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Ralphie69 ago

I know VOAT hates reddit, but really, go here, and do a little research and gain just a little knowledge. It was a secret payload, 2nd stage did light and burn normally (in the picture you can actually see the 1st stage launch and boostback burn, along with the reentry and landing burns, along with THE SECOND STAGE BURN AFTER SEPERATION), and on all secret payload missions, video coverage of the second stage is purposefully blacked out, hence the "secret" payload term.

Oh_Well_ian ago

No... you're wrong. I'm giving you a FIRST HAND account of the launch. I am not talking about the feed from Space X.


Ralphie69 ago

Again, look at the time-lapse picture, the second stage burn started on time and continued to fire over the horizon as advertised. Regardless of your telephoto eyes, only a long exposure still image could show and see the second stage burn.

Oh_Well_ian ago

here you go AGAIN.... you fucking arrogant moron

maybe next time, shut the fuck up and learn something, you fucking retard

Ralphie69 ago

Please, go back to reddit and call names. r/conspiracytheory may be a good place to start. SpaceX had mission success, what happened to the ZUMA satellite we will never know. Perhaps you may want to peruse what SpaceX's COO stated about its rockets mission success, Calm down, you are way too young to be shouting such obscenities, now go wash your mouth out with soap.