Civil_Warrior ago

His comments are utterly reprehensible, mainly to niggers that can't spell "reprehensible". Meanwhile murderous do-nothing obamanigger still has a Nobel prize for...drone assaults?

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Obongo won the Nobel prize for guessing the secret spices in the KFC seasoning

muffalettadiver ago

Who is behind the movement to strip this man's titles? Find them. Kill them.

HouseHawkwood ago

Good info, any IQ info on Christian Arabs? One theory I’ve read about why Arab IQ is lower is due to the permissiveness of cousin marriage Islam versus The relative intolerance of it in Christianity. Be interesting to see if any data supports the assertion.

BOOMwithaView ago

Ashkenazi jews- highest iqs

East Asians - second highest

Voat whites- lower end, mostly high school drop-outs. fit for pumping gas and medical experimentation

Hektik ago

Another example that (((Nobel))) Prizes aren't worth the priege it used to be.

srikavya ago


Blunt_Echo ago

The beautiful part about this is that Watson is old and doesn't give a shit what anybody thinks about him. The next step, however, is that the jews are going to accuse him of research fraud in an attempt to take away his credibility. Just wait....

Walk1 ago

Obviously we all get that, but its another matter to accept it, because after a period of time it just becomes repetitive madness to state it and have no listen, when its not something we superimpose on the order of reality, but is a matter of succession over time that cannot be denied.

Inaminit ago

Because Science.

Walk1 ago

Its what they do to people who admit the truth about race to say the least. If people knew about race there would be good reason to kill the non-white and Jewish races.

Smokybubbles ago

The award was bestowed instead to Ocasio-Cortez, because she has darker skin and once had an idea. She was quoted as saying "Thanks for the dope bling".

ChaosCrusader ago

This might actually be a good thing due to the Streisand effect.

HenryCabotLodge ago

Facts don't count. Hong Kong has the highest concentrated IQ in the world. That is not "white". So why is it wrong to point this out? (Really good men's suits, BTW).

shawnfromnh69 ago

I think we can do better than race. I think IQ is by family and families are cross bred over centuries overwelmingly by race. We all know that family no matter what the race that is dumb as dirt. The parents are as dumb as the young kids. Then the other family "think liberal" book smart but not an ounce of common sense. And the other family that finds it impossible to keep a job or keep out of jail because their brain is hormone driven and they don't think long enough to take into account for anything, totally reactionary family. It's not just color but family itself it the basic for IQ and how they conduct themselves. I think a biblical thing I read year ago is right in this situation though its used as an analogy like most of the bible. The sins of the father which I believe are bad genes are passed onto the son along with good genes.

Marku1 ago

...most people are too stupid for the truth... just be glad you are not the one too stupid to date a nigger.

BigDBob ago

You all are idiots if you believe what this guy says. He may be a scientist, but he is not a sociologist who studies the social economic and locational factors.

AnthraxAlex ago

Sociology is one of the biggest pile of psudo science bullshit on the face of the planet. As far as hard sciences are concerned id rank it somewhere around gender studies in terms of being based on provable repeatable testing of logic based hypothesis.

TauCeti ago

How do you explain the results of twin studies then?

cantaloupe6 ago

The fool who went against holy writ! Condemn its “heretical” adherents - add it to the list of forbidden ideas - scour University writings searching for passages to dispute such free thinking.

HenryCabotLodge ago

I thought he was dead. (really). Is he still alive?

Tallest_Skil ago

James Watson, hero of our time. Quotes and citations within.

“Some anti-Semitism is justified”

“Whenever you interview fat people, you feel bad, because you know you’re not going to hire them”

“Japan should be bombed for dragging its feet on supporting the Human Genome Project”

“All our social policies are based on the fact that [Africans] intelligence is the same as ours – whereas all the testing says not really”

“I think having all these women around makes it more fun for the men but they’re probably less effective”

“And there’s a difference on the average between blacks and whites on I.Q. tests. I would say the difference is, it’s genetic…It’s awful, just like it’s awful for schizophrenics”

“I’m not a racist in a conventional way”

“There is a biochemical link between exposure to sunlight and sexual urges.. that’s why you have Latin lovers”

“[The] historic curse of the Irish.. is not alcohol, it’s not stupidity.. it’s ignorance”

“People say it would be terrible if we made all girls pretty. I think [doing so by genetic selection] would be great”

“By choice [Rosalind Franklin] did not emphasize her feminine qualities.. There was never lipstick to contrast with her straight black her, while at the age of thirty-one her dresses showed all the imagination of English blue-stocking adolescents. So it was quite easy to imagine her the product of an unsatisfied mother who unduly stressed the desirability of professional careers that could save bright girls from marriages to dull men.. Clearly Rosy had to go or be put in her place. The former was obviously preferable because given her belligerent moods, it would be very difficult for Maurice [Wilkins] to maintain a dominant position that would allow him to think unhindered about DNA.. The thought could not be avoided that the best home for a feminist was another person’s lab”

“The one aspect of the Jewish brain that is not first class is that Jews are said to be bad in thinking in three dimensions.. it is true”

“Women are supposedly bad at three dimensions”

“[Rosalind Franklin] couldn’t think in three dimensions very well”

“[Rosalind Franklin] had Aspergers”

“People ask about [Rosalind Franklin] and I always say ‘autism’”

“[Francis Crick] may have been a bit autistic”

“I think now we’re in a terrible sitution where we should pay the rich people to have children.. if we don’t encourage procreation of wealthier citizens, IQ levels will most definitely fall.”

“Men are a bit strange and their strangest quality is their ability to understand mathematics”

“[Rosalind] Franklin couldn’t do maths”

“Indians in [my] experience [are] servile.. because of selection under the caste system”

“Women at Oxford and Cambridge are better than Harvard and Yale because they know their job is to look pretty and get a rich husband”

“People who have to deal with black employees find [that they are equal] not true”

“[As a female scientist] you won’t be taken seriously if you have children”

“You can imagine a scenario where you make the decision, you’re going to be a mother at 45. And then you get an autistic child. Should you blame yourself? I say, yes”

“East Asian students [tend] to be conformist, because of selection for conformity in ancient Chinese society”

“[Linus Pauling] was probably always half-insane”

“Anyone who would hire an ecologist is out of his mind”

“[Rosalind Franklin] was a loser”

“The wider your face, the more likely you are [to be violent].. Senator Jim Webb has the broadest face I’ve ever seen on any man”

“We already accept that most couples don’t want a Down child. You would have to be crazy to say you wanted one, because that child has no future.”

“Disabled individuals are genetic losers”

“[With IVF] all hell will break loose, politically and morally, all over the world”

“If we knew our son would develop schizophrenia, we wouldn’t have had him”

“My former colleagues are pinkos and shits”

“We should perform genome-wide association studies of women who have given up their children for adoption in order to find the ‘loveless gene’”

“[X University]- it used to be such a wonderful place. And then they started admitting women!”

“Catholics are more likely to forgive than Jews”

“If you could find the gene which determines sexuality and a woman decides she doesn’t want a homosexual child, well, let her”

datgoy ago

“I’m not a racist in a conventional way”

Me neither.

Runwithscissors ago

Stupid Jews are trying to tell how to live.

Yuke ago

Facts don't matter, only emotion matters.

another_dot ago

liberals are so fucking scared of the evil black man that they are doing everything to pacify the race..its going to blow up in their face eventually.

mattsixteen24 ago

He should of never apologized.

heretolearn ago

voat is so funny. science proves a race is deficient. believe science. also proves a baby isnt a baby til a few weeks after conception...fuck science.

bezzy ago

The entire leftist world view is based on everyone being genetically equal. It is very interesting that their world view requires them to think evolution can affect everything, but not intellect. They say things like nutrition explains IQ differences... Well then, what are the Chinese eating?

