Tsilent_Tsunami ago


That woman that lives in Oregon in that little house out on that country road? Sub list makes it seem likely.

Gowdy ago

La la I'll just repeat my comment from a different thread. I agree w/ you


tomyhawk ago

Yes, I got that from all your replies I read. How can you prove all your saying? I have watched a lot of this as it happens, most users here came from somewhere else because of censorship. You call 5 comments spaced 1 day apart spam, most here don't see that. Was it antagonizing? Probably, but not spam, and definitely not a ban worthy submission.

Chiefpacman ago

Is no one asking @chillyhelion

He kinda runs the place I thought? It seems like he would have some good insight on what the v/gaming community wants.

That said I agree with kevdude, it’s a system sub/ belongs to all of us.

grendelbiter ago

Soyboy spotted.

tomyhawk ago

I have read through this entire thread, you have made a lot of accusations. Can you back these up?

ratsmack ago

This is the exact reason I have been putting more effort into Gab... I already did the Reddit thing and won't put any effort into a Reddit v2.0... just not going to happen.


Lol way to edit your post after my reply to make it seem you hadnt originally criticized the quality of the submissions.

V/gaming belongs to voat. Again - if you want a neatly curated newsfeed to download directly into your brain then go to reddit or make your own sub.

NotHereForPizza ago

No, no, no. I don't agree that anyone has ownership of the board beyond those who utilize it.

I do understand your point, bud. I don't think it's poorly drawn, but I'll say this: if those who attend the sub don't like the mod, it's my suggestion that they simply cease their visitations. I understand the way the rules work, and I'm certain we don't need to make this a meta discussion, but I think you misunderstood the way I used some of those words.

But, fine. I'll stop playing devil's advocate. And, while I don't exactly agree with what side you appear to be on, I think it's as fair as can be that the community has a place to discuss this.

Also, fuck Crensch.

Narow_Foe_Minsk ago

It's fine. I should have just avoided commenting honestly.

Narow_Foe_Minsk ago

This is my "main". I had an account a couple years back but I went overseas for over a year and didn't have access to the internet. Forgot password when I got back and didn't have an e-mail tied to the account so I just stopped coming to the site. Came back this year and made a new account.

And I'm not defending the mod. Read what I said.

the other is an overreaching janitor who's active once every 3 months with allegations against him of being a basic bitch

He should have been removed a long time ago based on what has been said about him, and how inactive he's been. Your friend is still a shitposting faggot though who targeted the mod, no matter how shitty, to make this whole scenario. We all like to shitpost from time to time, but when you do it on a constant, routine basis you're just asking for attention.

If you want my full opinion, I think the posts were "gaming related" as loosely as possible. If I had been in the mod's shoes, I would not have removed the posts, but asked the poster to either comment on a designated off-topic post which exist to reduce and consolidate shitposting, or post on a more fitting board like funny, betahate or fph (lot of the soyboys he highlighted were probably fat so it'd fit, and fph has fully accepted soyboy hate as long as they're also fat).

Narow_Foe_Minsk ago

And that invalidates my statement how? I'm not a mod or admin, my length & frequency of contribution to the site is irrelevant. Also, telling that you're trawling every single comment on your post and having your buddies vote down everything against your narrative. Fuck off, faggot.

Dont_Fear_The_Reaper ago

Fuck no. I thought this place was supposed to be better than reddit. Here - people are allowed to post whatever they damn well please so long as it doesn't break the rules. I don't care how badly your feelings are being hurt, the only way to fix yourself is to stop being a little bitch. The dude holding the switch looks like a soyboi and the mod that wants to ban @ExpertShitPoster is also a soyboi.

Cuckbot ago

Point is no one really wants to do the janitor jobs. https://voat.co/v/sports/modlog/submission

I'm sure you didn't get beaten to the punch on all of these.

Cuckbot ago

Who wants to do these jobs as janitor?

auggs ago

Because more active subs means more work for whoever is trying to manipulate the site. They want us confined to a few defaults that they moderate.

