BrennKommando ago

You could have helped us out a bit by mentioning you browse by Default. It was new to me that you can sort by relative rankings, but it could have been that way all along. I wouldn't know since I browse by v/all.

That said there are all sorts of suspicious things going on with Voat. Some of it looking an awful lot as done by design.

generate ago

if you open in anon mode, that's the main page, call it default, and it stays like this for 3 months

Totally-Not-A-Troll ago

The front page is our first line of defense, it is Voats "Wall". The "Wall" stop nosy outsiders from visiting Voat (why would they with unchanging content?). Sir puutitout is playing fourth dimensional chess here knowing only true patriots will venture into the deep recesses of Voat. He is our leader. He is the best. It's not a flaw, it is a feature!

generate ago

you are retarded

antiracistMetal ago

And Hillary isn't even locked up yet!