Touchdown50 ago

Kubrick looks like a creepy pedo. He probably trief to redeem himself with EWS

real_karma ago Nicole Kidman: ‘Stanley Kubrick Said Pedophiles Run The World’

MichaelClayton ago

Kubrick is a FEMALE. You people need to wakeup.

JackBlack1 ago

Hey Einstein. If Kubrick was willing to expose them he sure wasn't one of them. Maybe you should stick to swirl analysis instead of spreading disinformation. Oops. I posted a link. Better not click on it. It could send the party van to your front door.

exposethecriminals ago

His earlier still photos for Look magazine may also, more subtly, point to cabal activities. I came across a 1948 Stanley Kubrick photo of orphans / "orphans" at Mooseheart children's home in Illinois, while researching it and the crimes there:

I read he also photographed orphans in Lake Bluff, IL, and New York City. Other Kubrick photos may have intentional cabal themes as well, such as circus, amusement park, dentist, and so on:

It makes me wonder if Kubrick was at orphanages to also shoot CP.

Vindicator ago

I'd say that's a good bet, unfortunately.

carmencita ago

Hmm. This was printed under the picture:

Mooseheart is still there and still thriving, a very respected institution in the Fox Valley area. The children are not necessarily orphans, just children of Moose members "whose families are unable ... to care for them."

Uncared for in a way. These are the children that are perfect victims to be groomed. The Moose. All societies are suspect.

exposethecriminals ago

Great catch! That is really odd. Also, John Wayne Gacy was a Moose lodge member. And recently we read @letsdothis2 discovered CERN's American sibling, Fermilab, has been in Batavia, where Moosehead is, since the 1960's.

carmencita ago

I posted something about John Tester speaking to some tweens about the advantages of belonging to the Moose (masonic). It was an eye opener.

new4now ago


separately, all that is coming out, might mean something else

but put together for a bigger picture, your leaning so far on the fence

this is really good addition, remember seeing his first two marriages didn't last very long

might be good to look up his last wife, she would either be a denier or she participated

GEEEZ...just remembered Mommy Dearest

Mommie Dearest is a memoir and exposé written by Christina Crawford, the adopted daughter of actress Joan Crawford. Published in 1978, it described her upbringing by an unbalanced alcoholic mother, whom she judged unfit to raise children. The book attracted much controversy regarding child abuse and child trafficking, with many family friends denouncing it as fiction, but others claiming that it was a broadly accurate, if exaggerated, account of Christina’s troubled childhood.

Christina was born in 1939

all it took was seeing year in your comment SMH


exposethecriminals ago

Thanks. I had forgotten about the child trafficking around the Joan Crawford case, good call!

new4now ago

it hit me out of the blue, remembered they, the news, portrayed Christina as crazy

remembered quite a lot, so went to look it up so I would have a link

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Why are there a half dozen CDAN gossip threads all the sudden? Nothing is ever verified, and we really don't need spamming of the same site over and over, Why not a thread with all the PG related accusations? I think it is intriguing, but not much we can do with anonymous rumors, hint hint, Q.

andrevandelft ago

Imagine Dragons - On top of the world

References to 2001, the Shining, the moon landing, Clockwork Orange and Kubrick.

darkknight111 ago

Regarding that massive blind, a hint showed up.

"Not for Hollywood in general...but if you look at box office/money, the biggest earner in hollywood - and the biggest scandal involving that person? then yeah, it's like that."

It is indeed something truly nasty. On a personal level.

tech-adm ago

Jay Weidner made 2 documentary films on Kubrick and he was hinting that his next film would be about pedophilia being exposed in Eyes Wide Shut but this film never materialized. You have to wonder if Weidner stumbled upon something that put Kubrick in a bad light or maybe he was warned off.

darkknight111 ago

Enty's apparantly got a MASSIVE blind coming out tommorrow morning.

What could be so big that it warrants a 10 part article.

Don't quote me on this, but could it either be the mother of all pedowood blinds or the mother of all hollywood scandals.

