17013325? ago

Read the ‘Bell Curve’ and the ‘Global Bell Curve’. IQ is genetic and defined by race. It is a simple matter of statistics. No Mystery - - FACTS matter.

17013114? ago

I doubt the assumed initial IQ of 78!

17015215? ago

Yeah, it's probably lower than that.

17012243? ago

I'm not much of a used car salesman but I believe you're missing 1 IQ point.

17012170? ago

Very Q-ie

17011874? ago

Yet it's the brown ones from India who are the smartest coders in Silicon Valley!

While genetics does influence intelligence, it has no primary correlation to skin colour.

You get dumb whites more easily than smart whites. Same for other colours, in mixed proportions.

What makes certain races or genetic subtypes more intelligent is the sustained tradition of higher education across a few generations. Equally, this can be lost by sustained colonization or intellectual enslavement over a few generations.

17013274? ago

Wrong - where is your sauce? I state ‘BS’ IQ is Genetic!’ Not ‘learned’ in school.

17012292? ago

Wrong. It's the Asians. The streetshitters are grunt workers doing the mcdonalds of coding.

17011462? ago

More racist skin head bullshit.

17011886? ago

I have a full head of hair. This is the truth. Sorry you don't want to hear it.

17012113? ago

Uh huh.

So your IQ is sub zero then.

17011616? ago

I haven't read through the links, but I was a special ed teacher for years, and the black students always had lower scores than the white kids. It's not 'bad' to talk about the TRUTH since it's the ONLY way WE will be able to SOLVE our PROBLEMS! Denial is EVIL.

17012103? ago

I know that the Negro students have lower grades. Do you know why? It isn't because of genes or stupidity. It is because they do not apply themselves. There are plenty of very, very smart Negro people in the world. Too bad you are only narrowly mindlessly thinking.

17019333? ago

I know that the Negro students have lower grades. Do you know why? It isn't because of genes or stupidity. It is because they do not apply themselves.

So you're saying they're lazier than whites?

17032543? ago

Some are yes. I know white kids who don't apply themselves either.

17012605? ago

Were you a teacher? Have you worked in a school?

17012641? ago

My sister is a teacher.

17013310? ago

My husband is married to a teacher, but that doesn't mean that he knows anything about the IQ tests of my students. Facts matter, and they should not 'offend' anyone, so quit being bothered by what can be easily observed. https://voat.co/v/news/2970251/16093082

17013857? ago

I am not a racist. No one group or tribe is greater than another regardless of what you're trying to push. Nuff said.

17014512? ago

you may not be a racist, but you're a braindead socialist who probably sucks at everything you do since you don't believe in achievement or excellence.

17032890? ago

Brain dead Socialist. LOL

Yeah you keep thinking that. You can have your own opinion but that doesn't make it a fact.

I am not even close to being a Socialist. I am not a Capitalist either.

Both systems are flawed and a LIE.

17012307? ago

Lol. Wrong. Nigger-run anything always turns to shit.

17012483? ago

So Oprah and a handful of oil tycoons are your idea of smart niggers? Lol. No white men helped any of those people get there either.

The best inventions niggers have is the Super Soaker. A nigger doctor took his knowledge and made a toy with it. Lol.

17012599? ago

How many Athletes make more cash than you hmmm?

Yeah that is what I thought.

17012655? ago

Cash? Lol.

How many of them end up broke? The majority of them cannot handle their own personal finances. Hilarious that you used nigger athletes as an example for nigger management.

Da affaleets doh.

17012871? ago

Awe ... are you jealous and envious. Michael Jordan comes to mind. And others. Your talking about Boxers who have had their heads and brains bashed around inside their skulls.

Do you know how many white athletes who have blown their fortunes as well?

Yeah, tat is what I thought.

You're just a no count racists.

Nuff said.

17013056? ago

All 5 of them appreciate you trying to make niggers look good.

17013211? ago

Until you serve in the Military with them and along side them you will never get it.

17013279? ago

Was in the Air Force and served with plenty. Lived with them, worked with them and I am done with them.

