SearchVoatBot ago

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Meatloaf182 ago

Definitely murdered upvaot a brotha.

Monarch981 ago

Hey man I've done some thinking the last four months and I think Stanley Kubrick really was murdered for eyes wide shut!

Maroonsaint ago

Death is so peaceful. All your problems disappear

joserfdas ago


NeoHitler111 ago

Kubrick also did the moon landing

christophoros ago

will you fucking idiots take this stupid post off the top spot

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/news comment by @J_Dahl.

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protricity ago

Great, secret societies on Earth. We get it.

So ?? who is this Great Evil that influenced Earth throughout history? Isn't it time we made a conclusion? I've been looking for the answer for a long time. I have concluded recently that the source of this evil has to be a break-away human civilization. I've ruled out the British, the Zionists, any Bug-like Aliens, and 'The Devil' as being the culprits. No, they were just the scape-goats. Instead, we're talking about a distant society of human-beings that has needed to continuously leach Earth's resources (and pretty women) over the last few milena. They are happy when we are obedient, but when we get too unruly, another 9/11 happens.

Q: So then who rules Earth?


Q: HuH?

Maritime. Martial Law. Marriage. Marching. All of the bad things we know of are named after the planet Mars. Therefore it's possible that 'all these bad things' are actually systems of controls imposed upon us by humans who live on this planet.

Q: How can humans survive on Mars?

On the inside. All planets are hollow, remember that theory? Not Flat. Hollow.

Hollow Earth Theory

It's nicer on the inside, however resources are limited. This is why they have to leach off of Earth's resources.

Q: How do they get supplies and people to and from Mars?

CERN. The most mysterious human project ever constructed. Also the place where the Internet was invented in 1989. Coincidence? Nope.


Q: CERN is a Star-Gate to Mars? How would that work?

CERN colliders are essentially locations where an extremely high amount of energy is placed all at once. When this happens, a quantum entanglement is created between the source location, and wherever that energy ends up flowing towards. Therefore, so-called 'quantum tunnels' can be built between locations that have already experienced major inter-planetary electric discharge. The larger the CERN facility, the more stable the tunnel, and the more stuff can be brought through it. Obviously gates between planets are periodic, and depend entirely on the proximity of the planets to each-other. It shouldn't be a surprise that CERN is right now building a facility 6 times larger than the current one. Oh, check out this amazing photo taken above CERN.


Q: Do you have any other evidence that Martians have influenced Earth affairs?

Sure Do!


The Swiss-Mars Gate Connection:

Swiss banks have historically behaved like Bond Villains. "For more than half a century the Alpine nation of Switzerland has built a reputation as the world´s centre for tax evasion, fraud accounting, money laundering, racketeering, and above all a staunch ally of corrupt third world leaders and a great beneficiary of third world corruption." The mysterious CERN Project was built undemocratically in Switzerland using taxes from 21 EU member states. "As Wordsworth observed, the inhabitants of the Swiss Alps saw Satan as being ‘the principal agent’ at work in their homeland." Q: "Welcoming Satan? Gotthard Tunnel opening ceremony in Switzerland" A: Nope! Not Satan. Just normal looking humans on the other side of the CERN gate. Many attempts were made by netizens to decode the ceremony. These videos have been erased from the internet, but their conclusion is simple. The point of the CERN Ceremony was to show (the humans on the other side of the quantum tunnel) that Earth is fully obedient and systematically under complete control. This system of control is demonstrated using a cavalcade of puppet presidents, popes, celebrities, all the way down to the multitude of working-class laborers, also appearing obedient. The usage of occult symbols also demonstrates obedience to various brands of control that existed throughout Earth's history. The purveyors of this ceremony had one clear message for the other side: Humanity wants to be ruled. Ruled by whom? While many bloggers such as Bob Schlenker enjoy a high degree of freedom and no censorship when discussing these topics in detail, such autonomy and success usually indicates they are Controlled Opposition Agents. Controlled Opposition articles appear on the front-lines of any online conspiracy thread. Historically these agents are purposed with inoculating the general public against further speculation. As you can see in Bob's writings, there is a great amount of detail with zero conclusions, and always spurious notion that the reader should just dismiss the topic entirely. Nothing to see here folks!

Honestlee_24 ago


Maroonsaint ago

The fuck is that response. GODDAMNIT

Honestlee_24 ago

I was just seeing if I could comment 😂

Maroonsaint ago

Yes. We can all read your mind. Let us see your dick

christophoros ago

why is fucking stupid post always at the top of the fucking page

enough already

Maroonsaint ago

Idk people keep upvoating it. 1 day 1 upvoat is apparently all it takes to keep it up. I’m about to delete it cause I’m tired of it. Some post I didn’t give a shit about became my biggest post. When I post about kiddy porn: nothin. I post about Kubrick. Suddenly it’s a big deal. It’s like internet humor. Those same old stupid repeat jokes getting copy pasted Everywhere like they’re something original. It makes me sick. Trust me: anyways have a nice day and let me see your cock

XRicknMortyFan69420x ago

You both understand the front page is fucked right now and you can just use /all, correct?

Maroonsaint ago

I’m too drunk to read more than 3 words in a row

XRicknMortyFan69420x ago

But was Stanley killed for eyes wide shut

rughead ago

Go hang yourself

Maroonsaint ago

I don’t really want to. How would you commit suicide? I knew a guy who committed suicide. His plan was to take a bunch of morphine and overdose. He took a bunch but got impatient and jumped off a building before it actually kicked in. Imagine wanting to die SO BAD. You literally can’t wait a few minutes. I was walking once I saw another guy sitting in his car on a bridge. Now I don’t know for sure this dude was contemplating suicide but he was. You could see it in his eyes. Was pretty dark to see. I wanted to knock on his window but I didn’t know what to say.

01O1010 ago

They killed Jim Henson right after he produced The Witches & said no to being acquired by Disney

Maroonsaint ago

People keep asking how long this post will be up. It’s been two months. Everytime I see it it’s got a few more upvoats: my crowning voat achievement. I watched this movie cauze I was house sitting then it got me so horny I jerked off 4 times. I was clean about it though, no skin where it shouldn’t be no cum where it shouldn’t be and I played with the dog till the dog didn’t want to play

blackfridaycoming ago

omgg this is no real

Maroonsaint ago Watch this it’ll make you feel better

Chyren117 ago

Want to see something interesting... look at the credits of Eyes Wide Shut and compare to different characters in the film with corresponding names.

Maroonsaint ago


LibertyV ago

Nobody in their right mind fucking cares.

Maroonsaint ago

I’m gonna have to delete this post to get it to stop being upvoated and relied to apparently I’ll give it a week. Then it’s gone.

Weeeee1212 ago


Maroonsaint ago

Hey hey hey. You fucking dot dot dot homosexual. I’m drunk: idk what I did to my hand but it’s purple now. You know what would be sweet? If you sent me a picture of your dick. Lemme see your dick

Maroonsaint ago

Dude. Come on man. I posted this like 2 months ago. Fuck. If you’re gonna keep replying. Can you Atleast send me a picture of your dick

gonnatoom ago


MrPim ago


Stockmarketinfo ago

AJ says that he had a private conversation with his daughter but he says she told him something that he is not allowed disclose...

Cat-hax ago

why is this STILL at the top???????