Matt_Helm ago

I hope its Dan Schneider he must be taken down he is worse than Harvey Weinstein. Dan must go to prison.

DerivaUK ago

Articles about Schneider all over FB today - coincidently?

kazza64 ago

i think we all knew this was true because of all the pedo symbolism in films like the shining and only an inner circle high level luciferian could have made eyes wide shut i'm beginning to think pedophiles run the world full stop

millennial_vulcan ago

See my other comment. N Kidman's creepo pedo Ninth Circle pops spent a lot of time with Kubrick when Eyes Wide Shut was being made.

Probably inspired him....

Thinking of you, Fiona Barnet.

3141592653 ago

Any links or further info on that??

WalnutSauceGoat ago

This is the guy who claims Assange and Soros are besties? Lol. His sources are feeding him bad info. He’s really been going downhill these last few months. Avoid. Fake news.

new4now ago

he worked with Spielberg on some AI movie too

ReddittRefugee ago

Another link on how deep Kubrick's exposure of elite ritual symbolism was in Eyes Wide Shut:

YogSoggoth ago

Cube Brick. Fake name.

ReddittRefugee ago

I guess this indicates that Kubrick was a real elite network insider, and his 1999 film Eyes Wide Shut was an accurate depiction of what goes on inside elite rituals.

Here's an interesting video entitles "Stanley Kubrick Told Us The Truth":

That video references Jay Dyer's analysis if Eyes Wide Shut:

AssJayDoubleyou ago

Not Kubrick oh my god. Fuck Hollywood, please just nuke it.

rickman ago

There's nobody in Dr Strangelove that would be considered of tween age. Sue Lyon was 15/16 for Lolita and there were plenty of other young girls in the film who the blind may be about. I also think sometimes Enty is vague when it comes to specific details. "Co-star" could just mean another actor in a film. Not necessarily the stars.

As for the last paragraph about using his daughter. It says "in the movie for which he's most famous for", I wouldn't put it past Enty to be referring to a film which isn't Lolita or one with Peter Sellers. Vivian Kubrick was born in 1960 and had small roles as in 2001 A Space Odyssey and Barry Lyndon. I'd say arguably 2001 is Kubrick's most famous film. Well that was released in 1968 which would have made Vivian Kubrick 8 years old. The same age as the "no older than 7 or 8" friends mentioned in the blind.

So I think the Sellers film is Lolita, which the tween Sue Lyons or possibly one of the other young girls. With the second film where he used his daughter to bring friends to the set being 2001 A Space Odyssey.

millennial_vulcan ago

Vivian Kubrick's best friend as a 12 year old girl was Tatum O Neal....Tatum stayed with Viv and Creepo Pedo Pops as a kid. She talks about it in her autobiography.

No prizes for what probably happened next.

NOT mentioned in Tatum's autobiography BUT HEAVILY IMPLIED, is what a shitbag creepo pedo her own pops - Ryan O Neal was, also. This should come as no surprise to anyone.

Here we are writing again about Pedo Wood! I really hope fuck nut O'Neal dies this year. His kid with Farrah has just been arrested again for the 100000th time. I bet O'Neal diddled the lot of them (Tatum was a long time heroin addict too. Her brother Griffin another huge fuck up.)

Ughhhh. @carmencita @Matt_Helm @Eggs-Vs-Bacon @new4now @darkknight111

rickman ago

I just watched The Escape Artist a couple of days ago by coincidence. Griffin has worked with Charlie Sheen also. Something I noticed was how young Griffin O'Neal looks in The Escape Artist despite being 17/18.

new4now ago

Vivian and Tatum, did not know that

Kurbrick and O Neal did a movie back in 75

Barry Lyndon

Matt_Helm ago

Enty had a blind item a couple months ago people thought it might have been Tatum O'Neal or Drew Barrymore it said their mother or father took them to have sex with producers and directors when they were very young like 12 or 13.

millennial_vulcan ago

definitely Tatum. All in her autobiography.

