Stalins_bedpan ago

And there it is. I knew the arrest of that fat old patsy was just a foot in the door to wreck this militia that was interfering with the invasion process.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Awesome if true but highly doubt it

Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

We would all like to, but it was never a plan.

BurqaFart ago

But don’t we all want to kill Obama and Soros?

pinkskinner ago

Interesting but not found.

Pooh_on_a_Jew ago

Called it

7e62ce85 ago

Show me the man and I will show you the crime - Stalin


I hope they succeed

Mustard_Monkey ago

The fear of Americans getting a idea going is real Goats.

Gorillion ago

Why, what are Obama and Soros doing on the Mexican border?

lord_nougat ago

Leading, or at least financing an invasion on USA, most likely!

BaldMiscreant ago

Awful hard to do that from the border

Hektik ago

Article got shoah'd

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

Does that person even go to new mexico?

symantec ago

You just know that the FBI got a file in all of us here.

sunshine702 ago

They were scared of my Pomeranian dog and threatened to shoot it when they came to my house. Don't be scared they are small penised twitchy losers.

symantec ago

They actually came to your house? What the fuck warranted that?

sunshine702 ago

Criticizing the Dog Shelter.

No really. A casino heiress is the President of the Board.

Hektik ago

I remember when the "News" was stating under Obama that "Right Wing Militias" Rose something like 900%. What they didn't say was that Obama was spying and drone bombing Americas abroad and during Occupy Wall Street targeted leadership for assassination. As well as wanted to kill Americans in the country.

Early people were fed up with his shit and Militias are a constitutionally protected association.

Niggardly_Jew ago

I heard the FBI found CP on their computers too.

0100100-100110 ago

Are plans illegal? I think it would be covered under the first amendment. Should they belong on a watch list? Probably. Lol Is it illegal to detain immigrants at the border? No, anybody can do a citizens arrest in most states. Although you better know wtf you are doing because you could wind up with a kidnapping charge, and civil cout damages.

Adam_Jensen_ ago

I don't know why people post direct links here without archiving. Nigger level IQ.

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

Because for some reason the Archive sites don't for me.

antiliberalsociety ago

Of course it's bullshit, @TexasVet wouldn't have had the balls to stop even Mexicans from coming in

BJW414 ago

i also doubt it. don't those militias just want for the government to stay out of their lives?

i can't think of any assassinations attempts by a militia.

obviously, OKC bombing was a huge attack. supposedly, it was committed by militia members. but, i don't know much about it. and, would not be surprised if the "official" story is false.

NinaSparrow ago


Tubesbestnoob ago

Strozk and Page never lied, right guys?

BernieT ago

I smell a rat.

abewasatallman ago

here's probably what happened:

feds infiltrated the group, posing as nationalists, and became buddies with other group members. one night, after everyone had imbibed a few beers, one of the feds started talking about how much he hates obama and soros, and how someone should "do something" about them. some legit member of the group said something along the lines of how they should be executed for treason, and other members of the group basically agreed.

the feds then get to spin this as the group was "planning" to "assassinate" them. now the groups leader is in jail and the group itself has been defamed. even if the group's leader is eventually acquitted (and it's very difficult to get found not guilty in federal court), the damage to the group and its members has been done.

the Deep State is the enemy of the people.

ZUQfpcCac_eXr_hQYYal ago

Planting land mines would be cheaper than this whole craziness.

Broc_Lia ago

That's highly likely, from the NYT article:

LAS CRUCES, N.M. — Before the F.B.I. arrested Larry Hopkins, the leader of the right-wing militia that detained migrant families in the New Mexico desert, he’d had so many run-ins with the law that his police record stretched across much of the United States.

Oregon police arrested him in 2006 on charges of impersonating a police officer and a felony weapons offense. They had found him showing guns to teenagers in a gas-station parking lot while wearing a police-style uniform and a badge emblazoned with the words “Special Agent.”

“Hopkins stated that he worked for the federal government directly under George Bush,” Officer Jack Daniel of the sheriff’s office in Klamath County, Ore., wrote in his report. Mr. Hopkins, the report said, claimed variously to be investigating a meth lab, hunting fugitives and undertaking unspecified “operations” in Afghanistan.

He's a nutjob who clearly is only in the wild to "assist" the deep state.