Maroonsaint ago

Idk. I’m quitting drugs right now. The ones Iv been doing for about 4 years. It feels like I have worms in my skin. Im freezing even with the heater on. My nose is running and my body aches. Every 5 seconds chills run up and down my spine.

GabaraDiesSlow19 ago

I am a gay. I have sucked @Maroonsaint's cock and taken his cock up the ass.

theolqones ago

You never tell people about the time you stuck your cock up MY ass. WHY DIAL? ARE YOU ASHAMED OF ME?

Dr_strangegov ago

I'm ashamed of both of you, and so are your ancestors.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer submission by @gabara.

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Beau-Brummell ago

this post has been at the top of the page for how long? yeah it's that old

Maroonsaint ago

YEA I KNOW BRO STOP REPLYING TO IT FUCK. All these motherfuckers keeping this shit alive and not a single one showing me their dicks. Show me your dick

generate ago

@puttitout you fucking idiot, fix this bug you kike bootlicker

Maroonsaint ago

Let me see your dick

BlueDrache ago

He's a stinking jew. Who cares? One less for the fire.

Maroonsaint ago

I keep wondering when the last reply to this post will finally be. Since you’re here why don’t you let me see your dick

Maroonsaint ago

Same lame ass jokes everytime. Come on bro let me see it. I’ll send you mine if you want. I bet you got a nice dick huh.

BlueDrache ago

Ok. No jokes. I'll pose for you, this time.



AManWithAPlan ago

Idk man

Stan123 ago

Nobody will really know the truth...we have our opinions...but at the end of the day, we will just voice ours.

Yes he was

NeoKohn ago

Very unprobable, he was a Jew.

Maroonsaint ago

Hey let me see your dick. Pm me

handsaulo ago

how did the girl in the mansion know who he was?

Maroonsaint ago

Idk bro. I forget it’s been a month

serialscraper ago

He was 70 years old and died from a heart attack. Really, where do people come up with these ridiculous conspiracy theories?

SearchVoatBot ago

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ExtraDouble ago

I've seen too many famous people supposedly murdered end up not dead. Anyways yes, Kubrick put a little too much into his work. Incidentally the film is symmetrical, scenes are mirrored.

remoteitsupport ago

please upvote my comments need ccp to post stuff

Maroonsaint ago

Sure just let me see your dick first.

J_Dahl ago

You got a one track mind....

podredimlo ago

like benjAmin responded i Am surprisedthAt you Able to profit $4909 in one month on the . did you look At this site>>> See more ........HERE☛

Chief_Biggus_Dickus ago

A full month old....

Maroonsaint ago

Yea who are you need to quit responding to it. Since you’re here though why don’t you pm me your dick pics

Chief_Biggus_Dickus ago

Where do I send it.?

Philohusband ago

You should know already.

Maroonsaint ago

To my inbox

Greasy ago

Hi! :D

Maroonsaint ago


Greasy ago

Hello. How are you?

Maroonsaint ago

Good why

Greasy ago

No particular reason.

J_Dahl ago

he's going to want a dick pic for that response...just a heads up

rul34 ago


Timur9000 ago

i farted

Simonbelmont27 ago

Of course

Maroonsaint ago

Hey this is really old now there’s nobody else here. Why don’t you let me see your dick since it’s just us in here

HndrxMn ago

Finally decided to read this and watch the video. I wonder when the tipping point will be when enough folks are fed up with this. Seems like the riots and plandemic were an effort to deflect this reveal and I think the recent controversy surrounding the pedofilm "cuties" is just the first wave.

Babadookk ago

maybe he knew too much

Maroonsaint ago


partnparcel ago

Why does this keep showig up for me?

Maroonsaint ago

You gonna send it. Mmmm? Nobody will know but me and you

Maroonsaint ago

Idk. I went into a private browser accidently went to voat and it showed up for me. It needs to go away. Since you’re here though why not send me a picture of your dick. Nothin fancy just you know. Let me see it.

FredFlinstone ago

nope he was not, everyone should read The Externalisation of the Hierarchy to understand, they are meaning to teach us their "religion" and make us believe in it and even join in

CubyGame ago


Maroonsaint ago

I’m hot. I’m sweaty.

J_Dahl ago

Are you ready is the real question....

DemonFuck ago

I truly don't give a fuck about Stanley Kubrick, why do you fucks insist on keeping it my top referal list?

christophoros ago

they do not fucking listen

Kubrick was working for them and can go fuck himself

Maroonsaint ago

Dude I posted this a month ago. Why people keep voting it or replying to it idk. I was watching that movie and I offhandedly posted it. So are you gonna let me see your dick or not

DemonFuck ago

Lol, good man I see :P

DemonFuck ago

I truly don't give a shit about this topic, while I enjoyed "Blade" when I was a teenybobber, I could'nt care less about the retarded faggot these days.

Maroonsaint ago


Maroonsaint ago

Hey send me a picture of your dick

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/soapdoxbanhammer comment by @MarauderShields.

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jules_voight ago

i would have loved to see Kubrick's cut of this movie.

eldorann ago

I see that you're new here.

Continue walking the Path of Truth. You'll meet us soon.

AlienDarwin ago

The scene towards the end where their daughter wanders away with the two men is chilling.

PornMonkey5 ago

Who cares? He was old. Made good films for the most part.

blairwhite ago


Maroonsaint ago

I posted this 25 days ago. Holy shit a month ago. Time flies like a motherfucker

publius-varus ago

Fake news

Whiteflourguy ago

Can any f you Goats post the movie so we can view it here? I noticed in the past movies were posted on here.

Maroonsaint ago

Hit play. It’ll make a pop up or two. Just keep exiting out of the pop ups and hitting play. It’ll start

Maroonsaint ago

Type it in here. Don’t click any pop up. Even the one that asks for membership. There will be many pop ups ignore them all. I use this website all the time for years now. Got every movie every show everything.

blacks_are_cancer ago

Another interesting question... Every day for the last two weeks, login to VOAT. First post, top and center: "Was Stanley Kubrick murdered for eyes wide shut".

Sure... No... I don't know.... why am I being presented with this every single day?

generate ago

@puttitout is a faggot, this is a planned disruption to show stale content on the main page, you have no balls puttitout

Cat-hax ago

Something is wrong with voat

SpaceNun ago

It's very possible no doubt. It's also possible the guy died. What we do know is that this film contained some shit they couldn't let out. I'd honestly love to see the actual film as it at least may have been imagined with some polish on the audio and what not.

It really is too bad he couldn't completely finish it. He should have went the extra mile and made damn sure the film would be available to others. Maybe one day a print will pop up or something with uncut footage.

Maroonsaint ago


RoccoSteel ago

In my honest opinion, no. The mansion used belonged to the Rothschild family. I think there is a connection to 2001 A Space Odyssey however which has been mostly overlooked.

happymarty ago

Its a good movie

wrathfulmomes ago

Maroonsaint ago

IDK who that is. Hey since we’re the only two people on this post why don’t you pm me a picture of your dick

wrathfulmomes ago

Kubrick and "IDK who he is and didn't bother to even click the link someone else already dug up to save me the work" were co-writers.

