What do liberals fear more than alt-right Nazis? Black Conservatives.
I'm pretty far from a typical black guy, my dad is a Marine Corps officer and I've lived on military bases my entire life. I was homeschooled because I move a lot, and going school to school is not very helpful.
Dad was always a huge hardass to me, assume-ably because he didn't want me to end up in the getto somewhere. Originally, I though he was a real jerk and he was doing it to be mean, but remember, I was massively sheltered and thought I was smart because I got better grades than other people in my homeschool group.
I was pretty sheltered, and kinda stayed away from sites like 4chan because the gaping buttholes on every page and sometimes litteral CP isn't something I'm looking to explain to my mom. I still thought r/4chan was funny, though.
I found voat when some redditors were talking negatively about it, so lols on them.
I mostly work a lot since I'm at a university working on my engineering degree, so I don't really do much for fun outside of the occasional vidya and anime, or D&D with friends. Me and my dad are really close, so we talk a lot on the phone about, life, politics, apologetics, girls, whatever...
I'm not looking to force my views on anyone here, but for voaters who complain how vulgar black people are, you seem to talk a lot like them :^)
EDIT: Rip ccp. No hard feelings though. I knew this would happen, at least I'm not the guy who got downgoated to -150 for begging for points in whatever Q sub.
Duke_Nucleon ago
Ignore the idiots using the ni**er word here. Every group has its retards/shills, etc.
Duke_Nucleon ago
Welcome to Voat, sir. Your headline reminds me of what Malcolm X was saying some half century ago (paraphrasing): You (Negros as known at that time) put the Dems first; they put you last. Unreasoned votes for the Dems say you are "chumps" and "traitors to your race". Summary: By Malcolm's thinking, you are the opposite of "race traitor" -- a shining star to the credit of any race!
Qhmer ago
I agree, what’s equally annoying is Asian leftist who hates for example white male privilege but dates only white male. I don’t get it. Anyone care try to explain why? Greetings, I was a Khmer refugee before coming to America and now a refugee from reddit.
greatdaycoming ago
Some of these comments read as if they were written to offend.
AndNowTheOther8 ago
They are. Voat has had a lot of shills and they want to keep the shills away.
Some of them think I'm a shill.
Benvincent9177 ago
You could've just stopped there, dude.
Loco_Motive ago
Best post ive read so far but I havent read that many to be honest. Glad to see your candid and hello.
correctus ago
Nice try NiggerFaggot...
GratefulGrandmother ago
Thank you. Whew, it's not a 'term.'
Demonsweat2 ago
Travon or Zimmerman
GratefulGrandmother ago
Seems many here are still climbing the stereotyping curve, not the learning curve. And what does kev mean, in faggotville vernacular?
R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago
I wonder what the redacted part said. First off, if your going to fit in around here you use the word asshole, not butthole, faggot.
AndNowTheOther8 ago
That was meant to be a spoiler like other sites where it make a dropdown. You can read it by clicking on it.
Highonfire ago
I fucking hate these posts. Shut the fuck up and kill yourself faggot.
Libertyisgood ago
Not black enough.
vladtep ago
It's not irrational, they all hate us, especially these half breeds.
They know they will never be white, they are not accepted by blacks.
You are a brainwashed nigger lover who can't read between the lines.
I do feel like wiping everyone else out, every last one.
Saufsoldat ago
How would I know? You're not making any sense.
KidKnight ago
Wow, black guy makes the most exciting post of the week. Congrats @AndNowTheOther8
AndNowTheOther8 ago
Thanks, I'll try to keep the (not really) spicy bants coming!
KidKnight ago
You will hear (I am sure you already have) a lot of shit. Wish you the best, man. Good luck in the wars to come.
Saufsoldat ago
Your gay hotlink doesn't work. Get your shit together, kike.
mosaik_of_truth ago
another ccp collector at work. Sounds like she's working for the ADL
vladtep ago
His nigger dad shouldn't be allowed to be a marine, or anything.
Civnat scum.
TitanThinkTank ago
Fuck off fagots, VOAT AND REDDIT ARE SICK ENEMIES OF FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Bloody evil human specie.
Mustard_Monkey ago
Now here is the honest question for you OP. Why is the excuse to own a racist term of Nigger even though the slang Nigga is used in rap not racist? Because racism is color blind. There are assholes no matter the hue of skin. The assholes who are racist fucks don't represent any ethnicity as a hole. You find assholes everywhere. Why use it and own it when it is the most retarded term ever? Oh and welcome to VOAT.
AndNowTheOther8 ago
I have a habit of not saying things to get smacked on the back of the head by my mom, because I was with my mom 24/7 to age 18.
The old, "think about what you're going to say, and don't say it if your mother wouldn't approve."
Mustard_Monkey ago
Respect to me is earned not freely given. The same with Trust. I will be trusting of others but break it once. I trust them no more. However OP could you in your best understandingt at doing my original question please?
AndNowTheOther8 ago
I've never called anyone the n-word. First time learning about it was when reading pride and prejudice when I was, like 16, and I've never used it.
Remember, you'd never learn to do certain things without seeing other people do them.
Not everyone was exposed to the internet at a young age, I'm a 90s kid from when we didn't have internet.
GratefulGrandmother ago
Fuckin' imprinting.
headfire ago
You words smell like a jew.
wonderfuldonut ago
A conservative person of color is Rare as rocking horse shit, next will be proof of unicorns, home schooling is a double edged sword.
"but for voaters who complain how vulgar black people are, you seem to talk a lot like them"
I hear that. Welcome aboard. I'm with ya brother.
ThirteenthZodiac ago
Jew? Nigger?
Don't really care, either way. Get the fuck off my lawn.
GratefulGrandmother ago
Dear 13th: "Ophiuchus is a large constellation straddling the celestial equator.Its name is from the Greek Ὀφιοῦχος Ophioukhos, "serpent-bearer."--Wikipedia
"Ophiuchus are known to shut out people whom they mistrust, ensuring that they only surround themselves with people who are honest and trustworthy. You won't find them being fake or overly friendly with people that they aren't too fond of."--idiva.com/news-relationships/ophiuchus-6-personality-traits-you-need-to-know-about-this-new-sun-sign/16092776
"Ophiuchus had the greatest diversity in the Zodiac—people's skin, hair, and eye color spanned the full range of the spectrum."
You from there? You don't want ANYONE on your lawn. Just fess it...How 'bout you snort some Roundup; you *could *get a genetic upgrade, like a Unity gene, or something.
Yo, niggas be growin deys own grub in dem dissed cracker cribs...they don't need your toxic lawn. The twitchy white scavengers in my town are the ones who give cause for paranoia.
I suppose that *where *we are, and whatever we've experienced, directly, from people of all stripes and star-map coordinates, is what imprints us.
ThirteenthZodiac ago
You can also get the fuck off my lawn, faggot.
GratefulGrandmother ago
Yessuh! ...but the lawn wipes your shit off my shoes so nicely.
whipcracker ago
Go be a nigger somewhere else!
Ina_Pickle ago
Hi. I hope you stick around. If manage to do so, overlooking the waist deep racism, then you will be the goatiest goat on the site. It is easy for everyone else to say they respect freedom of speech above all else when they post to a site filled with people almost exactly like them. You, however, will find yourself embracing the 1st amendment the hard way.
My experience with homeschool families is different from yours. In my area most people homeschool for religious reasons (the admin here is very liberal although the area is deeply conservative) or because the schools are crap and the private schools are too expensive. My family homeschools for both reasons, and also because we don't like to wake early. We also like to take trips and the school amin was annoying when it came to absences.
voltronspenis ago
speaking of black moms...
and welcome to voat!
SearchVoatBot ago
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Pubiclouse ago
I love you faggoats... y'all see right through the kikery. That is why I always read the comments.
anglojibwe ago
Hey man, you holding?
Fuck you, nigger.
z-vap ago
Welcome (has that happened yet?)
kcamstar ago
I can guarantee that you are not purebred black... a full on black person would not have been able to elicit a wall of text like above in an intelligent, insightful or concise manner. What kind of mutt are you?
Conspirologist ago
Hello. There are a lot of kike shills here who pretend to be hardcore neo-nazis from movies. They obviously don't know real nationalists, so the movies is their only source.
SearchVoatBot ago
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PutABowOnIt ago
dang you gots 381 comments, nice going
Humanicide ago
Fuck this nigger and his mammy. I would include his pappy but no doubts he has it bad enough in prison.
Fuck off back to Reddit where you came nigger((cocks shotgun))no one wants you here.
GratefulGrandmother ago
Didn't know ninjas packed shotguns. Silent running, no warning, and no silly threats.
Saufsoldat ago
Enjoy the atmosphere and know that there is a non-zero amount of people who have more than two brain cells here, despite what the comments may indicate.
redpilldessert ago
What do you think of whites gradually becoming minorities in every country?
GratefulGrandmother ago
They forgot how to fuck?
FrozenFire74 ago
The Triggering is real here. Welcome to Voat OP, you've got a lot of bullshit to sift through
Buff_Awesome ago
Why did you feel the need to bring up your race at all? The only people here who would give a shit about that are the national socialists and they're not the people who you want to discuss race with. Take that mindset, throw it away, and never look back.
N3DM ago
Fuck off. Nobody cares if you're black, and we don't need your damn points.
Plus, it's called UPVOAT, you retard.
vladtep ago
Muh talented tenth. lol
friendshipistragic ago
Bananazz ago
Welcome, and time will tell. Anyone that's offended by words shouldn't be on the internet.
GratefulGrandmother ago
But...but...but...so many NEED to be offended. 'Juice' for the masses.
Bananazz ago
so true, and quite sad
Folkvangr ago
Traitors die first.
sLnTsRvC ago
Do you know why liberal faggots, like yourself, can't stop talking about race? Because with free speech the best ideas win.
Liberals do not have the best ideas, they have to supplement their ideas with race, gender, and how many dildos they can jam themselves with to cover up their shit ideas.
bulrush ago
Welcome. This is where you get hazed. It's nice to see black conservatives though. Since you've been to 4chan you're probably not a snowflake. You'll do fine here.
black_trash ago
Welp, there goes the neighborhood.
293948172 ago
Welcome to the voat
AmaleksHairyAss ago
Fuck every racist.
vladtep ago
Fuck you, nigger.
