riffwraff ago

You realize Daily Stormer, the biggest such site, is explicitly not national socialist.

phillyjoe ago

I was in the UK in 2010. I had a friend that was a HS teacher. his kids didn't know who Churchill was. Or Willson. But they knew Stalin. I told him that he was FUCKED.

Here we are in the future. I've lost contact but it's a given.

In the Eurabric Caliphate there is no more .co.uk. There is no Eurozone. There is only Euroabria.


shellperry ago

he's right I wonder how inclusive non white majority countries would be with mass immigration? they wouldn't be and would probably be far far worse.

Honey_Pot ago

best comment:

“Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to. “

– Theodore Dalrymple

riffwraff ago

I have a different IP address every day. So do most people who visit "national socialist websites" I would imagine. Account for that. A few million people spread across dozens of countries a powerful movement does not make.

99887766 ago

Truth hurts

Marku1 ago

i literally have free tickets to London, why the fuck would i want to see kebabs and niggers everywhere.... BTW France is no different already. Europe is gone.

draaaak ago

The breaking point is near.

SearchVoatBot ago

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bagano1 ago

I used to laugh at guys like him until I got a job in the real world and saw where he was coming from. Red pilled, you might say. I was never a soyboy retard, but given that I don't have a trust fund, I had to go out and work and man, SJWs are even more retarded than I ever thought. Newspapers and the entertainment industry are the biggest liars on planet Earth.

SearchVoatBot ago

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PaulWarburg ago

manlet soyboys

Remember, all white men shorter than 5'9", you are the enemy by default. The title betrays true feelings

Also remember, the average height of the men returning from war rises. Remember, the alphas and Chads will do the commanding. You will do the dying.

Englishman calls out

So brave and so smart. So much in fact that he waited until now.

These white men were in control. Maybe he should apologize with self-immolation for squandering his ancestors' birthright.

riffwraff ago

Hitler memes were never meant to be taken unironically. People who were dead serious took the edgey humour and ruined it

riffwraff ago

Where are the millions supporting national socialism, exactly?

brillodillo ago

extreme feminists are annoying but if you're making a scene like this in public youve already lost

LoneWarrior ago

We need to stand up to get through this

ToFat2Fish ago

What started this whole thing, does a body know? Also the girl he knocked out was the same one that pushed him so hopefully he goes free for self defense. Also niggers are worthless animals and should be returned to slavery where they belong.

UnknownAlias365 ago

The comments are fucking based.

SoldDownRiver ago

The guy may be right but he's clearly a complete idiot who probably just screwed over his whole life.

ardvarcus ago

No, it's not really effective. It's effective up to a point, and then it isn't. And that point isn't high enough up the scale to do any good. You get a certain number of people supporting you when you point out that Hitler was a great leader, but you never get any more than that, no matter what you do, because ... Hitler. It would be far better to drop Hitler, drop the Nazis, drop the swastika and the arm bands, and just create something fresh and new with the same basic principles.

qwop ago

How about starting to use the words social cohesion? It's completely void of race, and it has no political affiliations nor psychological PC programming attached to it.

We should strive for social cohesion, while the globalist are only trying to create social chaos.

Then people can start to think for themselves how social cohesion is best achieved. If they have any sense left, they should start and put two and two together.

You don't need to mention race, you don't need to mention politics. Just need to point out the situation when humans, any humans, work best and most efficiently together.

This occurs in nature everywhere also, for all species without active thought, because that is genetically the most advantageous state to be in. Just look at any natural species, and see how social cohesion is utilized almost universally. This is a clue.

MrDarkWater ago

youll be labeled a racist nazi regardless. by avoiding that label,you give it power. power they can wield.

i say the swastika is a marketing tool; "why is this intelligent man committing social suicide? and why does he seem so confident? and why do i agree with most of what he says?"

recon_johnny ago

I'm labeled a racist Nazi just by existing.

riffwraff ago

They already have that power. The time for all this was more than 50 years ago. Why would you give them the boogeyman they want?

MrDarkWater ago

I'm killing that boogie man. George Lincoln Rockwell was out there winning the fight 50 years ago but couldn't fight the media's large reach.

