DavidGoldstein ago

How did it start? What is it about? Who is winning?

anamazonslittle ago

SBBH is a silly place, and I love triggering the qoomers. I hope you guys win.

Wait, who are you guys in this comic?

offender ago

the knife

SebuttYopick ago

they came all the way from reddit to finish this fight? @RustyBull

Cracklord ago

I will die and go to Valhalla fighting for MDE

MatterzStrange ago

MDE is the edge @Wahaha @heygeorge @friendshipistragic soap box is nothing

friendshipistragic ago

What? We’re at war? I need to stop drinking.

heygeorge ago

Fucking edgelords

MitchOverlord ago

How is it that every Qoomer didn't slink away in shame after Sessions got fired?

yuuka ago

because 99% of boomers are braindead retards that only listen to what the teevee or "Qanon" says. They don't think for themselves , they're the ultimate good goys. These are the same retards that gave their daughters internet access at 17 with an iphone, sent them to college, then wondered why their daughter became a useless whore


They truly are the most brain dead idiots. Even here on voat I got into an argument with a stupid boomer who was talking about slowly redpilling his daughter. He couldn’t accept that it was his fault for being such a cucked brain dead bitch that his daughter ended up an insane SJW.