Two_Soup ago

Dr. Arthur Jensen was assualted on numerous occasions, needed plain clothes bodyguards, and had his mail handled by the Berkley p.d. for credible threats against his life.

24601_JeanValJean ago

"Room 101 Mr. Watson. Room 101".

nullifyNWO ago

Is being black in the genes or is that racist, too?

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Then why don't we grant him honors and love on him so he knows he's not alone?

Bfwilley ago

I wonder where he ever got that idea?

African-Americans may live longer after liver transplant if their donors are the same race

Very poor Whites are about as intelligent as very wealthy Blacks.


Black children raised in White households have similar IQ scores to Black children in Black households.


The average African IQ is estimated at 75.


The average African-American IQ is 85, compared to the average White IQ of 100.


The White-Black gap in SAT scores, a proxy for IQ, is increasing. Source:

Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.


Intelligence has a 40-50% genetic basis. Source:

IQ scores are the best predictor of success in Western society.


IQ is 75% heritable among Whites.

Source: 36/48

The average Hispanic IQ is 90.


The average IQ in Sub-Saharan Africa is 70. Source:

The average IQ in southeast Asia is 87. Source:

The heritability of IQ reaches .8 (80%) in later adulthood. Source:

Intelligence “is one of the best predictors of important life outcomes such as education, occupation, mental and physical health and illness, and mortality.”


Intelligence is the most important trait for marriage.


Heritability of IQ increases throughout life (except for very old age).


The Black-White IQ gap is mostly heritable.


Higher IQ is linked to lower time preference.


The IQ of a country’s rulers largely determines productivity and wealth.


Intelligent people are more likely to be physically active outside of work and to eat fruits and vegetables.


Everyday life is an IQ test.


Haiti, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Guatemala and Qatar are the least intelligent countries outside of sub-Saharan Africa.


The average criminal has an IQ of 85.


IQ scores predict life outcomes equally well for different races.


Muslim counties have an average IQ of just 81, 7.5 points lower than non-Muslim countries.


Arab countries have an average IQ of just 84.


Skin color is the best biological predictor of IQ.


Nearly every reliably measured psychological trait, especially IQ, is significantly influenced by genetic factors.


Humans can be genetically categorized into five racial groups, corresponding to traditional races.


Genetic analysis “supports the traditional racial groups classification.”


“Human genetic variation is geographically structured” and corresponds with race.


Race can be determined via genetics with certainty for >99.8% of individuals.


Oral bacteria can be used to determine race.


Race can be determined via brain scans.


96-97% of Whites have no African ancestry.


97% of Whites have no Black ancestry whatsoever.


SearchVoatBot ago

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thantik ago - Source for the black children raised in white households. This is the full research paper.

fuckyourownface ago

Nice, thanks.

fuckinghell ago

Thank you

matthew-- ago

also posting to find later

black white IQ

GimmeTheUsual ago

Nicely done.

But facts are radioactive in the times of the SJW fuckfaces running shit. Can't wait for that pendulum to swing back.

issueninja ago

Don't hold your breath. The SJWs and whole Left care absolutely NOTHING about the truth, they never have and they never will. The real truth is always their worst enemy, and they know it.

ReformedFeminist ago

Holy crap, that's thorough. Many thanks!

selpai ago

You know he worked for Cold Springs Harbor Laboratories, right?

You're preaching the the quire. Nono... you're preaching to the people who wrote the fucking songs.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Posting to find later

zxcvzxcv ago

Save offline.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Suzyboots ago

Thank you for linking your sources. Very helpful.

rektumsempra ago

Not very helpful that some of them are broken...

Bfwilley ago

Feel free to repost.

TheTruthTheFacts ago

niggers are slower, you can hear it in their speech, James Watson is still an amazing scientist.

AlphaOmega ago

It’s a shame, too. The opinion he spouted is soundly backed up in research. The only people still trying to sell the “No difference in intelligence between races” are Jews.

So, Watson is being stripped of his profound impact on human science because he was right about race.

I no longer care what it leads to. The truth is better than a lie. Racial differences in IQ between the races exist. Period. The question is how we handle this as a species.

novictim ago

told the Times newspaper that he was "inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa" because "all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours - whereas all the testing says not really".

Was he wrong on any of this? NO. The data regarding general intelligence is overwhelming and captured from every country across the world including those in Africa. Denying the data is to deny that the Earth circles the Sun.

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory said the 90-year-old scientist's remarks were "unsubstantiated and reckless".

But Cold Spring Harbor said it was now stripping him of those titles after he said his views had not changed in the documentary American Masters: Decoding Watson, aired on US public broadcaster PBS earlier this month. "Dr Watson's statements are reprehensible, unsupported by science," the laboratory said in a statement, adding that they effectively reverse his apology.

Did Galileo not have it easier in telling truths than this brave scientist? Cold Spring Harbor has disgraced itself. It should have simply remained silent or at worst said that it did not associate itself with his remarks.

Here is the perp walk of the disgraced scientists of CSH Laboratory:

WhatitIs ago

Bottom line: Cold Spring Harbor is a science denier and should not be given any monies dedicated to scientific institutions.

Nana66 ago


AshleyWilliams ago

and all he did was tell the truth

AinzOown ago

He is currently in a nursing home recovering from a car accident and is said to have "very minimal" awareness of his surroundings.

Notice how they try to discredit him as old and senile. Because any rational person wouldn't see any difference in whites and blacks. /s

Whiteymcwhitebelt ago

Despite his comments being made 10 years ago

DHmountainbiking ago

Science is no longer about speaking the truth.

Whorley ago

Please remember this story so you can share it with anyone who claims that intelligence does not vary with race because "modern science" says there is none.

Perhaps scientists have ulterior motives for making such assertions.

fuckinghell ago

What I don't get is why there are never sources cited when they say the claims regarding race are unsubstantiated.

They were substantiated, so where is the contradictory data?

Suzyboots ago


watts2db ago

LOL they can't undo the fact that he won them and the world knows

13972362521 ago

From his wiki:

Sale of Nobel Prize Medal

In 2014, Watson decided to auction off his Nobel prize medal in view of his diminished income after the 2007 incident and to use part of the funds raised by the sale to support scientific research. The medal sold at auction at Christie's in December 2014 for US$4.1 million. Watson intended to contribute the proceeds to conservation work in Long Island and to funding research at Trinity College, Dublin, as well as the purchase of artwork. Watson is the first living Nobel recipient to auction the medal.

The medal was subsequently returned to Watson by the purchaser, Uzbek tycoon Alisher Usmanov, who stated that Watson deserved the medal and that "a situation in which an outstanding scientist has to sell a medal recognising his achievements is unacceptable."

Some people still value science over feelings it seems.

MustyMackerel ago

First of all its not merely genes that determine IQ but the nurturing of your offspring that then alters those genes. There was a time in Europe where the majority of the population there were only wise enough to spread horse and cow shit to grow crops for the landlords but something happened, something changed. When you nurture a population with education, a balanced diet, and loving care your genes activate and improve all aspects of the body and mind. Thats the difference. African populations are not as nurtured as the white populations. Also remember that to live as a bushman you need greater brain power than someone who flips burgers in a well developed nation. A bushman has to know how to hunt, clean and prepare the meat, grow crops, forage, prepare medicine, know the dangers of animals and plants and so much more while the civilized populations are trained to be skilled in one or a few duties of that society. Drop a African child and any civilized grown man into the wilderness and I would bet my money on the African bushchild to survive. The civilized populations have become weak and dependent and you all assume that its a superior form of existence. I beg to differ. Your day will come.

xenoPsychologist ago

umefanya dhahiri kuwa wewe ni jiwe la baridi kali.

