heroinwinsagain ago

look fags. the iss isnt real. they didnt go to the moon. google real satellites, its all cgi bullshit. fuck sake.

CatWithDogAttitude ago

It’s not official, but sources say the secretive Zuma satellite was lost


Oh_Well_ian ago

THANKS!!! Looks like I am vindicated lol

Ralphie69 ago

Vindicated in Ventura, shill



Ralphie69 ago

I know VOAT hates reddit, but really, go here, https://www.reddit.com/r/spacex/comments/7oqjf0/rspacex_zuma_official_launch_discussion_updates/ and do a little research and gain just a little knowledge. It was a secret payload, 2nd stage did light and burn normally https://i.redd.it/8jkukgakvq801.jpg (in the picture you can actually see the 1st stage launch and boostback burn, along with the reentry and landing burns, along with THE SECOND STAGE BURN AFTER SEPERATION), and on all secret payload missions, video coverage of the second stage is purposefully blacked out, hence the "secret" payload term.

TheSeer ago

I mean, how TF are they going to tell us "we are launching a secret payload" and then "Oh, it was a success! What, we can't say, but it was a success!" No, of course they have to say "Nothing to see here folks, oops, looks like we lost this one. Forget it and move on"

It could have been any kind of payload, maybe it wasn't even a satellite, just something they needed to get 60-100+ miles up to be deployed (space plane, experimental craft, military tech, etc).

Ralphie69 ago

Boom? I simply stated that the launch and 2nd stage was normal and that the blackout of the second stage was normal, but okay, boom, a few lines from "sources". Maybe the secret payload is lost, but the Falcon first and second stages performed as advertised.

Oh_Well_ian ago

dude.. shut the fuck up... you are dead fucking wrong..

off with you...

Ralphie69 ago

And it is amazing that your house is located in Ventura and you could see a Florida launch from there, great job shill for points?

Ralphie69 ago

Please, go back to reddit and call names. r/conspiracytheory may be a good place to start. SpaceX had mission success, what happened to the ZUMA satellite we will never know. Perhaps you may want to peruse what SpaceX's COO stated about its rockets mission success, http://spaceref.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=52053 Calm down, you are way too young to be shouting such obscenities, now go wash your mouth out with soap. Why U so angry Obi wannabe?

Oh_Well_ian ago

No... you're wrong. I'm giving you a FIRST HAND account of the launch. I am not talking about the feed from Space X.


Ralphie69 ago

Again, look at the time-lapse picture, the second stage burn started on time and continued to fire over the horizon as advertised. Regardless of your telephoto eyes, only a long exposure still image could show and see the second stage burn.

Oh_Well_ian ago

here you go AGAIN.... you fucking arrogant moron https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/us-spy-satellite-believed-destroyed-after-failing-to-reach-orbit-officials/ar-BBI8tMs?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartanntp

maybe next time, shut the fuck up and learn something, you fucking retard

Ralphie69 ago

Please, go back to reddit and call names. r/conspiracytheory may be a good place to start. SpaceX had mission success, what happened to the ZUMA satellite we will never know. Perhaps you may want to peruse what SpaceX's COO stated about its rockets mission success, http://spaceref.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=52053 Calm down, you are way too young to be shouting such obscenities, now go wash your mouth out with soap.

Tovarich ago

Did you even look at the picture and link? The source was NOT SpaceX.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I saw the launch LIVE... did you?


Tovarich ago

Nope. I just watched the SpaceX webcast.

On the other hand one anecdotal report from someone who was nearby does not mean all that much.

Oh_Well_ian ago

you really like yourself

don't you?

Tovarich ago

Sure. Why not.

PrettyBigDouche ago

Hahaha, you was wong boy.

albatrosv14 ago

Because everything about space is fake?

goblin_ghost ago

"This one launch looked different than every other launch."

"See you fucking morons, that proves that space has never existed!"

Fucking brainlet.

albatrosv14 ago

Right, totally. My only input was from this launch.

You shouldn't be more obvious about your pseudokike nature, you know.

goblin_ghost ago

Right. Because only jews believe in space, you stupid shit.

Fact of the matter is you flat earth morons are just as bad as the global waming shills, in that you will claim absolutely everything is evidence that you're right, no matter how much you contradict yourselves to do so.

albatrosv14 ago

" flat earth morons"

Discredit by association strategy. Get fucked, pseudokike. I didn't say i believe anything. All i told is that i everything is fake.

goblin_ghost ago

"I didn't SAY I was retarded, I just said something really retarded and acted like it was smart"


Great bait M8

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ciaSosapI5Q secure team 10 description of the satellite. How spooky is all this shit.

varialus ago

I think I read something about them launching it in a different direction because it's got a self destruct mechanism built in, so it didn't need to be launched toward the ocean. I didn't read your post too closely, but if it's headed in a different direction than every other rocket launch you've ever watched from there, could that explain what looked so off about it?