Maroonsaint ago

Ok I read the wiki page now pm me plz

wrathfulmomes ago

I'll give you proof of 9/11 if you send me the real FrazzledRip

Maroonsaint ago

....I’ll send you a picture of my dick if you send me yours

Maroonsaint ago

Ok but can you send me a link to your dick now plz

faisalmubarik ago

Nice post

GetURWN ago


Maroonsaint ago

Jesus all these people replying to this post...annoying

King_T_Roll ago

no shit genus, you think Epstein's rape island was advertised in the local paper or something?

Maroonsaint ago

Hey. I am a genius.

teyoca6363 ago

myroomAte's sister mAkes $65 hourly on the lAptop. She hAs been out of A job forseven months but lAst month her pAycheck wAs $14234 just working on the lAptopfor A few hours. ReAd more on this site go to this site home tAb for more detAil >>>See more

SubhumanDeplorable2 ago

Kubrick and Breitbart both died young of heart attack. Supposedly there is a way to cause it and go undetected.

Something about a small piece of ice as projectile with a deadly tincture.

Defiel ago

Nice to know man!

generate ago

Why the fuck is this on top for few weeks? @puttitout fix this shit

Maroonsaint ago

Tell the truth. You’re super jelly. You’re so jelly. I could rub you all over some buttered toast huh. Run you on biscuits. Mmmmmm jelly like a bottle of hair gel busted in my pocket. Mmmmmmmmmmmm

Maroonsaint ago

Because I’m special. You should let me see your dick then you could have top posts

Maroonsaint ago

It gets me no dick pics

Maroonsaint ago

What are you talkin about

Unkaveh ago

OMG this was too funny. Can you believe people actually take this seriously lmao?

That video had to be a parody. The tacky, suspenseful music. The bizarre allegations. Oh man. Some people live in a fantasy world.

Maroonsaint ago

Idk seems pretty logical to me. He makes a movie about the creepy shit Hollywood people do. Made a version with who knows what. Wouldn’t let him release it. Then he dies. If it’s not what it seems like it’s pretty coincidental. It seems way too coincidental like witnesses dying. Seems like that. I mean we know they’re doing creepy shit. With the pizzagate and the Epstein thing nobodys argues that anymore. Which is great.

christophoros ago


what year is this?

XXlntBowler ago


You have love a free speech platform with so many who label everything in black or white. Humanity is so full of diversity due to nature. Nature.... was it designed/created or did it evolve spontaneously. Why are we here. What does it mean. Where do we go next. How do we get there. Who knows. Who cares. I await those truths to be revealed while stuck in between jokers and fools.

WokeazfuQ ago

Yes he made his ass wide open

Wally777 ago

The movie 2001: A Space Odyssey was made specifically for the purpose of developing special effects techniques in film-making that would allow NASA to fake the Apollo Project. The Apollo Mission was faked using the same front-screen technology that created so many memorable shots in 2001. Consider the fact that 2001 is wildly non-commercial yet had to have been made with a bottomless budget. Hollywood didn't throw all that money at a cryptic geek movie. The US government did.

The film's sub-plot in which a US bureaucrat takes a one-person shuttle flight from earth to the moon was put into the film to plant the idea in viewers' minds that moon travel would soon be routine and mundane. The truth is, we cannot get past the Van Allen radiation belts, Mankind is earth-bound. Our whole space program illustrates a believable progress in technology if and only if you eliminate the magical, miraculous way we could fly to the moon fifty years ago with primitive 1960s computer technology for a few missions, but never again since.

Maroonsaint ago

Don’t we have a car orbiting Mars right now.

Wally777 ago

Not a manned one. Manned space flight is limited to less than 500 miles off the surface of the earth. The atmosphere beyond that is too radioactive for manned space travel.

GandalfTheRed ago

I just learned about the Veiled Prophet ball held annually in St Louis and was thinking about how it sounds like some Eyes Wide Shut shit. It's worth reading about, but weirdo occult ceremonies are way more common among the elite of the world then a lot of people realize.

NoBS ago

Stanley was murdered because he wanted to do a Trump and go public.

Think about that before you condemn the guilty who are traitors to my blood enemy.

Or the semi-guilty who was blackmailed and said FUCK YOU.

I voted for Trump as a FUCK YOU to Hillary and her (((Shadow Government)))

It took me a while to understand who the (((Deep State))) really is.

(((Collective Labor))) runs more than just (((Pedowood)))

(((Unions))) and the (((SEIU))) do the (((Blackmail)))

for the (((Globalist))) and the (((Benito Brotherhood)))

AgentSakura ago

Blackmail and Subversion run deep in every power structure and social circle.

Thingsarenotfriendly ago

This video talks about Eyes Wide Shut, it's a perfect analysis: /watch?v=qy48npDaptM

Israelnigger ago u like

SouthernWhiteBoy187 ago

Stanley was the dude back in the day that thought outside the box. His movies made people question their own values.

Kudos to Kubrick

Sweetwater76 ago

An interesting read, thanks.

Timur9000 ago

Man fuck stanley kubric, fuck the jews, and fuck puttitout for coding a shitty website.

SouthernWhiteBoy187 ago

Dude..slow down bro..your gonna stroke out at the keyboard bro.

I got a nice indica to help you out

Timur9000 ago

Weed is for niggers and white trash you bum

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

great steganlysis of this

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

anything colored red in this represents the rothschilds. (red shield). It's a movie about them totally.

Duncanenvr ago

The deleted scenes are said to have involved children. But, pay attention to the art in the mansion - the orgies are in rooms with paintings of children. There’s paintings with children and what looks like demons. There’s statues of children in the rooms. There’s mason numbers. There’s many Illuminati & MK Ultra symbols.There’s the child from the costume store who is sold by her father (it’s likely they’re the ones at the party who recognize him). The leader at the orgy taps the thing he’s holding and floor is red, this is repeated by the man that confronts Bill (Tom) with a pool ball on a red pool table. It appears the women are Victoria secret models. Many things to pick up on in this movie.

ListerOfSmeg888 ago

there Is a painting above the little girls bed with the subliminal "sex"

also (like you mention) there are images of naked kids in fresco paintings and statues in the mansion.

also the 14 year old in the "over the rainbow" (?) store... who is being pimped out by her dad

SouthernWhiteBoy187 ago

Kubrick was known for not just the plot of a movie...but the "sub-plot" (2001 Space Odyssey) sub-plot..if aliens come here and say stay away..stay away.

Eyes Wide Shut was a movie made to let other producers know "Stan da Man" knew what was going on and wanted to expose it without hurting his career.

Sympozium ago

This post is the new cow post I guess.

Maroonsaint ago

Cow post?

Sympozium ago

i.e voat frontpage isnt refreshing for days/weeks

jewish_fables ago

Sw0rdofDamocles ago

Very possible. Very plausible.

physicscat ago

Dumbest thing I've ever read.

NPC2733 ago


Voat_Monster ago

I truly believe he was murdered.

Askaboutthefreeplant ago

It's a faithful adaptation of "Dream Story" published in 1926. If it contains any secrets, they had already been revealed and not by Kubrick.

wrathfulmomes ago

This. And the co-writer is still alive at 89 or so

tokui ago

Ask cruise and kidman what was cut. They were in the scenes, they should remember.

Basically_Hitler ago

I'll get on it.

OandAPartyRock ago

Didn’t Nicole Kidman come out and say that she’s pretty sure that there is truth to all of the pedophile rumors? I thought I remember her saying something along those lines. She also has a reputation of being one of the more normal people in Hollywood, after becoming disenfranchised and jaded by the people that surrounded her. She stopped playing along.

