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SuzanneAnon ago

Oh RUBBISH! All that 'they' have got left are 1) RENT-A-THUGS and 2) a SERIOUSLY WEAKENED 'MAINSTREAM MEDIA' to magnify LIES which, these days, are immediately identified as being LIES which are so outrageous that they rise to the level of being ABSURDITIES, much better suited to COMIC BOOKS. The FINAL card in their deck is related to RENT-A-THUGS who double as RENT-A-TERRORIST to commit some random act of violence. ONCE THE DEATH PENALTY IS MET WITH, the rest of them shall be MUCH LESS INCLINED to step forward to 'accept the job'.

Exoduslarry ago

You can make a lot of good points without relying on "The Protocols...", a throughly discredited diatribe. An ethnicity of evil ? We do have a great President.

SuzanneAnon ago

Exoduslarry: People in communications generally are not subject to 'rules of construction' as though their posts are 'statutes' and therefore, that which is not included is excluded. Therefore, If I HAPPENED to cite the Protocols, in no way disparages the existence of other sources, such as 'the Trial of the Talmud or the Jewish Medical Law, the Jewish Encyclopedia, the Transfer Agreement with its 'absent landlords', or the TALMUD itself. But then, something tells me you're 'smart enough' to KNOW that, but meaningful communication is not your purpose here. It takes a certain kind of bizarre organic psychopathy to write about and work toward global domination, and all of the parasitic vampirism which goes along with it.

Exoduslarry ago

Absolutism....JEWS. Not just some, at different times and in different places. but JEWS. Just who and when did they begin to become the evil incarnate? Before Jesus? After?

Eze. 37 is an end time promise not a Zionist scheme. Sophisticated haters are in the end haters .

OsoCovfefe ago

hillary is jewish eh? And obama, I thought obama was an islamic...well gwwwoooooollllleeeeee!


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Mrsdave2 ago

We are angry that this happened under our noses , but we are WIDE AWAKE NOW!

SuzanneAnon ago

Mrsdave2: Yes. The beauty of the 'American experiment' was that sovereignty is inherent in the People. However, MUCH of that sovereignty we have willingly relinquished to our 'representatives'. Which is WHY IT IS IMPERATIVE that THEY HONOR their Oath of Office, and why it is EQUALLY imperative that they be removed due to FORFEITURE OF PUBLIC OFFICE if they fail or refuse to uphold their Oath. Man-made law is largely fashioned upon 'maxims' which themselves are derived from 'cause & effect' - which is why they are considered to be fundamental principles. The amazing story unfolding before our eyes, and the literal MIRACLE that we are living in RIGHT NOW is the pinnacle of universal correction set into motion by necessity. Oh - by the way - there is a lovely maxim which discusses this very thing: "Necessitas, quod cogit, defendit" which means "necessity defends that which it compels." And if we think about how that 'fundamental principle' might apply to our laws, we see it in the fact that killing in self defense is no crime. Anyway, just thought I'd mention it. I love your post - it's got a lot of spunk and fire! But, most important of all, it rings as being genuine.

pairadocs ago

I don't know about all this other stuff people are saying but such a heavy use of caps is distracting and makes it harder to read smoothly.

SuzanneAnon ago

You are free to think that and go YOUR way; as I am free to go MINE. In time, people shall again learn to think for themselves; to get their priorities straight; to not parrot what the other guy said; and to get the POINT. Let me give you a scenario: **You find yourself in the Minotaur's Labyrinth and you NEED to find your way out. You hear the minotaur approaching and you run out to a clearing. There are FOUR PATHS you can take, and a shabby looking dead guy is laying on the ground in the middle of that open space, wearing a color you HATE...but his finger is POINTING TO ONE OF THE FOUR PATHS. You TAKE that path - and you FREE yourself. And now I ask you: How important was it that he 'looked shabby' to YOUR way of thinking; or the color of his tattered clothing was your LEAST favorite? * There is room enough in this world for silly people...and I detect no malice in your post. Though I cannot 'apologize' for MY personal style of emphasis.

I often times use caps to point out terms of specific relevance/significance. If you choose to stand in the middle of the highway staring down the large truck headed your way, rather than OPENING UP your SCOPE of 'vision' is entirely your choice. Going forward, I hope that there is nothing that i might share which is kinda like the pointed finger of the dead guy in the minotaur's labyrinth that you MISS because your focus is on the wrong ball. Some people describe that as 'being unable to see past your own nose'. Again - your can always choose differently.

BeefBourgignon ago

If you want to italicise something you bookend the selection of text with an asterisk. If you want to make words bold you put two asterisks at each end of the selection. It really will make you writing easier to parse.

FagMan ago

I'm itching to see Trump bring down the UK swamp really soon.

I reckon Theresa and Cameron must be shifting bricks right now?