AndNowTheOther8 ago
Woah now, wrongthink that isn't allowed on voat!
Scientific racism is real, stud. Even I know that.
GratefulGrandmother ago
You talkin about the genetic anomaly inherent in Ashkenazi Jews?
Duchozz ago
Wake up your black friends and family to the kikes my guy, we need you for that
Duchozz ago
Welcome dude. Racism here is rampant but essential to free thought and open conversation. Glad to have you here.
GratefulGrandmother ago
Indeed. I envision a day where "free" and "thought" actually synchronize here, or not. Onward! Drain ALL the swamps! Oorah, faggots.
AndNowTheOther8 ago
Well of course. Scientific racism is very real.
Duchozz ago
It's just different racial developments with the human brain, but yeah it's real. If you define intelligence by western standards it can definitely lead to a more racist people, but I'd rather judge someone by their character. I think that a good character is achievable to any race, personally, but yeah denying biological intelligence is fucking stupid.
IDintDoNuthin ago
What are thoughts on your race being statistically dumber than other races? Statistically my race has small penis's, just saying.
AndNowTheOther8 ago
Well, keep in mind that that's just an IQ test. Jews do well on IQ tests all the way up to the point where the spacial reasoning comes up. That the biggest thing holding them back.
The big thing that black people have is social awareness. (Which, I, ironically totally and completely lack.) Look at how many television hosts and comedians are black. They many not have the best jokes, but they are inherently funny. Like Ainsley Harriott is an inherently funny person. His jokes are utterly mediocre, but he's laugh out loud funny because he has good delivery. And you can't measure that empirically.
IDintDoNuthin ago
IQ can be argued against all day. STEM fields are mostly Male Whites and Male Asians, so that says something to me about the efficacy of this parameter. I also agree with Jordan Peterson that IQ doesnt correlate with being good and evil, high IQ can be evil hearted and low IQ can be good hearted. Look at the Jews, evil sick motherfuckers.
Sw0rdofDamocles ago
Shitonliblips ago
What is this? A vagina monologue?
Cat-hax ago
I don't hate all black people just niggers which you seem to not be.
AndNowTheOther8 ago
I'd say "There's more of us than you think," but that wouldin't be very honest. :(
All of the black homeschoolers in a any of the really big predominately black cities I lived in would probably only fill a small auditorium. Libs are hitting us hard.
ardvarcus ago
You sound like a credit to the negro race. You are an outlier -- you're on the upper end of the bell curve for black intelligence. You also seem to have your priorities in order. In this society, where blacks are given every possible advantage, you will do well in life. You can't help but do well in life, with affirmative action getting you in the door in front of whites, Asians, even Jews with higher qualifications, with major universities fighting each other to get you as a student, and with corporations falling over each other to hire negroes who can speak well and dress well, to use for virtue signaling and advertising. The Western white Christian world is literally your oyster -- everything will be handed to you on a silver platter, and if by some remote chance you ever have a problem of any kind, you can always blame whitey, and liberal whites will fall all over themselves to back you up.
AndNowTheOther8 ago
Yeah, well, lets not pretend that I don't have to work for it. The day that I settle for being average is the day I go back to being stupid like everyone else. I know that I get advantages, and I'm thankful every day for them. But I put in the hours in the library to get the grades it get. Kinda hard to argue that the teacher is giving me an black advantage on multiple choice tests.
amonamoose ago
I gave you an upvoat... Welcome to the shit show niggerfaggot. Enjoy your stay. We are happy to have you.
NunoGloop ago
snap this is going in my cringe compilation
goodbyehorses ago
Soo.. you're actually a real "Dindu nuffin", since you've actually done nothing (done nothing bad that is)
DeadFox ago
If you're a nigger, you're getting lynched, if you're a kike, you're getting gassed.
truckboattruck ago
How does it feel being a part of the "gifted tenth"? that 10% of the negro population smart enough to function within civilization.
since the problem is genetic and unavoidable, do you feel lost in a sea of zombies when around your own kind?
Doglegwarrior ago
I up voted you... and you are 100 percent right about the observation that the racist goats on here talk like niggers... now i know you are not a nigger because you play d&d.. had to drop some n bombs on you as you know we have filters for snowflake kikefaggots so had to at least give youba couple.. welcome to vote id rather have a black neigbor then a jew kike commie any day of the week or a mudslime... post content and dont be a niggerfaggotkike while you are here... from now on will use my nigga which is acceptable even in the real world from white guys as long as you are good at basketball which i am.
no-hurry-no-pause ago
I've never seen anyone here to complain how "vulgar" niggers are.
Stupid? Yes.
Lazy? Yes.
Violent? Yes.
Lying? Yes.
but i've never seen anyone ever complain that a nigger was of all things vulgar. So youre lying like a NIGGER, nigger. Welcome to voat.
syntaxaxe ago
Well, this comment is so far down in the comments that you might not read it, but I'll say it just in case.
You're going to get a lot of shit here for being black. I've lived in some predominantly black neighborhoods, and I know the statistics regarding black people in white countries; if you have similar experiences and are aware of similar things, perhaps you'll understand where the hatred is coming from. You'll have to deal with it.
If you are a decent person, and have good contributions, you'll get some respect and good conversation also. But you'll quickly realize - there are plenty of white people here who appreciate being white and want to be among our own, whether that entails anger and disdain for others or not. This is one of the very few places where we can do that without much interruption or censorship. If you can't respect that, if you come here to push multiculturalism or even forced tolerance of multiethnic association, you probably will not have a good time.
There are also people like myself - who do think racial separation is generally positive for all people, who do want white homelands, who do think African Americans should have their own nation, and who will assume that a black person is likely to be an average nigger until proven otherwise... but will hear you out, and will engage in conversation with you if you have something interesting and worthwhile to say.
GratefulGrandmother ago
What irks me is someone racially classifying themselves anything in the first place. Irks me too, that we must provide a user name. /v/QRV provides true anon venue for anons.
LatoreCon ago
Too long didn't read
We don't need to be mad at you to call you a nigger
Niggertown ago
Being a military goyim is nothing to boast about. I've always found these types to be part of the problem.
Turd_Coat ago
Fuck off you subhuman nigger. You literal subhuman piece of human filth. Go back to whichever shithole your filthy ancestors were shat in to. You filthy unevolved piece of refuse.
Fucking niggers should all be gassed.
fuckingmockies ago
Honest question: why would you want to stay in a country where your people are a plauge and a cancer? Shouldn't your goal be to return to your homeland and make it a nice place?
GratefulGrandmother ago
Fuck, so many swamps in so many "homelands." If someone's homeland hasn't been their family's homeland for generations, you'd have them go save the day like SuperNigger, or something? ALL the swamps are being drained. "Homelands" will be restored. It's fascinating to me that the cradle of modern Homo sapiens is (according to the latest forensic anthropology) the Rift Zone region in SE Africa...gee...just where the marauding Huns set up shop many generations ago. Same pattern repeated globally. Broaden your minds.
SexMachine ago
I here Voat users are called goats. I call the black voat users mah niggoats.
Welcome, nigger faggot!
Also, many goats here believe all blacks are niggers, but I like to judge a black person on their merit.
Don't get me wrong though, the whole lot of you are fucking niggers because just look at the majority. You're a fucking outlier. If it came down to saving 100 black people, with you amongst them, or a retarded white kid, I'd save the retard over the niggers. Even though, like I said, individually you may not be a nigger, but when there's a group of niggers that you're in, I might mistakenly call you a nigger.
If any of that makes sense.
edit: a subsaharan cannibal..
RootedPatriot ago
Good Day Sir. I grew up in the South. Put Much effort into my home, community, state, and Country a better place. Met every kind of people here from Good to Bad. Cali to the Carolinas, Australia, Thailand & Japan. ONE Thing I've learned without a doubt, American Patriots are a breed apart from the rest, and come in many colors. Your presence is appreciated 👍
Merlynn ago
Ok,here's the quick and dirty of it. Bare in mind this isn't being said to make you feel bad,it's so you know what's really going on.
What they tell you: Wakandian super men built Egypt with flying pyramids,created evil white people who couldn't achieve the amazing intellectual feats of the superior Africans,but still somehow over threw them. The white people then fucked off to Europe,built Rome and most other civilizations that mattered,went over to America,murdered all the natives they could before sticking the remainder on reservations for "reasons" and then came back to Africa,grabbed up a bunch of black people,cause white people just love niggers,and dragged them all back to America in chains for some oppressin'. Just because.
What actually happened: Africans pretty much made it to mud huts and fire,said "good enough" and proceed to spend the next 10,000 years sitting in the sun and scratching their balls. They've built nothing,didn't even invent the wheel,and have no written language. Largely because niggers never thought of anything worth writing down anyway. Muslims invaded northern Africa,taking it from the European Christians,and started enslaving niggers because Mohammad said that's all they're good for. The smarter niggers converted anyway because they found out muslims don't really have an exclusion clause in their conversation system except for jews.
Niggers took to enslaving people like fish to water and soon started enslaving anyone they could. Which was mostly other niggers. However,they also liked getting their hands on white people and would sail up and down the coast of Europe to grab white people. They also helped invade Spain and enslave people there.
So along came the jews who bought up a bunch of niggers from the slave markets because they wanted cheap labor and knew they could always manipulate them cause they're stupid. Niggers also can't tell a jew from a white man,which the jew has used to get you to believe it's white people who enslaved you instead of them. They've since used slavery as an excuse to sow anti-white hate in niggers and explain that white people don't like hanging around niggers because of racism and totally not because niggers tend to argumentative at best and violent at worst due to the anti-white brainwashing they give you.
Any questions?
GratefulGrandmother ago
In other words, we've ALL been duped by the Khazarian Huns. Hatred all around. Just what they wanted...more PROFITS that way.
Merlynn ago
Well,it is called "divide and conquer" for a reason. And when you have an easy divider like skin color,it's just easier.
do you know what a subsaharran cannibal is?
Merlynn ago
Now,now,one red pill at a time.
Whitemail ago
Given the current state of niggers, I don't blame anyone for not wanting anything to do with them.
subsaharrans have been cannibals since the beginning of time...
