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Octocopter ago

Welcome, some of us goats know that not all blacks are niggers and not all niggers are black. Hopefully you already know about how vile kikes are, if not take a look at the content you will undoubtedly see posted around.

Don't beg for votes or you will get raped, exercise your free-speech while you can, and find a sub focused on a topic you enjoy or a hobby you have and post to it.

Dranz ago

all blacks are niggers

Rotteuxx ago

So does that mean that all whites are trailer trash or that you just choose to ignore reality so that your bubble world is comfy and cozy ?

Dranz ago

Why do you hate white people, frog?

Rotteuxx ago

Come on faggot, you can do better than that... unless you have the IQ of a cracker on the left side of the IQ bell curve.

Artofchoke ago

The caliber of discourse since the Q flood has been fuckin woeful. :/

fuckingmockies ago

I think it's all the boomers, honestly.

Hand_of_Node ago

Have you seen the ones posting with 60% of the words in ALL-CAPS and being upvoted to the top?

fuckingmockies ago

You know what, I KNEW that something FISHY was going on with that DISTINCT style of posting. Glad SOMEONE is getting to the BOTTOM of this!!