The internet connects us without (((their))) filter

riffwraff ago

Rockwell died, dude. He also wasn't winning much. He failed to accomplish any of his goals and was largely hated and is largely unknown today. Americans don't like nazis. You have absolutely no ability to do that, and pretending to be them is going to make you end up the same way NSM and TWP did. Be an American, or whatever you are. Convince other Americans or whatever you are to stand up for themselves as white. Intelligent, decent people will see you as heroes, and will ignore the Jews when they scream "nazi!" If you actually do the stormtrooper act unironically, all you're doing is validating the heebs.

MrDarkWater ago

I disagree

riffwraff ago

If I was wrong then Charlottesville would have resulted in a massive surge of Germanophilic national socialism in America. It didn't. Americans are not 1920s Germans.

MrDarkWater ago

I don't agree, that event was all kinds of wrong.

The climate has changed since then.

Stop fighting be on it. I've made my decision. Join me or fuck off

riffwraff ago

You will get nowhere and will hurt the entire white nationalist movement while you're at it. Don't expect any pity when you end up shot in the back by a fed infiltrator like Rockwell.

MrDarkWater ago

Plus: white nationalist sounds like Richard Spencer, and I shouldn't have to tell you why I won't associate with that fraud

riffwraff ago

And "resurrecting the nazi party" sounds like something Matt Heimbach would say. I shouldn't have to tell you why I won't associate with that degenerate.

MrDarkWater ago

He used the word "Nazi" and/or used the swastika?

MrDarkWater ago

I disagree. I won't be reckless, but I'm damn sure done being censored by the threat of being called names I proudly call myself.

Are we going to keep playing by (((their))) rules or are we going to take a stand?

I've made up my mind.

riffwraff ago

You are doing exactly what they want you to. If you wanted to play nazi, the time and place for that was decades ago. It is too late. Stop LARPing and learn to adapt and modify your activism and imagery for modern appeal. If you want to worship Hitler, how about you respect the time and effort he spent making his party's imagery and optics relevant and tasteful to the time, place, and culture? All this "me, my, I" of yours makes it clear it's nothing but self-serving ego stroking. It won't attract anyone worthwhile. Just feds and fatass idiots and it will let the media be 100% honest when they are talking about you, meaning no one can say "lying kike media" on your behalf.

MrDarkWater ago

What generation of kids keeps getting national attention for seig heiling in prom photos, wearing natsoc clothes, folding their body up like a swastika?

The time to plant the seeds is now. (((They))) are being exposed, and (((they've))) created the greatest marketing tool to be used against them.

I understand what you are saying. I've thought the same for a few years, but I've realized how it has been a censorship tool.

Thanks for your input, your concerns are valid, but I've recently begin to understand what gives them power: our fear.

It won't be easy and it may get me killed, but it's better than continuing to be the good little got (((they))) want me to be.

riffwraff ago

Yes, I am sure those kids are dead serious Hitler devotees and not just being edgy like all of us were when we were teenagers. I'm sure if you go up to them in a stormtrooper uniform and begin reciting Hitler speeches they will immediately join your cause and think you are something other than a fringe weirdo. Oh wait, all those kids joined Patriot Front or the Proud Boys already. Hmm.

MrDarkWater ago

It shows that the imagery isn't as caustic as it once was.

philomath ago

I've thought about this a decent amount lately. the question is how to get people to see the world as you do - that mixing numerous cultures together decreases the sense of community, that masculinity is NOT a bad thing, that open borders is not a sustainable policy.

The difficulty you'll face is not 'the jews.' The difficulty really is greed - greed for wealth and power. We all know who is very good at that, but if that's all it was it would be easier to get around it. Unfortunately, everyone has greed. If it's not them it is somebody else. Everyone wants to make money, and selling fear, selling useless shit, selling this and that has proven to be effective. The unending desire to sell has resulted in millions of immigrants to buy more shit, and to set the stage for new markets where more shit is needed.

The result of all this is that the idea of "america" is completely different than it was just 50 years ago....hell, even 10 years ago. To combat that while accepting that what has changed will remain (barring something catastrophic, which would not be good) is very tough.

The best path forward that I can see is to be the change you want. Show people that masculinity and stoicism are good things, and do it publicly. Run for office, be a leader. Espouse the benefits of what we used to have. Decorate with Norman Rockwell. Throwbacks everywhere. Show your children classics rather than the new.

Ultimately, we have to remind a populace of what they're missing and convince that it WAS better back then.

ardvarcus ago

This is an older white man who has had it up to the eyeballs with political correctness and isn't going to take it anymore.

