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Ralphie69 ago

I know VOAT hates reddit, but really, go here, and do a little research and gain just a little knowledge. It was a secret payload, 2nd stage did light and burn normally (in the picture you can actually see the 1st stage launch and boostback burn, along with the reentry and landing burns, along with THE SECOND STAGE BURN AFTER SEPERATION), and on all secret payload missions, video coverage of the second stage is purposefully blacked out, hence the "secret" payload term.

Oh_Well_ian ago

No... you're wrong. I'm giving you a FIRST HAND account of the launch. I am not talking about the feed from Space X.


Tovarich ago

Did you even look at the picture and link? The source was NOT SpaceX.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I saw the launch LIVE... did you?


Tovarich ago

Nope. I just watched the SpaceX webcast.

On the other hand one anecdotal report from someone who was nearby does not mean all that much.

Oh_Well_ian ago

you really like yourself

don't you?

Tovarich ago

Sure. Why not.

PrettyBigDouche ago

Hahaha, you was wong boy.