Shizy ago

The way I read this blind is it was Kubrick's child's friends who he molested. Lots of pedos molest their children's friends. Being famous and allowing the kids to come onto a movie set undoubtedly helped him in his pedo pursuits if this is true.


SK had D.I.D. (multiple personality disorder) as a result of satanic ritual abuse. It took me years to come to that conclusion. All the evidence is there.

awake4646 ago

This is also the only thing that makes sense to me.

cutelobster ago

Flooding the subverse with unverifiable material from CDAN is being done to degrade discussion. Maybe there was too much pushback against Q and the many agents on here have decided to flood the space with trash.

Having said that there's a lot of evidence that Kubrick (whoever or whatever he was) was a (gay) paedophile. His friendship with Arthur C Clarke is one red flag - Clarke lived in Sri Lanka because of the access it allowed him to young boys. 'Lolita' has already been mentioned. One of the major subtexts in The Shining is that Danny is being abused by his father. There were also strange stories in the British press late in Kubrick's life about him (or someone pretending to be him) accosting young boys.

There are many very strange things about Kubrick. One of them is that his parents supposedly changed his name on the day of his birth - the name itself is esoteric (Satan leys cube brick) - in gematria it comes out at 555 (Eyes Wide Shut is 55). Check out a New Yorker profile of Kubrick where the dude interviewing decides to play chess with Kubrick. The interviewer talks about how he is made to feel like an apprentice, and how in their series of games K allows him to win every fifth game (a weird detail unless you understand the coding.) Kubrick supposedly died 666 days before the first day of 2001 on the 66th day of the year. And 666 days before his (apparent) death, the Deep Blue computer (HAL = IBM) defeated Gary Kasparov in the sixth game of their match, signalling the eventual eclipse of human intelligence by computers.

dreamwarrior23 ago

You will find that many whistleblowers were a part of the system. And that exposing themselves is part of what gets them off. To make Lolita and have the world fawn over your work without suspecting why you were able to interpret the subject so we'll, I bet he really enjoyed that thought thusands of times. Like James Wood, who is a great ally today has a nasty past of his own

user1212 ago

I have not heard that about Woods. Details?

letsdothis2 ago

Proof to go along with that post from an anon on a celebrity gossip website?

ReddittRefugee ago

Another interesting lead:

"He later ordered her to sleep with the much much older foreign born co-star on the movie who would go on to have an A list career. That co-star injured her severely and production had to be stopped for a week to allow her to recover."

The actor is revealed to have been Peter Sellers.

Most people think of Peter Sellers as the weird, lovable, bumbling comedian who starred in The Pink Panther series, in The Party, and of course, in Dr. Strangelove.

What is less known is that Peter Sellers in his private life was a particularly nasty, abusive piece of work:

mrohm ago

That's heartbreaking to read. I love Sellers' work.

1Sorry_SOB ago


ReddittRefugee ago

To the anal retentives (ARs) in this thread who don't "get" what CDAN is all about:

1) It's gossip site. So, yes, it's not sourced with in-print sourcing. It is sourced from information privately communicated by Hollywood insiders, and by personal observation by the entertainment industry lawyer who runs the site.

2) It has included mistakes in the past.

3) It has been spectacularly successful in the past, though, in leaking stories that alternative news investigators have used as leads for uncovering previously-unknown

4) It should be used in much the same way detectives use information they get that would not be admissible in court. It's used as a lead generator for new discoveries.

So, dear ARs, we know that CDAN is sourced from personal communications.

Don't waste your keystrokes complaining about this.

. . . We don't care

We find it useful for our own ends, and really don't give a rat's ass about what the anally fixated want or desire.

Here's a suggestion:

1) complain to the mods, not us.

2) If the mods delete the thread, fine. We still have our leads.

3) If they don't want to delete it, STFU and start posting stuff that's actually good for something.