Apexbreed ago

What percentage of Africans still live in the "bush" lifestyle like you described? 1%? I don't deny that they have to know a ton of survival skills, but even then, the collection of knowledge is still less than the average white or Asian.

Isolating one country, like America, shows IQ differences regardless of life circumstances. Asians being at the top, Africans at the bottom. Just like there are wide ranging differences in physical averages. It's not "racist" to acknowledge there are genetic differences amongst the races, AS WELL AS, environmental (nurture) factors that impact those genetic populations as well.

Just because all races evolved from a common ancestor, doesn't mean they are all the same. They just evolved for their specific environments. Unless you want to say we are all single cell amoeba too...

MustyMackerel ago

No, not every white man acquires all known collective knowledge they are just specialized on a small fraction of that collective knowledge to perform a specific task in their society. Pros and Cons but that does not mean its a superior form of existence. Is it easier for a bushman to adapt to civilized life or for a civilized man to adapt to bushman life?? Even the medical industry go to the bush people for new drugs to manipulate. You have to give credit where credit is due. These bush people are not stupid and just as capable to learn what you have learned. America have been nurtured and well nourished for hundreds of years and that effects the quality of the expression of your genes. Any group of people can do the same over a period of time. We all have the same capabilities when you develop them. Americans use to have lower IQ until we figured out to give them iodine in their diet. This little fact increased the whole Nations IQ dramatically and that is why they put it in salt. Many factors go into a groups ability to grow and develop and white people are not special but have been privileged and nurtured to the level they are currently. It can be lost as well. This is fact. Groups of White people have pros and cons like every other groups. You have more diseases and allergies because of the neanderthal corruptions in your genomes. Black people have better muscle growth, maybe they have a lower IQ than most white people but you dont get to claim superiority over them for just one factor. its stupid and arrogant to think like that. Wise up.

Apexbreed ago

Why do you keep referring to bush people like they are representative of the African population? That's like referring to white, mountain men, as representative of European population. They have unique survival skills and abilities that the general population doesn't. They aren't superior, just different. And they don't account for the entire group.

In the end, you are still agreeing with me. Groups have pros and cons. Different statistical averages. Same exact point I made, then you added "wise up" at the end like you have disproven anything I said, or presented something new. You're either trolling, not having an intellectually honest discussion, or have an serious learning disability. I won't call you a fucking idiot, in the case that it's the latter of the three...

MustyMackerel ago

When I say bushpeople I mean all people who live tribal lifestyles handed down from many generations ago. Not many of them are left I know this but a fraction of their knowledge still remains and its very powerful stuff. imagine what they knew before their downfall. Imagine what was lost. There are no tribal white people left the Romans took care of that with the barbarians. Have you ever noticed how similar the Barbarians are to the Native Americans?? They both lived in longhouses, worshiped nature spirits, used similar tools and symbols. Its because they use to be the same tribe of people living in central Asian long before they lived in Europe. For fuck sakes even Hitler knew the Ayran race came from India. Native Americans even used the swastika and the double lighting bolt long before Europeans even knew about the New World. Ill give you some proof and here some more. This ignorance needs to stop. We are all brothers and we compliment each other. This is a hint to how genes really work.

Apexbreed ago

Again, on the off chance you aren't trolling, and are just misinformed... The Romans did not eradicate white tribal living. They didn't even conquer all of the white regions. For one of many examples, the Scots, stayed in tribal living for centuries after the fall of the Roman empire. Most whites just evolved on their own. Just like most Asians and Middle Easterners.

Tribal living may have a lot of knowledge, but it is a tiny fraction of the knowledge our basic school system offers. I could learn the tribal lifestyle a hell of a lot faster than a hunter-gatherer can learn my K-12 grades plus 4 years of college. You're being dishonest to claim otherwise.

Also, saying one race came from another is proof that the new race was an evolution. Evolution is almost always a better adaptation. Maybe that's a topic we should just avoid.

Your ignorance is the only thing that needs to stop. Of course we are all related, and have different strengths and weaknesses. Most of here just want organized and institutional discrimination against whites and males to stop. We want welfare systems to stop funding people that support our genocide. We wants laws evenly enforced, not selectively for political agendas. We want to stop being criticized by politicians, media, and the educational systems for our mere existence. We want our race to not be eradicated. How simple are these demands? Why is it so hard for evil like you to accept this? Do you not see how your behavior creates white nationalism??

Why are crybullies replacing all of your sound minded thinkers?

MustyMackerel ago

The barbarians and the Scots were forced to leave behind their tribal ways they didn't evolve. They were using metal swords, metal head gear, and even metal mesh armor. Yes they were living in tribes yet they were very primitive compared to their ancient ancestors before them. I dont see them lifting megalithic stones in this present day do you?? Even in Middle and South America they have pyramids and one of the best calendars. You cant compare the Scots or the Barbarians to what the Native Americans were doing. Scots and Barbarians had access to technology and information from the Romans and others Native Americans had themselves. Even in North America they had awesome earth works and technology. Get real. I want to see you learn how to move giant stones and create one of the worlds best calendars?? I want to see you go to Australia and live for a month in the bush. You couldn't do it and you know it. Now their is not race becoming another race their is only one race and that is the human race. There might be breeds of man but that is not evolution but adaptation. They are not the same and you are ignorant if you think they are. Evolution is when the offspring becomes foreign to the parent by which it is no longer related to the parent. Evolution does not exist nor have there ever been an example discovered of it ever occurring. Not in the fossil record or nothing. A white man is not an evolution of a black man. That is stupid. A white man is a mutation of a black man yet its still a black man that lost his melanin. You stupid fuck. If it was evolution the black man or woman couldn't mate with the white man or woman. Learn something. I agree that their is an attack on white people but I say to that "you reap what you sow". You got to own up to it. Maybe its time you get a taste of what it feels like. The white man made contracts and broke those contracts so until you give back what was stolen then take it like you gave it.

Apexbreed ago

I want to see a tribesman personally create nuclear energy, or cellular communication, or conduct heart transplants. Get real.

See how idoitic that sounds? We are discussing the average person. Did every tribesman do what the top .00001% did? Clearly they didn't. Same with modern man. We are back to discussing averages. Something I genuinely believe you can't comprehend, no matter how hard you try to talk down to me. The collection of information in the average tribesman is a tiny fraction of the collection of information in the modern man. That's the point. Modern society is clearly an evolution, despite the pathetic humans we are producing. I'll give you the win in that category. Despite being more intelligent, we are producing the most pathetic version of mankind that ever existed. Weak and overly emotional. Expecting everyone else to take care of them because they are too lazy. In tribal times they would have been sacrificed or just died of naturally. Better times in that aspect...