Pissant ago


That's basically what Voat is slowly becoming, and it's fucking hilarious at this point to be honest.

Pissant ago

v/soapboxbanhammer at it again... I can't believe there are over a hundred and fifty Voaters who have failed to recognize these peoples consistent harassment of subverses over the years.

Thrus2 ago

I have pointed out long in the past the interaction of mods in /news it is why I went there for an example I knew would match up with little effort to search on my part. https://voat.co/v/news/1023952 (Funny thing if you follow that post back to the one I linked talking about it before https://voat.co/v/newsmods/comments/1013254 yours is actually the first response not related to this topic at all just funny to see.) It seems that over all so far voat doesn't care about mods that are not active in the community after they get the mod role. Right or wrong that is how voat is at this time.

MinorLeakage ago

No one made any of those arguments. It's a DEFAULT sub is the argument. Means mods should delete spam only. If the community dislikes his posts, they are welcome to say so and downvoat. Or they can leave. They can even choose to kill themselves. Beautiful thing, freedom.

Diggernicks ago

Boo hoo someone hurt my feelings on the internet.

VicariousJambi ago

Do you ever say anything else?

I think this one's script broke.

ExpertShitposter ago

You're full of shit and nintendo cucks deserve nothing.

PC masterrace. Gas all the rest. The standoff must be completed.

VicariousJambi ago

@9-11 must have bought a switch and is mad.

ExpertShitposter ago

He is a jew alt from discord with low IQ that always follows me around and talks shit. Most people hate him.

SimonWest ago

Couldn't agree more. Dead on.

And if 'expert shit poster' is bothered about it why's is 'kevdude' making a post on his behalf. Strength in numbers right, protect voat?

Artofchoke ago

One a day? You know that ain't spam, and it was, albeit negatively, related to gaming.
Are you being hurt by this Nazi stuff? Is it harming you? We have to put up with we don't like. There's shit here that makes me nuts, but I got no right to silence it. You've got to take measures to avoid it, in this case, block the shitpost expert for awhile. You are entitled to be angry, offended, disgusted, but YOU have to be the one to take measures to avoid that shit, the responsibility is on you, the offended party.

I love you, don't let this drive you bananas. Drown his content in gaming news, there's some amazing shit coming out this year, let's talk about it! hugs


Whether a post is of sufficient quality is determined by the community through the vote count. That's how it works when free speech is a foundational principle of the community. I know it seems weird if you have spent too much time on reddit but that is how it works.

You nigger.


Free speech doesnt matter?

The opinions of anyone that the mod does not deem "a legit user" doesnt matter? By what metrics would a mod objectively determine who is "a legit user" in the first place? To allow this type of censorship on the with the justification of "muh legit users" is to enable the kind of power-user super-mod circlejerk that would undermine the free-speech foundation that vat is built on.

The opinions of anyone who doesnt subscribe doesnt matter? How the fuck would you know who is a subscriber and who isnt in the first place? If you want a well-curated feed of only select articles and topics of discussion that you can download directly into your brain without having to think about it then you can go find that on reddit.

ExpertShitposter ago

I do what like.

Nintendo = gaming related.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


I'm not attacking anybody. We're just talking about the improper powermod behavior of Kadynce, (who hasn't even posted for months, hardly an "established" user).

Very fishy behavior.

Artofchoke ago

Was there a flood? A flood is spam. Do we need to tolerate nazi memes in order to respect freedom of expression? Yep.

Merlynn ago

Looks like bullshit to me. Burn the mod.

NotHereForPizza ago

I saw the post yesterday when crensch threw his attention-begging fit.

Like I said in the first post, let the motherfuckers operate their subs the way they please. I saw the post yesterday where you said we should allow the community to discuss it, kev. We're discussing it - let them do what they want in their own territory. If people don't like the community, they'll join a new one, and hopefully eventually join/create one where each individual is consistently happy to the mean.

Did you bother to read my comment?

Artofchoke ago

It totally can, and should, be about gaming. If somebody is aggravating you, block em. Downvoat em.

