LindenLane ago

Why not quote the Bible on this? This is also mentioned there.

walterhartman ago

I would like to see a deepfag of Trump screwing Anderson Cooper.

Alopix ago

I'll pass on taking cultural advice from a sandnigger, thanks

Rotteuxx ago

So you're saying it's not a warning worth taking into consideration and should be ignored ?

Feles ago

If you want to convince people, come with better arguments than "some sandnigger said so"

Rotteuxx ago

Yeah you're right, understanding that shit skins have done it to white Europeans in the past is way to hard for most stupid faggots.

Feles ago

Are you saying you wouldn't like to see Taylor Swift get fucked? Because I'm watching a video of that right now.

wtfeva ago


I hate the stupid new fuck too, but really? You're making us look bad, old guy.

Rotteuxx ago

Making us look bad... sry, don't give a shit about your perception complex.

wtfeva ago

Well, I don't give a fuck about your goddamned muslim idol. Go hug a rug on your own time, motherfuckin goatfucker twisted antlered sonofabitch!

Rotteuxx ago

Are you virtue signaling or just plain stupid ?

wtfeva ago

You're the one posting towelhead shit, ya dumb fuck.


Rotteuxx ago

Who's "we" ? Who do you speak for with authority ?

So you're saying that quoting a towel heads conquering strategy (who conquered white Christians btw) is a bad thing because... it's like a slap in the face warning ?

wtfeva ago

I'm saying that you are obviously a shill pushing out ur rosebud for ur little buddies.

Rotteuxx ago

@freshmeat !! @9-11 !!

Found you discofags a new little buddy

freshmeat ago

Dayum Sar was right

psuchopompos ago

This mudslime Saladin fuck 'liberated' Jerusalem from Christians!

I beg you to self regulate now! Kill this post, or kill yourself! Or both! Or I don't know, just fucking think)

Rotteuxx ago

How about you just come to realize that it's true and has been used against whites before... you know, by shit skins.

Self regulate, go fuck yourself you faggot. Too stupid to understand a PSA warning ffs.

psuchopompos ago

I understand who he is, what he is saying, and what he stood for. ALL organized religions need eradicated in this order.. Judaism, Islam, Catholics, and Satanist. If 'good' honest Christians and Muslims want to drop the old fairy tales, burn their books, and accept the fact that religions plague humanity. And work to better ALL! Cool.. If not, FUCK them too. Morals do not need religion. Religion fucks morals every time.

Got nothing against skin color; Mines darker, from multiple sources. Religion however is controllable. As is ignorance.. Having dark skin in America doesn't make you a nigger. Acting like a nigger makes you a nigger. So.. If you are mudslime "wudu and fuck a dog) " if not my apologies and see you later on the battle field. As I am saving my gas for the kikes)

StormSaxon ago

DeepFakes is beyond creepy. Imagine how you'd feel if someone made fake porn of your sister, wife, or daughter.

It's terrifying to contemplate what streaming hardcore porn is doing to the minds of boys and men. Many are so addicted they're no longer attracted to conventional women and often prefer porn to sex. How many of us imagined ten years ago that cuckolding would become a thing? It's the product of too much sex in the voyeur's role.

Feles ago

People have been shopping celebs faces into porn for years. The only difference now is that it's possible with video too and suddenly everyone is acting like it's the end of the world.

Warpig-034 ago

Conventional (western) women today repulse men regardless of their porn exposure.

Schreiber ago

It's partly feminism fault.

Same logic with men who will eventually prefer "female" robots who will cook and clean over feminists.

Any deviation from traditional culture would eventually lead to society's demise.

unabashed_centrist ago

And a society that only works one specific way isn't a very good one, IMO. Doesn't bode well for long term viability if we're all stuck in some black and white 50's sitcom.

There has to be a better way.

Schreiber ago

Better way?

Traditional roles and values have been working perfectly for thousands of years. Do you know what perfect is? You are not supposed to change a thing that's perfectly working.

unabashed_centrist ago

It's fucking boring.

Rotteuxx ago

The 50s are a single decade of great prosperity, functioning traditional roles & values have been around for tens of thousands of years.

picman ago

*First Sultan of Egypt and Syria lays out his playbook on destroying nations*

*Retards respond by assuming OP is giving advice on how to live your life*

Rotteuxx ago


As if it's that hard to see that even shit skins know that promiscuity destroys nations.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Yes, let's take advice from goat fucking allahu ackbars...

Tzitzimitl ago

some things mohammad adapted from surrounding peoples that made sense:

  • OPs thing

  • throw fags off rooftops

  • cut thieves hands off(this being a first offense for sandus makes sense, but add a three strike rule to make it suitable for white use)

Warpig-034 ago

-Salladin liberated Jerusalem


Are you sure you aren't a fag, OP?

Fred ago

>First sultan of Egypt and Syria
>We should be more like this guy

Fuck off.

Rotteuxx ago

Seeing as you're located on the bottom left of the IQ bell curve, I'll have you know that a quote which speaks truth is valid no matter who said it.

Come out of your echo chamber.

Alopix ago

Nobody ever spoke the truth repeating after that toilet paper they call a holy book.