But, you are allowed to talk about killing people. Is long as the threat isn't imminent

sunshine702 ago

THIS ^^^

Amphiprion ago

I bet they also colluded with fucking russians too!

thelma ago

And to kill the Prime Minister of Malaysia !

sunshine702 ago

And bomb those Easter Celebrators

ZUQfpcCac_eXr_hQYYal ago

glass of juice

lord_nougat ago

Race car, wow!

1Sorry_SOB ago

Nobody believes what the FBI says anymore.

symantec ago

Libtards will, fbi serves them.

goatmensch ago

Sounds like they want to brainwash the public into giving up their right to form a militia.

symantec ago

If this happens, we should all form militias.

tom47 ago

Who the hell said these fine people were out kill OBUMER? Why is whoever trying to kick up SH*T where there isn't any? I hope to KRAP they fibd the SKUZ BALL!


This is why you don't advocate, promote, or engage in extrajudicial bullshit. End result/bottom line = loss of legal voters; win for the enemies of the USA.

vladtep ago

Yeah but voting doesn't work so that doesn't matter.


That's a defeatist attitude. That attitude is instilled into the demoralized masses, by the corrupt establishment, in order to maintain power. Don't fall for that bullshit.

Voting is vitally important to saving our republic. That's how we defeat election fraud- by overwhelming it with legal votes. Never let the establishment fool you, or our peers into believing voting doesn't matter. That's what they want you to think.

vladtep ago

It's just reality, nothing has changed.


Sitting on your ass, and making excuses about how democracy doesn't work, and voting is just some unnecessary chore, is exactly what the commies want people to believe, and to follow through with that belief, by not voting.

vladtep ago

Both candidates are yid garbage so it doesn't matter.


I don't know if you have familiarized yourself with the teachings of Yuri Bezmenov, or not. If not, you need to understand how the game is played.

If you have never seen this, it will be the most politically enlightening 3 hours of your life.

If you have watched this (in its entirety), then you need to rewatch this, and understand it better. Particularly his lessons about how demoralization is applied to subdue target populations.

vladtep ago

None of that will make voting work.

Voting didn't work in Soviet Russia either. duh


You, and the weak mindeed fools who share your views ARE the problem with this country.

vladtep ago

You're the weak minded fool, you're a chicken shit coward.

M0lonLabe ago

That's right. Do nothing.


Do law. Don't shoot yourself in the foot by earning a felony conviction that prevents one from voting.

I can guarantee you that anyone engaged in such a plot would have been better served by donating funds dedicated to that useless endeavor towards Judicial Watch instead. They could also spend time as election volunteer's, and lobby their representatives. All of which would be more productive efforts.

Lord_Odious_the_Foul ago

If I hear that “but the rank and file is good” caveat again I’m going to puke; the entire FBI needs to get fired and shamed publicly, right down to the janitor. Nothing more than a cheap Stasi imitation.

sunshine702 ago

Vegas here. They put out a 2.5 page report final report on the Mandaly shooting with zero ballistics.


Broc_Lia ago

What the fuck? Did no one notice? How come the alt-media didn't scream blue murder?

Ocelot ago

Because the alt-media is just as kiked as regular media.

Lord_Odious_the_Foul ago

You’re the only other person I’ve encountered who mentions a ballistics report. Vegas was a big turning point for me.

sunshine702 ago

I listened to 1000+ 911 calls. Redacted of course with personal info. Yes fog of war and mass panic but some very calm people discussing gunfire all the way up the strip until 1 am!
We are being lied to.

captainstrange ago

Scum of the fucking earth, one and all.

symantec ago

Enemy of the American people. All our institutions are corrupt. Wonder when bullets will fly?

HillaryClintonsShoe ago


May I refer you to the article posted by Master Goat @Kannibal . May your upvoats be generous.

something_went_wrong ago

My guess is because the victim... er I mean "the accused" did not infact make any such statement, and retracted their story after concluding the same. has no morals nor journalistic integrity, and will probably leave that story up on their website forever.

ALIENS2222 ago

Muh FBI... Ha ha ha ha.

MrShekelstein ago

fbi niggers running another entrapment scheme?

DeadBeatNigger ago

Oh for fuck sake. This is just being used to detain this guy longer, and because they can't legally hold him, since he and his group didn't actually do anything illegal. Of course this didn't fucking happen. This is just desperation, before they eventually give up, and have to pay out the ass in a fucking lawsuit. Just give up, FBI, you had a knee jerk reaction, and now you're going to set another fucking precedent, and give these groups even more protections. This is why you don't listen to some dumb spic mayor.

