11852969? ago

Critical thinking would help you understand better.

11852989? ago

He called the mudslime the liberator of Jerusalem. He could have used a white guy but he used a towel head. SBBH is a muslim cell on Voat.

11853036? ago

The towel head is basically telling you how he will destroy your civilization as you know it, take note and be on guard. That’s it.

11853054? ago

You fucking muslime scum.

11856549? ago

You are an agenda driven moron.

11865714? ago

1990 is coming you hypocrite muslim cunt

11853067? ago

You are acting like a retard

11853087? ago

Youre the one who posted the saviour of jerusalem Muhommed AKbar

11853092? ago

Who is staring at you through that window?

11853104? ago

Someone who has a death wish.