Vindicator ago

CDAN has proven to be a valuable asset in our investigation and not a disinfo site. The mods -- reflecting the the sense we get from the community, consider it a legit source. We won't remove CDAN threads so long as they follow the ruleset.

carmencita ago

One comment says the movie must be Lolita and that Sue Lyons was 13 at the time. A 13 yr old would not be hanging around with 7 & 8 yr olds. Cousins maybe, but not friends. Other comments hint at Peter Sellers who also had children.

This is info from his Wiki: He joined his parents in theater when he was a very young age. Imagine the people he hung around while a child and we know there were plenty of pedos around.

Sellers maintained a very close relationship with his mother, which his friend Spike Milligan later considered unhealthy for a grown man.[9] Sellers's agent, Dennis Selinger, recalled his first meeting with Peg and Peter Sellers, noting that "Sellers was an immensely shy young man, inclined to be dominated by his mother, but without resentment or objection".[10] As an only child though, he spent much time alone.[11]

He had problems with depression and drinking all through his life and died of a heart attack at the age of 54. This, like other abused actors and actresses points to the after affects of that abuse.

Not saying it can't be Kubrick. Just that it could also point to Sellers.

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

There are a few different parts to the blind. The 7-8 year olds refer to the friends of Kubrick's daughter Vivian, who had an uncredited part in 2001: A Space Odyssey as Squirt, the little girl who telecalls with Floyd, and she spent a great deal of time on set. Vivian was 8 at the time. Vivian famously cut herself off from her family and joined Scientology. It's said that Kubricks relationship with his daughter and his distess at "losing" her to Scientology influenced his writing and directing decisions for Eyes Wide Shut.

carmencita ago

We all have to wonder when we hear that a child is brought to the studio and spending time there. Not good. There is a reason she stayed away. Why she picked Scientology, that is also strange. If she was abused that was the worst place for her. Very odd too that she joined up with them during filming of EWS and the connection to Cruise. Makes one think. If he put any of his feelings about his daughter into that movie, that is even more frightening. Wow. Is that how he thought he lost her, how the daughter was lost? They kind of gave her away at the end of the film did they not? Is that what he did to Vivian? Double Wow.

ReddittRefugee ago


There is an extremely subtle detail in Eyes Wide Shut that very few have noticed, but is extremely disturbing.

As the film is coming to an end in the department store, Bill and Alice's daughter Helena appears to go off to some fate unknown with two men, then Bill and Alice close out the film with some final dialog. That dialog makes it clear that Bill and Alice have undergone their initiation.

What's interesting is that the two men she leaves with, and the man who moves between her and Bill and Alice to cut them off from her as she goes with the two men, were all at Ziegler's Christmas party when Bill and Alice's initiation began.

You can see the details here:

Note that the woman who wrote the linked article was so disturbed by the scene, she experienced cognitive dissonance and undergoes desperate contortions to explain away the horror of the scene and its implications.

I think Kubrick was not flinching away or diluting the meaning in any way. When you participate in elite ritualism, they will demand your children.

carmencita ago

I agree. The do demand your children. So many have lost a child in a mysterious way. One that comes to mind is Joe Biden. He also lost his wife and baby daughter decades ago. There is always a payoff.

ReddittRefugee ago

Hi Carmencita,

The reveal about Sellers was that he was "the much much older foreign born co-star" he coerced a tween into having sex with.

That would be the movie Dr. Strangelove which was in production in 1963 when Peter Sellers was 38.

carmencita ago

Very bad news about Kubrick. I think that Sellers had a troubled background that may have featured some abuse and maybe there was not too much arm twisting. Another odd thing that was featured in Seller's wiki, was that he had 3 children and it only named 2. Are there any celebrities that are not compromised and abusers, very disheartening. Good God.

ReddittRefugee ago

Are there any celebrities that are not compromised and abusers

There are. Many, I think.

One of the problems is, they don't get publicity for being decent people.

It's the bad behavior that gets into the news, and that people investigate.