Apathy ago

TFW you recall all those “crazies” from the past and realize they might have been the last sane people of their generation.

DanielJames ago

London has fallen.

Redpilled_Canadian ago

Is that you needlestack lol I wish that was my wife's Grandpa, he's English, but a cuck

NeedleStack ago

Heh, no but I'd be proud to call him grandpa.

NosebergShekelman ago

Easy times has created soyboys. We need some hard times.

PaulWarburg ago

@NeedleStack also thinks we should do away with white men under 5'9". That would be a third or so.

Remember, short white men. This is what everyone thinks about you. This is who wants you to fight and die for them. Short men are far more likely to die in war. Your officers are tall.

If you're lucky, you have an 80% chance of not being deceived paternally. See how good you have it?

NosebergShekelman ago

haha jokes on needlestack. I'm jewish. We dont fight on the frontlines oy vey

PaulWarburg ago

And short white men are the punchline.

NosebergShekelman ago

Not true. Tall guys are mostly gay.

PaulWarburg ago

Is that like saying "white genocide isn't real"?

Short men, you're just hallucinating. Now, run at that machine gun.

NosebergShekelman ago

Tall fags are easier for the enemy to hit. Its why lost Vietnam. Those 4 foot tall gooks saw big tall white queers standing tall in the weeds.

PaulWarburg ago

Tall men were in command. Tall men lost Vietnam like they did the West.

Chads can do all the work to get it back.

PaulWarburg ago

The tall man died?!? This is a devastating loss we may never recover from. Here, promote him and put him well behind enemy lines.

Wow, those manlets are real heroes. It's no wonder that women like @NeedleStack love them so. Just look at her reverering title.

NosebergShekelman ago

I'm only 4" 8 but when I pull out my 10 inch cockzilla women seem pleasantly surprised.

PaulWarburg ago

Why did @NeedleStack call you a soyboy in her title?

NosebergShekelman ago

I'm not Euro, I'm israeli.

gazillions ago

They'll die real easy though because they're effeminate soyboys that use the phone in their cameras as a finking on you armor of protection.

The yellow vests have showed them that their phones don't give them any protection at all when time's up.

The emasculated manboys of britain probably should die off or be killed off.

con77 ago

Coming right up

WhitePaladin ago

Easy times gave women the power, the cycle has been broken.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Soyboys create hard times, won't be long now.

Lord_Mari ago

Expect it within the next decade.

AlphaOmega ago

What’s funny is I wonder if anyone but the soyboys are due for hard times. To them, every day is hard. Every day is oppressive. Every day is unfair.

Doglegwarrior ago

Sadly hard times make boys into men really fast. So these soy fsggots might be ok men after a couple weeks of the real world or they kill them selves or go schitzo. Humans are very adaptable.. i played junior college basketball and we had this dude from barbados on our team. Who was 6 foot 6 and could fucking fly. I mean he could dunk from the free throw line easy. Left handed too and could shoot.


Couldnt find video of him dunking but it was pretty crazy. Anyways this guy came in from the islands was the biggest pussy ever in the weight room. Would literaly fucking cry the first two weeks. Then something broke or changed. He came in like a crazy man and started tslking shit to the weights and lifting hard. He stopped the crying accepted reallity and adapted. I liked lifting so i started helping him once he stopped being a bitch even though i was competing with this guy. Anyways these soy boys can change its just gonna take something drastic.

jthun2 ago

that might not be true, though.

their testosterone levels are in the toilet. there's reason to believe that it is a chronic issue that can't be changed easily.

Doglegwarrior ago

As in i need mental help?

bourbonexpert ago

the best part is 100% of the youtube comments are defending that poor soul watching his race and country invaded before his eyes in his autumn years. such a shame. my great grandkids will never be able to go to Ireland or Briton or Germany to see their ancestry and be with their own kind.

unless we get a 4th Reich going.

ThyCultOfQ ago

We are the new counter culture... the next generation is growing up on the internet... we set the tone of the internet... we set the direction of the next generation. Meme warfare is real and we are the new age intelligence core counteracting the anti-west propaganda. THE EXISTENCE OF OUR PEOPLE IS NON-NEGOTIABLE.

Koyote210 ago

why don't YOU go home to defend YOUR ancestry for them?

bourbonexpert ago

I defend it here in America.