Whitemail ago
Yeah, American negeros have gotten worse between now and slavery, though. It's due to the welfare state paying black women to be single mothers with a bunch of bastard keeids and rap crap music pushed by Jews to encourage young black men to kill each other and end up in prison.
hey retard... negroes are subsaharran.. it’s logistically impossible to be a subsaharran indigenous to North America... meanwhile a subsaharrans culture is cannibalism... this is why they are physically aggressive...
Whitemail ago
Europeans aren't indigenous to America either, but they've been here a long time just like the great American negro.
hey retard... ‘america’ was created by caucasians... and again a subsaharran is not North American.. try to be smart at most.
Whitemail ago
The modern United States is a European invention corrupted by Jews and their banking system. Actually, one of the main reasons for the revolution at first was to not be subject to the Jewish-run bank of England where they would have to borrow money from the bank and pay it back with interest. Eventually, the bankers had their way with America, though.
Agree... but please stop feeding the cannibals.
Things_Stuff ago
Fine with me. Stay away from white girls.
TheGoyNextDoor ago
He won’t. Back to Africa we go!
moscowjade ago
Heads up for you, goat. We need black dudes like you to take charge of the black community and culture, and start steering that shit. We need you to be war fighters on that front. The liberals fucking hate you a million times more than the right does. All this 'liberal savior' shit is just a mask projected over seething hatred. The Kikes created nigger thug culture, and then convinced dumb blacks that it was their invention.
AndNowTheOther8 ago
This is apparent to any black person who knows anything at all. The problem is that (((They))) want to try to make anyone who goes against gangster lifestyle and trashy rap music out to be some sort of anti-black anti-fun killjoy Oreo. Look at who owns the (((Record Companies))). Look at how predominately black areas vote in elections.
I'm not sure if you've ever read pride and prejudice as part of your goym (((Public school))) propaganda reading, but people like the Clintions, liberal democrats, ect... still have the power to make people they don't like disappear. And when they do, Blacks are too freakin' stupid to realize what happened, and the "In the know" (4chan, voat, conspiracy people) white crowd doesn't care.
TheAmerican ago
https://hooktube.com/watch?v=qR8HrDWUCDE agree?
TheAmerican ago
What do you think of pastor James David Manning?
Problematic ago
See how much better a person turns out when they know their father?
TheAmerican ago
Welcome brother. Don't let them scare you off.
AndNowTheOther8 ago
A getto of my own race scares me far more than a website full of angry ex-redditors.
TheAmerican ago
The irony is they think they represent the best of the white race.
Cosmic_goatkhrist ago
Yeah I've noticed that too. Funny how the majority of these nigger haters are part black themselves. At some point in history their ancestors were fucked by a black dude. Haha.
Oh yeah, welcome niggerfaggot. I guess that's the edgy thing to do.
Mr_Dusk ago
Welcome to Voat, you're probably going to get shat on a lot by the community here. Just take the punches in your stride and you'll be fine.
Ooga booga booga ooga ooga.
I_forgot_my_password ago
I'm sincerely glad you're here, but you aren't going to enjoy it bud :(
AndNowTheOther8 ago
I think it's funny. Besides, I'm getting more net upgoats then downgoats. As one wise youtube comment said, the best videos are the ones with a cigarette shaped like-dislike ratio.
elitch2 ago
100% this faggot is a kike.
If he's really Black, he's got to be in the top 1%, IQ-wise.
No spelling mistakes, proper grammar (almost), I don't buy it.
GratefulGrandmother ago
I wanna see yalls IQ results, the Emotional IQ results, as well. Yep...you fail. If this man/woman/machine/ET/yo mama is a plant, you've just provided the loosh-cooking elements for him/her to go another for another week looking like a human. Nice going.
elitch2 ago
143, which I'm guessing is at least 100 more than yours.
AndNowTheOther8 ago
Probably even less than 1%. According to one source 3.4% of Americans are homeschooled, and 8% of them are black.
3.4*0.08= the top 0.3 percent. (assuming my homeschooler bias that homeschoolers are smarter.
MatterzStrange ago
Did you know that in some nations countries for example Sweden, it is now illegal to home school your children
GratefulGrandmother ago
Yayuh. Sweden has its own swamp to drain.
elitch2 ago
Okay, I'll suspend my disbelief long enough to entertain the thought of magic, intelligent niggers.
My gut still says you're a kike.
GratefulGrandmother ago
What a passle of Muggles.
AndNowTheOther8 ago
Trust your gut. I may not be, but the next guy certainly will.
flowerchild ago
anoncastillo ago
Right? I'm legit amazed by how many Jews come here to shill every day too.
King_Freya ago
The mental gymnastics people on here are going through to determine if this post is legit or not is done fucking hilarious. You wonder why people don’t take this site seriously when literally everyone you disagree with is labeled some retarded ass label...very similar tactic to the left calling everyone they disagree with xenophobic, sexist, racist, etc.
You pretend to be better than them, but you act just the same, only with a different vocabulary.
flowerchild ago
Exactly, I'm not seeing a lot of difference verbally between some of these goats and the more rabid lefties.
i_scream_trucks ago
(No really, thats my standard greeting, everyone here is blacker than me)
flowerchild ago
i_scream_trucks ago
you must be great fun at parties
SharpSliceOfMango ago
MatterzStrange ago
Welcome, good to have more Americans here and let me give you a run down on the history I have pieced together as a jigsaw and a run down on demographics here at voat. The Voat community used to start as Whoaverse, maybe some DrWho scifi site, maybe an open source alternative to Reddit a kind of Opensource software thing who knows the real legend. It was a very small tiny community a little bit of fiction fantasy scifi, a little 4chan, some Gamergate, Dr Who maybe... you typically had 10 posts per week. They would stay on the top of all for the next 2 weeks, tumble weeds blow by some dusty ghost town like those old Cowboy and Indian films. Some dude kiwi mark hung around nobody knew who he was someone said he was an asshole, another said he might know some kim dot hacker, some else said he was a troll. A guy Atko ran the show, rumored to be a refugee himself, a Bosnia? was he in Sweden? or Switzerland who knows? Maybe he was an ex-muslim, voat did not have a foundation, it was an alternative and was a little chaotic back then.
Now while voat just getting born, was a tiny little baby website, literally a horde of Thousands spammers and attackers from places like Reddit facebook, mostly reddit came to try and take voat off line for good. Maybe someone should make a documentary but like the Greek legend of Hercules getting attacked by snakes, serpents as a baby, voat also survived. Next came a huge wave of alternative libertarian and white conservative users from the United States. Bernie Sanders fans were getting their posts shutdown, forums deleted, at the same time this was happening you had the censorship of 'Coontown' people who went fuck this nigga, or fuck this 'nigger' culture and people who did not support the Black Lives Matter movement. Finally news started to leak that Hillary might have some how rigged the election against Bernie Sanders, that's when waves and waves of Libertarians started to arrive.
At the same time this is happening you have the refugee invasion of Europe, the immigration crisis, the fallout from the Libya war, the ISIS or Daesh or ISIL in Iraq and Syria etc Each week on the shores and beaches and ports and coasts South Europe you literally were having thousands upon thousands of refugees arriving some perhaps were not refugees they could be militants, islamists, criminals, rapists? People from all over the world arriving not just refugees but all of them Bangladesh, India, Kenya, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, Iran...you name it they arrived from 'SHITHOLE' countries as the media once put it. Reddit once again hit hard and news stories were cenosred they try to silence news on a rightwing nationalist LePen in France, Canada, England, Germany you name it reddit became part of this giant global censorship team. and some of These other countries do not respect freedom of speech like the United States does, Australia which is very much kinda Aussie British english speaking Australian they start to go a little more left and thousands from Canada and Australia come here, there are also a lot of Germans after Merkel promised to take in over A MILLION refugees, people did not have an outlet online i guess so they came to voat, Trump wins, liberals and Antifa have a hissy fit, CNN is fake news.
During this time a guy Atko started to step back and a guy Puttit out started to take over. There are a shit ton of conspiracy about who did what and whats happening behind the scenes, the site also went offline for a day which added more conspiracy. The largest migrations have been from reddit, for a while they locked theDonald forum i guess in some sort of reddit admin hissy fit that Hillary lost the election, it sent thousands and thousands here. Reddit these days seems to have gone full communist globalist leftwing, even censors posts criticizing islam. Each month they ban a new thread, censor a new sub or block and ban and thousands more come from these erased online communities, voat for this past year probably has a strong reputation to have an Alt-right, Conservative, Rightwing, troll Hitler like element to the site I think its a little more chaotic and 4chan like
The latest invasions seem to be from some troll meme community called 'million dollar extreme' and the 'Q-anon' conspiracy bunch. I don't know how to describe voat, it has little regulation so it will feel more like websites like medium.com, https://www.real.video/ bitchute, minds, steemit, https://gab.ai/home . There are agendas trolls, political shills and fakes here quiet a few may have picked up a paycheque from Turkey, Israel, Vietnam, Pakistan, they try to pass themselves as White old money White Anglo Protestant Bible Americans but they are not very good at it, they are soon exposed by voat's immune system for want of a better term, I think the posts from Vietnam are mostly spam attacks. Somebody mentioned a Chastain Justin I don't know, they were hosting and domain and adverts in Germany, Colombia, Amazon links, posts speaking against the actions of Israel, Saudi, Jews, the accurate history of Holocaust...it could have opened that whole Anti Semetic 'Shut it Down!' attack, voat could have chosen the easy option got some quick cash and continued as a little site but it decided to grow and go the hard way... oh yeah and there is a big 'pizzagate' community...peoples who believe or believed for years that Weinstein, Bill Cosby, the British tv England's Jimmy Savile, the Roman Catholic Church and the refugee traffickers in the Middle East, India and Haiti are all part of some giant abuse conspiracy of rape and satanism? ... I think the site mostly survives now on donations in crypto like Bitcoin. The was also a migration or exodus or invasion from subreddits, r / fatpeoplehate and r / neofags, accusing them of whatever. Games are big on voat! Actually gamer community here is huge reddits gaming community took KotakuInAction and the voat game community as a refuge when they were threaten with purges, censorship, bannings, reddit has been bleeding its gamers into voat for years now.
GratefulGrandmother ago
Ahhh...I love a relevant synopsis. Thanks.
