zerozen77 ago

Street justice DEUS VULT!!!

scootypufftipper ago

WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE PARENTS? I don’t let my small children anywhere near strange men, especially of the black or brown variety, and I would never let them wander it on a sand niggers bedroom. WTF.

thomastheglassexpert ago

For about 18+ years I was immediate Guardian for my gorgeous blond daughter and yes I guarded her well and loving. And guarded her from her own blood relatives who might decide to fool around with young girl. I am talking white so-called Christian people and I trusted none of them. Not one. Now place your head around the fact that people took in a vagrant evil muzzie and then let their daughters out of sight with him. A sand shit KNOWN for raping kids both boys and girls and why is that? It is what they do. No surprise here at all. None.

GoyimNose ago

One year for each wow

shawnfromnh69 ago

2 years, are they fucking nuts. If the it was the judges grandkids I'm sure we'd get a more reasonable sentence.

JamesRourke ago

"Police said Saleem should be ashamed of himself"

The fucking police should be ashamed of themselves, this Paki rapist cunt just needs to hang himself.

shawnfromnh69 ago

Police used to make sure people like this never made it to court or even to the precinct. I miss the old days.

JamesRourke ago

In the old days, we didn't have Paki Muslim rapists stalking white children.

shawnfromnh69 ago

Yeah we had import Mexicans to do it for us.

LampshadeMaker ago

The entire country should be.

JamesRourke ago

Those of us left with a conscience, are.

anoncastillo ago

Molested 3 prepubescent girls, 2 years in prison? Not even a year each?

edistojim ago

Another brutal punishment from the Brits. That society is done and finished.

RampancyLambentRaven ago

Nigger stabs people out side and inside of Sony head quarters in London. A very diverse nigger from North Africa. Get woke go broke and in this case get stabbed Soynyggiers.

thebearfromstartrack ago

HOW are girls that young so unsupervised that this can HAPPEN?


you can't keep an eye on your kids 24/7

thebearfromstartrack ago

You can when they're around some Paki Muslim, long enough to get them AWAY from it.

Tits_and_tyres ago

No times for Pakis, muslims or paedos, but I do look at these cases, and wonder, how you can get a conviction from an offence that took place 8 months prior based on the evidence of notoriously reliable 4,8 and 9 year olds. Entirely possible that he confessed of course. And in fairness, whether the allegations are true of not, it is a paki/muslim off the street which can only be a good thing.

Really I wonder more so about the alleged crimes of DLT, Jimmy Saville (though he always looked a wrong 'un anyway). How on earth can you accurately and truthfully investigate and prosecute a he said/she said case from 20 years prior, and on the latter case without a defense witness.

Tis a bit fucked up if you ask me, but anyway, one less paki on the streets.


based on the evidence of notoriously reliable 4,8 and 9 year olds

Why would they make something like that up, out of the blue?

Tits_and_tyres ago

For very similar reasons to anyone else. You're assuming that people (children included) are habitually truthful and not self serving, and that the various police forces that we are subject to don't ask the odd leading question of a small child (cases have been lost in the UK precisely because of that).

In any event, that wasn't my point. MY point relates more accurately to cases based entirely on verbal testimony where time has passed.


A 2 year waste of food and space. Short rope, tall gallow. All that's needed here. Will the people of the UK ever get sick enough of this crap happening to them? I hope so and soon.

headfire ago

2 years of the muslim equivalent of a vacation back home, and then he’s out again? Someone should consider killing his family while he’s away.

22trilionAsecond ago

I am sure he will meat some life long friends in prison. They will prepare him for his release.

Wulfgar ago

this is "don't get caught next time" verdict

LegalTDImmigrant ago

Whoa I totally read that and thought he sexually assaulted kittens first


is that why your name is dimmigrant?

shawnfromnh69 ago

He did and asked the girls to help get the come out of their fur.

HeavyBrain ago

You actually belive he dind't.

mediaisfooked ago

Wow I am surprised the BBC didn't bury this.

shawnfromnh69 ago

Why would they, it shows the court is not racist so they go with it.


Jimmy Saville BBC approves....

spoony_bard99 ago

at least he was caught, should be on a registry

HeavyBrain ago

Many were caught but this one for some reason wasn't let go.

Master_Foo ago

What kind of monster sexually assaults kittens?

Rawrination ago

Asking the real questions!

lilly_flower_garden ago

Where were their parents? Wtf?

Anaximandel ago

Really? Three rapes, three lives ruined and he gets two years?

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

Because of the kikes in UK politics.

Also UK men are cucks

GreyGears ago

To be honest it's very surprising he got jailed at all, considering how UK cops, judges and politicians are siding systematically with pedophiles over their victims.

Gorillion ago

Yep, and a stay in a high-Muslim population prison. Essentially a Bro-Down with high-fives all round.
And access to a wider rape-network when he gets out.

kalgon ago

Really? Three rapes, three lives ruined and he gets two years?

Noooo, no no no

What do you think this is? Banana republic?

No he gets to sign in a book for 10 years too

ScottRockview ago

The UK demonstrates that 2 paki years equals 3 full lives of little girls. They already have Sharia.

AmericanJew2 ago

Is anyone going to ask where these girls parents were in all this?

Who in their right mind would ever let their little girls out of their sight? Especially in a place with sand niggers?

shawnfromnh69 ago

Why didn't the parents just kill him and not call the cops would be my question. That is the old ways to take care of business.

anoncastillo ago

"Why don't you go play at the nice Pakistani man's house so your mother doesn't look racist, sweetie?"

AmericanJew2 ago

That made me cringe, nicely done.

Plant_Boy ago

Not just rapes but to children.

FreeinTX ago

Did he even have any kittens?

shawnfromnh69 ago

LMAO. I love the internet. RULE 63 IN THE HOUSE.


This is why we need the rope. Bring back the death penalty.

anoncastillo ago

Carry it out yourself if you must.

shawnfromnh69 ago

can't agree more sorry for just the one upvote.


So you don't agree with the rope? You are rope dodger?

anoncastillo ago

No, I mean if someone deserves the rope but doesn't get it, don't be afraid to take justice into your own hands.


yeah agreed, we need more of that - a revolution must come soon otherwise our freedom will go up in smoke..

LampshadeMaker ago

The freedom disappeared when it became a hate crime to call out mudslimes and kikes.


You need to vote in more than brexit , you need the most radical right groups, as the rot has taken hold. Think about it for a minute, if everyone , every right thinking person of your country decided to commit a hate crime and tell the truth, the police would be so overloaded and overwhelmed they would give up and look for a repeal of the hate laws.