I'm thinking of Alan Alda, for example, who married his wife Arlene in 1958, and has stayed married to her ever since. They had 3 daughters who are normal people, have had careers, and grandchildren, who also aren't in the news for going off the rails.

carmencita ago

I genuinely hope so. It is disheartening to read all this stuff. There is so much of it and also we have the attention seeking fruitcakes taking stage. I no longer enjoy music and movies, I don't know who is guilty and who is not. I have to keep thinking that just like us, not every one of them is evil.

YogSoggoth ago

Listening to Alan Alda | The Jewish Standard Listening to Alan Alda Movie and TV star, many years in Leonia, to headline evening at the JCC in Tenafly Search domain

ben_matlock ago


shewhomustbeobeyed ago


Matt_Helm ago

This is a shocking reveal I thought he was a good guy for exposing the illuminati in Eyes Wide Shut and no one will ever see the 20 minutes of scenes that were deleted by the studio the film footage of those scenes was burnt but those scenes might have shown kids in the mansion sex party. Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman have never talked about it nor has any member of the crew. I am certain Kubrick was killed by the illuminati he died after he turned in the film to the studio he was dead a week or two later before the film was released or right after it was released they found out about the scenes that were cut and they killed Stanley for it.

millennial_vulcan ago

Kubrick was friendly with Kidman's gross shrink dad, the Ninth Circle pedo creepo to end all pedo creepos, as talked about her on voat many times.

I remember reading a VanityFair interview with Nicole back in the day where she talked about her dad spending hours in the trailer with Kubrick. Uh huh. If those walls could talk...

@carmencita @new4now @Matt_Helm

new4now ago

not sure if I'd want to hear it :)

Kubrick definetly has the ties

Shizy ago

He may have had a change of heart sometime near the end as it does appear that he tried to drop us clues and expose them. Seeing the content of most of his movies points to the likelihood that he had first hand/insider info of how this filth all operate.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Bullshit to smear Kubrick for being vocally anti-Jew.

Quicktor ago

One of the smartest Jews (photography master, Chess master, friend of Steven Spielberg) who was brought in to film the moon landings was at the very least blackmailed with a true session of "Welcome to the Club..."

his film catalog is too vast and detailed with esoteric, occult and pedophilic overtones/ is what is...

new4now ago

If it was his step daughter Katherine, then the movie would be Spartacus or more likely Lolita

if it was Anya...who died at age 10 from cancer, or if it Vivain who was a year younger than Anya, the movie would be 2001: A Space Odyssey

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

Vivian Kubrick was 8 when she had a cameo in 2001: A Space Odyssey

new4now ago

didn't go that far, just did a quick search

read your other comment, sounding like daughter is Vivian

upvote for both :)

twistedmac11 ago

6 of the last 10 most recent posts to v/pizzagate are from this CDAN website, which seems a little odd. Why such a push for a website that makes pretty big claims but gives no sources?

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

Because Enty has just published many dozens of "reveals" where he names names. This only happens a few times a year.

mrnobu ago

I remember a documentary post his death emphasiIng the importance of his photography video collection, which was wildly vast. No surprise looking at his works. Eyes Wide Shut depicted a satanic orgy, filmed at the Rothschild Mansion. Lolita is a blatant one. A Clockwork Orange in all it’s grotesque rape violence and masonic symbolism, and even Space Odyssey 2001, showing he had knowledge from intelligent sources for his movies.

Shizy ago

Don't forget the Shining with the pedo overtones regarding Jack and Danny. Also, the unnecessary to the movie scene where the guy dressed like a bear is giving a BJ to an old dude. Weird creepiness all through that film.

millennial_vulcan ago


SethRich4Pres ago

Proof sources or quotes from actual victims. Not just an option article please

ReddittRefugee ago

Not just an option article please

Not sure what you're getting at, here . . .

SethRich4Pres ago

Something with facts not just speculation. Go back to reddit

ReddittRefugee ago

LOL , , , going back to Reddit is not an "option"

think- ago

Well, I'm not surprised.

What happened to the cp footage?

Oh_Well_ian ago

NCMEC has it...

It's the worlds largest CP library.

3141592653 ago

Or perhaps UNICEF. Sickos