MustyMackerel ago

Yet two great ancient epics the Ramayana and Mahabharata (c. 1000-500 BC) hint to the discovery of nuclear energy and quantum physics from the Vedas. High IQs my ass you dumb fucks dont know shit. You been stealing credit from other peoples since the time of Alexander the Great. All he was doing was conquering other Nations to steal their ancient knowledge and to claim it as their own. Yet not India's. You lame fucks are not on my level I dont know why I bother trying to educate you turds. The tribal knowledge has been devastated by ignorant greedy men. This is why I refer to the ancient tribal knowledge the knowledge that was lost yet a fraction still exist and hints to its former glory. What we have now is a rediscovery. Tribal people use greater brain power than the average person does. We are merely skilled in a single aspect of our society while the tribal mind has to acquire greater amounts of information. Yes Im aware of the bright individuals we call geniuses yet they are abnormal to 99% of the civilized populations. You don't get to compare yourself to them. All the great things this civilization has accomplished is nothing compare to the damage it has caused. The planet is polluted and dying and yet you are proud about that?? For all your knowledge it means shit without wisdom. You merely regurgitate that knowledge without the ability to correctly use it. Most scientific theories are wrong anyway yet you are to ignorant to recognize it. ) Particle dont exist nor does gravity in the sense as its currently accepted. Tesla was right and Einstein was wrong. GOD is real and evolution is a theory without a working model or even a single fossil in the fossil record to demonstrate its processes. Tell me how the ancients built the pyramids, tell me how they knew about atomic energy and the either. Tell me why Egypt has the same ideas about creatism as we have now days( If you even watched the videos I sent you Im betting you didnt becasue you enjoy your ignorance). Let me do you a solid and prove to you GOD is real. Random data/data sets can never manifest its own instructions without agency. Not even if you give it infinity amount of time it can not be done within the laws of this universe. So who or what programed life on this planet?? Take a computer and wipe its data and input random raw data and how long will it take it to manifest windows xp?? You need agency. Only in the mind can you manifest instructions from nothing. Therefore life on this planet must have a programmer. You cant get evolution until after life is created (not that Im claiming evolution is real cause its not oir yet to be proven) so evolution would be a product of the creation not a creation of creation. This is what I feel about your intelligence I don't eve consider myself as a intellectual what so ever but you, you are a retard.

Apexbreed ago

LMFAO this is the most hilarious shit I have ever read on Voat. Well done sir. You trolled me and I fell for it. I legitimately thought I was having a conversation with a normal person. Fuck you for tricking me, but fucking me for falling for it.

Apexbreed ago

MustyMackerel ago

IQ is decreasing within our populations. We are not getting smarter but dumber. Our food is shit, our education is shit, the quality of the planet and crops are shit. Africans in America have been increasing since they been allowed to have better diets and education. There are many factors that go into increasing a group of peoples intelligence. Look at the Jews. They study their religion and traditions like crazy and have the best diet you can get in this day in age. When America started infusing salt with Iodine that alone increase intelligence greatly. White genes are not special or unique they just have been nurtured longer and better developed than the African. You have no idea what you are talking about and you rely on current stats to make ignorant claims. Im sure their is an African person who has double your IQ yet you still will think you are superior. Its lame that you have to value yourself from others just because you share a skin tone. I find it funny that Africans are superior when it comes to music, dance, and art yet you only want to acknowledge IQ which merely measure your ability to regurgitate acquire knowledge but does nothing for wisdom which is the ability to use that knowledge. So you have a better memory from better nourishment yet I dont see you accomplishing shit only taken credit from another mans accomplishments as your own just because you share a skin color. Someday soon the truth will have to come to light and you will have to eat your ignorance. As far as I can tell Americans are idolizing black people. Their music, dance, style, art, and so on. American Country music, jazz, blues, rock, rap, and much more came from blacks. Creative abilities take many forms yet you are to stupid to recognize them. You can lose those IQ points also I hope you know that just as easy as you can gain them. Get real, get educated.

Apexbreed ago

It's almost as if you haven't paid attention to a thing we have been talking about. I mean this seriously, you are, without a doubt, autistic. Likely Asperger's, but either way, you are unable to make sense of basic communication. You believe your feelings are what form reality. It's really sad. Good luck in life man. You're going to struggle, but don't give up.

Apexbreed ago

Keep calling others stupid to feel better about having genuine cognitive impairments. It's working out great for you People like you keep me motivated to keep coming back to Voat, post more, and do more in my daily life to lift the veil from people's eyes.

In your honor, I will donate $50 to Stormfront (I don't even like those people), $50 to Trump (I didn't even vote for him), and $50 to two second amendment rights organizations. If there is a memo line, I'll be sure to throw your username down.

MustyMackerel ago

You do that then. Im going to go impregnate some more dumb white bitches with my brown babies and leave them for you to take care of. Winning!

Apexbreed ago

Enjoy the fat ugly white bitches that no normal dudes wanted anyway. But I believe you about not taking care of children you make. Thank you for being honest for once.

jthun2 ago

Oh good lord, what a lord of crap.

The European populations were inventing geometry, axiomatic mathematics and philosophy ages ago. They are called Greeks.

Of course an African bush kid would be better off at surviving in the wilderness. How is that relevant to immigration in the modern age? How is it relevant to building a modern society in Africa, where those skills are not particularly important?

Your 'genes activate' is not scientific language. You don't know molecular genetics. Scientists speak of genes being 'expressed'.

I agree that civilized populations are weak and dependent, but come on... do you really think Chinese civilization is going to collapse and blacks are going to suddenly replace them as the world's leading high IQ people?

MustyMackerel ago

Hahaha just because you share a skin tone with somebody does not mean you get to take credit for their accomplishments. You act like every white person had the capability to discover these things. Get real. Mesopotamia is not in Europe, Jews are not Europeans, the Greeks were not European, India was not European, so what are you even really talking about. This is what happens when simple minded people think they are superior to others based on skin tone. China is not in Europe. Africa is not in Europe. So lets look at all the discovery that Europe like to take credit for. The oldest copper mines are found in Africa, the best steel was created in India, gunpowder and rockets was discovered in China, America is but a European emulation of Native American laws and ideas nowhere in Europe do they speak about natural rights until they got to the New World. You are dipshits and hypocrites. I can go on but I dont want to wast my time. Educate your self you retard.

tokui ago

We're talking about niggers and their low IQ.

CouldBeTrump ago

Nurture cannot escape the bounds of nature.

MustyMackerel ago

Yet all mankind genes originated from African stock. So whatever mutation that created the white man was always present in the African. Its a proven fact that genes activate and go dormant based on many factors like environmental, stress, nurture, and many other factors. All Europeans have the ancient African marker if you like it or not. The African are 100% homo sapiens while the rest of mankind are corrupted with Neanderthal or other genomes. So you are 98% African and 2% other. They are the pure race if you like it or not. Pros and Cons.

xenoPsychologist ago

youre a funny guy.

ShinyVoater ago

By your logic, we should be genetically identical to banana trees, just with different gene expressions. Needless to say, that's a load of shit. Mutations occur in a given population and, if successful, accumulate until that population is noticeably different than the one it split from.

MustyMackerel ago

OMG you are so stupid. Every mutation originated from an original genome set. That original genome set was African and later mixed with Neanderthal and others. You still have African genes with African mutations. Up to 2% of your genes give or take are from a corruption in your genome. There are pros and cons to that corruption so you dont get to claim superiority from that corruption or any mutations as a result of that corruption. You are not a pure race. The south African is the pure Homo Sapien Sapiens not you. They do not have those corruptions. Am I making myself clear, and you claim to have a high IQ?? I dont see it. You are a nutter....Learn something about DNA you dipshit.

jthun2 ago

no, that's not how it works.

A mutation that happens in Samoan people doesn't magically get transported back into black people.

Inuit, for instance, have extremely good cold resistance. Their capillaries open wider and flood their skin surface with blood when their skin encounters cold. That's an adaptation to cold climates.

Do Africans have that adaptation?


You are a scientific illiterate.

