I_Would_Gas_You ago

Kek. I'm yelling at someone making assumptions about me from a group I hate. I thought I got them all but let me double check

I_Would_Gas_You ago

How am I doing that? Want me to edit and add a /s. I commented on the guys post. Thanks for the lame insult. I interact with tons of people here and not remembering the details of a three month old conversation makes me stupid. Kek

I_Would_Gas_You ago

If you think im her then you didn't know her very well. Im much more caustic and wrong gender. That was months ago and I put it out of my mind since you were drunk and I figured youd forget

I_Would_Gas_You ago

I'm one person one account at a time. A-certain-someone needs clarification.

I_Would_Gas_You ago

This the new sbbh tactic? No longer claim im freshmeat alt and instead a shill? Try harder

AndrewBlazeIt ago

I_Would_Gas_You ago

I like how he is subtly trying to encourage people not to face the truth.