Ina_Pickle ago

It's called being kind. Heaven knows he'll get plenty of the opposite here.

AndNowTheOther8 ago

I know right? That guy is a freakn' jew through and through. I mean, that post was waayyyy too lacking in group goat think.

Probably a SRS JIDF shill.

jewd_law ago

don't know about based, but I've met plenty of blacks free basing.

Lordbananafist ago

I think the question you should be asking is “are blacks more dangerous than jews?”

GoySauce ago

That was a deceptive jew posing as a based black. Based blacks would never stoop to that level of virtue signalling. If you're based you don't give a fuck what anyone else thinks.

Orfion ago

It's like meeting a leprechaun. You would be so amazed, that is, until you realize it's just a fucking Jew with red wig.

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

Nearly everybody in the thread is a hooknosed kike. Both the "black" poster and the commenters