MustyMackerel ago

No but all Mankinds mutations originated from African stock so that mutation possibility to re-manifest can still be present in the original stock. Why do you assume every new mutation is positive and not negative?? You make excuses as to why white people have better genes when that is not the case. You inherent many disadvantages also with the Neanderthal genes like allergies and diseases. Pros and Cons. Also white people cant even work full day in the sun without blistering to death, Yet you expect me to believe that this Earth was built for you?? Your logic is flawed.

tokui ago

African niggers bred with local archaic hominids, devolved. The same way a white person devolves when breeding with niggers. The gene data points out this having occurred.

Given than evidence of fully human races were found outside your africa, predating "lucy" who wasn't even human, more like an upright ape, your sticking to the Leakey era theories of "out of africa" need revision, tossing.

I find niggers are the most clingy to the "out of africa" theory, to them it's the only validation they have - bc all else points to them being the shit end of the humanoid spectrum.

MustyMackerel ago

What?? Are you retarded?? Do you even have proof to this claim or are you just talking out of your ass? Africans left Africa and that is when they mated with other hominids. This is where white people got their mutations from and their corruptions in their genomes. South Africans are pure homo sapien sapiens with no neanderthal corruptions or other in their geneomes. That means all homo sapiens were originally black. This is why a white person can not have a black baby yet an african can have a white baby with blonde hair. Proof sucka. If you want to bring up North and middle Africa populations they are already been corrupted with foreign genetic stock and their is no way to tell when that corruption occurred this is why I point to south Africa because they do not have those corruptions. Every white person has an ancient African gene marker and its the oldest gene marker that every man on this earth all have. You are lying to yourself you cant handle the truth. Nobody said the redpill was an easy pill to swallow. You dont understand genetics at all. Pathetic. If you respond then bring some facts and proof of those facts cause as far as I can tell you are just talking our of your ass. Lucy is not a human she was an ape. Neanderthals and others are not homo sapiens and you are 98% homo sapien and 2% other. South Africans are 100% homo sapiens. That means you are 98% African and 2% other(give or take). dipshits and hypocrites I tell you what. Get real loser you are no better than anybody else deal with it. Learn something while you are at it. Abiogenesis is just a creation myth and if you claim to be a scientific minded person then when man creates AI then that is in fact a working model of creationism, is it not. You cant find one single example of evolution in the fossil record at all I dare you to find one. Find me a proto-cell, proto-wolf, or hell even a proto-sapein, I bet you cant. Apes are not humans and never will be. Man is unique in their creation. Genes are merely the instruction language. Random data will never manifest its own instructions even if you give it infinity to accomplish that it will never happen. You need agency. So what or who programed life?? Evolution is a joke. You are a joke. You dont have a high IQ you dont one a grain of wisdom. Loser. You are not on my level so sit your ass back down.

watitdew ago

Yeah well you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded

MustyMackerel ago

Well, white people can be faggots so white genes are faggot genes. Whats your point?? Why cant you dipshits just accept the truth since you all always talking about how you are superior with superior genes and IQ yet you cant handle the truth. Nobody said the redpill is an easy pill to swallow. We are all brothers and sisters and Im about to drop some truth on dat ass. All mankind has white skin and blue eyes even black people. Black people merely have a thin layer of melanin that white people lack. Proof we all have blue eyes under the melanin in our iris Proof. African genes are older than European genes, they are the original stock of man. Adam was black. Deal with it and stop being ignorant and thinking your shit dont stink. This must be why your white women spend so much money to get brown skin and why they yearn for big black cock. Sorry just wanted you to bet a taste of your own medicine for a change, see what it taste like..... Stop being racist cause you reap what you sow.

jthun2 ago

oh god, I see. You are black.

Look, let me spell it out for you.

Stop talking about white this and white that. Your problem is not white people.

Your problem is Asian people. Asians are taking over Africa. Asians despise you. They think you are stupid monkeys who are only good for violence.

Wake up, this isn't 1800. Stop whining about whites when it is Chinese and Indians that you have to worry about.

tokui ago

Only niggers talk of "melanin". Only niggers. And only niggers talk of skin color as much as they do, I've found. "He light skin, he dark, light skin girl (nigger males prize and seek out light skin females... pointing to obvious self awareness of shit value of having dark skin), etc".

The other critical finding: they don't believe or have a concept of self-discipline or accountability/personal responsibility: everything can be explained away as culture, whites, oppression.

MustyMackerel ago

Im Hispanic American. So Im Spanish European and Kickapoo Native American. Im not black Im just honest with the facts. The redpill is not an easy pill to swallow but I have to accept the truth regardless. Every breed of man are my brothers and I hate to see ignorant people make false claims based on skin color alone. Its stupid. We all come from 98% African stock, deal with it. If you have any differences that comes from the corruption in your genome. Dont like it then take it up with your lying blood.

Beefandcheese ago

It's really hard to trust any of these institutions anymore. They would rather pander to the ignorant PC faggots and mentally ill before maybe letting their balls drop and stick with a obviously worthy decision. Should have claimed he was a nigger tranny native American kike before dropping redpills so the system would take his opinion more seriously. +1 points if he has a mutilated sex organ that needs to be dilated daily to prevent the body from healing and closing a gaping wound.

Turnagain ago

Lysenkoism at it's finest. When Political Correctness deviates from reality.

ardvarcus ago

Punished for stating the scientifically proven, obvious, self-evident truth. All anyone needs to do is look at Africa to know that negroes have sub-normal intelligence, compared to the other races of the world. You don't need to run hundreds of IQ tests, all of which prove the same thing -- just open your eyes and look, and the truth is undeniable. Look at black cities in America. Look at Haiti and other black countries in the Caribbean. Look at how blacks perform in the schools, and at the black crime rates.

It's a truth that can't be denied, and yet the entire fucking Western media denies it, the entire Democratic Party in the US denies it, all the fools who call themselves "liberals" deny it. It's infuriating.

Goathole ago

Every time the media publishes something about Dr. Watson I always read something to the effect of made a reference to a view that genes cause a difference on average between blacks and whites on IQ tests. but the funny thing is they never say exactly what that reference was AND NOBODY ASKS.

Have any of you read it? No really, the actual paper and his reference to blacks having lower IQs?

I HAVE. It's been years now and my memory might be a little fuzzy but it seemed innocuous at the time. It was specific in nature and focused on the carribean people and much of it he blamed on nutrition and parasites. This I remember well.

It's strange now that 10-15 years later it seems difficult to find the actual text of the paper because I know I've looked for it no less than 4 times.

Think about what I've said here for minute. The media makes a claim, does not verify it with an actual quote or context whatsoever and continues to lead the reader into a narrative that fulfills an agenda. Don't be that moron that even slightly believes them.

Maybe someone, better than I, could find the actual text and post it for us all.

Blue333 ago

But IQ doesn't always translate to success. There are plenty with high IQ's that fail at life. I think it's dangerous to equate achievement with IQ...and even then, what equates to achievement can be debated.

VladmirPutin ago

IQ has higher correlation to success in life than any other measurement. But sure, having a few exceptions to the rule completely disproves any relationship.

Blue333 ago

For groups of people - but not individuals. There are plenty of nerds still living in their Mom's basement.

jthun2 ago

umm, yes... but watson was talking about populations. Come now, this isn't hard.

law of large numbers. Look it up.

Yanx ago

Is anyone else baffled that there are so many people like this idiot who fail to understand the simple concept of a statistical correlation?

Blue333 ago

What baffles me, is how we've discussed how populations can trend in certain ways - yet continually there are those who feel the need to throw out individual examples, which demonstrate to their mind, the nature of certain groups.

Just because statistical trends can be found within large numbers, it doesn't mean that those trends hold true for the individual. So why is it, people feel the need to throw out individual examples, over and over again, which they then want to folks to correlate to a group?

