Granite_Pill ago

One of these entities (username: 16407815?) mentioned me under this post and I don't know why. I don't post in there. I have never been in there. I don't know what's going on. I have no idea what this is all about. I have no idea who these entities are.

RustyBull ago

Thanks for the warning, bruh.

TheBuddha ago

You could have just asked us.

We're pretty terrible. One of us is a goddamned monster.

Also, your mother's a whore.

parapaparapa ago

Who, what?

Grindelwo ago

they seem to be reddit cancer @ObamasPinkSock @Food_Stamp @TeddyJackson @BeauDacious they might tell you more

TeddyJackson ago


TeddyJackson ago

25 submissions in the last 19 hours. 9100 scp in 4 months. Only up voted 375 comments.

Such an obvious paid shill. Do you really not think it is obvious you are paid to post shit all day long?

Grindelwo ago

a warning about these fuckers .... SBBH shut down until further notice. Goal of SBBH/GCHQ operatives is to make people turn to the Resist side. TheBuddha is a jew faget. SBBH is the synagogue of voat. Satan-worshipping anonymous shills summon SBBH sockpuppets. Along with repeated use of "1990" this proves SBBH are the ones being paid to suppress truthbombs Found another SBBH subverse NeverTrump cuck u/Lobotomy admits to voting for Obama twice and presumably Hillary - circlejerks with fellow SBBH about LARPing right-wing Remember when Putt wasn't a sellout to SBBH? Why do you think 99% of the mods of /v/Crusades are from SBBH?

Lobotomy ago

I voted for Trump, you little grundle-licker.

TheBuddha ago



We run this place, you know.

(We aren't actually guilty of most accusations that are thrown at us. Most...)

dotesmcscrotes ago

proove it say nigger

TheBuddha ago


Also, it's 'prove.'

dotesmcscrotes ago

now say kike

TheBuddha ago


Anything else?

Grindelwo ago

and more ... SBBH troll @clamgurt_legbeard admits to having a "femme life partner" - terminology only a man and a faggot would use If you watch that creapy face next to @freshmeat's name on SBBH spin around faster and faster, for a second there it makes 6 pronouced dots in the shape of an upside down Star of David!!! SBBH guy starts posting muslim propaganda.,, only place where the sbbh faggots belong

TheBuddha ago


What are you going to do about it, bitch?

You're nothing. You never will be anything other than a plaything.

zyklon_b ago

lets piss in his ear

TheBuddha ago

I wasn't doing anything better!

zyklon_b ago

we saved ameroca from grindel

TheBuddha ago

At the very least, we saved Voat!

zyklon_b ago

we did do that from boredom at the very least

TheBuddha ago

I am curious as to what they expected for a response. Did they think anyone would care?

zyklon_b ago

@grindelwo do you wanna mod sbbh?

TheBuddha ago


He'd make a fine janitor. Sign 'em up, but don't tell them where we get the funding.

zyklon_b ago

damn i just saved dannythetweakers unikn job as an ironworker because he called and asked me drive and take pics of osha violations as he is not capable of using a smartphone or computer so he was fired for methamphetamine but the boss is saying if email him the pics of osha violations he let danny come back to work

TheBuddha ago

He Is an iron worker?

zyklon_b ago

yeah he a cherokee so gets speciail privileges with the ironworkers union out of tulsa is why he still had a career

TheBuddha ago

I didn't expect him to e gainfully employed, from what you've told me about him.

zyklon_b ago

oh he aint and only works bout 2 weeks every 3 months. the union and tribal memebershup keep him afloat

TheBuddha ago


That's more like it.

zyklon_b ago

gpod merning

TheBuddha ago


I will be leaving sometime today. I get to go wear a Lycra suit!

zyklon_b ago

nice. ima try and stay around the motel all day

TheBuddha ago

For the longest time, I'd sometimes spend more nights in motels than I'd spend at home. I've grown to appreciate them.

zyklon_b ago

they serve a purpose for certain

TheBuddha ago

I like cheap hotels the best.

zyklon_b ago

always score at cheap hotels

TheBuddha ago

Yup. It's where the interesting people are.

zyklon_b ago

i agree my adventures are grrater the cheper the motel

TheBuddha ago

I also hate room service and always hang the sign out and just clean my own room.

zyklon_b ago

room service maids that are not drug dealers get zero entry into my room

TheBuddha ago

TRUFE. They might steal my drugs.

zyklon_b ago

yeah that or snitching is my fears

TheBuddha ago

I've never had that happen, thankfully. I've had a maid ignore the sign and catch me smoking coke. Nothing came of it.

zyklon_b ago

i was caught making meth by maid and she extorted me

TheBuddha ago

LOL Cash or product?