17014108? ago

They had your six right?

You are a very sad individual.

17014179? ago

I sat at a desk for 6 years, not sure what they were covering.

17014262? ago

Oh great. No battle experience eh?

Never mind. Forget about it.

17016187? ago

Hurr durr I was dumb enough to go kill people in another country for money so therefor my opinions cannot be questioned.

17032650? ago

I served because it was the right thing to do in my generation. Before I knew better. Question anything you like, that doesn't mean you are correct in your own self proposed ideology. That applies to me as well.

17014519? ago

Lol. Did you eat the government soap?

Stolen valor is a felony.

17032808? ago

I served. That is why I will never be charged with a felony.

17034110? ago


17010717? ago

For all lurking newfags, diversity is a cancer pushed by the Jews to destroy society from within. The United States was always intended to be an ethnostate until JFK gave them civil rights in exchange for them not destroying the country for the (((communists))).

Read these pics on diversity and the numerous studies done that find diversity is Extremely destructive to a country. Also, diversity always leads to races mixing, which is incredibly damaging physically, psychologically, and emotionally to the off spring. Again, Harvard proved this true.

 Harvard interracial study https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/fryer/files/plight_of_mixed_race.pdf

 Harvard diversity study https://macaulay.cuny.edu/eportfolios/benediktsson2013/files/2013/04/Putnam.pdf

Harvard proved it's toxicity. Normie fags cannot deny these studies.

interracial and diversity study dump.  https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/184904374/

Normie tier Diversity meme dump https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/203799081/

Normie tier interracial meme dump https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/203814654/

Race Mixing Memes  https://imgoat.com/uploads/e65972dce6/197234.jpg https://imgoat.com/uploads/e65972dce6/197224.jpg https://imgoat.com/uploads/e65972dce6/197236.jpg https://imgoat.com/uploads/e65972dce6/197238.jpg https://imgoat.com/uploads/e65972dce6/197239.jpg

Attraction and Societal Cohesion is Foremost a Function of Genetics not Ideology  https://imgoat.com/uploads/54d6fae5ee/201044.jpg

17011498? ago

No America was never supposed to be a ethnostate. Brown and Red people were already here dumb shit. JFK did not give the Negroes civil rights. It was Johnson dweeb.


Talk about "DUMBED DOWN"

You are the classic case of that.

17013284? ago

That's where your wrong kiddo. Keep learning though, you'll get there. ORIGINAL NATIVE AMERICANS WERE FROM EUROPE AND WHITE. https://archive.is/AUXvt

Also on jfk https://www.jfklibrary.org/learn/about-jfk/jfk-in-history/civil-rights-movement

Here's your communist strategy of using blacks to create chaos and force integration https://imgoat.com/uploads/54d6fae5ee/201094.jpg

Ok your turn

17014097? ago

That is where you are wrong young man.

Better pull out the books in the Library of Congress instead of relying on the propaganda pushed on the Inter-web.

Johnson signed the Civil Rights Bill knucklehead. Did you study history in school? Did you actually have to pass History and Government to graduate High School? Probably not.

Do you even know what the Communist Manifesto is?

How about the Alinsky Method? Hmmm??

Native Americans came from Asia and were here long before Europeans dweeb. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/247747.php

17011038? ago

A great example of diversity dumbing down America is AOC. I rest my case.

17013197? ago

Any Idiot can get through Private School! State Colleges/Universities produce better and well filtered products. Be sure to obtain test scores and transcripts as part of the job interview. Know the whole picture.

17012183? ago

If you are the OP then you should know that Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act.

JFK was taken out because he exposed the Illuminati Secret Societies and the Communist Manifesto that was and now has infiltrated our American system from education to politics.

You have no clue what is going on. Zip, Zero, Notta. you're just another Sheeple following a small crowd of Jew and Negro haters.

17013225? ago

Nada is Spanish for nothing. Like, ‘de Nada’ it was nothing (No biggie)

17014124? ago

I use slang. Problem with that?

17018097? ago

The slang IS Nada. Notta isn't a thing.

17032579? ago

Don't care.