King_T_Roll ago

Kidman tried to warn us, but we didn't listen!!!!!!

TripleZ ago

The Kidman family owns an astronomical amount of land. They are the elite. Nicole Kidman is a tranny. Her dad was a pedo. More sick elite religious shit shoved in our faces. And yes Tom Cruise is a crypto (Marrano) jew.

WD_Pelley ago

Tom Cruise is a crypto?

TripleZ ago

I'd bet my right nut on it. Think about it. He's super short but he's a leading jewlywood actor. How often has that happened? Where did he come from? Risky Business? A stupid movie if ever there were one. He popped out of nowhere and hit the big time. That only happens if you're connected and in Hollywood you're connected if you're a jew.

Angelique ago

I agree, he has had a lot of surgery, too, There are some non-jews but they are but bit actors, young men and women pimped out by the studio jews. Kidman is an obvious tranny, Tom may be,too. He is tiny. FTM are harder to spot, check out some YouTube's on FTM transformation. Testesterone is powerful.

gcash8869 ago

nah bro cruise isnt a nepotism hire he's a real star. he's not jonah hill lol. IMO if anything he's been held down by the jews and got in to scientology as a way to try to copy them beat them at their own game

It_was_the_juice ago

He might be weird, but damn he's starred in over two dozen amazing movies. I rarely regret watching a Tom Cruise action film.

WD_Pelley ago

Yeah, I think this one makes sense. It sure helps to be a part of the Tribe in Hollywood but it's not always required. And like in other spheres of influence there are power struggles between different factions within Hollywood; Scientology is one such faction.

Angelique ago

Scientology is a CIA front. No doubt, the only org that can successfully infiltrate and blackmail the IRS is CIA.

neogag ago

Her father was a pedophile. Look up Antony Kidman.

ListerOfSmeg888 ago

ninth circle cult (I think they were called)... he was killed before testifying about the satanic child sacrifices and rapes (if my memory serves me correctly)

volunteerwork2020 ago

It's obvious he was.

Finsterbaby ago

Idiots: Why would (((they))) kill him AND THEN release the film to the general public. They could have buried it.

Not everything is Qtarded.

neuro2b ago

No, for revealing the lunar landing was filmed in New Mexico at area (secret)....eyes wide shut was his good bye letter

yousir ago

Like all top kikes, Kubrick was probably a pederast bear and revealed subliminal information about pizzagate in this movie long before we even heard about it.

"8 year olds, dude." - The Cohen Brothers

Thoutzan ago


Substitution ago

The 20 minute documentary near the bottom of this website is the main attraction.

TheSeer ago


The release date for Eyes Wide Shut was also the EXACT 30th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission. You know, the one where Kubrick convinced the world NASA had landed 2 men on the Moon (12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 were also faked, for the flat earthers out there).

Kubrick and one of the Apollo astronauts (Pete Conrad) BOTH died in that first half of 1999.

Pete actually dies a mere WEEK before the anniversary (of Apollo 11, he was on Apollo 12).

I think they both were interested in blowing the whistle.

knightwarrior41 ago


niggerfaggotjew911 ago

I think he knew he was dying anyways so he decided to just tell the truth as directly as possible. That film should be treated as a documentary.

FellowMan ago

Has the cut 24 minutes ever been release in any format?

SocksOnCats ago

Is there a version of the movie available without all the cuts? Is there a version of what Kubrick intended?

Maroonsaint ago

Not that I know of

DavidsHogg ago

Short answer is, yes.

wrathfulmomes ago

Then why is the other writer still alive?

Meatwood_Flac ago

Highly unlikely. See vivid explanation in this ATS piece:

KDs_Other_Burner ago

Great link, many thanks.

Meatwood_Flac ago

Thanks. I authored it myself.

MarauderShields ago

Just got around to reading that. Thanks for your hard work. Did you ever do a follow up?

Meatwood_Flac ago

If you’re talking about part 7 it starts on like the 5th or 6th page in the thread. Any follow up information that I’ve added were done in the replies. It’s a good thread to read from start to finish, I encourage all to follow through to the end.

MarauderShields ago

Thanks. Maybe because I was reading on a mobile I missed something. What I found was quite lengthy and I read it all compulsively. The best description would be with gruesome fascination. I've got the page marked and I'll check it on desktop.

KDs_Other_Burner ago

Great work, enjoyed it. Literally inspired me to rewatch the film for the first time in maybe ten or twelve years. I literally saw EWS at the movies the night it came out and it remains the only film I've gone to see at the movies more than once. After rewatching, I had a few thoughts of my own. Do you think Domino is a version of Bill and Alices daughter Helena? She has a tiger on her bed that is from the same toyshop the film ends in? Is Domino future Helena?

Have some other thoughts if you're interested. If not, thanks again for a very interesting detailed and thoughtful analysis.

Meatwood_Flac ago

Domino’s character is a curious one because she was not in the novella at all which means she was entirely the creation of Kubrick. I’m not sure if I think that she represents Bill & Alice’s daughter Helena, I think I’m leaning more toward the idea of both Domino & Helena being two iterations of the same sacred sex symbol.

Interesting, a lot of people think it’s possible that Domino was one of the female sex slaves at the orgy, specifically she was the one that tried to seduce him before they were interrupted by Mandy, the first masked woman who tries to warn him.

KDs_Other_Burner ago

Had another rewatch, this time with a friend who hadn't seen EWS before. With the fresh perspective, I have a few more queries you may find interesting.

1: My friend watched it and seemed to think Domino was wearing expensive fur on the street when she picks up Bill. I had always assumed it was cheap tacky shit. He thought it was expensive fur, therefore she didn't need to streetwalk because Domino was a well kept girl. Therefore if she didn't need to streetwalk, she didn't meet Bill by chance.....what's your take?

2: What's with all the strange lies the various women in the film drop. Alice tells Bill she needs the bathroom, heads for the bar. Mandy rescues Bill at the orgy from the other whore; she tells that whore "I'll bring him right back" but tries to do the opposite by urging Bill to leave. Domino on the street makes conversation by asking Bill the time; a few moments later in the apartment she tells him not to worry as she doesn't keep track of the time.

3: Another point from my friend. If Kubrick is the master of visuals, is it an accident that he exposes the fact the costume shop as being directly opposite from the Sonata Jazz Bar and Gillespies? In the initial meeting with Milich when Bill is trying to get a costume, Kubrick clearly deliberately uses the reflection of the neon as Milich comes out of his apartment. Behind Bill as he speaks you can see the Gillespies sign etc. This was intentional? If so, why? And why does Bill then pretend that to get to the costume place you need to take a cab?

4: Bill goes to the mansion orgy in a cab, takes the offramp, drives in from the right. When he returns in his own wheels, he skips the offramp and arrives from the opposite direction. Significance? Meaning?

5: The random anonymous audience member who thanks Nick Nightingale as he gets off stage....and then less than thirty seconds later Nick tells Bill that he didn't miss much, the band "sucked". This is the same scene as a rare Kubrick cameo. Theories as to significance?

6: At the Ziegeler party, the initial shot of Bill and Alice. Are the two guys from the toyshop the two immediately behind Bill?

Hoping you can make sense of some of these, but if you can't or are too busy thanks again for the analysis you've already provided.