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Dfc3Ts-eDB0 at about 1:30 a guy is really surprised. It looks to me like it fucking blew up. I shit you not.

Oh_Well_ian ago

exactly... it looked like an abort, with the booster returning.

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Dayammmm. That is a really good eye bro. Wonderful post. You need to cross post to v/CalmBeforeTheStorm.

valk2 ago

Totally should have tried to get a "Florida Man" username for here.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

They may have used a different trajectory. I thought it was an odd launch myself. It seemed to climb real slow from my angle. If it had failed the booster wouldn't have came back.

Oh_Well_ian ago

' if it had failed the booster wouldn't have came back ' How do you rationalize that ? That is exactly what it looked like from my perspective. I knew immediately something was wrong, because the burn into orbit should have last at least another 2 minutes.

PepeFarmRemembers ago

2nd stage burn was visible from the 1st stage feed. Usual black out at separation for a classified payload. SpaceX confirmed good fairing deploy.

Screen shots of Zuma vs CRS-13. You can see the 2nd stage plume in both shots from Zuma. CRS-13 shows the relation between 1st and 2nd stage at the same point in flight (1st stage boost back 2nd stage boost to orbit).


Oh_Well_ian ago

thanks... the second frame grab is right before second stage when dark ( it never did burn, just a dull reddish glow for about 10 seconds ) Also, sound reverberations were very short, only about 40% of normal time.

o0shad0o ago

Interesting. Military payload, might've been using a different chemistry in the engine from the typical commercial payloads. Also might've been a low-orbiting satellite, maybe below even ISS, which would mean it wouldn't require as much energy to move to orbit.

beenaroundabit ago

Is it possible the 2nd stage coasted a bit beyond your visual range before it lit off?

Oh_Well_ian ago

no. perfectly clear conditions, no wind. The trajectory was very steep. Rocket usually heads down range ( out to sea ) but went almost straight up. Separation is usually undetectable because of the timing of the second stage burn. It was lights out at the top, no burn. Booster returned as normal. Had laptop outside and was watching coverage. They went straight to the boost return and cut coverage right at touchdown. Weird. Weird. Weird.

Morbo ago

Found this on the SpaceX website:

Following stage separation, Falcon 9’s first stage will attempt to land at SpaceX’s Landing Zone 1 (LZ-1) at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida.

It doesn't sound like stage 2 was meant to do anything on this launch. The point seems to be landing stage 1 at the Cape.

Oh_Well_ian ago

sure... but that would be like going back 3 years. The booster return has been successfully accomplished many times. This was supposed to be top secret payload.

it's very weird

Morbo ago

Just saw the video. Stage 2 did do something but they opted not to show it. They said the fairings portion of the video would not be shown so it might have something to do with that operation. Whatever is on stage 2 is not typical as they did say that after the stage 1 back burn that stage 2 and ZUMA would be continuing on to their final orbits. This occurred at about 118 miles altitude. Stage 2 and ZUMA may not use a chemical propulsion system that would be visible so who knows what happened here. They didn't act like there was any issues so whatever the payload is survived and is doing its secret things. The stage 1 landing was a secondary mission according to the announcer. ZUMA is likely something very exotic. Could be related to the X-37 projects but who the hell knows outside of the privileged few.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Thanks for the update. No way that rocket hit 118 mi. in altitude. The launch was abbreviated significantly and no down range burn was seen. IT WAS BLACK.

trust me on this one...

Morbo ago

All I have to go by is the telemetry they showed so I can't argue with you there. Whatever went on with this mission is going to be kept quiet whether it was successful or not. The few shots I saw of mission control seemed like there were no signs of issue or concern so things must have gone as planned. Hopefully we will learn more over time but depending on what ZUMA is we may never know.

Oh_Well_ian ago

thanks... I was anticipating this mission and as I said, I have seen nearly every launch in the last 3 years. This was off from the outset and at separation, it looked like an abort.

Just wanted to give a first hand account of this much hyped launched.

Morbo ago

Well thank you for the account of the launch. You're lucky to be close enough to see some action like this. It must make for some good entertainment and some occasional scares as well.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I watch the launches on tv and out my window, simultaneously. Yes, very lucky. The recent fueling error explosion shook the house like crazy and could be felt physically. I can actually see my street in booster return video lol. There was a launch in 2015 that looked exactly like the Iridium launch in California a few weeks back. It was a 3:45 am launch. I'll see if I can nail down which one it was.

jcwetzel ago

I heard ZUMA is an EMP for NK but don't know if it's a satellite. Wasn't there a TESLA on board too?

Octocopter ago

Might not have been a satellite launch, they have been continuing the X-37b launches, maybe SpaceX is who has been launching them.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Nope. orbit could not have been achieved for the X37-B. A second stage is required.

Again. Never seen anything like this current launch.