thebearfromstartrack ago

But these FACTS are KEPT from us. WHY? So that the inferior people can savage us with their claims that we are criminal cheaters who fuck them over? What kind of a dumbass is in charge of things?

The_Cat ago

Genetic or inherited? Big difference.

daskapitalist ago

It's 80% genetic by adulthood, and highly heritable. It also exhibits regression to the mean, so you cant just have two high IQ adults reproduce and have it largely eliminated within a generation.

newoldwave ago

Did anything worth a damn ever come out of Africa?

daskapitalist ago

Ethiopean food would like a word with you. Om nom nom.

hankylanky ago

My IQ is in the top 0.5% and I think all you hateful, angry, fearful racists are cocksuckers.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

I'm so smart I can't be bothered to English

TurquoiseLover ago

Like I always say, look at the leftist dummies demographics since demographics don't lie.

99887766 ago

Isn't it blatantly obvious that some races have a higher IQ than others? Science should be able to speak the truth, if it doesn't then it's not science.

curiouserdude ago

(((The Smartest People)) are unfortunately the ones Voat hates because they're so smart and good at academics and crap that they always end up in charge of things.

ichlibejuice ago

Ashkenazi Jews are not the smartest people. Study after study shows Japanese and Coastal Chinese are the smartest genetic group and are as smart as niggers are dumb. Jews are fantastic with skills like language(law)/psychiatry but are only above average engineers/scientists/mathematicians. They're good at picking up on nonsense social constructs because that's what religion taught their Jewesses to value.

Musaab ago

Islam transcends race and will come to dominate the entire world.

And the messenger Muhammad (saw) said:

“Verily Allah has shown me the eastern and western part of the earth, and I saw the authority of my Ummah (nation) dominate all that I saw.” (Saheeh Muslim, hadeeth #2889)

Highonfire ago

That iq correlates with race is beyond debate. If someone denies it they are an idiot or malicious. In either case they are not your friend.

Merlynn ago

The amount of shitty actors,athletes,and musicians who make millions,if not billions,of dollars says you're wrong.

daskapitalist ago

"I know a tall Chinese guy" isnt a valid argument vis-a-vis statistics.

Merlynn ago

What part of "the amount" did you not understand? Most people with money are fucking stupid. It's been that way for a long time.

Exboer ago

Races differ phenotypically (outward appearance) because of genetic differences. If you believe there are no internal, non visible, differences aswell you are fooling yourself Note The average Afro American is 26% white, probably accounts for the groups higher average IQ (85) when compared with SubSaharan Blacks , average IQ of 72

GhostSkin ago

Im going to cum on your chest op

washingtonpanther ago

I wish I could find a white woman worth a damn and vanish somewhere in the forest to create our own little bunker and family and do our part to fight off this impending annihilation of the Holiest of Races.

Elbower_of_Quants ago

IQ is nice to have above 120. Not gonna help, tho, if your government is run by a bureaucracy of thugs with IQ's below 100.

canbot ago

The ultimate irony is that the academics who deny these facts do so with the intention of fighting racism; but what they are doing is insuring racism because the replacement explanation for the effects caused by IQ differences is that white people are evil racists who constantly bring down other races. There will never be any peace when one race is constantly being demonized like that.

Crikes ago

It varies by individual, and the result is indicative of cultural value of family and intelligence. The groups that value family and intelligence the most have the highest IQ avg, and the ones with the shittiest cultural values have the lowest avg.

99887766 ago

It seems like such common sense that IQ would vary among different races. People just refuse to accept this reality.

WhitePaladin ago

It varies even among whites ! Germans were the top possible white iq.

99887766 ago

Totally makes sense.

daskapitalist ago

It's because Marxist ideology that they believe everyone is part of the interchangeable proletariat and any word to the contrary is bourgeoise wrongthink. Differences, whether height, reaction time, speed, oxygen efficiency, endurance, upper body strength, or IQ are expected and unobjectionable to any rational human being. Yes, some demographics will be superior at /some/ tasks. Rational people arent bothered that Nepalese are highly resistant to altitude sickness, Ethiopeans super long distance runners, or Orientals higher IQ than the average. It's called...reality.

