What do liberals fear more than alt-right Nazis? Black Conservatives.
I'm pretty far from a typical black guy, my dad is a Marine Corps officer and I've lived on military bases my entire life. I was homeschooled because I move a lot, and going school to school is not very helpful.
Dad was always a huge hardass to me, assume-ably because he didn't want me to end up in the getto somewhere. Originally, I though he was a real jerk and he was doing it to be mean, but remember, I was massively sheltered and thought I was smart because I got better grades than other people in my homeschool group.
I was pretty sheltered, and kinda stayed away from sites like 4chan because the gaping buttholes on every page and sometimes litteral CP isn't something I'm looking to explain to my mom. I still thought r/4chan was funny, though.
I found voat when some redditors were talking negatively about it, so lols on them.
I mostly work a lot since I'm at a university working on my engineering degree, so I don't really do much for fun outside of the occasional vidya and anime, or D&D with friends. Me and my dad are really close, so we talk a lot on the phone about, life, politics, apologetics, girls, whatever...
I'm not looking to force my views on anyone here, but for voaters who complain how vulgar black people are, you seem to talk a lot like them :^)
EDIT: Rip ccp. No hard feelings though. I knew this would happen, at least I'm not the guy who got downgoated to -150 for begging for points in whatever Q sub.
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Octocopter ago
Welcome, some of us goats know that not all blacks are niggers and not all niggers are black. Hopefully you already know about how vile kikes are, if not take a look at the content you will undoubtedly see posted around.
Don't beg for votes or you will get raped, exercise your free-speech while you can, and find a sub focused on a topic you enjoy or a hobby you have and post to it.
Dranz ago
all blacks are niggers
Rotteuxx ago
So does that mean that all whites are trailer trash or that you just choose to ignore reality so that your bubble world is comfy and cozy ?
Dranz ago
Why do you hate white people, frog?
Rotteuxx ago
Come on faggot, you can do better than that... unless you have the IQ of a cracker on the left side of the IQ bell curve.
Artofchoke ago
The caliber of discourse since the Q flood has been fuckin woeful. :/
fuckingmockies ago
I think it's all the boomers, honestly.
Hand_of_Node ago
Have you seen the ones posting with 60% of the words in ALL-CAPS and being upvoted to the top?
fuckingmockies ago
You know what, I KNEW that something FISHY was going on with that DISTINCT style of posting. Glad SOMEONE is getting to the BOTTOM of this!!