GapingAnus ago

How, exactly.

bourbonexpert ago

by openly making racist comments to strangers in casual conversations and voting republican.

Koyote210 ago

it wasn't yours to defend in the first place. say a group of arabs come over to your house and "conquered it" they remodel the house and repaint it. then your family comes to kick them out a few years later, are the arabs defenders or invaders? at what point did you Jews stop being invaders?

bourbonexpert ago

fuck off nigger...what the fuck are you talking about?

Koyote210 ago

what I am asking is, at what point did you Ocean Crossing Wet Backs go from being invaders to defenders? if this is your land because your ancestors "conquered " it, when did your race go from being the Conquerors to the Natives of the land?

Trousersnake1488 ago

When we tought you savage not to shit on yourself.

Koyote210 ago


yall were living amongst rats... it was our gold who made you who you are today... leaches, you have nothing of your own. Gun powder was chinese, mathematics was of the middle east... you just have your synagogue of satan that made you introduce into the world

Trousersnake1488 ago

Ahh yes, the noble savage. Tell me this, if whites are dirty, then why is your skin the same color as poop?

Koyote210 ago

and why is your skin the same color of bird poop? also, why do you white people love baby dicks? don't give me the old "but dey not be wite" wtf are they? black?red? that's right faggot, this is your race... baby dick biters and all, the scourge of all humanity


Trousersnake1488 ago

Are you saying we should purge our own kind of baby lockers? Well, poopskin. Yiu may be on to something!

Trousersnake1488 ago

My goodness!! Looks like I'm not supreme! The time of the white man is over, the time of poopgoblons have arrived hava nagila

Koyote210 ago

of course your not supreme cocksucker, your just like everybody else, demented egomaniac with delusions of grandeur

Trousersnake1488 ago

Oh, I guess I should go extinct then. Forgive me, oh wise and noble savage. If only my ancestors hadn't interfered and raped your women, your twisted and awful goblin forms would never have come to be!

Koyote210 ago

if your Jews went away no one would cry over you.

Trousersnake1488 ago

You've been reported to the adl. I'll be contacting my lawyer, filthy goy

Koyote210 ago

I hope they have international reach.

Koyote210 ago

no avian shit skin, I'm saying you and your synagogue of satan are the plauge that has destroyed the earth... your banks, your false doctrine and your greed to have all the Shekels... that is why the world hates you.

bourbonexpert ago

at what point did you Ocean Crossing Wet Backs go from being invaders to defenders?

hmmmm....id say after saving your ass in WW2. too bad tho..hitler was right. the good guys lost.

if this is your land because your ancestors "conquered " it, when did your race go from being the Conquerors to the Natives of the land?

about 200 years after conquering it and building civilization light years above the rest of the world.

top kek

Koyote210 ago

Saving us from WW2? Hitler was the best thing that happened to the world and YOU fucked it all up. light years ahead? if you left your mom's basement your would see that being the drug, porn, jew, and fat capital of the world means nothing to us. you brought the jew to this side of the earth and you call yourself a "saviours"? nothing but snakes who brought ruination and plague to our lands

bourbonexpert ago

ok. your clearly a jew or a nigger...or worse a sand nigger. fuck off.

......nothing but snakes who brought ruination and plague to our lands ummm kind of like what islam is doing to europe?

youre a jew or a nigger....no doubt. kill yourself LOLOL

Koyote210 ago

Koyote210 ago

the first thing you did when yall showed up in the americas? wiped out 80% of the population with your filthy plague. then? build up industry and created a pollution epidemic, then kill of Hitler that allowed Jews to spread ot every nation at will. and now? spreading gay and pedophilia across the world.

FlappyJappy ago

good job youre doing. islamic senators, statues to allah erected where the twin towers once stood, anti free speech and anti gun bills being drafted up every week it seems.

Trousersnake1488 ago

It has to get much worse before it gets better. You will see

bourbonexpert ago

fuck off nigger, like im responsible for all america. also, we got trump elected. hows your sand nigger londonistan doing?

con77 ago

My mom used to visit London and Edinburgh every year. I told her to stop going.

MrDarkWater ago

So vote for it. I hope to bring back the Nazi party locally. Start proclaiming you're proud to be white, you're a white supremacist, and that we've been lied to about Hitler and his fight was and if my fight. None of that is about hate, in fact it's all about love.