Meatwood_Flac ago

  1. Yes it is an expensive coat, no she does not “need” to work as a high end prostitute. Girls like Domino and Mandy and real life women who work as high end hookers usually find their way into that work from modeling, eventually settling for prostitution over modeling because the money and lifestyle is consistent and lavish. Girls like that don’t need to spend money, their high end gentlemen clients do it for them. They still make thousands a day having sex with them, thousands they don’t have to spend because they are worshipped.

  2. I think they are intentionally written into the plot to demonstrate (subtly) the effective misdirection deployed by women, almost instinctually, and then what role it plays sociologically in secret circles.

  3. I’m not sure that is the sonata cafe or the coffee shop in the reflection? I’ll have to go back and check.

  4. Many people online have pointed to the research Kubrick did on “subversion in advertising” for The Shining to explain the apparent “inversion of reality” at play in the daylight scenes in Eyes Wide Shut.

  5. Not only that, but Kubrick looks directly into the camera in the background! That was obviously intentional. I’m honestly not sure about what that could mean, as for the rest of the scene the under lighted globes on the tables resemble crystal balls which is a reference to magic. Since this is the scene where Bill becomes “enchanted” by the Nick’s tale about the masked orgies, perhaps Kubrick’s presence in this scene is his way of “enchanting“ the audience with his lure of real life sex cult conspiracy references? Keep in mind that before he died, Kubrick told Jan Harlan that Eyes Wide Shut was his “greatest contribution to the art of cinema.” I wonder why he thinks EWS is a better film than say 2001: A Space Odyssey?

  6. It took me until I was able to watch the Blu-ray on a quality projector before I could confirm but yes those same two men by the Venus statue at Zeigler’s are the same two men that seem to be hovering over Helena in the aisle at the toy store. I’m convinced that it wasn’t an accident they appeared in the final scene.

Meatwood_Flac ago

That's very interesting! Thank you for those still grabs from the film.

The answer may very well be mundane. There's a good chance they had to reuse sets/props when constructing the near identical replica of the East Village of NYC. Most fans assume that it was shot on location in NYC. Not so... all those scenes where Cruise is walking through the streets at night were filmed in Elstree Studios in the UK. Any shots of the same streets seen during the day in EWS were shot on location in LONDON. This could explain the continuity errors or the impossible geography of the sets.

I do see how there's a neon sign at the diner that says OPEN 24 HOURS, then in the same shot directly to the right where the menu says open from 6AM-10PM. I'll have to reexamine that!

As far as Nick's slip at the cafe to Bill... Well I've always assumed Nick was an agent of the secret sex cult. Just do an etymology on the name Nightingale and you will see that it is of German/Jewish origin, much like Ziegler's name. Keep in mind Nick dropped out of medical school to be a concert pianist.... seems odd that Ziegler would have recommended a common nobody to play music for the orgies..

SparklingWiggle ago

If true, why release it at all? They could have buried after his death.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

they probably thought it'd be like the streisand effect "Oh Kubrick's last film is censored and they won't release it, that seems shady" T

ScreaminMime ago

Did Kubrick write the script?

i_scream_trucks ago

apparently it was filmed at a rothschild mansion

Angelique ago

Yes, it was the Rothchild owned Château de Ferrières, it was also used as main set in Polanski's "9th Gate"- that's where I remember it from, especially the firepits that line the entirety of the driveway.

All of those creepy Rothchild Illuminati party pics are from that mansion.

wrathfulmomes ago

Right? THey simply would have disallowed it instead of killing him. Absurd. The other writer is still alive.

Mustard_Monkey ago

NASA borrowed some low light lenses for him to shoot a movie around the same time the moon landing happened. So I can say he was silenced for multiple reasons.

ArcturianDeathTrap ago

Zeiss f/0.95 !! Hwhat?!

vx78 ago


gazillions ago

Kubrick was a jew.

ChristopherMarlowe ago

He made Nabakov's Lolita into a movie about a 48 year old man "in love" with a 12 year old girl.

That's what the plot of Nabakov's Lolita IS. If you make that book into a movie, it is going to be about a grown man who is love with a underage girl. The movie Kubrick made of Lolita is a whole lot less degenerate than the version made more recently. You can show Kubrick's version on TV.

iDontShift ago

think he was showing you what is. not that he liked it

ListerOfSmeg888 ago

Kubrick a JEW? first time I heard that one... any proof? (links?)

I don't think Lolita normalises pedophilia, ALL of kubricks films say something about society, military industrial complex, satanic cults etc. I am more to incline Lolita was a precursor to EWS. in that he attempts to show the audience whats happening in the world. (but I didn't't watch the movie in years, so I don't really remember the finer details of the film tbh)

3141592653 ago

What took me a long time to Realize is that Lolita is actually an anti pedo story

lucabrasi ago

Jews often defect and turn on their own. Benjamin Freedman, David Cole, Stephan Molyneux

AgentSakura ago

Turncoats still can never be fully trusted.

gonnatoom ago

No, they promote a subversion of the truth to save themselves.

spaceman84 ago

I don't think Molyneux is even part kike. I think he claimed it so he could skate for a while longer on social media without getting shut down.

Gottmituns ago

I could see that happening.

TheSeer ago

Kubrick's life is an interesting one, of being affiliated with the highest circles, and then turning his back on them. This is basically the story told in Barry Lyndon, an imposter that tries to become part of the upper crust, but fails.

This is also what the character Bill in Eyes Wide Shut represents. A man who is OF SERVICE to the elite, when their hookers overdose in Bill's case, and in Kubrick's case, when they need someone to film/photograph their orgies/events/fake Moon landings, but not a real member of the club. Not part of the Inner Circle.

86USSLiberty ago

He was one of those rare Jews who named them too. Think he was even quoted saying Hitler was right once

ISaidit1 ago

Only a true Zionist would say "Hitler was right". Herr H. practically was a founding father or the Apartheid State of Israel.

nonanonanon ago

But yes there are several reports that Kubrick was a pedo

ListerOfSmeg888 ago


nonanonanon ago

It’s in my reply lower on the thread. Nothing hard, mind you

ListerOfSmeg888 ago

thank you sir!... will have a look.

3141592653 ago

Never heard that before...

3141592653 ago

Thanks-- appreciate it. After rereading the post and my original comments, I remembered how upsetting it originally was, cuz he was always my favorite director when i was younger. I plan on doing a lot more research into this. Thx again. Cant ignore the truth, no matter how upsetting it is....

nonanonanon ago

I know this might be hard to comprehend, but the book is a metaphor for European culture ruining itself by its infatuation with American culture. Have you read it? It’s not erotic fiction.

gazillions ago

You're too fucking stupid for words. The literary device is pedophilia. Trying to justify and excuse it with the stupidity of trite banal and stale intellectualism is typical of the stupid people that work so fucking hard to account for themselves as intelligent.

It's cheap bub, very cheap. Since you're so very stereotypical, I'm going to assume you're a typical progressive pedophile. Experience says so.

nonanonanon ago

So you haven’t read it, then?

gazillions ago

Of course I read it you arrogant dumb fuck.

Blue333 ago

The author was clearly depraved - and that’s a wiki article showing that which we ALL KNOW is whitewashed to present the best of the Left.