It's like saying because the majority of mass shooters are white men, all whites must therefore be, mass shooters.

xenoPsychologist ago

except the majority of mass shooters are not white men.

Blue333 ago

Ok but you get my point . I'm just saying the reverse can be (and often is applied) to a large group of people.

xenoPsychologist ago

like pointing to the top three percent of blacks and claiming theyre all like that, when theyre more like the ninety seven percent that are spear chucking animals.

acheron2012 ago

When hard science becomes reckless you can pretty much kiss goodbye to space travel.

And nuclear fusion.

And a "solution" to their beloved global warming.

Left to their own technological course, the descendants of their secular theology would squat in the mud and throw macbooks at rats in an attempt to get food for one more day.

The only good part is that the globalists think they will be lording over the world in a technological paradise. They won't. Long before things get to that state they will relearn what happens when superior intellect REALLY goes to war.

GimmeTheUsual ago

I keep thinking that this SJW shit and all the Antifa/Socialist crap is a creeping "Dark Ages" that is part of the general civilization cycle. (perhaps)

I can tell you that Flat Earther bullshit creeping in was the first indicator of willful disregard of Science. I don't seek that shit out, yet some retard going "lol you believe the earth is a water covered ball" started to encroach in some of the regular forums I frequent.

Archive those facts, those websites, those references. Just like the goddamned monks in monastaries, waiting for the tide of stupid to be over.

acheron2012 ago

I remember a kid in high school got into a protracted and somewhat heated argument with the science teacher when mostly in passing the teacher mentioned that "space is empty". This turned into the, in his mind, completely unacceptable concept of a vacuum. Which somehow he apparently made it all the way to the 11th grade without ever hearing about!

The first total rejection of science in the post WW II era I know of is the "Moon landings were fake" crap. I sort of think that was packaged up the general America HATING first public steps of American Marxists aka SJWs. But still, there is a deeper psychosis involved when people utterly reject facts of reality.

Speaking of having this deliberate ignorance inflicted on your consciousness, it was barely a year ago when a friend of mine was making fun of the chem trail retards. That one I hadn't heard before.

It is pretty sobering to think that people that don't understand what happens to water when it gets cold are allowed to vote!!!

GimmeTheUsual ago

There's a widely shared video that shows a woman freaking out over the fanned spray of a hose producing a rainbow in strong sunlight.

She thought it was chemtrail chemicals or some shit. Fucking idiocracy, playing itself out in real life.

CobraStallone ago

In the USSR they believed in anti-science farming. It didn't work out. Neither will ignoring IQ and race work out, it's a matter of how long can society limp along before we regain our senses.

ardvarcus ago

When hard science becomes reckless you can pretty much kiss goodbye to space travel.

And nuclear fusion.

And a "solution" to their beloved global warming.

The good news is, we don't need a solution to man-made global warming, because it doesn't exist. But you are correct about us kissing further manned space travel and nuclear fusion good-bye. We're in a downward spiral as a civilization, and it's taking science down with it.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

The good news is, we don't need a solution to man-made global warming, because it doesn't exist.

The bad news is, they already have a solution, even if the problem never existed.

NosebergShekelman ago

NiggerJewimentary, My dear Watson

facepaint ago

Obama still has his peace prize granted to him for simply beating George Bush in an election.

I would say that Noble prize doesn't mean much of anything.

cthulian_axioms ago

Obama won the 2008 election against the traitor John McCain and that airheaded ditz Sarah Palin.

DownRange ago

Obama never went against Bush for an election. It was more for pushing communist bullshit and praising goatfuckers.

HighEnergyLife ago

I get his point though, yes Obama didn't beat Bush, but Obama won because he wasn't Bush. At the time the narrative was against endless wars and middle east violence.

Then Obama and his leash holder, Hillary kill even more desert people and they're glorified for it. Wut?

anamericantale ago

yes, and finally it looks like Trump might pull out of endless desert wars, and the democrats are now the prowar party.

I do live in clown world.

TheEmpyrean ago

They certainly used to when James Watson won one. Not anymore though.

newoldwave ago

He refers to Africa. Has anything worth a damn ever come out of Africa.

jthun2 ago

hot white south african models?

Doglegwarrior ago

1984 is real... way to real and if you want to get scared check out this quote from 1984. This is from the book a quote from the main charachter it is happening before our eyes.

Winston SmithQuote 3

"By 2050, earlier, probably – all real knowledge of Oldspeak will have disappeared. The whole literature of the past will have been destroyed. Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton, Byron – they'll exist only in Newspeak versions, not merely changed into something different, but actually changed into something contradictory of what they used to be. Even the literature of the Party will change. Even the slogans will change. How could you have a slogan like ‘freedom is slavery’ when the concept of freedom has been abolished? The whole climate of thought will be different. In fact there will be no thought, as we understand it now. Orthodoxy means not thinking – not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness." (1.5.30, Syme)

The Party

TauCeti ago

It will be interesting to see what mental gymnastics the deniers perform as evidence accumulates that intelligence is largely genetic, and that a race shares more traits than just skin color.

Actually, there is already plenty of evidence. The difference is that China, which doesn't give a shit about being PC and won't hamstring itself with it, will just proceed to use that knowledge and start genetically modifying germ cells to improve average intelligence levels. What will the deniers all say then with physically tangible results staring them in the face?

con77 ago

New Nobel category. Feels

Anomalia ago

That is already the Peace Nobel Prize.

Lundynne ago

His statements were "unsupported by science?" Could somebody please direct me to a study which shows that all races have the same IQ? I'd really appreciate it.

Gumbatron ago

I'm sure there's an Autoethnography in Feminist Glaciology or another similar journal that will explain it all.

VladmirPutin ago

Umm IQ has been debunked sweaty. And by "debunked" I mean I read an article once with an author that said they don't believe in IQ, which is all the evidence you need.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

And even if it was "debunked" by a Nature-published, peer-reviewed article with millions of citations, the marxist academic rats would still be lying.

Academia delenda est.

Stormisbrewing ago

One of the most difficult to swallow red pills is that people like Richard Dawkins won't come out and defend race realism. A man who claims to be a truth seeker and truth teller trying to show people the craziness of religion adheres to modern day marxist dogma on race.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

Richard Dawkins won't come out and defend race realism.

Why should he. Coming out would be immediate career suicide, and he is intelligent enough to not commit suicide like Watson did. It isnt even taking a risk for some potential gain, with some chance to survive. The career death is both certain and immediate.

A man who claims to be a truth seeker and truth teller

is still primarily seeking money and fame, like every other man. Coming out will not only bring neither money nor fame, it will very likely strip you of both money and fame you could have earned otherwise.

Schreiber ago

Pretty much.

Stormisbrewing ago

Why should he.

He's an evolutionary biologist.

Coming out would be immediate career suicide

Talk to Galileo.

The_Ghost ago

I agree. There’s no reason to lose your career and prestige for saying something that won’t even change anyone’s mind but just make them despise you.

slumbermachine ago

Then he is a sell out. You have to stand up for truth, even if it means career death. We dont live this life just to see who climbs the highest ladder and who has the most toys.

Schreiber ago

Then he is a sell out. You have to stand up for truth, even if it means career death. We dont live this life just to see who climbs the highest ladder and who has the most toys.

Nice idealistic rhetoric.

Bet you have no balls to tell your jewish boss the truth about USS liberty or 9/11 or holohoax do ya.