I'm tired of watching whites lose. I say, no more.

Standup, White people. Be bold, get kicked out, lose weak ignorant friends, get a black eye, but stop letting the enemy control what we do and say.

If you think whites are Superior then fucking act like it.

22trilionAsecond ago

once an area is less that 70% native it is lost.

MrDarkWater ago

I reject that

22trilionAsecond ago

It does happen but things have to get pretty fucking bad for foreigners to votes for a right wing party.

MrDarkWater ago

Jewish rule is ending

BloatedVoatGoat ago

Hitler was a methhead who didn't let it's army do it's job. Onece that arrogant fuck started meddling around in Russia in the winter he kissed his own ass goodbye.

Gopherurself ago

Just call your selves national socialists without the bad, bad word

MrDarkWater ago

But I'm a Nazi, and socialist is a bad word.

I control the language I use. Stop trying to help me with softening my rhetoric: that's the Trump-transition stance.

My fight will be the sequel to Trump's victories.

Gopherurself ago

Honestly brother, I hope so. I'm a national socialist American man.

DesertFox33 ago

You're both faggots in a dying society wishing for the past to come back.

Poor nazi faggots

Gopherurself ago

Hey desert fox I would pull your lungs your your arm pits. Then while you were suffocating, I'll choke you out with your own intestines. Fuck you

DesertFox33 ago

Ya you would you Nazi!!! Living up to your name.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Hey, leave him alone!! As a gay Jewish trans, I for one agree with you

DesertFox33 ago

As a nazi, in my reinterpreted edification of a twentieth century war criminal who had syphilis fried brains, I wish I could stand with the millions of wermacht and heil at the throne of the screaming speaker, Hitler


riffwraff ago

You'll get absolutely nowhere with most people by emulating a 1920s German worker's party and telling them Hitler did nothing wrong. Rockwell was a military hero and he accomplished virtually nothing. Pierce was a doctor and a uni professor and even he was forced to admit 1488ing was a mistake that drove competent and intelligent people away. If you want to build a white nationalist party that appeals to people, you'd really be better off leaving Hitler out of it and focusing on constructing a narrative which justifies your nation as one that is fundamentally and intentionally white using your own national heroes and symbolism. We can correct history after we win.

Trousersnake1488 ago

It only drives people away if there are options. It is starting to get obvious and it will only get worse. The key will be to make normies not have to think about it. The new nazi party will just be the obvious choice.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Hitler based Nazis on the Fraternities and Civic Lodges in California, if you can believe it. Hitler bastardized legitimate race science and orderly aesthetics from places like the Elk Lodge. America already had a homegrown white nationalist party, it was called America. 96% percent of US Citizens said during WWII that they'd rather lose the war than end segregation. We still have segregated cities, they just banned any club for men of the same race to join explicitly. That's why there's no political race nationalism: it's explicitly illegal to assemble, except online.

stayawayfrommybutt ago

Good input.

MrDarkWater ago

Those earlier heroes didn't have the internet.

Now is the time. (((They))) are being exposed. Thanks for your input, but I won't allow them to control the narrative anymore.

riffwraff ago

You do you, but them controlling the narrative is something that should have been acted on 50 years ago. We're well past the point where it matters who controls the narrative. Yes the truth is out there, and yes people can be brought to it. 88ing will not do this. 14ing might.

MrDarkWater ago

we will see

riffwraff ago

I did not say destroy it. I said stop associating it with the single most demonized movement in history.

watitdew ago

Consider reading the article and how prescient it was for 2011.

dudelol ago

Man they are corralling white men into fascism. So gay. We should just take back over our countries and boot out the commies. Imo

con77 ago

Jews. Ftfy

dudelol ago

Jews, muslims, Catholics, masons, and unions, and mafia. All need removal.

DishingShitLikeA ago


We didn't ask for or want this. Our hand is forced.

dudelol ago

They want us focused on the state and if it can fix the problems, when the state is a false God. We have a king his name is Jesus Christ, we need to start living like it.

Phantom42 ago

More new age Christian bullshit preaching apathy.

derram ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=LM6wqZwg6hQ :

Man's shocking rant about immigrants and women in McDonald's - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

NeedleStack ago

.. and of course he gets kicked out for 'causing a disturbance'... and by a fellow white man. Sad!

The comments are great though.