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17011462? ago

More racist skin head bullshit.

17011616? ago

I haven't read through the links, but I was a special ed teacher for years, and the black students always had lower scores than the white kids. It's not 'bad' to talk about the TRUTH since it's the ONLY way WE will be able to SOLVE our PROBLEMS! Denial is EVIL.

17012103? ago

I know that the Negro students have lower grades. Do you know why? It isn't because of genes or stupidity. It is because they do not apply themselves. There are plenty of very, very smart Negro people in the world. Too bad you are only narrowly mindlessly thinking.

17012605? ago

Were you a teacher? Have you worked in a school?

17012641? ago

My sister is a teacher.

17013310? ago

My husband is married to a teacher, but that doesn't mean that he knows anything about the IQ tests of my students. Facts matter, and they should not 'offend' anyone, so quit being bothered by what can be easily observed.

17013857? ago

I am not a racist. No one group or tribe is greater than another regardless of what you're trying to push. Nuff said.

17014512? ago

you may not be a racist, but you're a braindead socialist who probably sucks at everything you do since you don't believe in achievement or excellence.

17032890? ago

Brain dead Socialist. LOL

Yeah you keep thinking that. You can have your own opinion but that doesn't make it a fact.

I am not even close to being a Socialist. I am not a Capitalist either.

Both systems are flawed and a LIE.