And I bet Queenie is none too happy either...ho ho ho

DerivaUK ago

Damn right, Matey.

stapeltuinbladeren ago

I am okay with your capitalized words Suzanne, and I am sure Moshe didn't mean it. :)

CyborgCuttlefish ago

stop kikepologizing or you can get in the oven too

pipilongstockings ago

I like that..upvote! Applauding Susan

MosheSchnozenstein ago

Suzanne, why DO you NEED to CAPITALIZE every OTHER word IN your POSTS? DO you NEED to DO this TO keep YOUR place WHEN you TYPE? MY uncle ARLO is AN optometrist AND can FIX you RIGHT up WITH the BEST frames AND trifocals, FOR a PREMIUM of COURSE.

WagonBurner ago

Just imagine a preacher, now when the capatilize words appear, just make that little reading voice in your head get a little louder with a bit of powerful emphasis. k? EX: I have a DREAM, when little boys and girls of ALL COLORS, can play together, etc. etc..

lvbuckeye27 ago

He didn't say little boys and little girls of all colors. He said "little black boys and little white girls," and he said it that way for a reason.

Hand_of_Node ago

Just how old does a person have to be to think all-caps are 'okay' on the internet?

alvintruthfinder ago

Did you forget your anal retention meds this morning, Moshe?

MosheSchnozenstein ago

I don't think that means what you think it means...

alvintruthfinder ago

Well, at least it got you thinking, didn't it? You like to pick at people, don't you?

MosheSchnozenstein ago

Don't be an antisemite Alvin! That isn't allowed here! You cannot question me, bigot! To question my motives is against the law in 17 countries!

alvintruthfinder ago

Steady, Moshe. Steady. And where the dickens did you come up with this antisemite stuff? Whew. Time out. Breathe deeply. Goodbye. And have a nice day.

Rootcause ago

Why not? It's for emphasis!

Hand_of_Node ago

Why not?

If you have to ask, there's probably no hope for you. smh

Laskolurch ago

SuzanneAnon made a brilliant post from the heart and you skillfully detracted everyone's attention from it. Good Job Moshe. The lesson here is for the rest of us to learn when the diversion is taking place and ignore it.

fuckmyreddit ago

Hey Lurch, how many parts do you play in this silly skit. We had better impromptu dramas in Girl Scout camp.

Hand_of_Node ago

a brilliant post from the heart

8 day user falling for an obvious shill... You people are so sad, I don't even

Laskolurch ago

8 days with an account. 3 years daily reader. Don't be a dick.

Hand_of_Node ago

Just look at the way that account presents itself.

jambojamin ago

Are you the capitalization nazi? I read her whole post and didn’t even notice it and then I am tortured yet again by your comment which I think I’ve seen before. Just stop it.

Hand_of_Node ago

I read her whole post and didn’t even notice it

You may be retarded. Or are you in your 80s? The ignorance in this thread is ridiculous.

MosheSchnozenstein ago

You probably have seen it before, because you read the post more than once. Attacking me isn’t sticking with our social programming. SHUT IT DOWN!

SuzanneAnon ago

MosheFromTelAviv: Is it not true that, given the LITANY of actual wrongdoing engeged in by the SATANIC/LUCIFERIC/SPIRIT COOKING/ADRENOCHROME DRINKING/CHILD RAPING/CANNIBALISTIC crowd that for YOU to turn your sights onto someone's use of CAPS as a priority issue over those other things says a WHOLE LOT MORE ABOUT YOU than it EVER SHALL SAY about me? You might wanna scrap that contorted mess of writings called 'Talmud' and read something that shall actually benefit your soul - if you have one...of YOUR OWN, that is.

fuckmyreddit ago

You people are the worst actors on the planet. What kind of absurd bullshit are you subjecting me to? I don't know if you're shills or idiots, but I hope you aren't being paid for this nonsense. This is not a stage dodos. LOL. Moshpit and Suzie, take a bow.

SuzanneAnon ago

Wouldn'tTouchDatWithEnemy's10FtPole: What do you mean by 'you people'? A meaningful response can hardly be given to vague and ambiguous wording.

Hand_of_Node ago

Your use of all-caps is an obvious tactic to discredit your supposed message. All-caps = clueless/senile old person, or immature child.

What's sad is that you have so many clueless upvoters. Anyway, good job. The people you trick deserve it for being so stupid.

WhiteDragon ago

SHILLS only shill...

alvintruthfinder ago

Good one, Suzanne.

MosheSchnozenstein ago

SuzanneFromArkansas: Have you not paid attention to our history lessons? Have you not paid attention to our movies? Have you not paid attention to our politicians, Chuck, Nancy, Bernie and Elizabeth? Have you not been following what we show you on Fox and CNN? What you have said is antisemetic. We are God's chosen people, and you are but cattle. We do not need an immortal soul, when we have filled the void with shekels and power. To deny us and our so undeniably accurate version of history could lead you to a small locked room. Perhaps if you took the time you have spent capitalizing every other word, you would've seen that our lobby has just snuck in TWO acts that will curb your first amendment. Oy Vey!

fuckmyreddit ago

Oy vey. If you're name is Suzanne my name is dilbert. If you're a jew, I'm an alien from alpha centauri. I mean it's ok to have a little levity, but newfags are going to think we've been attacked by planet of the grapes. Please go douche your mouth and write a more convincing storyline. We know that jews did 911. Ok? LOL.