99887766 ago

It's very frustrating because science should be able to explore and speak the truth.

moviefreak ago

There are different kinds of intelligence. You all know the training where we have a table with a cloth on, then the cloth gets removed and we have to remember the objects on it? Typically there are 30 objects and we shall remember as many as we can. After 30 seconds the cloth is replaced. This is a typical Special Reconnaissance Force exercise.

The indigenous people of the Borneo jungle can remember all 30 objects, and the way they are positioned, in 2 (two!) fucking seconds.

WhitePaladin ago

The peak of white iq was germans and no other white can even touch it.

daskapitalist ago

IQ tests are designed to approximate "G", aka general intelligence. Other tests are more useful for identifying specific mental capabilities such as memorization, linguistic capabilities, mathematical capabilities, etc.

E.g. Ashkenazi Jews score incredibly high on linguistic tests (I want to say somewhere in the 130s) but only marginally above average on math because they engaged in heavy in-group marriage for a few thousand years with a strong status preference for rabbis (who expectedly had superb linguistic skills but werent much for math or gym memberships).

It's also why illiterate tribal societies tend to exhibit superb memorization capabilities (remembering the content) vs referential memorization (remembering where to find the content in a book/library/etc) that's preferred in literate societies.

OhGoodLord2 ago

I always feel like white people hit the sweet spot. Asians are shockingly cold and soulless. Blacks and Mexicans are all feelings and no thought. The subcontinent is...I mean I don't even know. It's like Asians and nogs somehow got trapped together. They built some amazing stuff, but also let so much of their countries go to shit. How hard is it to take care of things?

daskapitalist ago

The coldness is largely cultural (honor culture vs European law/justice culture) mixed with a strong cultural group preference vs the European individual preference.

They both have their pros and cons.

OhGoodLord2 ago

Honor cultures are generally bullshit, though. See also: Islam, Mexico. I mean, there's a reason all the chinks want to come here now. And they are freakishly cold, even with their own kids.

Jewed ago

Asians are not cold with their family. In fact, most of the coldness is from communism as Taiwan does not have people back up over pedestrians they ran over to finish the job.

Chinks also prefer China, I know many that had the opportunity to move and while they did visit or go to school in the West they did not settle here because China has the convenient and familiar lifestyle they want.

OhGoodLord2 ago

Right, they're totally sane and caring. That's why their kids hang themselves over getting a B. (Actually happened at my college.) It's a wonderful culture that everyone should emulate. They're totally not insane.

Jewed ago

I didn't claim they were sane, just that they weren't cold.

Schreiber ago

What silly generalization is this.

Here's the reality. White people is the only group that gets genocided today and demographically replaced in their homeland. That isn't called "sweet spot," that's called suicidal pathological altruism dead end gene that leads to their extinction in the future. Just you watch.

OhGoodLord2 ago

White people are sometimes down, but never out. They won't genocide us. What they will do is pick off the easily led ones. The whites left over (duggar types etc) will be stronger. Like we might be headed for a new Middle Ages (Mexicans, Chinks, Coons = barbarians at the gates) but we will be back.

Rajadog20 ago

And what action do you take?

vastrightwing ago

Here's more fuel to trigger NPCs

SpunRecord ago

I've met plenty of black people who've proven to be incredibly intelligent.

I've also met plenty of white people who've exhibited remarkable stupidity.

I do feel IQ is different among races. If we as people have evolved with as many physical differences as we have, it's only natural to assume such diversity applies to mental acuity as well. Thus being said, I do not feel an immensely high IQ is necessary to achieve success in today's society. There are just too many people who focus on the more primitive aspects of existence, namely fucking, to allow themselves the opportunity to find success in more beneficial facets of life.

A6-EGO ago

"I've met plenty of black people who've proven to be incredibly intelligent.

I've also met plenty of white people who've exhibited remarkable stupidity."

Nigger, do you understand what a bell curve is?

SpunRecord ago

I get it.

Overall, caucasians are predisposed towards having higher IQs than black people. Asians higher than caucasians.