I'm filthy rich through cold calculated pragmatism. If i'm an idealistic white knight faggot I would be stuck in the bottom feeding scraps. You either exploit the system or be exploited, it's as simple as that.

slumbermachine ago

I use to think like that and i climbed to the top of my career with those ideals, but the last few years i just dont care for that anymore. I dont care to serve my ego based upon riches, popularity, and my career position anymore. Its just not worth it, my soul is worth more.

vladtep ago

At some point you realize it's not worth it.

It really isn't unless everyone else wants to stand with you.

Otherwise, fuck 'em.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

You have to stand up for truth, even if it means career death.

Wrong. You have to survive and prosper first, everything else is a means to that end. Dying for some random truth is for suicidal whiteknights.

We dont live this life just to see who climbs the highest ladder and who has the most toys.

Youre welcome to sacrifice so I get the "truth" at your cost while I climb to the top over your dead body.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Nice faggot apologism.

Podd ago

So then, does that mean that what someone like Dawkins is really after is something other than the truth? I wonder what his real goal is then...

issueninja ago

I wonder what his real goal is then...

Socialist world government, the same as every other Marxist.

elitch2 ago

Yeah, fuck science!

Feelings matter.

Pissed_Off_Vet ago

And this is why multicult uber alles needs to die.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

And this is why democracy needs to die, because multikult uber alles is an inevitable consequence of letting everybody vote.

Pissed_Off_Vet ago

Yes & no. The current perversion that Western representative governments have mutated into has been perverted by Jews. Without Jews, the West would be very different.

daskapitalist ago

The race/IQ data is undeniable. While there's some argument to be made for how best to improve it (e.g. gene editing vs not beating children vs nutrition), claiming it doesnt exist is a repudiation of evidenciary science.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Exactly, it is completely undeniable when faced with real life examples. Nigerians are simply not as intelligent as Norwegians, for example. You don't need a noble prize to realise this.

Acerphoon ago

Read this. Once you've gone through all of it, there's not one thing that liberals can throw at you anymore.

daskapitalist ago

They'll just shout that I'm a racist and a sexist because facts are unpleasant.

Acerphoon ago

Yes, true. That's their original programming, that they fall back on.

But they will lose their smug attitude.

karmatic ago

While there's some argument to be made for how best to improve it (e.g. gene editing vs not beating children vs nutrition)

We've been having this discussion for decades.

Adoption and twin studies, in particular, are the most damning of the "people are largely equal" theory. Adopt black children into stable, loving white families, and the differences are still there. Adopt white children into homes where they get beat and underfed, and they still do better. These differences hold true when they are in families of the same or opposite race, when they are in areas that are majority black or white.

With humans, we see roughly 80% of potential (whether sports, music, academic, etc.) is determined by genetics. Most people, no matter how hard they work, will never be in the NBA, or the NFL, or a world expert in chess. The other 20% responds very well to training, and severe neglect can easily overcome that 80%, but largely only in a negative direction.

As an easy example, I'm 6'8". I have a disproportionate advantage in both volleyball and basketball, through nothing I chose to do. It's purely genes, and it's why I had fullride offers to college simply by talking to schools. They know they can teach that last 20% (skill), but the 80% can come only through genetics.

Likewise, I grew up in pretty crappy schools. It didn't matter - I was smart enough to teach myself. I read everything I could get my hands on at the public library, and as soon as this "internet" thing came around, I figured out ways to get access. I shared logins with my friends, and even committed a bit of credit card trial fraud as a young teenager. I fixed PCs to earn and get parts, built my own computer, then when paypal came around I hooked it up to my savings account, and started working on RentACoder. Nobody knew I was a twelve-year-old, and I started making thousands. It gave me the time (and the access) I needed to learn whatever I wanted. When wi-fi came around, I used my neighbors.

My environment didn't really matter. My parents trying to stop me from using the computer didn't really matter - I assembled (and disassembled) my computer every night so they didn't know I had one. Nobody checks ID on the internet, so I was free to do as I wished. It's even easier these days with cheap prepaid unlimited internet, and tablets at goodwill for $30.

cantaloupe6 ago

Hahaha - reassembling it.. too funny.

wt1984yb ago

Don’t doxx yourself big man

karmatic ago

That's one of the nice things about being a consultant to some pretty scummy people. Even if they dox me, there's not a whole lot that can be done to hurt my career. Everyone around me already knows I'm a race realist, so if you give copies of what I say to my friends, family, or business partners, they won't be surprised.

4n0n3m0u5e ago

I was just returning to this thread to ask if anyone had a compendium of all the 30 years of research that is probably slowly falling into the realm of being scrubbed. This paper will do nicely to start building up a PDF package on the subject.

karmatic ago

It's references section is a goldmine.

tokui ago

We've read the same, similar research results.

fuckinghell ago

That's one of the things I love about the internet - it's a great equalizer. Everyone has the opportunity to learn whatever they want, if they so choose.

TheStapler ago

I can relate. Fortunately chances are always good for a kid with high IQ and a learned hatred for niggers.

fuckinghell ago

I tried really hard not to hate them, it became clear I had no choice once I realized they hated me because of my skin color and for no other reason.

That was a tough pill to swallow because I had relatively no negative coception of race before that.

GimmeTheUsual ago

The funny bit is when they gave a fuckload of laptops to poor-as-shit Nogs in Baltimore, they derived zero benefit from it.

Yet you see kids using Raspberry Pi's and learning robotics and programming. If the Nogs wanted to, they could try -- even though they'd be pretty bad at it. They just don't bother.

I remember talking to a younger black dude who wanted to start fucking around with app development for mobile. I said "Well, you got to look at this resource, and that, and maybe this to start out." He didn't write down a single fucking thing, the look on his face told me all I needed to know.

He thought it was fucking super easy until I gave him actual WORK to do, then his interest disappeared like a wallet on a subway in a Nog neighborhood.

Useless fuckers.

ThinkAboutIt1488 ago

you had to deal with blacks standing on their desks? Fucking hell that's a shit education.

ardvarcus ago

You can't really raise the basic racial IQ because it's limited by genetics. You can take away factors that are reducing that basic racial IQ level, such as poor nutrition. That allows the real racial IQ level to show itself. But it doesn't change the IQ determined by genetics. It won't make negroes more intelligent than their DNA allows them to be.

Civil_Warrior ago

Don't forget the gene for nigger baditude. No matter how smart a nigger seems, he simply can't escape his instinct to chimpout in all things human. The test was human history. Thousands of years later you can't make any argument in favor of niggers except as a tool to scare people back to work.

novictim ago

racial IQ

You know, there is no reason to even summon the term "race" here. The truth is that every country in the world has had professionals do measurements of general intelligence. Those results are reproducible. Populations that migrate carry these general results with them. And most importantly, no single individual can be characterized as having a specific level of general intelligence because these results provide a Gaussian distribution across the population tested.

"Race" is a tricky one because no one can adequately define it. It is a moving target. Better to just say that people from such and such a region have such and such an average for their intelligence.

Civil_Warrior ago

Or better said the black ones tend to be slow in the head

tokui ago

Niggers in america have 85 IQ avg vs 80 IQ among their relatives in africa - admixture with whites has genetically modified them.

oneinchterror ago

Avg black IQ in Africa is ~70, not 80.

tokui ago

The avg for 'africa' can be deceptively high, yes. Not that the arabs add much, but I'd remove all non-niggers on continent from stats to isolate niggers for better accuracy. Might really be even lower.

Pwning4Ever ago

We have eliminated factors such as shit nutrition in developed countries but the IQ doesn't raise at all.

Twin studies as well as adopted parents doesn't change IQ either. They have the black kid adopted by well off white parents and there is virtually zero correlation in the IQs. It's almost laughable to denY iq and genetics.