Don't silence them. You wouldn't want to silenced, right? That's why we're here, Sir/ ma'am.

go1dfish ago

Posts that make fun of gamers are as relevant for /v/gaming as posts that make fun of politicians are relevant to /v/politics

voats4goats ago

@ExpertShitPoster , first rule of videogames: Never trigger a Nintendo fanboy lest you feel thier keyboard and Miyomoto is god wrath. :)

They are best left to mutter to themselves when thier console is in the dark ages (wiiU). Now with the switch, they're like vegans telling you why you should ahem switch to an all Nintendo diet.

And for the record, I own all three systems. Fanbois are for those that can't afford the other toys ;)

ExpertShitposter ago

PC = masterrace.

Console = untermensch :)

voats4goats ago

I'd be all over PCMR but can't afford a new rig ATM with the damn mining craze and memory prices out the wazoo. Soon though soon..

I'm dying to build a ryzen 7 or threadripper build just because. AMD made me actually excited for PC gaming again :)

ExpertShitposter ago

PC being expensive is a meme. I played fine all my life and i invest maybe 250$ per year overall. Fancy mouses and cases included.

ExpertShitposter ago

You don't understand.

Only PC gamers are actual gamers. Console scum are untermensch. Nintendo switch boys aren't even human beings. Get it right.

But i do, i told you i have over 40 posts in there, only 5 are the standoff.

go1dfish ago

Yes, and these posts do have at least a loose connection to the topic of gaming.

/v/gaming isn't just for discussion in favor/support/pro gaming

It's a general topic sub run by system.

Nobody is stoping anyone from making a /v/GamersOnly or some such subreddit that is more heavily moderated.

v/gaming should allow posts that both praise and chastise the hobby.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Oh, don't be confused. Check my post history. I've never posted in /v/gaming

This is a problem in many default subs. Power mods have taken over subs of many, many interests.

The other thing they do is attack established users and try to drive them away. We've seen several mods from these takeover subs attack Voat's productive users.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Oh, no no, you misunderstand!

The problem isn't the perfectly reasonable rules, it's the conspiring mods who twist them to censor any viewpoints they don't like. Look at all the subs that have been taken over.

It's clear is a concerted effort to control the narrative on voat.

ExpertShitposter ago

I have about 40 posts to v/gaming.

Game system = gaming related. I broke no rules.

NotHereForPizza ago

Why not just let each sub do as they please?

You're starting to make me think you guys are the same account, man. Don't promote his conceit like this.

Narow_Foe_Minsk ago

They're both wrong. One is a shitposting faggot with allegations against him of being an SRS troll, the other is an overreaching janitor who's active once every 3 months with allegations against him of being a general basic bitch. Both of you go suck a bag of dicks.

hafen ago

I can see both sides on this one. On one hand, curation is valued, and on the other hand, free speech is valued. It's beneficial for subs to stick to their stated goal, but also for people to be able to speak on this site. I think that there's definitely room for both approaches on this site. Does the fact that /v/gaming is a default matter? If so, how does it play into this? Should that default err on the side of free speech, and that instead, leave curation to say completely dedicated gaming-news, gaming-reviews, gaming-video subs? I don't know the answer.

What I do know is that both are valuable. I agree on free speech, but a better case overall ought to be made for curation along with all that sticking to a stated goal . With mod logs, thankfully curation on Voat.co can also be done in a transparent manner.

Diggernicks ago

I can't be tough irl so I'll overcompensate by being a bad ass on the internet, let's give this a whirl.

weezkitty ago

I agree with you here. On Voat, different subs for different content is breaking down. I get that mod abuse is a big problem on Reddit, but the fear of moderation here is excessive. There are plenty of other subs where this content is welcome.