Still, having interacted in multi levels of society, not just in american society but in the 10 other countries I've been to as well, I've observed that it doesn't really matter.

People only really need to be smart enough. Possessing the capacity for human genome research isn't a pre-requisite for success in life.

Black people's major problem is their sub-culture. They're their own worst enemy. Their being dumber than white people isn't an insurmountable obstacle. You just have to tell/teach them things a couple of extra times before it sticks.

AnthraxAlex ago

Culture is down stream of genetics. Your saying here that culture has nothing to do with IQ and your wrong. Culture will be defined within the bounds of the average IQ of the group as IQ is what determines what appeals to the group. Rocket science does not appeal to people who can't grasp the idea of it.

SpunRecord ago

I appreciate your opinion and am pleased to have heard what you think.

I did not say culture has nothing to do with IQ. you're*. I will state I do not feel the average african american's culture is not as dictated by their IQs as you do. I personally feel the influence is minuscule. An impact, yes. I feel it's more of an influence on the fringes than towards the gross majority.

I suppose it also takes a High Level Forward Thinking IQ to be able to understand that the majority of both ethnic group's IQ levels are intermingled and indistinguishable, and the only level of difference is noticed near the outer ranges of the bell curve. I'm not certain, but it seems to be you're implying the tail is wagging the dog. That the much smaller percentage of African Americans of their collective whole who are susceptible to possessing lower IQs are determining the entire cultural and societal structure of the entire black community.

It's possible, and if it is, that's something we need to address by replacing those retard level IQ possessors with respectable, commendable black people (which do exist).

daskapitalist ago

IQ isnt very predictive on an individual level. It's /incredibly/ predictive at a statistically significant sample size. A good analogy is height. One person being 6'8" isnt very predictive of whether they'll play professional basketball. However for a large population, height is quite predictive because almost no 5'3" people can play basketball compared to 6'8" people.

SpunRecord ago

Yea no worries.

Black people can still be saved, but the current culture where we're reinforcing their dependence on the system and cajoling them with apologies for slights they've imagined and rally behind does them no justice.

A system needs to be overhauled. Not our system though, theirs. They need strong black leaders to educate themselves on the importance of honesty, integrity, dedication, hard work, and whatever other values.

Problem is their parents are fucking stupid and teach their kids their own fucking stupid tendencies.

If we could break their children away from their parents self-imposed prison of stupidity, we could educate a new generation of remarkably productive, valuable members of a new society.

daskapitalist ago

Black couples were actually leaving poverty and had lower divorce rates than whites until the "War on Poverty" started.

mralexson ago

high iq need to reproduce more

Jewed ago

No, low IQ mud races need to breed less.

prairie ago

High IQ need to stop funding low IQ.

ardvarcus ago

This is one of the most important findings by science ever and yet the media is completely suppressing it, because it doesn't fit the liberal narrative.

VladmirPutin ago

But the democrats are the party of science because they said so! And they are subscribed to "I fucking love science!" and watch Black Science Man videos!



LogicAlways ago

Voat is so hypocritical sometimes. Eh... Muh white IQ Reee boomers

It's a fact, yes people from certain regions have similar IQ. It's a fact that 80% is geneticc Then it's also a fact that 20% is environment. That's a huge amount. And within two generations your society will normalize or be normalized. It's a fact that IQ is averaged from parents So... We can conclude a positive environment will produce an increasingly smarter population. Also.... We know genetics are also influenced by the mind and can pass down information.

So pick one. Are the people being manipulated or are they destined to failure by race? I can tell you which one they want you believe.

daskapitalist ago

IQ doesnt destin one for failure. It's equivalent to saying "not being a 10 on the attractiveness scale destins one for failure". Of course not. It just means it's not some type of "ism" if most 3's cant succeed as models. And if you know you're a 3, play to your strengths instead of being butthurt that your genes arent ideal for /one/ thing.

ardvarcus ago

So... We can conclude a positive environment will produce an increasingly smarter population.