MosheSchnozenstein ago

Look at the chutzpah on this Goy! A regular maven

fuckmyreddit ago

Dear God, can I write your next script. I hope you people are not white hats on the payroll because we're all doomed if we have to depend on you and your never ending infomercials for bible quotes. How many of you are there? Should I go find some kitty memes to bleach my eyes from this stupidity. Just say Joos did 911 and go for a coffee break... please.

MosheSchnozenstein ago

It was coincidence that our guys were on the scene... Don't you be anti-semitic and show videos of Israelis celebrating 9/11... This is just propaganda, there is no truth here. Ask the boomers. We are your greatest ally.

WhiteDragon ago

Movies made in PEDOwood are simply: CRAP! Not worth watching.

Watch ~50 years old movies instead, from those you can LEARN something!

CNN - FAKE news, not worth watching! Watch RT, much better truth / lies ratio!

WWG1WGA Patriots!

MosheSchnozenstein ago

Yes White Dragon, our movies from the 60s were the pennacle of perfection. From feminism and swinging, to hard drugs and pornography, we laid out the groundwork for today. It was from there you could see our vision for your future.

I agree with watching RT. (((Our))) Russian correspondents do a wonderful job telling you what to think. Oy Vey!

Patti_McGreen ago

Search: Talmud pedorasty ...might change your mind Moshe.... certainly hope it does... Jesus was Jewish... and he is the New Covenant he said to leave those Wicked Ways behind and he was referring to the talmud do your homework I am married to a former practicing to Jew.

MosheSchnozenstein ago

What can I say... I know why you fell for him. It was his piano wasn't it? We are irresistible as God's chosen people. From our little beady eyes, to our thin lips, to tribalism mentality... The world just can't get enough of us.

Patti_McGreen ago

He married me to piss off his mother🤣you misinformed cretin... please educate yourself on the pedorasty practices of your tribe.

MosheSchnozenstein ago

Haha, I can relate to that, actually.

Patti_McGreen ago


Womb_Raider ago

Another thread of SBBH talking to themselves. Let's start cataloging so people can see the pattern in diction, and usernames, shall we?

fuckmyreddit ago

Raider, I find this nonsense disturbing. Are these 12 year Olds doing a skit at summer camp? They sound totally ESL.

Hand_of_Node ago

Wait, I thought you were one of the more aware people on voat. You know the use of ALL-CAPS is a sign of obliviousness or senility, right? And that shills use it to discredit a message or cause? This is common internet knowledge. There may or may not be other shills above, but SuzanneAnon is an obvious shill.

(that, or the account operator is insane, but shill is more likely)

fuckmyreddit ago

I vote for insane over shill. LOL.

Hand_of_Node ago

Left side of the bell curve, I'm afraid. And a big chunk of them are in our demographic.

Womb_Raider ago

Suzanne and Moshe both are. They strike me as SoapBox members.

Hand_of_Node ago

I can't tolerate the 'soapbox/dox/etc' stuff, and all those subs that form cliques to attack each other. Shilling and stupidity is always going to be rampant, but it gets extra annoying when it also visually ruins the page.

Womb_Raider ago

It blows my mind that I'm one of maybe eight voaters that's vocal about the problem.

I know others see it.

Why are you active in subs with Le_Squish?

Hand_of_Node ago

There's no restraining order, and @Le_Squish seems sensible for an islander. I also like the user name.

As I explained to someone else, identifying "the real shills" would be a full time job, and you'd still never know. I was banned and unbanned from one of those soapbox or soapdox subs and took a look at it. Zero interest.

Womb_Raider ago

I used to spend a full time job's worth of time trying. Couldn't afford to waste effort anymore if nobody else would do the same.

Hand_of_Node ago

Possibly viable if the user base is small enough, and generating new accounts difficult enough. Otherwise it's like trying to stop the tide.

Womb_Raider ago

We need another website with a different mechanism

Le_Squish ago

Womb_Raider is a nigger Legitimate JIDF shill. His job is to try to control the overton window on voat. Majority of the comments he and his buddies post are to slander voaters or Putt. He can be fun to toy with. Good luck.

bb22 ago

Hey MOSHE i HEARD that you like FORESKINS... IN your MOUTH. .... niiiiiiiiGGGGGGGGER.

MosheSchnozenstein ago

Hey bb22 I heard that you snuck online after your mother told you to get ready for school! Careful, she might take away your phone.

bb22 ago

No dice Rabbi, I’m not one of the school children you’re hunting for.

MosheSchnozenstein ago

Well bb22 for a few shekels, I am sure a compromise can be reached

bb22 ago

Don’t mock me, Schlomo. The end of my pecker is gone forever, removed some decades ago by a violent Jewish ritual. Your shekels do nothing for me now, so I will campaign for the extinction of your race instead. MY POOR GODDAMN PECKER

MosheSchnozenstein ago

Without your beautiful collagen, how else would our Jewesses get the Goy to fall for them?

bb22 ago

I guess in order to get my foreskin back it’ll have to be in the form of Jewess soap.

MosheSchnozenstein ago

Don't forget the lampshades.