I think I'm probably originally from Arcturus, so faggot goats better not bash me with their typical Terran cultural constructs.
anoncastillo ago
Voat used to like dr who? I don't buy it. BBC loving cuck detected.
MatterzStrange ago
Some of the biggest and oldest forums here were /v/Libertarian , /v/DoctorWho and /v/BernieSanders they are 4.2 yrs old v/kotakuinaction 3 + years, Fatpeople hate a community for 3.6 years, the Donald has only been a community here for 2.6 years ,
Romanium ago
Best comment of the thread by far.
You may have just become Voat's unofficial historian.
mad_saxon ago
Nigger you have no place in any white country. Going back to Africa is your only hope.
vladtep ago
Yes, I don't give a single fuck what he thinks his IQ is.
Silly nigger. lol
flowerchild ago
BlackSheepBrouhaha ago
"I think the %" too smart for school" is slightly higher [in black areas]."
Survivor Bias. When half the population is in juvenile hall before their 18th birthday (<85IQ), the remaining population has a disproportionate distribution of IQ. Too smart for school is a about 105, when someone can themselves.
BraveNewDoors ago
Welcome! I just got here as well. This post is great and the real kind of "Woke" methinks. God bless you my friend.
Food_Stamp ago
I see you, schlomo.
Paneedleribena22 ago
So a real nigger
negrojohnny ago
This is so obviously a j3wish Larp. Grade A bullshit straight from his creative writing 201 class.
RaptorJesus ago
We do not pander to blacks here. Go back to /r/the Donald where they loved their based black men.
anoncastillo ago
Cool name. Thanks for dying for our genes bro.
wild-tangent ago
Some people gonna hate you anyways, but you seem like a nice enough fella.
Says the idiot...
Pattern_Blind ago
Welcome nigger. We celebrate niggers on Voat with their own special day. Being a nigger you should appreciate that day since it is filled with Hemp (rope).
While studying for you engineering degree did you ever hear of the Bell Curve and outliers? This is the reason you are the worst kind of nigger. Niggers like you convince upstanding white citizens that there are good niggers out there. Yes there might be 3 niggers out there of upstanding character and they are the worste type.
I am glad you are civilised, I am guessing white genes somewhere in that family line at some point since you can form complete sentences.
I am curious when niggers play DnD what class do you play as your favorite and is the princess you imagine rescuing white or nigger? If it’s white, you see the problem right? You’re smart enough to realise niggers suck and you don’t want to be part of that society, but by joining the white society and having mud babies you are ruining white society.
Although you may be an outlier your children if 100% black have a higher chance to revert to the mean. Pumping out 80 IQ nigglets who will feel more comfortable in 80 IQ nigger society is what your future holds.
Since you play DnD you might understand this reference. You come across as Drizz’t Do’Urden Nigger Elf, Drow. You survived growing up around Lawful Evil Nigger Elves even though your natural alignment is Lawful Good. Just because their is one Drizz’t in the World, whites would be a fucking moron to trust that other Drow, Nigger Elves won’t have you on Lolth’s sacrifical altar faster than you can say “I’m not a dumb violent Nigger like the rest!”.
This may come across as a catch 82 but to keep yourself safe as a white person don’t trust niggers or do budiness with jews. If you follow those simply rules and stay around whites, the chances of getting killed Goes way down, statistaclly speaking.
HermitXChoice ago
You have your mouth full of reason. How dare you! Lmao seriously though. Rooting for you!
anoncastillo ago
Sieg Heil mein neger.
mostlyfriendly ago
Welcome! :)
Chuck_Brown ago
What problem has ever been solved by adding niggers?
oldzeke ago
Lack of league championships.
scoopadoop ago
Obvious infiltrator is obvious.
box-inside-a-box ago
I'm not even reading your excuses for why you are black. Bla bla bla The fact is you need to die. Dont care how productive they are I suggest everyone stick a gerber in a niggers neck. No bullshit. Just do it. SMD
Goathole ago
Shut nigger before we sanitize you.
gazillions ago
They don;t say how vulgar black people are. They say how awful niggers are. Different.
‘Black’ is a colour not a person... you are trying to say subsaharran cannibal.
rusnoob1 ago
Poor guy, niggers are like lawyers. 99% of them gives the rest bad name
his_own_weapon ago
undercover whiteknight nigger kike detected. sweep him back outside.
Elbower_of_Quants ago
This place is the inverse of Worldstar with an additional helping of intelligence in some corners. Eventually, though, the Jew/nigger obsession here will cloud your opinion of the goat village. And it should. Race-skepticism has a place but, Christ, goats take it to a whole new level.
Pulverizor ago
The level's over nine thousand as you can see from these comments but I'm happy to see an intro post that doesn't mention a certain capitalized letter.
Dougal_McHaggis ago
Welcome aboard niggerface.
rusnoob1 ago
WHile Africa is the continent, that wasnt able to build one fuckin city over a thousands of years - they also have fuckin pyramids. African heritage is like Asian heritage. You can by muslim syrian, buddhist chinese and every onther central goatfucker in between there. Africa is really huge continent if you look out or Mercator scale. It's fuckin enormous. Not all of them are the same, one must be fuckin murican to put them all in the same basket
ardvarcus ago
We usually make the distinction between Mediterraneans living in northern Africa, such as the Egyptians, who were not negroes, and mostly still are not negroes, and sub-Saharans living south of the Desert of the Sahara, who are negroes (apart from the European settlers). The gulf between these two regions of Africa is immense. In the north you have the civilization that built the pyramids (Egypt), and you had the civilization that almost conquered the mighty Roman Empire (Carthage, it no longer exists ... it wasn't wise to attack the Roman Empire in those days). In the south you have ... savage tribes living in mud huts and hunting animals with pointy sticks ... for thousand upon thousand upon thousands of years, with no progress of any kind, other than what they managed to steal from the peoples of the north.
And your brain half functions... subsaharrans are cannibals...
lol, you idiot, africans didn't build pyramids.
rusnoob1 ago
Who built then? Australians? Fuck I need to go back to school, I suck at geo. Thank you for pointing out, I stand corrected
no-hurry-no-pause ago
You fucking stupid retard.
NIGGERS cant build a mud hut, let alone a pyramid.
The pyramids were built by whoever inhabited north africa 5000 yrs ago, and it is most likely some type of whites, not fucking nigger apes.
Kingleopold2 ago
"African" means bantus in general usage. More than just bantus live in africa. The khoi-san live south of the Sahara, used to be predominant until the bantus killed and ate most of them. North of the Sahara are cauacasoids, our inbred semitic cousins.
more likely than africans. people do move around..... we have legs you fuck.
rusnoob1 ago
Who built then? Australians? Fuck I really need go back to school, I suck at geo. Thanks for pointing out, I stand corrected
kalgon ago
Nobody really knows
But what we know is this https://memestatic.fjcdn.com/pictures/Muakni+bevio+sagets_679619_6481498.jpg
Cid ago
Voat is one of the few outlets that allow people to honestly voice their frustrations with the world and the people who inhabit it. Were you expecting anything other then an excess in vulgarity? I could go to facebook or twitter and see 1000x the vulgarity but being socially acceptable because it's directed at whites. But I'm sure (((you))) knew all this already.
Ocelot ago
AndNowTheOther8 ago
I'm only into big tiddy chocolate elfs. Your basic white witch is safe.
iswallow ago
Something doesn't add up. Welcome nonetheless!
AndNowTheOther8 ago
Posted from another comment.
iswallow ago
I've never heard of this stereotype, care to elaborate?
satisfyinghump ago
You do realize you just made basically everyone here believe you're a jew, right?
goatboy ago
Why are confusing black people with niggers?
Anyway, welcome. It's nice to meet you. Thank you for coming. I hope you enjoy your time here.
475677 ago
You're clearly a subversive kike trying to fit it. If you're wondering your biggest tell was using race traitor in the context of not being a nigger instead of going after white women. You also tried to throw off by saying you haven't been on 4chan implying you're not fully down with all the lingo and have used your time lurking here to try and build a profile that we'd want in a nigger such as the father being a patriot, mother homeschooling her child to prevent nigger influences and being against CP. You may have the other members thanking god that an exception to the nigger rule exists but I see you for the jew rat you are.
Tell your long nose tribe masters that you earned your shekel for this reply but just know that you disappoint your parents, but in particular your father, trying to subvert one of the last bastions of free speech left in the world. Normally I'd tell a person to unironically kill themselves at this point but I hope you live forever and see everything you've ever known or loved die around you while being denied that sweet relief yourself.
cosMICjester ago
So the majority of folks on VOAT are liars & infiltrators outside of enraged hetero nationalistic white guys??
475677 ago
The majority of users are enraged white male hetero nationalists. How could you not know that after 1.7 years of being a member?
cosMICjester ago
I concur that's why I wrote what I wrote
TheAmerican ago
I hate these damn Jewish shills
Ina_Pickle ago
I thought you quit.
TheAmerican ago
What are you talking about??
Ina_Pickle ago
You posted just yesterday that you were done with Voat.
greenthumb1776 ago
😫 I’m dead.
TheAmerican ago
I didnt do that shit?
Ina_Pickle ago
So how many of your friends and relatives know your Voat name and password?
TheAmerican ago
None. If my friends or family knew I was on voat and saw the things I say here they would be about as surprised as a human being can get. Jaws would be dropped. I'm not what you think I am, you wouldn't believe what I am in the real world in a million years.
Flyondawall ago
Says the former professional shill.
TheAmerican ago
Flyondawall ago
But I thought you said..
TheAmerican ago
I never said that?
Dsciexterminationist ago
I think a little competition is good for you guys, might improve quality
AndNowTheOther8 ago
Great post, I upgoated. Here's some of my flaws if you're wondering: -Can't read people for shit. Literally the one skill black people can do well. -Might be on the spectrum. -Not fit in traditional senses that blacks value. I'm more of the flexible type. I actually did ballet for a while at a real ballet school taught by a real Russian guy. Dad didn't really approve and was glad when we moved. -Sometimes I burn bridges in group actives because I value winning more than making friends. (I've curbed this a lot, however.)
Also I'm not going after some basic white girl. I'm still dreaming or that big tiddy chocolate elf homeschooled antisocial gamer girl. I haven't given up hope yet!
dias17se ago
Please leave this website.
idk ago
A black person with a dad... now I know it's fake.
