Honestly, its super surreal to watch. (this is by far from the first time its happened either) Look at this: https://voat.co/v/introductions/2745921 ; Some of those goats are falling all over themselves to congratulate/welcome him, like he changed plantation masters and now he's on the 'good team'. What is that?
Arguably the poster is a shapeshifter and those congratulating/welcoming him could also be shapeshifters. But this shit is like reddit/paid tier virtue signaling. Are there really going to be two [reddit] sites that treat black people (assuming not a shapeshifter) like trophies? Isn't this shit exactly how lefties have treated their 'good boy' blacks for decades? It feels like such a slide...
If I were going to be super critical, I'd say a 'pet policy' was tried once/several times in history and look where that got us. Your thoughts?
Ina_Pickle ago
It's called being kind. Heaven knows he'll get plenty of the opposite here.
AndNowTheOther8 ago
I know right? That guy is a freakn' jew through and through. I mean, that post was waayyyy too lacking in group goat think.
Probably a SRS JIDF shill.
jewd_law ago
don't know about based, but I've met plenty of blacks free basing.
Lordbananafist ago
I think the question you should be asking is “are blacks more dangerous than jews?”
GoySauce ago
That was a deceptive jew posing as a based black. Based blacks would never stoop to that level of virtue signalling. If you're based you don't give a fuck what anyone else thinks.
Orfion ago
It's like meeting a leprechaun. You would be so amazed, that is, until you realize it's just a fucking Jew with red wig.
SyriansAreTerrorists ago
Nearly everybody in the thread is a hooknosed kike. Both the "black" poster and the commenters