Rotteuxx ago

It's not a quote from the Quran you moron, it's from a military leader who conquered white Christians hundreds of years ago.

Fred ago

Cute comment, still shilling for a regressive religion that actively encourages acts of deceit and violence against those who don't believe.

Schreiber ago

It's not about shilling. If some Muslim shouted 1+1=2 it doesn't mean 1+1 is not 2.

actively encourages acts of deceit and violence

If white culture is actively encouraging acts of deceit and violence against PoC white genocide would never have happened. It's a survival technique you dumb fuck.

Fred ago

What the fuck does white culture have to do with this? Are you an SJW? We're talking about Muslims dipshit.

Rotteuxx ago

Holy shit, you truly are a low IQ dumb little fuck.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

I'm half expecting you to pull out the "Indians have the highest IQ" copypaste at this point

Fred ago

Fuck off back to Afghanistan, you hajji faggot.

Rotteuxx ago

Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !

Fred ago

Yes, we all know you're autistic, no need to have your fits here.

fusir ago

Voat must accept Islam.

11851709? ago

Accept a jack boot on your throat.

lord_nougat ago

That sounds kind of more like reddit.

Lobotomy ago

Yeah, I'm not taking any advice from some goatfucking sandnigger.

Schreiber ago

It worked though.

White cultural degeneration eventually led to the Muslim invasion of Europe.

The average sand nigger is more sane than the average white libtards.

Warpig-034 ago


Schreiber ago

And as usual white goys complicit of white genocide get free passes.

Keep pretending that all Merkel/Hillary voters are jews.

There's plenty of goys selling their own race for shekels. Jewish usury is only a problem because many goys fucking love shekels more than anything.

Warpig-034 ago

No, I mean to point out that it wasn't whites idea to destroy their culture. It was done to them by Jews.

Things like this need to be reiterated when new waves of refugees come. The same way you have to teach children history, they don't just know it.

Schreiber ago

It's natural selection really.

Extended period of domestication and easy living creating a generation of soyboys, rebellious feminists, and "feels" generation. These lack of survival instinct will eventually lead to disaster, just like the mouse utopia experiment.

The further white people deviate from traditional white culture, the easier it is to genocide them. Modern white ideology like human rights, universal suffrage, sexual deviant behavior acceptance (lgbtq rights), egalitarian thoughts, feminism, lack of tribalism, pathological altruism, etc all contributed to white genocide.

It is not an exaggeration that baizuos (white left) is literally begging to be genocided and foreign combatants are just obliging it. Take a look at those nordic women holding "refugees welcome" sign. Nobody should be surprised if they eventually go extinct.

Imagine if vikings back then were importing browns and blacks to loot and rape their hometown. They would've been extinct too. Why wasn't Saladin and other Mohammedans able to conquer Europe back then? Because the Europeans were proud and brandish their swords instead of bringing enemy combatants inside their towns and give them gibs for the sake of virtue signaling.

Jews have been existing since time immemorial, and they couldn't do shit when European whites were still proud and tribal.

mrfetus ago

Well done

Martel-Sobieski ago

That was one of the Roman things too. Media portrays it otherwise like the romans were naked with their tits hanging out and guys with their dicks flopping everywhere in short togas.

If you read Plutarchs parallel lives he goes over the whole founding of rome. Basically the romans were a bunch of men. Escaped slaves and criminals who built a city. They had no women so they went ooga booga and stole the women from the Sabine people. There were still standards though. Unmarried daughters without children.

The tradition of carrying the bride across the threshold comes from the "rape" of the sabine women.

The Sabines took too long building an army to come back and retake their daughters.

So the romans and sabines are fighting and basically the kidnapped daughters come out and stop the fighting. They tell their fathers that, while they were taken unwillingly, theyve gotten married and have children now. They took too long to come rescue them. Are they going to kill their son in laws and the fathers of their grandchildren? Then they tell the Romans that in order for this to work peacefully standards had to be put in place to treat the women with respect as their wives so this new city can become civilized.

A lot of the things feminists bitch as "patriarchy" about come from the rules of the Sabine women.

One though was for the people to dress modestly. So much so that a man exposing himself to the women in public would be tried by the same judges as freaking murder

If you read ancient historians one of the standards the romans used for telling how civilized a foreign tribe was was whether they mated in the open or not.

UlyssesEMcGill ago

Then don't take the advice, but realize others have.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

Doesn't Voat hate Mohammedans tho?

TheTrigger ago

Even a broken clock, yo.

11851720? ago

I think voat likes decency.

Rotteuxx ago

Does that make the statement any less true ?

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

No it doesn't. But I mean Voat really hates Mohammedans.

psuchopompos ago

Not as much as jews) But this An-Nasir Salah ad-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub mudslide killed Christians. Albeit Catholics, so maybe fuck um but... I oppose ALL organized religions, but I'll take a Christian over Muslims. Thought I grudgingly admit, I'll take a Muslim over a jew. I have a special hate for kikes!

ruck_feddit ago

Who doesn't?

BlockMe ago

Even Mohammedans hate Mohammedans.

OlympicWalrus ago

The vultures pick out any scraps they like

elitch2 ago

You would know, eh rabbi?

OlympicWalrus ago

Oy vey