Rainy-Day-Dream ago
don't be redundant you already said you were black
tastelessinvective ago
Sounds like Brittany venti https://i.redd.it/puq9w8fvejl01.jpg
Frankenblock ago
Who shopped out the necklace?
Doglegwarrior ago
I met a girl like this.. she worked for the cdc in atlanta and was very dark but had small lips that were red... she had great shape beutiful elf like facial features and big tits.. i hooked up with her asian friend but could not stop looking at this rarity.. i like half black girls normaly dont like really dark skinned but this black unicorn i met was absolutly the exception.. i wish i had gotten a picture of here.. met her in cozumel they were there for a doctors event.
anoncastillo ago
Shit, if i find me one of those rarities I'm making her my house slave.
Artofchoke ago
You are looking for the rarest girl ever, and I wish you luck, baby.
Welcome, btw. ♡
AmaleksHairyAss ago
middle-path ago
Literally zero need to state your race.
If you're intelligent and anon nobody gaf
are you familiar with subsaharran cannibals... please do not feed the cannibals...
james780 ago
fuck you nigger
BeefBourgignon ago
Be grateful for your white admixture, and never take a white wife.
AndNowTheOther8 ago
Chocolate elf all the way for me, baby.
fellowwhiteperson ago
Blacks got a reputation for being niggers because their ancestors are functionally retarded. American blacks have some mixed dna plus strong selective pressure for traits favoring civilized behavior. Thus not all blacks are equal. If anything, the American black (as seen from American TV, thus even more selective) is deceptively docile and Europe has equated them with fresh from Africa blacks.
anoncastillo ago
Blacks can only catch up to whites through a process of natural selection and intermixed breeding. That's why they crave our white womens and have so much violence.
vladtep ago
Yeah, we don't want them in our gene pool.
or who knows, perhaps they are subsaharrans who’s culture is cannibalism?
Itsdone63 ago
Oh, the mythical based black. The new Q cult will love you.
AndNowTheOther8 ago
I've seen the stonetoss comic. Not really big on the Q side of things though. I like the small community here.
Itsdone63 ago
You miss the point. The main divide around here involving them is the ideals we hold.
WhiteRonin ago
I’m glad you are here.
I’ve been saying that not all blacks are niggers but all races have niggers for a while.
hey smarty... do you know what a subsaharan cannibal is?
WhiteRonin ago
Hey smarty! Why did the Hapsburg empire fail? Or try to explain why intelligent white people would save Jews from Hitler?
the american government was influenced by jews... though the american intervention was not decided on that factor alone...
kalgon ago
Epictetus_Hierapolis ago
Hi there. Would you like to help me cleanse the white race of kike subverted elements?
AndNowTheOther8 ago
I thought you'd never ask.
Clicks Flamethrower
Rainy-Day-Dream ago
you should go back to africa tbh, your own people and homeland are suffering.
Barbarian ago
No he should go back to his real homeland, Israel. Though I'm pretty sure that's exactly where he's posting from in the first place.
Rainy-Day-Dream ago
well israel is an illegitimate state that should be wiped off the face of the earth, but that's neither here nor there
no-hurry-no-pause ago
So what? Fuck the illiterate apes. Even if he is a nigger, it is not his job to suffer for them, JUST BECAUSE HE IS A NIGGER. Everybody has the god given right to pursue happines and not to be dragged back into the bucket by his retarded fellow crabs.
FUCK SOCIALISM and fuck you too, fucking commie.
Rainy-Day-Dream ago
a race is just an extension of a family, to abandon your family is a sad thing indeed
Doglegwarrior ago
Kinda like all white people are not responsible for the fucking slave trade... weird isnt it when you think logicaly.
no-hurry-no-pause ago
Of course they arent.
Why are wasting your time beating leftist strawmen?
AndNowTheOther8 ago
I periodically think about trying to do some work there, but Africa is mineral rich and (((corporations))) have a very real monetary interest in keeping people turned against one another.
Google says:
The Chinese also have good stuff, and it's only reason they're as much of a world power as they are. Imagine if the Africans could stop being retarded apes for a few hours to figure this out. The thing is Africans are mostly genetically dumb and Asians are smart.
TheAmerican ago
Africa has had thousands of years to lift itself up you going there won't make any difference. It would be a waste of time and effort for a lost cause.
vladtep ago
Yes, but he belongs there, at least until we invade again. lol
perrin ago
Chinese are black now.
syntaxaxe ago
Jesus, what a clown world we live in. If I didn't live in the current year, I don't know that I could even make this shit up.
Cosmic_goatkhrist ago
Haha ain't that a bitch. Most of the Chinese I met are racist as fuck. Imagine calling home and telling them you're black now. Haha
Oh yeah, thanks for the article.
Rainy-Day-Dream ago
Asians got smart because they needed to plan ahead (winter) and evolved to do so. Africa isn't the most hospitable place on earth but it's warm and fertile with lots of edible plants and animals so a simple hunter/gather type society never stopped working there and they never needed to evolve beyond it. That's why asians and europeans are adapted towards thinking and blacks in general are adapted toward running (fast-twitch muscle fibers)
Doglegwarrior ago
Why do you think eskimos dont have the highest iq on the planet? Why were native americans living in canada not some of the smartest people on the planet and the northern most rusians and asians?
Serious question.
Rainy-Day-Dream ago
think about the environment under which the eskimo people evolved as a racial group, if they didn't have exessively good long term planning and critical thinking skills they and their whole families would've died. Such pressures select for populations with higher IQ
tastelessinvective ago
No seasons. Changing seasons = need to plan ahead.
Doglegwarrior ago
Good point. I still think eskimos got to be pretty god damn smart 8k years ago to survive in those conditions.. but the seasons changing is an interesting angle.. basicaly they lived in the worst season non stop and figured out how to make it.. almost easier then a place with a nice lazy time then harsh ass winters.
hey retard, Asians are smart.
Rainy-Day-Dream ago
indeed but I'm talking about why they are so, humans are an animal and like any animal over generations they adapt to their environment. Those of higher IQ had a better chance to survive in asian over the centuries so the dummies were selected out. Africa in comparison has no harsh winters or other pressures that require planning ahead so natural selection favored things like running ability in africa
hey retard... subsaharran cannibals have superior athletic ability because they’re culture is literally hunting and eating humans... meanwhile they are not thinkers or philosophers and never had the intelligence or need to record any idea ever... they are not as smart as you want to think...
Rainy-Day-Dream ago
your reading comprehension skills are pretty low, huh?
cheers babes, most likely... me be improving me...
Rainy-Day-Dream ago
just gotta calm down the autism and read sometimes bucko, good luck
cheeers babes, life be improving, hugs and kisses!
bb22 ago
You have to learn to tolerate the gaping goatse assholes just like the totally unnecessary gore. It might be a train wreck but YOU HAVE TO FUCKING LOOK AT IT.
AndNowTheOther8 ago
Unpopular opinion time.
It's a scientific fact that people who live in trashy places act trashy.
But people who look at degenerate shit all day don't become degenerates? Goat, please.
Video semi related, jim never makes the connection, though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbzUOajs2d8
LIVING IN THIS SOCIETY. its proof we can ignore it faggot.
Enemy_of_time ago
I posted a question about voats general view on blacks... I got mosly good replies but a few said black people are incapable of being useful to society, period. So I would tell you to just use caution, like anywhere on the internet there's shitty little trolls and also reasonable people.
it’s funny how simplistic and retarded you are... ‘black’ is a color, it’s not a culture or type of creature... they are subsaharrans who’s culture is cannibalism...
Enemy_of_time ago
What the fuck are you even talking about? I
hey rocks for brains... ‘blacks’ is a misnomer too hide the fact they are subsaharrans who indeed have a culture of cannibalism, who’s religon is voodoo ( eating people), who’s culture produces zero commodities, not intellectually capable, on an asian level, never produced an alphabet... prone to physical aggression by virtue of their cultural standards...
Enemy_of_time ago
Wow, you're fucking stupid...
chryseos-geckota ago
Oh shit, a bigger faggot appeared.
pr0nw4r ago
why dont you fuck off to africa you dumb nigger monkey.
Revodude ago
Welcome. Your dad has pointed you in the right direction. Just remember that 90% of what you hear and read is crap and 10% are pearls. It is the ideological association and not one's heritage that matters.
AndNowTheOther8 ago
Excellent point. (((They))) try to keep groups divided by infighting, by splitting us up by race, rather than ideological association.
EdSnowden ago
That’s fucking rich coming from the faggot who can’t shut up about his race.
Baby_Momma_Drama ago
Donald Glover is that you?
digitalentity1497 ago
Welcome aboard. Looking forward to reading your submissions.
smokratez ago
This is a jew pretending to be a nigger. I hope none of you faggots are gullible and dumb enough to believe this.
kalgon ago
AndNowTheOther8 ago
Fixes jew glasses on giant nose to read crumpled up paper
"I S-swear guys, I'm not a jew, 1488 Hitler did nothing wrong!"
middle-path ago
I can see you glowing from here.
Hey_Sunshine ago
Howdy and welcome to voat! Might I ask what your username is in reference to?
AndNowTheOther8 ago
I'm a fairly big anime watcher. Hiroshima and Nagasaki where the first two nukes dropped on japan, 8 more where planned to be dropped, but they surrendered first.
The name implies my distain for weebaboos. (Ironically, since I watch anime myself.)
MatterzStrange ago
I'm not sure about the weebaboos I knew them as 'Japanophiles' many are probably just looking for something different they probably got bored feeling or seen a flaw in Western culture Japan was cool, unique, still had its old values despite being modern...maybe Neo 'Liberalism' damaged the West more then we know while Japanese had traditional culture, it knew its own language and borders, was making better toons, video games, feminism hadn't infected them to levels where they divorce and take the car and the house. The movement goes back years British French American writers, HG Wells, Lafcadio Hearn an Irish-Greek Beatrice Webb wrote that Japan was a "rising star of human self-control and enlightenment" General José Millán-Astray, the founder of the Spanish Legion, stated that the samurai warrior code Bushido exerted a great influence on him. I like the Japanese but there are things I do not think the suicide kamikaze culture the tolerance for death from overwork 'karoshi' and other things. There is now a thing Koreaboo where “a non-Korean person who is overly obsessed with Korean (pop) culture
Hey_Sunshine ago
That's as good as name as any. Good shit. Anywho, welcome to voat. Don't mind the shills and you'll be alright.