It’s no wonder his daughter “committed suicide “

I note a trend in many of these freak’s children and suicides... poor kids is all I can say. Pure victims of such depravity.

nonanonanon ago

Well, de gustibus... and all that, I suppose. I enjoyed Nabokov’s command of his adopted tongue and never even once was tempted to pederasty.

gazillions ago


nonanonanon ago

More like preteentious!

i_scream_trucks ago

when mad old uncle mel said hollywood is paid for with the blood of children he wasnt fucking about

Ejfislkej ago

When and where did he ever fucking say this?

spaceman84 ago

He didn't. There is nothing backing that quote except for a couple of random shitty websites with a fake interview attributed to him and some foreign magazine or something. No hard evidence like video, audio, or even an image of a magazine excerpt. It only exists on the internet.

OandAPartyRock ago

Not only that, none of the Jews in the room at the time went running to the media to complain about it. That’s the most unbelievable part of it. He said it in front of witnesses who were never named, and who never came forward, and never complained publicly? Come on.

i_scream_trucks ago

someone still pissed off mel gibson called out the jews....

get back in the oven

or you going to tell me he didnt call out winona as well?

Angelique ago

Oh no, not Winona! Badmouthing a nasty jew hint is where I draw the line.

spaceman84 ago

You really are a stupid nigger.

mudbear ago

winona complained, nobody has said anything about that other quote, i have seen the site its utter garbage (i think its the truth pundit or something? garbage fake news site probably created by jews as a strawman)

GlowWorm ago

Doubt Mel said that because it implies that ovens were actually used.

mudbear ago

That's assuming mel knew and that he wasn't just pulling her pigtails to wind her up.

lucabrasi ago

YouTube his rants, they're epic.

spaceman84 ago

Find me the video of him saying this. Because he never did.

i_scream_trucks ago

does your nose ever hit buttons on the keyboard when youre typing?

spaceman84 ago

Shut up nigger. It's a fake quote, always has been. This shit ain't new.

Ejfislkej ago

Kikes would love to make the "alt-right" think Mel Gibson is based because he's already been programmed into the Sheep mind that he's made bad mistakes which damaged his career which sheep are scared to do.
It's bad optics for us to lift Mel Gibson just like it's bad optics to lift Hitler. The fact that you couldn't provide a link says it all.

OyGoy ago

Movie was a pressure valve, giving us vague information we already knew, disguised as exclusive, inside look in secret societies. Tip of an iceberg they want us to see.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Shakenstein ago

Definitly. The cuts the producers took out before release, the black mass and orgies filmed at the Rotschilds castle they own in France( set to be in the u.s. for the film). All the hints from Tom Cruize boss about the higher ups of the power that be. All the pedo rainbows and Mkultra reference. Also, did you know the actors werent even aware of what the film was about? Like they went on set and read the script part they had to play right before filming. No one had the scenario, Kubrik had legaly total control on the film due to his acquired notoriety and this masterpiece was his fuck you reverence to hollywood. He made sure that there would be no leaks about his final cut of the movie only to have about 30 to 50 minutes cut out of it because the kikes wouldnt release it, Kubrik could have sued them for this but then he died...The actors went totaly blind filming scenes they had no idea how everything was gonna unfold...

axialballistics ago

black mass?

Shakenstein ago

Black mass = in french Messe Noire. It means a satanic ritual. When they are in the mansion they play a romanian christian prayer in reverse. It qualifies for a black mass.

Nesano ago

Do I have to go somewhere special to find the unedited version?

Tyrone_Biggums ago

Is there a way to see the cut out scenes? I watched the movie long ago but I barely remember much.

clubberlang ago

Is that why cruise is always running in his movies and supports scientology?

Ken_bingo2 ago

The documentary dissecting the symbolism of this movie is extremely disturbing, especially the final scene.

Tyrone_Biggums ago

So the parts that were cut out...are they gone and destroyed forever??

Angelique ago

The mansion used was the Rothchild owned Château de Ferrières, it was also used as main set in Polanski's "9th Gate"- that's where I remember it from, especially the firepits that line the entirety of the driveway. I saw another recent movie filmed there, don't remember the name and it sucked so I was only half-watching but recognized the 100s of firepits in the drive.

All of those creepy Rothchild Illuminati party pics are from that mansion.

I can't even imagine the bonechilling vibe of that house of horrors.

heatherdfmay5547 ago

exactly.... agree

Angelique ago

They also had to get rid him in case he talked about filming Apollo 11. There are clues through the Shining

mitoriomyt ago

the actors didnt really know about the whole final product

Makes sense why none of the acting synced for me. The 2 leads felt disjointed. The whole movie was surreal and I was like, "meh" - didn't understand the big deal over the movie. I might have to go back to watch it to see it new eyes now.

iDontShift ago

you saw the real elite in action and how it was kept from the masses.

the shining is filled with moon references. i think because he also filmed that.

NakedWarrior ago

That may be true, but I also read a CDAN that claimed Kubrick confided in Kidman and Cruise about what he knew and why he was doing the movie. It didn't say if either of them sold him out. It wouldn't matter though since the studio saw the final cut and knew everything from it, hence the demand for the edits. Don't forget Kidman's father was a HUGE paedo, was charged with it in Australia and ended up taking the suicide road. I just read another blind item stating Kidman is trying like hard to find all the "evidence" her father left behind.

ExtraDouble ago

CDAN said Kubrick hoped he would be safe because of the two powerful actors.

NakedWarrior ago

A new blind just came out about it:

  1. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 09/16 12 20 Minutes: When you poke and poke things come out. There is a long time friend of this A+ list singer (Keith Urban) who just so happens to be married to an actress (Nicole Kidman). Long ago, the friend said he was thinking about watching a movie ("Eyes Wide Shut"/filmed 1996-1996) that had sex scenes involving the wife of the singer. The singer then said the scenes were pretty tame but there was about ten minutes that were missing from a love scene involving his wife and the actor (Tom Cruise) that played her husband. Also, there was a more dark scene involving the young actress (Leelee Sobieski/born 1983) who doesn't act any longer which was about five minutes. Finally, in a scene at the end of the movie, there was about five minutes missing where it was made much more clear that some of the people in the scene were underage. Keith Urban/Nicole Kidman/"Eyes Wide Shut"/Tom Cruise/Leelee Sobieski (‘Eyes Wide Shut’ actress: Sexual misconduct in Hollywood and how to survive in a world full of Harveys) (Film trivia: Cate Blanchett's secret role revealed: Oscar-winning actress made an uncredited appearance in Eyes Wide Shut's infamous orgy scene in 1999) (Leelee Sobieski BLIND ITEM REVEALED 06/12/12)

If you want to see the best blind reveals from CD&N, this site researches the blinds and reveal who fits the best. They have been pretty accurate on a lot of thing. This site goes back over a decade of blinds.

3141592653 ago

Find the evidence? Like she is on his side, or against it?

NakedWarrior ago

Not sure, the blind wasn't specific. However, Fiona Barnett, who you may or may not know (she claims to have been a victim of an elite paedo ring in Australia when she was young - you can see her story on Youtube or online), she claimed that Nicole Kidman's father was one of the big ring leaders in the Australian paedo ring and she names several well known people. She states she met Nicole many times (Nicole was about her same age). She described Nicole as a very cold person who witnessed a lot of the same horrors (child sacrifice, etc) and it didn't seem to faze her. I believe Fiona thought Nicole was out to save herself only and would not help any of the other children involved. But really, who knows what is true and what isn't. I'm guessing Nicole wants all her father's things so she doesn't go down in flames if it is exposed. You can go down that rabbit hole and see for yourself.

