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It was more likely the guy said, "If we killed Soros, Clinton, and Obama then this mess would disappear overnight" which is not a plan it's just a smart conclusion to a shit setup situation. If they did not record it then it'll be unlikely shit will be done. Or that phrase could start with If someone would kill those fucker ....
Deadleftist ago
How many factions of the FBI are their and are any of them on the Countries side?
Kannibal ago
think every state and city office
Cat-hax ago
Other news right wing militia leader committed suicide via 2 shots to the back of the head.
Gringojones ago
The FBI also claimed Hillary did nothing wrong.
So there's that.
thelma ago
FBI claims.
I see.
HillaryClintonsShoe ago
Does he look like an evil mastermind?
9000timesempty ago
Do not trust the FBI.
Holy shit this country is going to burn. I'd rather God do it but oh well.
Lord_Odious_the_Foul ago
The FBI is full of chunky shit; I don’t buy this for one second.
SearchVoatBot ago
This submission was linked from this v/news comment by @HillaryClintonsShoe.
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Whiteflighter ago
They were almost heroes.
Definitely framed. This doesn't even make sense.
selpai ago
Yeah, you really do.
shawnfromnh69 ago
It was more likely the guy said, "If we killed Soros, Clinton, and Obama then this mess would disappear overnight" which is not a plan it's just a smart conclusion to a shit setup situation. If they did not record it then it'll be unlikely shit will be done. Or that phrase could start with If someone would kill those fucker ....
Gargilius ago
Darn, he won’t be able to plead insanity now, will he?
Themooninthesky ago
Hey fbi, what about the Vegas shooter?
Kannibal ago
so you are saying they are actually a monolithic all knowing agency with all agents in mindless lockstep with the leader of the federal government?
derram ago :
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vivalad ago
that's some trumped up bullshit
Gopherurself ago