks, theoldones!

theoldones ago

i never cursed you, i said i could find you, but since ive changed my focus to druidic ovate ive clearly got a religious and ancestral drive to focus on far broader tasks then the fate of one, and little reason to hold malice

ch3f4554551n ago

Clearly. You are busy masturbating with more delusions of grandeur and walking your ridiculous, threatening statements back so you can hold on to an inflated ego built on a house of cards. You don't have any time to acknowledge your human impotence and show you can actually learn and grow...just keep up the farce, my boy! Only a few short decades left.

theoldones ago


wtf are you doing here, talking shit on a 2 month old post then

ch3f4554551n ago

Just checking in to verify that since your open threat, my life is still improving. Seems like focusing my efforts on simple, real-life progress is is the mystical wish-thinking going? Get a promotion yet, gandalf?

theoldones ago

if you remember this after so long, seems clear to me you'd instead be doing something better then talking abut it still, now wouldnt you

and besides of which a golden ceremony knife got picked over a wand, in case your curious. the metal resonates signals nicely

BigMatteson ago

I wish I knew you in real life so I could bully you.

ch3f4554551n ago

Trans-dimensional sasquatch bone works well.

Peter_the_Dickth ago

Only if it’s harvested in a month with two blue moons.

ch3f4554551n ago

Bump. Still laughing.

ch3f4554551n ago

Make it out of something cheap or free, that way, when you realize delusional wish-thinking and resentment of orthodoxy produces no actual result, you can throw away your wand without guilt or loss.

theoldones ago

ok whatever

TheBuddha ago

If it helps, pretend I said it.

I also volunteer for your spells and magic. I'm pretty easily doxxed and my location is pretty well know, if that helps.

Have at it, but do let me know when you've decided to curse me or bless me. Hell, you can even wait for a week after the fact and check to see how it went. I'll be completely truthful with you.

ch3f4554551n ago

Yep. Busy here in meatspace. I only intervene when I see low-hanging fruit posts like 'wand advice'. If you aren't happy with your penis size, I suggest dating petite women.

theoldones ago

totally loving that username you have there that TOTALLY WASNT bot generated like a barcode, too

so busy with life you coudnt even think of a good name, too?

ch3f4554551n ago

My user name is 'Chef Assassin', a character from the Palahniuk novel know it? You seem to enjoy reading fiction....

theoldones ago unironically made a username replacing letters with numbers based on obscure literary characters centered around death.

wow. you are unironically an edgy anger sniper from tf2 whose sniper rifle is named after a latin phrase.

i dont even have to continue this conversation now, really. you've already given the chance to drop this MOAB of an insult right into your lap.

i mean holy shit i thought you people were just memes, i had no idea your ilk actually existed. ahahahaha this is the funniest shit ive seen all day. thank you for that, you've made my day brighter, you fucking no-sex-having edgelord XD

ch3f4554551n ago

...and you unironically posted on voat, the shitlord capital of Kekistan, soliciting 'wand advice'...

Just move on, man. Who do you think gets more ass; a working Executive Chef, or a Harry Potter wannabe?

This thread is platinum lulz.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Actually, I hear the Harry Potter wannabes do quite well - Wiccans fuck like monkeys... and run around in the forest nude a lot.

You should see my Lord Commander coat - it's devastating on the ladies:)

ch3f4554551n ago

i aspire to not stick my dick in anything pre-rational...feels wrong, ya know?

ch3f4554551n ago

pardon me. my wand.

theoldones ago

so your an executive chef who says "lulz".

k. cool story bro.

ch3f4554551n ago

Yep. One can have a career and still enjoy internet slang. I'm delightfully unpretentious. I think it's because I am secure in my rational maturity, stemming from the pursuit of reason and evidence, and maintaining a firm commitment to intellectual humility. Were I insecure, I'd likely seek out mystical, delusional methods of power and control like magic.

TheBuddha ago

You, I think I like you.

ch3f4554551n ago

Shucks. Good on you, chap. =)

TheBuddha ago

LOL I'm a mathematician who did, you know, science. As they didn't seem to think you were a reputable user, I volunteered to be a subject if they found they didn't like you well enough. I'll even give them an accurate accounting of the results!

I bet I don't even stub my toe.

But, the CSS in this sub is pretty awesome.

ch3f4554551n ago

Can't wait to review the methodology for this. Someone call James Randi...

TheBuddha ago

If they tell me when they begin, I'll happily keep them updated. They know I'm easily doxxed and where I live. My real name is David G. and my picture can be found, I even post my pic on Voat.

I'd probably even send them a personal artifac, but I'm pretty busy much of the time.

If I die, this is surely the reason!

ch3f4554551n ago

How is your wand comming along, Dildo T Baggins? Oak, Ash or Unicorn horn?

theoldones ago

well if were so crazy, why are you stooping down here and talking shit to us?

might get a few death curses over your shoulder, and have a few third eyes watching, and you might get a few hostile demons sicced on you. knowing what hill to die on here is clearly not your logical strong suit.

ch3f4554551n ago

Holy shit! Just realized that you threatened my life for poking fun at your 'faith'! Sounds muslim to me. #BippityBoppityFatwah

Karbuster ago


Im so stealing this bro

ch3f4554551n ago

Because its fucking hilarious. Can you brew me up a batch of mystical goblin juice please?

theoldones ago

oh really, then does that mean you volunteer for all members of this sub to test on you from a distance? :)

ch3f4554551n ago

Happily. Bring it on, Gandalf...or, maybe re-direct some of that energy toward furthering your career, or your relationship with your family, or anything concrete. Cleaning your room works 100% of the time...same reproducible result with your scrying mirror and dousing rod? Science and reason think no.

Memorexem ago


I'm done. I can't go on. Please bury me here and tell my family.

middle_path ago

Haven't messed with wands before, sorry. That being said I hear home made is best.