zyklon_b ago

cash then product after it was done. did not go to jail so i consider it a good day still

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, it's better than jail.

zyklon_b ago

yeah dude. next time around mcds try a steak egg and cheese bagel. is delicipus

TheBuddha ago

That will probably be never. I don't eat there.

zyklon_b ago

its poison but strange wd type effects if you go on a week long mcds binge then just stop eating there. i suspect corn syrup and fats play a role in the strange symtoms

TheBuddha ago

I'm one of the rarest people in America. I am not within an hour drive of one.

zyklon_b ago

Thats actually a good thing

TheBuddha ago

I think so. We do have restaurants in the village, but no real fast food. You can get sandwiches and pizza at a convenience store, that's as close as we get.

zyklon_b ago

convenience store pizza is usually sub par

TheBuddha ago

It's pretty shitty pizza.

zyklon_b ago

yeah the thin crispy kind always is best to me

TheBuddha ago

I like most styles, but hate greasy pizza with shitty cheese. So, we make pizza at home sometimes. The ladies like the shitty pizza.

zyklon_b ago

cause of the fat probably

TheBuddha ago

Probably. I don't like the taste or mess.

zyklon_b ago

i like bacon cheesebuger pizza. have you had it?

TheBuddha ago

Not that I recall. I kinda like Hawaiian the most.

zyklon_b ago

its really good. i been walking some on leg

TheBuddha ago

How is it feeling?

zyklon_b ago

it hurts and am able to walk fine though. i fear what dr will say when he finds out i walked a week early

TheBuddha ago

I still hurt like a motherfucker, but I often walk without even using a cane.

Today, they film me and they'll use that data to teach me the least impact full gait mechanics.

zyklon_b ago

Wow that is very very cool technology i am thinkin i will not be needing a cane for long but will still be carrying one in truck in case i go into hospital or school where other weapon are prohibited. They say i am paranoid but i think value life is more correct especially moine!! :)

TheBuddha ago

There's not any real crime where I live. Like, there's nothing to worry about. There's maybe a murder a decade.

zyklon_b ago

aint no real crime here except alot of violence due to leftover blacks from slavery days

TheBuddha ago

The most violence we have might be a fight outside a bar, and they all drink together afterwards.

zyklon_b ago

ok buddy. goin to get the boy school clothes. later bro. be safe and best of luck

TheBuddha ago

You too. I've got a bit of work this afternoon. Walking isn't easy.

zyklon_b ago

crutches in this fucking mall are killing my arms and palms the most. gonnna go make her drive me around drink a couple quarts of miller higjh life. i am certain it feel better then

TheBuddha ago

At least drink good beer. Maybe Newcastle is to your taste?

zyklon_b ago

i will go and get a tall sam adams lager!!! dont know too much bout newcastle

TheBuddha ago

It's delicious. Highly recommended, for a mass-produced beer.

zyklon_b ago

will get away from these ghetto style stores and try to find some

good lookin out

TheBuddha ago

It's good beer. I'm a bit of a beer snob, but that does come in handy!

I'm going to try to wear shoes today. I haven't worn real shoes since 10/20/18.

zyklon_b ago

im more of the hillbilly drinkn cheapest lager for price

TheBuddha ago

If you're gonna do that, you might as well drink Natty Ice.

zyklon_b ago

strange just got a text from you and hadnt initiated a conversation

TheBuddha ago

I turned on my phone and it said I had a missed call. I'm headed out in a few minutes.

zyklon_b ago

yeah i used to be on all the nattys at 1 time or another

TheBuddha ago

They are disgusting, but they do get you drunk.

zyklon_b ago

the call mustve been made in pocket or in blqckout

let me know what they say. I would love to get not limping but at this point is permanent and i am ok with it i earned it

TheBuddha ago

LOL Well, no worries.

zyklon_b ago

we eatin longhorn steakhouse n i am gettim filet and lobster tail for 1st time ever

TheBuddha ago

LOL Lobster is actually pretty inexpensive here. I paid like $2/lb. the last time I bought some. I just go get it off the boat.

zyklon_b ago

the food here

TheBuddha ago

Ah, your first time at Longhorn?

I like the out of the way steakhouses in Oklahoma best.

zyklon_b ago

2nd time actually and yes on oklahoma

TheBuddha ago

Now I'm hungry.

zyklon_b ago

i likes the filet but lobster aint my thing

TheBuddha ago

You're probably not eating fresh lobster. There's a big taste difference.

zyklon_b ago

it was good bit chewy and overdone i think

TheBuddha ago

I quite enjoy lobster.

zyklon_b ago

maybe when i get there yall show me how it cooked properly

TheBuddha ago

I like to dig a hole, start a fire in it, build up embers, put lobster and seaweed in it, cover it, and then drink heavily while it cooks.

zyklon_b ago

i guess we will see this summer!!!! #best interweb bros

TheBuddha ago

I'm hoping my leg is good enough to host people. It should be. I'm walking on it, for short distances.

zyklon_b ago

i am certain our adventure will live on interweb infamy for the next 10 years so we stay on top deapite lraning far right ...