Broc_Lia ago

The original article is gone. But from the NYT:

LAS CRUCES, N.M. — Before the F.B.I. arrested Larry Hopkins, the leader of the right-wing militia that detained migrant families in the New Mexico desert, he’d had so many run-ins with the law that his police record stretched across much of the United States.

Oregon police arrested him in 2006 on charges of impersonating a police officer and a felony weapons offense. They had found him showing guns to teenagers in a gas-station parking lot while wearing a police-style uniform and a badge emblazoned with the words “Special Agent.”

“Hopkins stated that he worked for the federal government directly under George Bush,” Officer Jack Daniel of the sheriff’s office in Klamath County, Ore., wrote in his report. Mr. Hopkins, the report said, claimed variously to be investigating a meth lab, hunting fugitives and undertaking unspecified “operations” in Afghanistan.

Calling it now, he's a deep state plant put there to discredit the militia. Just like they were revealed to have inflated the Malheur protests with unstable agitators.

DeadBeatNigger ago

I'm gonna go with your assessment, because supposedly, he may not even be the "leader". It's looking more, and more like this guy is a fucking skin suit, used by the FBI to take down legitimate organizations, and this event may have been staged to get rid of what the NM governor saw as a thorn in the side of invaders. These militias are perfectly legal, and arresting these invaders is perfectly legal, so this was probably a long time coming.

ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago

The FBI's SOP in a situation like this one goes one of two ways:

  1. They pick a moron (literally a person with low IQ and susceptible to coaching) and set him up with a fake truck bomb or something, convince him to use it, then arrest him and parade him around for the news cycle.


  1. They infiltrate a group with agents provocateurs and then raid the same group. "See! That guy had <idea>!"

Posso_Tutto ago

I have definitely seen option 1 used before. FBI found a kid online, prepped him, trained him, supplied the plans to build a bomb, granted they were intentionally faulted so the bombers wouldn't work, provided direction on how to build it, picked him up and drove him to a military base, then arrested him when he got out of the van to use it.

ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago

Yep, I have seen #1 used often. They put together a fake truck bomb then convinced some kid to go to a Christmas tree lighting in Portland, OR and set it off. The kid wouldn't have had the knowledge or resources to build it himself, even if he hadn't needed to be coached into doing the deed.

sunshine702 ago

Portland "Christmas Tree Bomber" too. It's common. That and recruiting through a gym.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Happens to Militia leaders all the time

tom47 ago

I HOPE THAT every DUMB ASS son of a female dog that had their hands in this (EVEN THE FBI AGENTS THAT ARESTED HIM!!) have to go BANKRUPT for being STUPID!

ratsmack ago

Your link died.

selpai ago

I mean, cool if true, but obviously not. The logistics involved in tracking even one of these targets alone is near unfeasible, and that's before organizing an attack of some kind. Good luck even finding them outside of a press event.

captainstrange ago

The logistics involved in tracking even one of these targets alone is near unfeasible

Did you know it's illegal for me to say or tell you.. """Not at all. It's the shotgun approach. Boatloads of locations have wireless security cameras. that are probably running default security settings. If not, it would be easy to setup your own security cameras. and piggy back. off public wireless. snap a pic every so many seconds.

If you know a public location. the individual is speaking at. then you know they have to take any. one set of roads to leave. so thats a starting point. By monitoring all the webcams. you set up. on all the likely routes. out of town. you can narrow down from a nearby location. what road a person. you want to track. is taking."""

It's highly illegal to tell you that. I'm just performing a public service by informing you not to repeat those sentences that are totally independent of each other. The supreme court has ruled it is perfectly okay for me to repeat that triple quoted section as long as I'm informing you about the status and nature of it's legality and I am. Remember it's illegal.

selpai ago

Uh huh....

gazillions ago

Now why would I believe what any of them had to say about anything. Known liars and instigators. Planners and schemers who's plans are failing, and failing badly. They should be relocating to spider holes somewhere far far away.

Dirty_Money ago

What a load of crap.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Ya I wish...

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

This is why you archive shit like this.

Pointyball ago

"FBI was told". By who? The FBI agent who was sent to infiltrate the group?

Mittermeyer ago

Archive so you can actually read the whole thing

Broc_Lia ago

That's NYT, the breitbart article is gone.