AR47 ago
Well seems there are virtue signaling types here. Thing is that no matter what you ever do that is so great you will never be more than a nigger and that isn’t for me that is for all people.
You are a token of society and as that something for people to claim or fix. Hell they might even use you to springboard themselves because they helped you once.
Imagine that in life. Never by your own merits to society and always the poster child? Lol it is funny because it is true as you are considered a minority.
I detest all within your race and I won’t sugar coat it for you either. By you being a nigger I see you as a genetic defect that unfortunately makes it our responsibility as the superior to support and we will at some point.
Either way perhaps you can do some good before you chimpout as you no doubt will in the future.
kalgon ago
That was some classy supremacism
AR47 ago
It can be whatever you want to refer to it as. Thing is that it is true, but with me? I am American Indian (feather not a dot), and I know that is better than any nigger ever has been or will be.
Simply because we as a race value this nation over our heritage.
kalgon ago
So you're telling me you identify as an apache...
AR47 ago
+2 for creativity you win this round
SongofHannah ago
Welcome patriot!
SongofHannah ago
Whoa down-voted into oblivion. Instead of cowardly down-voting me in the background, speak your mind.
syntaxaxe ago
Your comment seems to imply that you understand the concept of "country" - a landmass and a government that we all belong to - but not the more important historical concept of "nation" - a single people with a shared heritage and a likeness that unifies them.
Why is the second concept more important? If all African Americans suddenly started supporting Trump, they'd still have a separate culture, still have separate interests, would still make it overly complicated for a single government to represent as much of the citizenry's interests as possible, and (given everything we've seen in history) if they moved en masse into your neighborhood it would still likely get shitted up fairly quickly.
You simply welcoming him as a patriot seems likely to speak toward a redditQfag or T_D -tier mentality of "he's black and a conservative? based!", when most of us understand that our identity in-groups go much deeper and last much longer than that, and he'll have to prove his value at a much higher level than that to really fit in around here.
Anyways, that's what jumped to my mind when I saw your comment, and I assume that some of your downvoters probably held a similar view. Hope that explains the ccp.
ovix ago
See, we're all about diversity too. No jews though
Fenrir-1488 ago
No they’re just the first to go.
Battlefat ago
This post is like if virtue signaling was an extreme sport
Schreiber ago
It's like you're mocking white people.
modsrcuntz ago
Someone should make an American gladiators” Style spin off of “American virtue signalers”
AmericanJew2 ago
I haven't virtue signaled which is why I have no ccp. Not like I give two shits, but apparently voat like black self-styled "race traitors" more than an American conservative who happens to be Jewish.
In the oven b4 you all shove me in.
Schreiber ago
I have several thousand CCP despite mentioning pro-Israel facts (like Iran/Syria being more shithole than Israel, it's funny how obvious facts can get so much downvoat from trailer trash who never even went out of his country, lol).
Well even you have positive CCP. There's just more people here who cares more about political/societal issues than identity politics.
Whentwurf ago
Jews are 95% european and can convert whenever they like but think they're superior to everyone else and so stick to their ethnic identity when pretty much all other european groups in America have assimilated. Blacks cant just convert religion and become white for obvious reasons. If you want to abandon your jewish identity and become white, I'm all for it. But from your username it doesnt seem like you do. I really want to be totally accepting of jewish identity but the past 100 years of subversion by jewish nationalists has pretty much shut that door. Take it up with George Soros I guess. Props for not virtue signaling tho.
Dsciexterminationist ago
Yes, we do
AndNowTheOther8 ago
Yeah, but If I introduced myself as hur dur I'm a black guy on wellfare that doesn't fit the ethos of this site.
Here's a controversial opinion for you: Non homeschoolers are poorly adapted for college because school is hand-holdy and the responsibility to learn is never on you.
recon_johnny ago
Faggot. (I'd call you Nigger, but that's, like...redundant.)
It's UPVOATED. Jesus.
As far as the rest of your post, let me think on that a bit.
edwardbernays ago
who the fuck told you to introduce yourself
CouldBeTrump ago
u/SurvivorType created the sub 4.2 years ago, blame him.
edwardbernays ago
it's for trolling. i refuse to believe anyone would sincerely participate
CouldBeTrump ago
I'm inclined to agree. However, attitudes towards sharing information online have changed in recent years and perhaps the reddity facebook kids are finally settling into Voat.
elitch2 ago
I've been homeschooling for over a decade. I have never, not even once, seen a nigger home school family.
Not once have I even heard of niggers home schooling their children.
Ina_Pickle ago
I have. We have a huge group of homeschoolers every year for Visit the State Capital Day. There are always a few black families in the mix.
elitch2 ago
To be fair, I'm Canadian.
We don't have many niggers up here. Most places have none at all.
Ina_Pickle ago
Fair enough. There aren't many in my area either, but the more urban areas of the state are inundated.
AndNowTheOther8 ago
Where do you live? I've lived places like Maryland, New England. Look at the genes of the people who smart enough to run away from slavery. That probably had an effect.
elitch2 ago
TheWorstImaginable ago
Did you just graduate homeschool?
i_scream_trucks ago
I would have gone with home-schoolers are retarded because the sorts of parents that raise kids that end up needing it are retarded...
AndNowTheOther8 ago
People who "need" it after attending schools are the ones who couldin't hang.
Those who can hang just coast through school without studying and get screwed in college when they don't know how to do study. Look at all the robot college dropout posts about "smart but doesn't apply themselves." They sometimes say just that.
cantaloupe6 ago
Homeschool can be about doing your best whereas public is about being kept with the group. Its propaganda filled curriculum seems set up to fail and internationally it lags. It's detrimental; along with TV, poor air and water quality, corn syrup, lack of green space, etc. One must take it upon onself to achieve. See Marilyn Vos Savant on education. Military dad's are strict seems to have worked out for you.
rusnoob1 ago
Got you, not your fault that niggers are like lawyers. 99% of them gives the rest bad name. Welcome
vladtep ago
And the remaining 1% isn't worth the trouble. lol
FeelTheBOOM ago
Total mutt here. Personally, I don't think fucking brain dead cracker faggot morans who need tweezers and readers to pee have any room to talk about anything, let alone breathe decent peoples air. When you have finished fucking yourself you can begin killing yourself, but please be quick about it, you fucking creamy shitstain. Are you dead yet?
rusnoob1 ago
Dude, you need a meal
Crensch ago
Sounds like a nigger chimping out.
You did know that the 'niggers have big cocks* was a Jewish lie, right? Most of you can't even use a measuring tool to figure it out for yourselves, so why you feel the need to act as if you have any chance of insulting white men. We're smarter than you, and better than you, at everything, besides maybe unintentionally destroying everything we come into contact with.
DiptyDoDah ago
You don't have to be black to be a nigger.
Crensch ago
But all blacks are niggers.
WilliamCutting ago
This is NAXALT. I am not willing to take five hundred thousand niggers to get one Thomas Sowell. Let the cream of their crop lead their own people instead of just tryong to latch onto ours.
HST ago
Yeah but voat isn't foundationally a white supremacist website. If we're talking about America, that's one thing, but if he never mentions he's black that's fine. I'll probably forget and call him a nigger anyway
WilliamCutting ago
First, that is a bullshit term put out to slander European ethnic solidarity.
As far as Voat is concerned, I would say its somewhat debatable whether this is a safe place for 'People Of Color'. They have the ENTIRE INTERNET where nobody is allowed to say anything of real negativity towards them. Coming here and trying to be "the good one" is either attention seeking or some type of shilling. Both of which are naturally punished here.
HST ago
Yup, this post is attention seeking garbage. We agree. But this website can have literal niggers as users and it doesn't bother me much. I'd rather they be on my website than in my country, anyway.
That's all I was trying to say man, and there's nothing wrong with white pride or white supremacy. We are the creators of the supreme culture in the world.
WilliamCutting ago
I understand and agree with what your saying.
I just hate how fucking underhanded that terminology is used by the (((media))).
Battlefat ago
Identity politics aside, your opinion isn’t as controversial as you think it is
dontdoxxmefaggots ago
how would a home schooled nigger know what school is like?
rusnoob1 ago
SHerlock! What a genius you are! Pls marry my daughter!
Baqgins ago
Need to take her for a test drive first
Dsciexterminationist ago
Hello magic nigger
ardvarcus ago
Don't mock him, he may be president one day (if the fucking liberals come back into power).
AndNowTheOther8 ago
First exec order is capital punishment for all federal bank shareholders and employees.
Dsciexterminationist ago
You might be alright. We'll hang you last.
PuttitoutIsGone ago
Saturday405 ago
The black people shit is just making fun other Americans. No group is safe from voat.
Neinlife ago
Cool. Now, about the jews..
ReAwakened ago
So you're gonna lump everyone into one category and then judge them? That's mighty white of you.
I'm for a society that measures people on their character and merit, but that society can't exist with parasitic tribalists embedded in it.
bb22 ago
Are you talking about the Jews, the Mexicans, or the niggers? Oh that’s right it’s WHITE people who are always grouping up for their rights. Right. You dumb fucking faggot. Go back to Reddit.
ReAwakened ago
I was EXACTLY talking about the jews and the niggers. Not so much mexicans. They'll steal you blind, but at least they'll cut your lawn.
I've never been on reddit and don't intend to start.
bb22 ago
Well holy fuck sometimes you faggots aren’t so bad after all.
14084691? ago
14084651? ago
Admit you don't like niggers nigging you please
AndNowTheOther8 ago
I don't like Black culture. I think if black people forgot their self inflicted poverty, trashy culture and accents, and divorce rates we'd be fine.
anoncastillo ago
You'd have to kill off the dumbest 80% of the black population. Obviously not aware of IQ curves.
Acerphoon ago
I hate to tell you this, but a lot of this is due to genes and lower IQ.
Obviously, with 16% of blacks being smarter than the average white, this means that hundreds of thousands of blacks can live decent lives and make a good career, get educated etc.
