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albatrosv14 ago

Because everything about space is fake?

goblin_ghost ago

"This one launch looked different than every other launch."

"See you fucking morons, that proves that space has never existed!"

Fucking brainlet.

albatrosv14 ago

Right, totally. My only input was from this launch.

You shouldn't be more obvious about your pseudokike nature, you know.

goblin_ghost ago

Right. Because only jews believe in space, you stupid shit.

Fact of the matter is you flat earth morons are just as bad as the global waming shills, in that you will claim absolutely everything is evidence that you're right, no matter how much you contradict yourselves to do so.

albatrosv14 ago

" flat earth morons"

Discredit by association strategy. Get fucked, pseudokike. I didn't say i believe anything. All i told is that i everything is fake.

goblin_ghost ago

"I didn't SAY I was retarded, I just said something really retarded and acted like it was smart"