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ExpertShitposter ago

I would just like to point out some additional details.

  1. Sub has rules about what you have to post, but no specified penalty/procedure for what happens when you break them. Previous active mod chillyhelion would warn people if they did something wrong and never actually banned anyone except Chinese spammers. This mod went straight to ban with no warning. That is like having a law against j-walking but no specified fine. It turns out the fine is death penalty.

  2. Mod did not actually point to any broken rule, but as he says "discussed" it with "regulars" and decided that "they" do not like my contribution.

  3. That is a lie as he did not actually discuss it with any "regulars". He made that claim 10 minutes after he banned me. He had no additional comments in his comment history. That would imply he PM'd "regular users", whatever regular even means, and these people who live around the globe all answered his PM's in 10 minutes. He was asked to post these conversations and he refused to comment on anything at all since the ban. This proves that he took personal offense to me calling weird looking Nintendo. switch gamers "soyboys" so he banned me and quickly made a blanket defense to make it look like he is just enforcing the wishes of the community. At the time of the ban, the "regulars" gave me 8up and 4down therefore approving of my post with a 2:1 ratio.

  4. Mod presents him self as some community leader even tho he has made his last contribution to the sub 5 months ago. Las comment was 3 months ago telling some one his post "does not belong". Not to mention that his job is only to remove spam. Clearly this is a redditor who pops into voat once every few months to steer up some trouble.

albatrosv15 ago

Maybe i'm asking a dumb question, but... how do you know it's a he?

ExpertShitposter ago

I assumed its a male faggot yesterday. Today i know its a she. Unless its a tranny.

Pissant ago

You twats have a thousand places you can shitpost, why do you seem to choose one sub at a time and annoy them until they do something about it then have a coordinated campaign to attack their moderators inevitably ending with a member of v/soapboxbanhammer being placed as a mdoerator?

Honestly, it's getting to the point where there are what, a dozen examples of this exact behavior? You guys must think the average Voater is awfully stupid.

ExpertShitposter ago

We are the ones always screaming no one should have any mod powers.

auggs ago

So make your own sub with relatively low moderation

ExpertShitposter ago

This isn't reddit. System subs belong to everyone. They are not for the taking.

auggs ago

Sure but it sounds like you aren't quite right in this scenario either so why are you acting so self righteous while saying switch players need to die.

ExpertShitposter ago

I wasn't saying that in v/gaming. Also, i get to say what i want. That is literally the whole point of voats existence.

auggs ago

The point stands that the content of your posts were questionable. And your behavior now highlights your character. The moderator doesn't need to be removed on those grounds.

ExpertShitposter ago

And he has taken upon him self to dish out the highest degree of punishment for witch he has not been authorized by the admin. Yes he does, before the linux debacle, many cancer mods got removed for this very thing. If atko was still around, he would have stomped out kay within hours.

auggs ago

Isnt it a temporary ban? People like you are the reason atko left dude.

ExpertShitposter ago

He edited the post after everyone called him a piece of shit to make it say 24h. He said he will permaban me if i post more. And post more i will. Sanegoat and discord group is the reason atko left.

auggs ago

He said he will permaban me if i post more. And post more i wil

This is why you don't deserve to be taken seriously. You guys are up to something. You're always fucking up to something.

ExpertShitposter ago

Right. Fuck off back to discord char you jewish nigger.

auggs ago

Never been discord. Don't know what it is but it sounds like you do.

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

Kadynce's Reddit profile looks like a basic account that was purely used to talk about character builds in the video game Tom Clancy's The Division, and hasn't been active in almost a full year.

I suspect that it is an old-and-abandoned alt account. I wouldn't be surprised if this "moderator" mainly uses another account both on Reddit and on Voat (likely sharing the same name, like HenryCorp and his Reddit shill-mod account), where they can more openly act like the "powermad moderator" they actually are.

ExpertShitposter ago

Probably just secured his voat name on reddit, mad a few posts so his account doesn't get purged by some mop-up code. In reality is a power mod with 150 subs.

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

Guaranteed he "runs" 30-50+ subreddits (really just "tells AutoModerator how to enforce 50+ subreddits"). Not sure that he is in the 150+ range, as that requires a bit more narcissism and Delusions of Grandeur than is being displayed here.

NumbDigger ago

At least you've lived up to your name.

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

You're a spammer. Any point you had to make could have been made in one post. Your only intention was to provoke that mod, just as you have done on many other occasions to other mods. Nobody is falling for this divisive bullshit.

Seriously, I don't care if you spam. Sometimes its funny. But when you come bitching about getting banned after multiple-day raids on some sub, forgive me for telling you to fuck right off.

Rakosman ago

Posting things that you know will bother someone isn't harassing. That's stupid.

Artofchoke ago

"Raids" ? Spam? I'm not seeing that. "Provoke"?

ExpertShitposter ago

You're full of shit. Firstly, one post per day is not spam.

Second, I've never even seen one post by that mod, i have no idea who he is. The only reason i know about his she defense is because kevdude pointed it out last night in the PV thread. Third, how and why would i be provoking a mod who's last post was 5 months ago. Why would i think he would even see the posts to be provoked? It was probably pure luck he even saw the posts.

Fourth, no i haven't "done this to other mods". The only sub i ever realistically "harassed" was v/linux because thy cried about one post someone made. When they banned me i didn't cry about it but only shitposted about it once because linux is a private sub. Also my linux posts were mass downvoted to like +20 /-30 points indicating that the community mostly didn't like them. Not the case with my v/gaming posts. Not before they were brigaded last night at least.

This is a system sub and that makes a big difference.

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

Justify your behavior however you want. I'm not trying to get you to behave any differently. I only posted at all because someone needed to tell you that your manufactured, bitch-tier drama is nobody's fault but your own.

ExpertShitposter ago


Are you too a pot smoker by any chance? Thare seems to be a lot of paranoia going around that makes people see things that aren't there and then they claim facts.

Even if you were right, and you are not, he has no authority do ban me from a system sub.

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

Are you too a pot smoker by any chance? Thare seems to be a lot of paranoia going around that makes people see things that aren't there and then they claim facts.

Jesus christ, it just hit me. English is your second language, isnt it? It all fits so well: why your downvote brigades only operate during eastern daylight hours, your lack of ability to define basic words like "spam", your confusion of such basic words like "too" and "also", why you attack a US website thats only good for discussing geopolitics...

Oh fuck me thats hilarious. Be honest with us just once: pajeet or ruskie? Based on your grammar hangups, my money is on pajeet, or are you just another alcoholic with a fried speech center?

Retorical question, doesn't matter either way, the word is out.

ExpertShitposter ago

From EU, white.

US website

LoL? Would you explain that?

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

Hosted in the US, with ~80% of traffic coming out of NA, 71.3% from the USA.

ExpertShitposter ago

Yes, most people on the internet forums in general are from America. Whats your point?