But still, the average IQ remains one standard deviation below the average white person.
GratefulGrandmother ago
Oops. You forgot to mention anything about the creation of those tests, and why. Specious logic by a standard deviant.
Acerphoon ago
Which tests exactly? There are lots of different ones. Thousands actually.
But if you mean test bias, socio-economic factors, etc. these are all taken into account in the bell curve. Maybe you should just read the book first.
Your arguments are very weird to anyone who knows about this already.
GratefulGrandmother ago
Meant as a parody, faggot.
vladtep ago
They don't belong here though, IQ is irrelevant.
Acerphoon ago
Also true. But I'm just saying that it's not just culture
BeefBourgignon ago
Blacks don't have culture, unless you count blowing air up a cow's cunt to be a refined artform and albino cannibalism high cuisine.
mrfetus ago
As if you niggers play husband.
Mace03 ago
Welcome. Fellow non-white person here. I'd rather have 100% authentic than censored bullshit. Voat is legit. I used to like 4chan until the shills turned the place to shit.
14084682? ago
What kinda non-white? Are you a philipino dick woman?
TheBuddha ago
That's my fetish!!
Womb_Raider ago
ITT: SBBH taking to themselves
AndNowTheOther8 ago
Underrated comment.
At least they're consistent. :^)
a nine day old account who knows about sbbh. and their ways., bullshit. you fucking kike. 100% not a nigger.
Womb_Raider ago
Don't be cute, you're one of them as well. Stop littering.
Dranz ago
Fuck off back to reddit, nigger.
rusnoob1 ago
He's black, not nigger. Although niggerfaggot - still not nigger. 90% niggeres are niggers but this one appears to be nigger who is not nigger.
and you are an idiot, Black is a colour not a creature... he is a subsaharan cannibal... please do not feed the canibals.
kalgon ago
The voice of reason
Diggernicks ago
We may be able to use this nigger behind enemy lines. You can stay, just watch yourself.
AndNowTheOther8 ago
I derive great fun from seeing how far my humanities professors will go with me in hating on white people.
Spoiler alert: It's pretty far.
HulkInformation ago
We all know both you and your professor really believe that crap.
Mytempacct20171001 ago
bb22 ago
Good, get him to go nuts with it on camera and post it to JewTube.
Fragnostus ago
or liveleak, bitchute, peertube, etc.
PuttitoutIsGone ago
Dranz ago
how bout no
Diggernicks ago
Fortunately no one cares about your opinion
Dranz ago
you are a nigger lover on Voat, rethink your life
Diggernicks ago
GoatyMcGoatface ago
Fucking BASED!
whatdoesthereeesay ago
Octocopter ago
Welcome, some of us goats know that not all blacks are niggers and not all niggers are black. Hopefully you already know about how vile kikes are, if not take a look at the content you will undoubtedly see posted around.
Don't beg for votes or you will get raped, exercise your free-speech while you can, and find a sub focused on a topic you enjoy or a hobby you have and post to it.
vladtep ago
My hairy ass. lol
european ago
nigger is literally derived from the latin nigrum meaning black.
ardvarcus ago
This is perfectly true, and needs to always be borne in mind. However, under stress most blacks will revert to type. The same is true of most Jews. Never all blacks, never all Jews, but always most blacks and most Jews. Race matters.
And you are the retarded one... black is a colour, not a creature... if you had a brain you would know they are subsaharan cannibals... wake up please.
i_scream_trucks ago
im with this guy im surprised ive never noticed your posts but yeah, theres just as many white niggers as black...
vladtep ago
Find me a white nigger pre 1960. That's the jews doing.
i_scream_trucks ago
how about bonnie and clyde?
the mafia?
a whole bunch of other bums that went around raping and stealing shit but werent caught?
vladtep ago
You mean white criminals, not wiggers. lol
Comparing Clyde Barrow, the mafia or John Dillinger to feral niggers is absurd.
All white people belong in white nations, white people can never be the problem, for obvious reasons.
Obviously increasing the pool of available criminals, when we have our own to content with, is retarded.
But the talents of men like Dillinger and Barrow should be harnessed to waste niggers.
i_scream_trucks ago
thats what i said. Niggers. Bottom feeders. Scum. Pieces of shit that pay their way by the dregs of society, but still claim benefits to look legit.
Niggers. Of every colour and race.
But we make the mistake of worshipping some of them.
vladtep ago
Poorly allocated resources is all.
Niggers are worthless, such men are good for wasting niggers.
i_scream_trucks ago
yeah supporting white fucken junkies on my tax dollar isnt ok with me.
vladtep ago
It's not ok with me either, we'll clean 'em up and put 'em to work.
Dillinger wasted a ton of FBI agents, he could handle niggers and their white enablers, no problem. What would you even do about that? lol
You don't even know what you're talking about. Dillinger, Baby Face Nelson, the rest of his crew...top notch warriors. Made the feds look like fools for YEARS.
Acerphoon ago
But actually, blacks are all niggers. Negro really just is a word for black.
Type it in a translator. It literally means black.
Of course, there can be smart niggers, if you meant that. And that is true. (Around 16% of blacks are smarter than the average white person according to the bell curve)
Hand_of_Node ago
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-6JQAmm5cRAA/T6uinP4ZjWI/AAAAAAAAABk/m2EFUtV1LFk/s1600/iq5.jpg (imgoat is still down?)
Is that really 16%?
Acerphoon ago
No, I got it wrong. It's actually the average black person is HIGHER on the IQ scale than 16% of whites. Sorry, messed that up.
However, the number of 100.000 blacks having an IQ of 125 or higher remains the same. If the results from the NLSY and other tests apply to the total black population that is.
Ocelot ago
Yeah fucking right. Blacks are niggers, trashy whites are degenerates, not niggers. "Nigger" is a term that acknowledges the lack of potential of the subject. All it will ever and could ever be is a nigger. Whereas whites degenerate to a lower form and squander their potential. This is the principle difference.
fellowwhiteperson ago
Not all jews are kikes. Though I've yet to meet one that doesn't worship the holocaust as the best thing to happen to his people.
Gravspeed ago
One of the most vehement anti-Zionists I've ever met in person is 100% Jewish.
vladtep ago
Soros is also "anti-zionist".
Your friend is a dirty jew, don't drop the soap. lol
Gravspeed ago
The enemy of my enemy is not my friend.
vladtep ago
Save your riddles, jew lover.
Gravspeed ago
Can you even read? Or do you just copy paste retarded insults?
vladtep ago
I took note of your non-sequitur, then I insulted you.
TheAmerican ago
It's the exception that makes the rule
14087876? ago
That's because it's their prophecy.
Although its a forced prophecy by Zionist bankers.
rusnoob1 ago
I know one and he's one of the best friends I ever had. And Im old. But he's normal - not proud and not ashamed. You wouldnt realize he's a jew if he didnt mention from time to time about some quirks like not being allowed to shop on Saturday. Other than that - cool guy.
vladtep ago
Yes, many of these people are fine to be around under normal circumstances. If I met one of the Rothschild family, I'm sure we'd get along fine.
However, I'm smart enough to realize that they do not have my best interests at heart and that they are a cancer.
rusnoob1 ago
Spoiler alert: not many people in general have your best interest in mind. But what you should keep in mind is - Gestapo had special jewish division to catch other jews too difficult to find. Also American jews didnt give a flying fuck about horror of the jews in occupied by Germany Poland during IIWW and refused to bombvard the railway to Auschwitz (which would cripple the whole nazi fuckery there). Jewish Ghetto Police were fuckin animals, doing much more than they were ask to do, and with a fuckin pleasure. Just those jews in power treat all other people like animals with human face, regadless if this is nigger, sandnigger, faggot, president or poor jew
Not all of them are the same and many people who hate jews - are other jews (but this is something I just suspect.
AmericanJew2 ago
Much gratitude for writing this.
mrfetus ago
Not all dogs bark.
TheWorstImaginable ago
ok, the majority of jews aren't working to subvert and destroy your nation.
mrfetus ago
elitch2 ago
Not all cats are assholes.
mrfetus ago
But most kikes definitely kike.
LostandFound ago
I had a cat once that had no meow does that count?
mrfetus ago
Yes, there is probably one good Jew.
Hand_of_Node ago
Same. Also repelled fleas. Was the best cat ever.
Derpfroot ago
You sure it was a cat?
LostandFound ago
It was a damn pretty rat if not! Shit did i keep a pet rat ...
SkittlesAndIcedTee ago
Leave nigger.
AndNowTheOther8 ago
Tell me something I don't know. The douche-bag white trash that blasts rockstar all hours of the night are pretty easy to identify.
Oh, I'm well aware of what the jewish are up to.
smokratez ago
Yeah, because you are a jew.
vladtep ago
Yeah, the whole white trash thing.
I wonder what this hook nosed, matso sucking jew has against energy drinks. lol
Dranz ago
all blacks are niggers
ptr55 ago
I find a LOT of jews like to say this kind of thing on white ethnic identity sites. They know it turns a large percentage of whites away.
Doglegwarrior ago
Hmmm vote seems to be almost divided on this.. 22 up votes 18 down.
NiggerJusticeWarrior ago
This. It's another word for black. How can someone be black but not a nigger?
edit: subsaharan cannibals.
Rotteuxx ago
So does that mean that all whites are trailer trash or that you just choose to ignore reality so that your bubble world is comfy and cozy ?
vladtep ago
All non-jewish whites, even what your worthless kike ass calls "trailer trash" belong in European nations.
Niggers don't belong anywhere, not even hell.
You'd need a soul for that.
NiggerJusticeWarrior ago
No, it means that all whites are caucasian. All blacks are niggers. Nigger=black
Rotteuxx ago
Negro = black
Nigger = nigger
Don't try to redefine language to suit your narrative.
That's how kikes behave
NiggerJusticeWarrior ago
Are you a retarded nigger? Nigger is just a word to refer to black people. It wasn't considered offensive until the last 60 years. You're acting like a kike by trying to change the definition of nigger.
Rotteuxx ago
Nigger has been a pejorative term for hundreds of years even if it stems from the latin niger meaning black.
Earlier forms of the term like niggur wasn't even exclusive to blacks nor was it derogatory. Later on negro was used to identify the race whereas nigger is the pejorative term that not only refers to the race but also their state of being.