No. No, we cannot. Environmental conditions do not raise the basic intelligence. That is genetic. Rather, environmental conditions that are not optimal can lower the natural racial IQ and mask it. Take environmental impediments away, and the IQ returns to its normal racial level ... and does not go higher. And there are difference in normal, biological IQ levels between races, and negroes happen to be on the bottom of the IQ ladder. That's never going to change. It is built into their race.

Xekoroth ago

Jordan Peterson has an amazing breakdown of IQ and it's effect on future careers.

If you want a really interesting watch, check out his videos on answering the question whether or not you can devise an IQ test for someone who is blind, deaf, or even both and still equate it to someone who isn't.

WhitePaladin ago

Spotted the boomer, fuck JP and his take on white tribalism being dangerous, hes a release valve, thats all.

GapingAnus ago

check out his videos

Just in case anyone was ever in any doubt. There's something to be said for babies and bathwater here but when someone paints himself as a radical individualist and free speech absolutist but then leaps right into assigning collective guilt based on people saying things he god his feefees hurt by... fuck that guy.

No good fruit on bad trees.

tokui ago

Fuck that commie kook.

EdSnowden ago

(((Juden Peterstein)))

8H9E20R12O5S19 ago

The races are not equal. They did not evolve equally because the environments in which they evolved were different. It should be common sense, therefore, to conclude that the races cannot be considered equal in any way, shape, or form. They are distinct biological branches of the human species.

The White man in the harsh climate of Alpine Europe needed a larger brain to survive there than did the lowly Negro roaming the African continent with a spear in his hand and a bone through his nose, and a large plate in his lip. The African climate is temperate, and game abounds. For those who can master simple hunter/gatherer skills, survival there is a breeze. Not so in Alpine Europe, where the harshness of the climate demands a different type of survival. It demands shelter from the cold. It demands ingenuity in hunting or trapping the comparatively little game. It demands foresight in saving food for the winter. It demands warm clothes. Altogether, it demands a degree of inventiveness other locales do not. Should it not be therefore obvious that the White Aryan man would evolve in a way that suits this type of thinking-on-one's-feet lifestyle, while the Negro should evolve in a way that best allowed him to survive in the African heat?

eronburr ago

The races are not equal. They did not evolve equally because the environments in which they evolved were different.

If you really wanna make heads spin, next time someone says race has nothing to do with IQ, call them anti-semitic. You can't argue jews are smarter because of their race, then argue race is irrelevant.

mnightshamwow ago

All of them had large plates on their lips? Pretty hardcore if you ask me.

22trilionAsecond ago

who were the White Tribes men of Australia descended from and what was their culture like. Did they value routine and innovation. Did they care about each other.

prairie ago

Species adapt to their environments. There are several species of humans. They call them races and act like it's just skin color.


@8H9E20R1205S19 Only a fucking jew would come out with a comment like yours. because you all refuse to believe that our creator only created one woman and one man.

MrDarkWater ago

And then he cursed a whole line of descendents. Keep reading, my man

8H9E20R12O5S19 ago

Your creator created a process called evolution. We are a product of that probably with a little bit of genetic engineering in there somewhere.

8H9E20R12O5S19 ago

Decode my name you christchuck am as Aryan as they come

daskapitalist ago

It's a tradeoff. E.g. Europeans arent as well adapted to heat, sun, or long distance running as East Africans because...the environmental influences are dramatically different. And pygmies handle food scarcity better than both because they're smaller in general, and arent plowing as many calories into their brains (i.e. in Europeans, brains account for 30% of calories burned, which is a huge risk if there's a food shortage).

Pluviou5 ago

The bell curves showing racial differences in intelligence are proven correct once more.

PaulWarburg ago

See, white men shorter than 5'9"? You're being held back by minorities and absolutely not taller men and all women. @NeedleStack loves short men. Just look at this title:

It's all an illusion, short men. Life isn't irrationally unfair. You're just hallucinating. It's just coincidence taller men are paid more.

Now, obey your tall commander and run at machine gun fire for women and attractive men. You're so lucky.

CouldBeTrump ago

>yfw multiple studies correlate lower height with lower IQ

avgwhtguy1 ago

If you dont take my IQ test you'll never be successful?