Share your red pill moment below.
I'll go first. So I guess I've always, from a young age placed incredible personal value on firearm ownership. My parents didn't so I don't really know where I got it. The rise of political correctness in the 90's always bothered me. But I'm a liberal so I didn't really smell any problem with Obama at first. My red pill started late in his last term...
...with Hillary's ascendancy into the Democratic primaries. It's not just that I was irked at the likelihood of a female leader bothered me, because I promised myself that if she won I'd move to Canada, though I've always loathed feminism the way that cats hate water.
It was this picture right here:
The "It's not rigged, you're just losing meme." Because I hated Clintonites. Any good liberal supported Saunders (before we knew he was crazy,) or failing that Biden or someone. But every Clintonite I've ever met has been a smug preppy lolcow. Complete bunch of prigs and kikedicks.
And since I couldn't talk about this openly on Reddit, I came to Voat. And confronted with all of the radical politics here, I tried to reason with you people. And so it went - I came to realize that the red necks were right, the whole freaking time. Somehow the red necks always knew.
Inspired by: @4n0n3m0u5e
4n0n3m0u5e ago
For me, the biggest one was during GamerGate . While browsing through all the media corruption on KotakuInAction, someone from r/GreatApes must have inconspicuously cross-posted about if KiA didn't watch itself, we'd all become like those bigots at Great Apes. To my naive delight at the time, I had found a place where all those "evil racists" were congregating, to laugh at them and their ignorance! Well, lo and behold, they started linking IQ studies and, being well versed in the sciences, couldn't wait to see what meager methodologies they employed to fuel their "stupid, misguided" hatred for blacks. And yeah, pretty much I read like 3-4 studies, said WTF, and started looking at the world from the perspective that not only was the media lying blatantly to people, right in their faces. But also, that niggers aren't the "downtrodden, oppressed" creatures that the leftists make them out to be. The rabbit hole continued downward after I found out about 8/pol/ and was there for about 3-4 years before the recent upheaval into a global forum. I'd always admired how Hitler turned Germany completely around and made them a (((global threat))) to the point of them being a villain in WW2. Then I found out it was more Jewish trickery. Here I am now! Glad my disgust at shitty practices in STEM could inspire a thread!