What came about in the 60s is the use of the term black to refer to negros, not the definition of nigger as a slur.
NiggerJusticeWarrior ago
It wasn't even a pejorative term when my Grandma was young (1940s). Nigger was just another term for negros. It wasn't an insult.
irrelevant asshat... he’s trying to say ‘black’ is a misnomer, beware they are subsaharran cannibals...
Rotteuxx ago
Hey copy pasta faggot.
Get back to me when you have something intelligible to add.
hey retard creatures are not colours... they actually have origins and cultures... as for you, you need more intellectual exposures.
Rotteuxx ago
Sup bot
thanks for the loves babes!
MaximilianAldorfer ago
No, all blacks are niggers but the opposite isn’t true. Thanks or playing, get your complementary gift basket at the door.
Rotteuxx ago
Thanks for being a shining example of superior white intellect by offering us such an eloquent and well thought out retort.
MaximilianAldorfer ago
You’re welcome, faggot :-)
Jigawhojogaboo ago
It's a shelf shill account man. It's 3.2 years old with less than 100 anything.
GoBackToReddit ago
100% v/dud material.
Dranz ago
This isn't my main site if that weren't obvious. Competing with faggots like you for internet points is a waste of time anyway. Also I'm out actually doing shit in real life. What's your body fat% while we are at it? We can turn this into a nigger and fatpeoplehate thread.
Podd ago
-12 % im so lean my body has anti-fats faggot. Balls in your court.
Jigawhojogaboo ago
Oh your trying to make a profile of me. You're one of the fph Goys who jumped ship. Answer me this, of you hate fats why do y'all only post fat people? I hate kikes and niggers and I don't spend all day looking at them.
Rotteuxx ago
Shills excel at pushing false narratives and depicting this place as a ignorant's shit hole. I don't expect a conversation with that faggot but I can sure as hell make him look like a total idiot for others who are lurking.
AR47 ago
You know me and know that I take a while to make my mind up, but that person isn’t wrong in saying all blacks are niggers. I have tried man. Really tried to be able to say that people of a racist leaning were wrong.
I can’t do that as each and every encounter I have ever had was of disappointment or danger with niggers.
They are not patriotic either as they never claim the nation till it is that moment for a hand out. I can’t believe that each encounter was just the minority either.
I have watched them step over homeless people shooting up drugs in their own neighborhood, steal from local businesses, victimized tourist, and in general be nothing more than a burden.
As a race they are incapable of better and as such he purged from existence because they ONLY use they have is entertainment such as sports, or whatever the jew thinks we need.
Rotteuxx ago
I agree that most blacks we come across are useless human beings that don't have it in them to be active members of a productive society.
But the fact that your American niggers have been socially engineered over many generations does have its weight in the balance when it comes to evaluating them.
The niggers I come across up here and that don't live in ghettos can still be decent people, above white trash in societal value even. People forget that Canada has much higher standards than the U.S. for accepting immigrants and besides refugees, we don't have many low IQ niggers and shitskins in our country compared to yours. Different perspective up here.
I'm an ethno nationalist, I believe that they have a right to exist in Africa and deserve to be left alone to their own devices to either evolve or go extinct.
What I don't believe in is pushing narratives blindly, a bell curve isn't a vertical line yet most around here read the graphs that way.
I'm not saying they deserve to live amongst us, just that blindly categorizing them isn't an example of superior white intellect.
AR47 ago
Yeah well Canada isn’t my circus therefore not my monkeys, but in fairness I have seen niggers in the U.K. and Australia. They are as bad save the Australia ones are the worse of all.
Those primates are fucking useless sacks of meat. It is rare to encounter one that can write much less read or distinguish colors on traffic signals for understanding. Somehow these things have equal rights, but really they had zero development of land or convenience till whites came along
Then it was YOU STOLE from us. Now it is a shit show of virtue signaling. They are dangerous to each other and themselves but pose little danger otherwise
Rotteuxx ago
Hence why I'm a big fan of repatriating them all to Africa and leaving them to their own devices on their native lands.
Dranz ago
Why do you hate white people, frog?
Rotteuxx ago
Come on faggot, you can do better than that... unless you have the IQ of a cracker on the left side of the IQ bell curve.
Artofchoke ago
The caliber of discourse since the Q flood has been fuckin woeful. :/
fuckingmockies ago
I think it's all the boomers, honestly.
Hand_of_Node ago
Have you seen the ones posting with 60% of the words in ALL-CAPS and being upvoted to the top?
fuckingmockies ago
You know what, I KNEW that something FISHY was going on with that DISTINCT style of posting. Glad SOMEONE is getting to the BOTTOM of this!!
Artofchoke ago
Dropping downgoats here in the midst of casual discourse. These fuckheads don't get it. :/
Rotteuxx ago
Even before that, between gas lighting shills & edgy college kids with zero life experience that think they know it all, there aren't that many vocal people who don't blindly push narratives on here.
Dranz ago
Why would I answer a shitty question from a nigger loving quebexican?
Rotteuxx ago
Got anything more than edgy buzzwords ? Up to now you've only displayed libtard levels of argumentation & reflection.
Diggernicks ago
If by edgy buzzwords you mean truth, I agree
14084553? ago
I just want my black coworker to stop taking up two parking spots. The idea behind the vulgarity is simple: if you can ignore it and respond with an argument than welcome to voat.
Please don't be a Nigger fagggot
EdSnowden ago
Screw a tiny rock into a few of his valve stems every time he does it. Watch him try and figure out why his tires are flat.
mrfetus ago
edit: subsaharran cannibal.
mrfetus ago
Jew kudgel.
Diggernicks ago
Park so he cant open the door on the driver side.
14084630? ago
He hit my car with his door. Now my car has a scratch and I'd have to sue my employer to get them to pay the $800 repair bill. Which is overpriced because it's just a scratch
vladtep ago
Scratch his car, he'll have the same problem.
Mustard_of_puppets ago
for 10$ you can get a scratch repair pen and do it yourself, it' really easy.
14084923? ago
it's just not the same :(
drhitler ago
just plant drugs in his car and be done with it
MrPim ago
Woohoo a morning shitshow! Welcome to Voat nigger.
GratefulGrandmother ago
No shit! I'm laughin' so hard, when I used to be cryin'. Maybe I'm becoming inured to this Voat wyrdness. Also, threads like this could simply be reflections of humanity's manufactured narcissism (BIG profits in narcissism). Think global sandbox (no...kitty-litter box).
johnmars3 ago
I would like to apologise in advance for any negativity which may be directed at you. There are a lot of bitter people here, some rightly so... others not so much.
kalgon ago
Found the cuck
How much soy did it take to make this faggotfilled comment, faggot?
Fucking cringefest.
bb22 ago
Are you one of these Reddit faggots you nigger? What you call bitterness is more likely your own sore pussy begging to be pounded.
Dsciexterminationist ago
You should let him fuck your wife
whysosensitive ago
This is a faggot tier comment. There negativity here against a lot of people. Go fuck yourself you virtue signaling nigger
Dranz ago
All fucking niggers must fucking hang
ReAwakened ago
Go fuck yourself. You have neither the authority nor the obligation to "apologize" for any one on here but yourself.
AndNowTheOther8 ago
Eh, it's the internet. I'd rather them get it all out here on voat rather than starting fires in the real world.
bb22 ago
Ever seen a black Nazi? BEHOLD:
AndNowTheOther8 ago
Yep, I know. FDR was a criminal in a suit. Locked up 300,000 Japanese Americans without congressional approval. Did it with exec order. Funny thing is, japs were big farmers, so they never needed the whole victory gardens thing until he did that. Supposedly was a conspiracy to size their land.
you know this was a joke, like putting clothes on a dog....
bb22 ago
I’m not so sure. The Germans did field locals in Africa and maybe even in the Middle East if I’m not mistaken. WW2 was fought in those areas too after all.
albatrosv15 ago
So, you do understand it's a containment board.
AndNowTheOther8 ago
I expected the spoiler to function differently. I though it would minimize the text down to a little dropdown like other sites.
Oh well.
14084730? ago
Nope, your wrong. thank your father for his service. please don't be a literal nigger faggot. Are you in the military?
AndNowTheOther8 ago
No, but I'm considering going into the air force to give back to my country a bit after I get done with school.
Baby_Momma_Drama ago
They will repay your loans if your dad didn't give you his GI Bill already.
AndNowTheOther8 ago
Yep, I know about the GI bill. Problem is my dad already used his benefits to get his own degree.
Baby_Momma_Drama ago
If you choose to join after you complete school you can choose to waive your GI Bill which will afford you the opportunity to have your student loans paid off by the Air Force. They will also provide you with tuition assistance which can be used to get your masters and/or PhD while you are serving.
Dranz ago
desperate recruiters are everywhere
Dranz ago
The best thing you could do for our country is leave it. Also going straight to air force? bitch nigga
AndNowTheOther8 ago
Hey, I hear the chAir Force is a good alternative to military service. :^)
14084911? ago
I've been on an airforce base, looks like you nigger faggots have fun. Please don't marry a white person, find a high functioning African to have babies with, your race needs it.
AndNowTheOther8 ago
No worries, I'm still looking for that Big tiddy chocolate elf antisocial homeschooled gamergirl to marry. I haven't given up hope...
hangry ago
A real niggerfaggot!
ExpertShitposter ago
was look8ng this comment.
found in just the first two!
Bananazz ago
kalgon ago
Maybe he glows in the dark
edit: a real subsaharan cannibal.
smokratez ago
No, it's a jew. Don't fucking believe the first thing someone says. Jesus.
jewlie ago
negrojohnny ago
bb22 ago
When did he say he was a faggot, you faggot?
goatboy ago
He's OP. 1st rule of the internet is all OPs are faggots.
GratefulGrandmother ago
So...Old People are faggots. Pre-qualified? Good to know. What's the 2nd rule of the internet? And where's the manual. I'm woefully ignorant.
goatboy ago
The 2nd rule of the internet is woefully ignorant people are faggots, faggot. Sorry, manuals are only available for non-faggots.
You’re welcome.
bb22 ago
I suppose you must be right.
Cid ago
Last sentence.
knije_tahou ago
Damn it, you beat me to it.