Mittermeyer ago

I know that. I responded to someone posting the NYT one, and the have it so you have to subscribe and shit to read the whole article. I archived so you can read the whole thing, and so we would have a copy of that one at least.

something_went_wrong ago

Which can and will be deleted from website at any time. Like FecalDemiurge600 said, archive that shit before it's memory-holed.

eronburr ago wouldn't crawl the NYT and was down but someone grabbed it when it came online

Vidarr30000 ago

newfag here, question: what are good unkiked archive sites?

something_went_wrong ago

Occasionally the top level domain registration might be stolen out from underneath owners. By fault of domain name registrars, government, or NGO actions or "mistakes". You just have to be careful yourself. If an archive.<insert top level name here> site ever requires javascript to operate, it has been hijacked.

NPCGator ago

Yep, another faggot that should know better.

Rotteuxx ago

Article removed

Demonsweat2 ago

"The document said" , I remember hearing that before.

Kalergi ago

Where is Colon Powell and his easel when you need him?

HillBoulder ago

some dirty kike media whore said

tom47 ago

Would you please STOP blaming every thing you don't like on ISRIEALI'S?

LordOfTheRope ago

-49 points? That's a new record in my book.

ruck_feddit ago

The media is kiked. It's not an opinion.

Turn_Coat ago

I'd love to stop blaming them for everything I hate. Maybe they could stop being responsible for everything I hate in return?

tom47 ago

Don't be so MIOPTIC! To do all the BS you keep blaming them for, they would need a population greater than that of China, and More money than MIDAS!

Turn_Coat ago

Literally it only takes a few tens of thousand of them for this shit, and you damn well know it. That's why letting even a few tens of thousands survive is unacceptable.

Gringojones ago

More money than midas or just as much as soros

BaldMiscreant ago

You're half right.q

ex-redd ago

red sea pedestrian

tom47 ago

I had to swim it, nearly drown, but floated in on a dead horse!

NosebergShekelman ago

Thanks for your help, fellow jew. We must put these goytards in their place! Shaloms✡️

Siniq ago

Nice try Schlomo! The eternal merchants have been trying to breed into the European people since they witnessed Alexander curb stomp the "civilized" world! They used a psuedo-roman historian (read Josephus) to lie about ties with Alexander who the Romans idolized in order to gain a footing in their economy and then their govt and then subverted Rome into becoming a Christian nation. Then took over Rome after many attempts (66 AD) and moved the Holy Roman Empire east splitting European power in two just to be closer to Jerusalem! The eternal merchant is literally the cause of millions of white European deaths in wars and crusades over the last 2000y! AND, the eternal merchant does all of this so they can manifest their sick end of days prophecy when east becomes west and west becomes east!

tom47 ago

! what does that answer have to do with the civilian militia at the border trying to keep all those invaders from central America from coming in? Where the HADIES are you getting that alternative non history?

fuckingmockies ago

You're dumb. I hope you stick around long enough to not be dumb anymore. But since you're a Boomer, there's almost certainly no hope for you.

CrudOMatic ago

>Oy vey, mestizos, there are jobs aplenty in America and welfare to boot! They'll just let you in!

elitch2 ago

The single greatest cause of "antisemitism" is jewish behaviour.

tom47 ago

How do you know it isn't Croatians, or Belarus, Or Turks? YOU DONT!

Keefin ago

We actually do know. And if you stick around a bit (and have an IQ above room temperature), you will come to know as well.

tom47 ago

My IQ is measured at 140! Now there could be a possibility that I have this 1 particular story mixed up with the 1 where the malissa is there attempting to protect the border!

olltre ago

oh we know gramps, just read between the lines

The_Ghost ago

They aren’t subversive in their nature as Jews are. Consider why no other ethnic group has been kicked out of their host countries over 100 times through history.

SushiMasa ago

Which media outlets don't they own?

tom47 ago

The MILITA was made up of FARMERS, RANCHERS, off duty cops, and sheriff deputies! They don't own MEDIA, they raise beef, sheep, crops!

Stalins_bedpan ago

You really are a low-watt gurgler, aren't you?

SushiMasa ago

You know what I mean you B O O M E R

tom47 ago

I don't know if I am familiar with a case that you are speaking of, the 1 I am thinking of is where the leader was arrested but they were down there to keep illegals from crossing the border

BaldMiscreant ago

Jews, you dunce.