Thrus2 ago

I looked at the banned user log it seems chilly went ban happy back in October. your point being?

Oh we are talkign the expertshitposter crap well stop posting clickbait (4. No clickbait - This can be related to rule two in that if the title is unclear and 'low-effort' with the intention of getting people to visit just to see what the content is, it will be removed.). I might be annoyed if it wasn't over a user doing as their name implies they were posting shit content in this case daily with the same exact title give or take incriminating a number.

Mumbleberry ago

No bans in system subs is the problem.

Mumbleberry ago

Eat my stinking shit, cunt.

Fambida ago

Well, let's see here... I see whole pages of spam, with one exception, that being @ExpertShitposter who appears to be the one person @Kadynce has banned for anything.

Hmmm... Let's check the removed comments log and removed submissions log to see what the issue may be. Nothing in the past two months has been removed from submissions, and Cynabuns did the removing for older stuff. I don't see any removed comments from ES either...

One last attempt to figure out what may be going on: Let's check searchvoat... And here we go!

ExpertShitposter, as he is wont to do, was spamming his shitpost faggotry!

This is however a system sub, and as we can see from the searchvoat above, Shitposter is in fact a regular contributer to this sub. Banning him because you don't appreciate his (admittedly shitty) content is not acceptable. That's what downvotes are for.

ChillyHellion ago

A great assessment overall, but you put this part beautifully:

This is however a system sub, and as we can see from the searchvoat above, Shitposter is in fact a regular contributer to this sub. Banning him because you don't appreciate his (admittedly shitty) content is not acceptable. That's what downvotes are for.

None of /v/gaming's community rules address quality, and that's by design; we're not here to judge quality. The community has the tools to judge quality directly. A mod's only job is to respect the community's wishes, whatever they may be.

In /v/gaming that's meant working with the community directly to agree on rules, respecting the people you interact with even as you apply the community's rules, and constantly working from the perspective of what the community wants.

As you said, I don't think banning @ExpertShitposter was the constructive call, and I'm glad that @Kadynce reverted the ban. Mods are human, and making a metric ton of spam and rule decisions means we screw up sometimes. But I think it's important for us to recognize when we do and work to make it right by the community.

I hope that things don't escalate on either side and we can reach harmony again, but every individual gets to decide if they want to continue to spend time in /v/gaming, and that's just the way it should be.

Disappointed ago

You're a good man.

ChillyHellion ago

Thanks, friend. I'm just a guy who let a great community rub off on him. I've always loved /v/gaming.

Disappointed ago

Not often I see someone who gets that it's the community that builds subs and boy did you help v/gaming grow by fostering that community. Under your guidance it's been one of the shining lights for Voat and I'd be sad to see you go. @PuttitOut, here is one of the unsung heroes of your Voat. It's a shame to see people at each others throats over something so harmless as gaming. The way this has played out has made me question quite a lot of things and I'm not happy with what I'm seeing at all. I think some are intent on keeping Voat from forming communities at all.

ChillyHellion ago

I think as long as there are people like you calling for communities to come together to do the right thing, there will always be people like me who want to help in any way possible.

We're both just individuals, but we're part of a group of decent folk who just want to share their interests together as a community.

Fambida ago

I'm sad to say I have to side with Shitposter on this. Part of moderating a community like /v/gaming is having the user's trust. And Kadynce has absolutely lost mine.

ExpertShitposter ago

@Kadynce did not really revert the ban. First he had to catch all the flak in order to edit the post and make it seem like the ban was to be only 24h. Then after 24h, he unbanned me but told me if i continue my standoff i will be banned again and permanently. So no, he did not really unban me.

Which reminds me, its morning so time for me to post the next edition of the standoff.

Ps, make sure to read my reply in this thread:

ChillyHellion ago

Yeah, I think you were unabashedly shitposting, but I don't think /v/gaming's moderator response was well handled either. We're here to respect the community's wishes and enforce the community's rules, not judge the quality of posts. Especially when the community has the tools to do that themselves.

Hell, I'm not above making careless mistakes, but I think it's important to own them and work towards making it right by the community.

I hope that @Kadynce sees this and understands, but I hope you also understand that it only takes one person to be the bigger man. I won't ask you to, and I don't think you owe it to anyone, but I don't think escalating the situation does right by the community either.

I talked to Kadynce and told her what I thought. I think that how you both handle this in the next few days will make the most difference.

ExpertShitposter ago

You were always a great mod. Making mistakes is not important if you correct them. I will not be the bigger man because in this instance this goes beyond a mistake. Kay is not just a shitty mod, she is a redditor and his desires to control narrative on voat. That make her unfit not just for being a mod, but for being on voat as a whole. With that mindset she shouldn't even be here. And actually...she isn't here. Her last post was 5 months ago. Something made her comeback and lurk. Then she got offended and remembered that he has powers to shut me down so she did.

She is literally a hostile outside influence.

I will handle it by continuing my standoff as i intended originally before i knew we have reddit infiltrators in v/gaming. Not out of spite, but because i wanted anyway. It was suppose to last 10 days, but now i'm contemplating extending it.

@Kadynce you are a worthless whore.

heygeorge ago

Good catch. Looking over the comment history, it appears this account is rather dedicated to annoying spammers as well.