3141592653 ago

Yes im totally familiar but thanks and im sure the info is new to a lot of people. I think Nicole herself was a child too, stuck in an abusive situation. I have no idea how she feels today about it all. I also wonder if her dad actually commited suicide or was suicided. Its totally crazy that she stars in Eyes Wide Shut.

NakedWarrior ago

I agree on all your points. Maybe Eyes Wide Shut was her way to say F you to that world she grew up in.

3141592653 ago

I really do wonder. I read that Kubrick didnt reveal the plot or script even to the main actors-- just giving them their lines right before shooting. Ive always been a Kubrick fan-- but just read that he spent a lot of time with Antony Kidman before Eyes wide Shut came out. Who knows what the truth reallys is... I really would love to know. That being said, I totally believe Fiona Barnett. Thanks for the comments. Also, you may already know, but Mariah Carey's sister came forward a couple years ago with a similarly shocking story.

manlyheartattack ago

I love rainbows, but absolutely hate pedophilia (and generally just entirely ignore gays). Watch it, there's a big difference between those two things, though it does look like someone has an interest in trying to tie them all together.

LibertarianForChrist ago

That's why we need to take the flag back. Once we get rid of that, they have nothing.

25638633? ago

We don't need the rainbow flag, we need to reclaim the rainbow as a symbol of seven colours, not six.

northlord ago

they use it to mock god because no matter how bad they be he promised he wouldnt flood them again

PygmyGoat ago

Hence AIDS

Rizzo9000 ago

interesting point

Darwinxmachina ago

There are enough spelling errors in this to almost make me analyze it.

SaxonWolfcock ago

Lets not forget that kubrick was fully jewish.

GreatWhiteNorth ago

Jew gotta subvert so hard he subverted the other Jews!

ExtraDouble ago

Max Gerson, good Jew.

Niggerfaggot6969 ago

Even your dad Hitler said that the jew that helped his family was a "noble jew"

PornMonkey5 ago

We can't get rid of the kikes. Even the kikes of today are made up kikes. Polish and Germans who think they're ancient israelis.

Fucking goofy kikes. They're Kazarian leftovers. Fuck em.

SuckaFree ago

Zionists are the issue. Not the rest of Jewdom

SaxonWolfcock ago

All jews

King_T_Roll ago

Kubrick was too high off the smell of shekels, he though that making a movie about the Jewish elite was a good idea. even though he tried to un-fuck himself, they still had to be sure he wouldn't do it again. ; ]

Gottmituns ago

Sure, but i do believe in jews getting angry at their own kind and trying to shaft them.

SaxonWolfcock ago

Ofcourse. I dont deny that

Pepes4Kek ago

Kubrick had been doing it as a habit. In Clockwork Orange the opening scene drinking milk they say it has Adrenochrome in it to help the ultraviolence. He knew what was going on.

skullfuku ago

"hitler was right about almost everything" google it

TheAntiZealot ago

Stanley Kubrick. First name that appears.

googleceo ago

The greater mass of Jewry is held captive as human shields by the string-pullers at the top. If any of their crimes are revealed, all they have to do is convince the Jews of the world that THEY are being attacked, not him, and they immediately close ranks around said villain. Read the Old Testament. Before antisemitism was a thing, the Jews' greatest enemy was each other - the different tribes fought incessantly and were constantly stealing women and raiding each other.

Antisemitism changes all that. A common existential threat erases internal disharmony - instantly and forever. As long as that threat exists, or is perceived to exist, the Jews can act as a monolithic whole. This is what makes them so effective.

Lurker618 ago

That was before the world became interconnected. The jews just fucked over each other because they could only fuck over what was in their vicinity. The introduction of races gives them common enemy, this is what unites them. And thus began the age of jew parasitizing other groups

This whole mentality manifests as victim hood in the jews, and is a common tactic used by them to unite/disunite people. Us vs Them. Jews vs Nazi, Proletariat vs Bourgeoisie, Black vs White

anonymous111 ago

So why'd they kill him then?

ExtraDouble ago

He revealed too much. Giving up a child is likely part of entering, as is "fidelio" fidelity, not telling.

clubberlang ago

the movie didn't earn enough sheckles

SaxonWolfcock ago

Damn. Helluva "gotcha" question there sherlock.

You do know the jews are famous for throwing their own infants onto burning hot moloch statues in ritual sacrifice, right??

Maxwell kicked over the side of his own boat after a long career in the Mossad.

Epstein allegedly being killed in prison

Etc... etc...


Theories are fun.

suterusu ago

No one chooses what they are born as. There are Jewish people that hate their own culture and realize how things really are and fight against it because they want to TRY to leave the world in a better place.

The problem with the Jews is one of culture. The ideas and "standards" passed on by their disgusting Talmud is the reason for their propensity for greed and incest and is why they are so reviled.

Some of these people can fight against it if they develop their minds and question everything but it is exceedingly rare and offers no benefits to those that go through with it other than not being a piece of shit with disgusting connections, friends, and opportunities.

I think the man just genuinely wanted to make movies and found himself in the wrong places due to his popularity. No one makes a movie like Eyes Wide Shut and actually approves of the shit featured within, especially when they "die of a heartattack" conveniently afterwards.

Cansema ago

A dog doesn't choose to be born a dog, but it still licks its own ass

WhiteJewishMale ago

I am what you describe. Hopelessly outnumbered. Unwelcome on all sides.

Would like to add that religous Jews although accepting Talmud, they want no trouble with Whitey. They really do not.

Its the secular non religous marxists in USA who are making all the trouble and instigating your hatred towards us all.

The faithful want no part of any of all of this shit. Israel is super grateful to Trump and all of you right now. Wants no trouble for America and is busy doing peace deals with Trump. You see before Trump the last several administrations were secretly hostile towards Israel.

There are good Jews. Just are there are good and bad in any group. Failure to see this is a failure of your intellect and spirit.

I've been looking for the conspiracies for 20 years. If there are any, fellow Jews won't let me anywhere near it.

I thank God for Donald Trump though.

suterusu ago

Unfortunately the Talmud itself was the cultural bedrock that allowed this socialist terroristic sect of Jews to come into power.

It is at the point that even if the person in question isn't religious they are still being influenced by the rest of their culture that was shaped by said religion, their reproductive habits(culminating in massive incest which lead to genetic diseases unique to the Jewish community) too were influenced by this religious culture so the problem has become part genetic but the root of course all comes back to the culture of treating non Jews like cattle, stating that they can be put to death and it isn't murder, stating that they can be raped and it doesn't count because they are animals. Yes this is all contained within the Talmud.

These extreme ideals have been pushed for so long that it seeps into every pore and is like a tar pit when it comes to trying to escape it.

The culture has to be changed enough so that integration is possible, almost every other major culture in America has at least tried to become part of the whole in some way but the Jewish community has been so self important and vehemently against this idea that they have been thrown out of hundreds of countries over the course of their existence and one day it will end in something worse than Gas Chambers.

The only thing that can fix it is a ravenous hunger for truth and an undying stoic wish to become better.

While I don't always agree with how Voat vehemently rails against Jews as a whole I can understand where they are coming from.