PlateLipsMcGee ago

Imagine having to try so hard that you call basic and obvious truths “unsubstantiated and reckless”.

Civil_Warrior ago

Only if you called him a nigger.

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HighEnergyLife ago

Grants award for being brilliant,
Takes it back because they know better.

Maybe they should give the award to themselves?

Splooge ago

That's the hallmark of these masturbatory commies -- they hand each other awards all the time, and the 'achievements' required are becoming more and more dubious each year.

4n0n3m0u5e ago

the hallmark of these masturbatory commies

Right after I took a lot of the red pills, I was at a science conference - rather small, as far as things go. I'm in a niche science field. There was exactly one black dude at the whole conference and who do you think won the award for best short presentation? Unsurprisingly, it was also given by some British woman, completely with photo op, for maximum virtue signaling.

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Gumbatron ago

Seen exactly the same thing happen in engineering. Some sandnigger chick blandly read out her paper and won the award for best presentation while other presentations were actually interesting (some even fairing functioning prototypes). Photo op ensues.

Civil_Warrior ago

The myth of the heroic nigger. It's key to the Jew run nigger-woman-faggot alliance that is the "democratic" party these days. Lie the lie until it's illegal to say anything else but the lie... Women,niggers, and faggots were all held back (by jealous white men) from saving the human race. Now the historic under acheivers and utter failures shall succeed without any skill or knowledge, simply by believing they can. Mmmmmmm nigger pipedreams.

TemetNosce ago

No, no, no, Queerbait Jenner did NOT mutilate himself. That faggot is still packing.

GimmeTheUsual ago

"Buckle up, buckaroo"

Jenner Tranny is fucking disgusting. All the fuckers saying he/it was "Stunning and brave" should be neutered so they don't spread their retarded DNA.

Splooge ago

Fuck being neutered, they need to be neutralized with a bullet through the skull so they don't spread their retarded ideas.

Diarrhea_Van_Frank ago

Wait, really? That’s hilarious.

Splooge ago

TemetNosce ago

I'll be damn, I did not know that. Oh well, "it" will be dead soon enough, "it's" mental illness will cause a suicide.

Splooge ago

Well, it happened sometime in 2017. There have been articles that cover his post-op depression, which will never go away.

Psychologists have gone on record as saying they give him about 3-4 years before he self-deletes; if they're right, he's got about a year and change left before he offs himself. After that he'll get more posthumous accolades for heroism and the MSM will claim it's because he wasn't "accepted."

Personally, I don't think he will. He's too important an asset to his handlers and the pushers of this poisonous agenda. I'll bet cold hard cash he's being carefully monitored and in all likelihood kept sedated/high out of his mind on a cocktail of barbiturates 24/7.

Same thing as Desmond, except a much closer eye.

truthwoke33 ago

Desmond is being raped daily.

America is over. People actually ask me "why are you sad?"

I'm just like, nigger do you live on this planet?

Dsciexterminationist ago

Knowledge is suffering and I personally distrust happy people

Deflo56 ago

AI will put him back into icon status when they take over.

Super_Cooper ago

"in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act"

Guess revolution isn't just a young man's game anymore.

Civil_Warrior ago

Old angry men with nothing to lose. Wildcard, bitches!

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

The article itself is quite deceitful: "Nobel Prize-winning American scientist James Watson has been stripped of his honorary titles after repeating comments about race and intelligence."

They know their readers aren't going to make it past paragraph 3-4 so they let it be heavily implied that he was stripped of his NOBEL PRIZE. In reality it was some honorary chancellorships that no one cars about. Once you start to learn certain (((tactics))) you can easily pick up on them.

Schreiber ago

In 2003, Watson spoke in favor of genetic selection to eliminate ugly women: "People say it would be terrible if we made all girls pretty. I think it would be great."

One of the greatest underrated quote of James Watson. It's one of those things that 99.99% men agree with but have no balls to say it out loud.

Super_Cooper ago

I remember reading Watson's greatest hits on reddit before it became kosher. In reality, Watson is no different than the child who points out that the emperor has no clothes. Voters are largely in this category also. Except if the story were written in modern times, the child would be shamed and called a Nazi and his parents would impoverished for pointing out that the emperor was naked.

Schreiber ago

I'm fucking sick of political correctness.

Nobody gives a fuck about truth anymore or even trying to solve problems that we all know. All everybody cares about is virtue signaling.

man_with_titties ago

The child's parents knew the emperor was naked. They knew the consequences of saying pointing it out.

BlackGrapeDrank ago

thing is you don't need to be a PhD super scientist to know that IQ and temperament vary with race.

You just have to be honest with objective reality.

speedisavirus ago

One day we will identify the gene. For now all we know is niggers have a bad one.

Civil_Warrior ago

Apparently you turn black when your genes fail.

Maroonsaint ago

I’ll never forget somebody linking it on Reddit and then someone else linking to Wikipedia saying “it’s been discredited” then I read the Wikipedia and it said it’s racist and biased cause whites did better and whites made the test but then said Asians did better than whites. These morons THESE FUCKING MORONS

daskapitalist ago

That's when you bring up Raven's Matrices. No linguistic or cultural skills required. The results are the same.

1Sorry_SOB ago

Don't believe what you are taught by Ph.ds. Observe the world around you.

Splooge ago

Revolution has no age or creed, it's about the will of the masses to fight back, but youth certainly can play a part.

That's why the past hundred or so years have been dedicating to turning women into childless whores and men into women -- it undermines the will to fight back, and since anyone can fight back, everyone must be affected.

Honey_Pot ago

That's why the past hundred or so years have been dedicating to turning women into childless whores and men into women -- it undermines the will to fight back, and since anyone can fight back, everyone must be affected.

worth repeating

man_with_titties ago

I'm surprised they didn't mention the inherent transphobia of DNA studies.

kiriyama999 ago

Screenshoted for later redpill use, thanks

selpai ago

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory said the 90-year-old scientist's remarks were "unsubstantiated and reckless".

At first, i thought this had to be satire, but it's not.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

In the 2007 interview, Watson said that while he hopes everyone is equal, “people who have to deal with black employees find this is not true.”

In this month’s documentary, he said genes cause a difference on average between blacks and whites on IQ tests.

The laboratory, calling the latest remarks “reprehensible” and “unsupported by science,” said they effectively reversed Watson’s 2007 written apology and retraction. It said it had revoked three honorary titles, including chancellor emeritus and honorary trustee.

Pwning4Ever ago

Isacc Newton was just a normal dude, literally everyone's brains are just as potent as his was.

No difference in IQ guys.

randomfuckingidiot ago

Imagine my shock when I found out how many people dont even have an internal monologue.

truthwoke33 ago

You mean "thinking"? That's what I always call it.

chubsta ago

explain - i have a constant stream of thought which manifests itself as almost conversations in my head. not the ‘burn down churches and kill whores’ stuff, just like structuring thoughts as conversation, is that what you mean? and do people really not have it?

truthwoke33 ago

Yes, there are "people" that don't have thoughts. Most of our monied "elites" function like this. You can't have cognitive dissonance if you have no cognition, that's why and how globalists push agendas without realizing their own evil. This is why I look so down on the foolish and idiotic, they are prone to outbursts of extreme violence and emotional rage. The NPC meme is real.

WD_Pelley ago

Yes, there are "people" that don't have thoughts.

I run shit in my head all the time. I can't fathom people not even having conversations with themselves in their heads. NPCs exist and are our equals in democratic societies. No wonder people think this is the Kali Yuga.

thatguyiam ago

...i gotta admit, i need some kind of internal monologue booster