TheBuddha ago

It should be awesome. I'll stock up on party favors, so there is no waiting around.

zyklon_b ago

even if ozzy ain't involved (which is right he is) is some wild shit you n i will pull off!!!!

TheBuddha ago

Damned right. We just can't cause hate and discontent in my neighborhood. That's fine. Farmington is just a little further down the road!

gabara ago

Have we met?

SeanBox ago

Didn't you get banned from SBBH on reddit when you went to visit? They didn't appreciate your genius.

gabara ago

Yep, VoatGabara, within minutes

TheBuddha ago

You should join again, as goatvabara.

heygeorge ago

Or I could just unban @gabara with my secret account over there.

gabara ago

Nah, it's getting service unavailable when I go to reddit now. I ben

heygeorge ago

Never heard of that

TheBuddha ago

Gotta admit, banning him is the traditional thing to do.

heygeorge ago

It is definitely correct. If he really wanted his ban lifted he’d have to spam bannedfromSBBH. But that place is pretty much a wasteland these days anyhow

TheBuddha ago

I have never once posted on Reddit.

heygeorge ago

You’re not missing much.

TheBuddha ago

I don't imagine so. Though, I suppose my projects would get more attention there. Meh...

heygeorge ago

They may, especially if you hit the right spot. But at what cost? Also, there would be literally zero nazi guitar players.

TheBuddha ago

I can fit in anywhere and get asked to participate on various sites. So, I'd do well there - probably. Fuck, they even love me at Fark and Slashdot.

But, I kinda like saying niggerfaggot and hanging out with the worst society has to offer. Besides, I'm a goddamned intellectual giant compared to most goats. That helps my ego!

I also prefer cheap hotels.

heygeorge ago

I follow what you’re saying.

Do you still go to Fark? I haven’t been there in years.

TheBuddha ago

Nah, not in years. I'm pretty sure I still automatically pay for totalfark. I'm okay with that, even if I don't visit.

heygeorge ago

Shit, that is funny. I forgot about totalfark.

TheBuddha ago

I think I pay them yearly via PayPal. It's only like fifty bucks, as I recall. I've met Drew a few times. I've met tons of people from Fark, Slashdot, SMF, and even gasbuddy. Drugs and alcohol were a factor.

heygeorge ago

Drugs and alcohol were a factor

I never met Drew, but I am not surprised by any of this.


This is surprising to me.

TheBuddha ago

Lots and lots of hours on the road. Lots and lots of fuel purchased. I bet that site has saved me thousands of dollars, though I haven't participated in nearly a decade, I bet.

heygeorge ago

I also did my time on the road, just wouldn’t think to go to a gb meetup.

TheBuddha ago

They are almost always in a local diner or pancake house.

It's never too late for pancakes!

heygeorge ago

In that case, consider me a convert. Although I have difficulties with wanting pancakes unless there is high quality syrup to go along with them.

Grindelwo ago

how many of you fag rats are here? @gabara @TheBuddha @heygeorge i'm guessing i'm dealing with about 12 of you and 6 gorillion alts

lollo9990 ago

You have some issues i think, are you the guy that tagged me on 8chan?

TheBuddha ago

Maybe, but I can tell you that I don't use an alt - except to fuck with the v/protectqrv sub. They banned me, so I plagued them for a few days. Then I got bored.

I don't need an alt. I'm immune to downvotes. I've got more CCP/SCP than god. Downvotes make me chuckle. My favorite is when they keep it up for a few days.

I do what I want. There isn't a goddamned thing you can do about it, either.

zyklon_b ago

@grindelwo did 1990

TheBuddha ago

Truth. I was that little boy. They raped and murdered me!

zyklon_b ago

@grindelwo never even denied

TheBuddha ago

The belong in prison!

zyklon_b ago

for 1990 years

TheBuddha ago


heygeorge ago

FFS some people have really sad lives.
@grindelwo looking at you

The salty tears of downvotes and absurd attacks only heighten my personal satisfaction.

TheBuddha ago

We run Bartertown.

What are they gonna do about it? Nothing, that's what.

zyklon_b ago

@grindelwo raped a fetus

gabara ago

Who are you?

zyklon_b ago

sgis is back

SeanBox ago

fucking sanegoat…

zyklon_b ago

yess sir easily identified