Once there are more individuals within this community that can speak out against the bad while bolstering the good they will come around to a more balanced disposition but as it is right now the group they have set their ire against are responsible for far too many grievances for that healing to begin.

Because unfortunately, for every Stanley Kubrick there are hundreds on the opposing side currently and that paints a picture of unmitigated evil in the eyes of those living in the moment that cannot look far into the horizon when their immediate vicinity is being set ablaze.

The important take away is that the culture needs to change for the better bit by bit until something like the USS Liberty incident and injecting socialist extremism into America becomes an impossibility because if that happens again the public won't stand for it.

The next generation will be very important we need America loving Americans to rise up again and we need Israel and the Jewish community to change for the better otherwise we will all end up speaking Chinese by blindly fighting eachother.

suterusu ago

Open even one Jewish person's eyes to this and they can then slowly chip away at it by talking about it with the reasonable people they know within the community and it can slowly spread and affect the culture in a meaningful way.

israelmossadjewgold ago

jesus was jewish. in the sense he was born in judea. like how you are born in america you are american. but even judea back then was mixed with people from all over... now somehow it became a relegion and a race at the same time

DuHast ago

suterusu — This is true. Just look at the work of Gilad Atzmon and Ron Unz. The whistle they blow is LOUD !

heatherdfmay5547 ago

d1a ago

"The problem with the Jews is one of culture"


Because there are certainly no genetic factors contributing to their actions.

Angelique ago

They are all third cousins, they have 100s of genetic diseases that only affect them which is why they are so invested in biotech..They came from 300 people, obviously not the khazar converts, that is silly!

GuesstheJaws ago

Lolol next hes gonna say niggers are a product of their culture.

d1a ago

What the fuck happened to Voat?

suterusu ago

Hence the part about incest.

Culture affects genetics, both play a role but make no mistake your culture plays a dictatorship on genetics.

To simplify, Memes(ideas) are much stronger than Genes(genetics), even if both play a major role in behaviour.

If you took away their culture, their genetic makeup would change so drastically in just a few decades that they would no longer be a problem. The same idea they would like to employ as a tactic against you, happens to be really effective.

d1a ago

Ah yes, because obviously genetics stem from culture and not the other way around. The genetic composition of a species cannot change in "just a few decades", and it certainly wouldn't be as affected by "culture" as you may believe. Genetics play a major role in physical appearance, physiological makeup, hormone levels, muscle density, height, bone thickness, intelligence, propensity towards violence etc. You can undoubtedly make a species retarded with external influence (culture as you call it), like jews did with white people. But they didn't make us GENETICALLY retarded. You can make a genetically tall people short with severe malnutrition. But you didn't change tens of thousands of years worth of genetic material with a single fucking generation. The potential is still there, arguably in its full force. All it needs is the right conditions to blossom.

suterusu ago

Culture dictates who you mate with, hence it dictates genetics.

Just like how the culture of the average voat user means less of a chance of fucking niggers and kikes. This has a direct impact on the genetics of the culture in question.

This isn't rocket surgery.

The proof of what I am saying is why we have races to begin with, whites have adapted their skin color to absorb more sunlight in environments with less sun and the ongo bongo races of darker skin color block sunlight because their cultures hail from shithole deserts without much protection from direct sunlight. Additionally the differences between even a few generations is significant but isn't something easily measurable as a human observer, but if you mapped the genome of two individuals a generation apart you would have a mountain of difference.

There's a reason we don't rely on the human eye to spot diseases or observe distant stars.

LibertarianForChrist ago

We can only observe and recognize patterns around their mentality be it jews, blacks, muslims, whatever. They live with their genetics and society and can understand it more than we can if they try.

Vc83 ago

Wrong, just as niggers are violent and savage, chinks are industrious and lacking empathy and indians poo on everything

All kikes are subversive destroyers of their host nations. Either consious or not

GuesstheJaws ago

Translation, chinks are some of the most exploitative fuckers out there, visibly moreso than kites because they don't have a culture of victimhood to cloak their activities in. Chinks have nigger-level empathy.

SaxonWolfcock ago

How this jew apoligist shit finds its way to voat is beyond me...

What a cohencidence

spaceace66 ago

Every one of Gods children live the life they were meant to. Being born of a disease doesnt mean you have to pass it on.

SaxonWolfcock ago

I think he was a jew and born evil from day one like the rest of them.

Crispytoast ago

All man is born with sin.

SaxonWolfcock ago

And the white mans can be forgiven. Jews are an inbred, mamzer abomination, born evil with no hope for repentance. Period.

LibertarianForChrist ago

If they turn to Christ, but then they wouldn't be jewish anymore.

d1a ago

They would, because being jewish is primarily an ethnicity. Judaism is an ethnoreligion.

Ashtraykenazi ago

Exactly, I think it was one of those 'let's see how much we can throw in the face of the goy' arrogance things, but his fellow bagel eaters knew it would be too edgy

clubberlang ago

Fuckin jew bagels

lucabrasi ago

Kubrik was famous for changing the script last minute. On the set of The Shining, Jack Nicholson said "I don't even bother reading the original script anymore, I just wait till he hands me his revised version." as Kubrik was typing away on a typewriter at the same table.

Probably for good reason.

iDontShift ago

the shining exposes the moon landing. it is there for the keen eye.

JosefRasmussen ago

Could have been that he changed the script last minute. But it seems more likely that he was forced to change it last minute in an article he stated that the production company would not release it due to some of the explicit content.

lucabrasi ago

After seeing the shit they put out, I'd like to see what they consider "explicit".

PygmyGoat ago

So, by some miracle, getting hands on a “director’s cut” would be amazing. I doubt they left that possibility as an option and burned the film they cut out. Wish he had a deadman’s switch in place with the original intact incase he died mysteriously.

lookatme23 ago

I agree 100% bro..

Retron ago

I'd love to see the original cut of the movie. And I'd kill to see what Kubrick wanted to put in the movie but knew he would never get away with.

northlord ago

i think i read the cut footage vanished / caught fire

i_am_the_warrior ago

apparently one of the cut scenes was the ending where Tom Cruises daughter becomes sacrificed as a way of warning him to not speak out.

Angelique ago

I heard their were children at these orgies. I do not know, obviously. But the end of the movie, at the toy store, there where two men from earlier in the party and it is hinted at that the parents gave their daughter away to them.

watitdew ago

The ending in the dept store hints at that, their daughter walks away with two old guys who were at the party early on in the film.

Angelique ago

Sorry, didn't see your post, I just posted the same :)

watitdew ago

you dumb fucking nigger delet it now

Angelique ago


Shakenstein ago

I recall they cut it without his consent and the legal contract the kikes signed up for. Kubrik probably discovered what happen to his movie on the release date. He was probably gonna sue them all for this but again...he died

minx88 ago

Seems so and it was probably the Jewish since Hollywood is Jewish

Maroonsaint ago

I didn’t know this but there was a half hour of footage they cut from the movie Against his will then Kubrick dies immediately after. Suspicious as it can be. Then the video in the bottom shows a Rothschild party and it’s creepier than in the movie

lostmyoldone ago

where is that video? ive been looking and cant find it. please link that weird Rothschild orgy video and pics that has been mentioned in this thread a few times.

Maroonsaint ago

Why don’t you go to the website and scroll down till you see the video and watch that

Maroonsaint ago

There’s a video down the page that breaks it down.

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