I think a ban might be too heavy but moderator action is justifiable

obvious-throwaway- ago

Abandon the subs entire purpose in the name of free speech


Mods and subs is what killed Eddit. Giving power to individuals opens the door to scammers who want to sell accounts to Jew activists who will happily pay for them. Then they slowly take over a website and ruin it. Changup the system to make it better. Have users of Voat report spam and bots to mods. A post gets reported 10 times, let's say, then the mod decides whether or not it's spam and has the power to remove it, but only after a certain amount of Voat users report it. Every once in awhile collusion where 10 shareblue accounts will voat with a planted mod. If it's obvious, then the website owner can remove the entire group. Also only give people who have been here over 3 months the power to report spam. This would make it really hard for a group to dominate the website.

I'm sure there are plenty of other ways to better handle it than the methods Eddit used, which didn't work. Which is why were here.

OhBlindOne ago

Default subs: Decisions made by the goats of voat, moderators are there to enforce such decisions.

User-created subs: Mods/owners can do as they please, it's their sub. If you don't like it, start your own. The only exception being if a user-created sub is breaking the few site rules (e.g. no CP).

piratse ago

Mods should NEVER "own" a sub. IDGAF if you squatted on it first, it doesn't give you the right to censor stuff because of feelings. HOWEVER. All SUBMISSIONS should be on-topic to the sub. On-topic means: "relevant to the subject under discussion." So if it's a cooking forum, and you make a post shitting on cooking. That should stay and be handled by the users voting power. If you are in a cooking sub and make a post about video games, that should be subject for removal as it is not relevant to the subject of the sub. All comments that are legal or non-spam should be allowed.

I don't know why people think the first one to request a sub should be allowed to do whatever they want regardless of the community. That's how squatters work, they grab a popular sub name, go back to reddit, then when it get's popular here, they come back to control the narrative. Look at titsoutfortheboys or many of the other reddit mods that spend little time here.

go1dfish ago

Default subs: Decisions made by the goats of voat, moderators are there to enforce such decisions.

I disagree with this characterization. Even if a majority of the users call for it, I hope puttitout will not allow the censoring of system subverses any more than is required by law.

OhBlindOne ago

But, ultimately, the users do get to decide for system subs. I'm not saying the users get to circumvent the admins, but the admins have always sought after the input of the users on such matters pertaining to system subs.


Mods are there to protect and serve! I pay your salary buddy! But seriously go find a murderer and not a shitposter. faggot.


Oh I'm sorry.I thought this was VOAT!...

ExpertShitposter ago

I did not, it was gaming related. Even kadynce didn't say i broke the rule, but said that "they" did not like the contribution. And even if it wasn't, kay does not have the authority to ban from system subverses unless its product spamming chinks. You can see what kind of posts the previous mod removed.

I also couln't have done this to get banned because the mod has been inactive for 5 months with posts, and 3 months with comments. There was no way for me to expect to be banned by him.

You are full of shit as always discord fag.

Norseman ago

ignore 9-11. he is a (((shill))) who does NOTHING but post negative comments to stir up as much shit as he possibly can for fun. Also he's 99% chance autistic.

If anyone has ever earned an "attitude" ban in all the history of voat it is him by far.

ExpertShitposter ago

I know him very well, he is a weapons grade autistic retard that likes to follow me around and counter anything i say no matter what the topic. The only reason i ever responded to him is so people who are out of the loop wouldn't say i'm dodging questions.

SparkS ago

Edit: I just remembered that @Kadynce argued for and defended a "Be Civil/No Harassment" reddit rule that used to be on v/gaming. Relevent comments can be found in these 2 threads: https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/1211404 ; https://voat.co/v/gaming/1211755 if this kind of mod he must go. even if this shitformat is redshit like whats happening here has nothing to do with reddit... tbh a reason for my presence here.

Thrus2 ago

It seems that most say leave him be and I will agree the ban was not really needed however everyone yells we should watch /new but we should also let votes decide the content, well we can't have both.

I agree the content should have been removed it was not gaming related it was in fact insulting to the community. the sub has rules like has been mentiontioned (they have been reviewed by the community at least once that I recall) number 1 on the list is they must be gaming related this was not gaming related this was insulting based on a gaming platform. They were photos with insulting titles of people being excessively happy about a new entertainment product, if you are not happy about a new console you shouldn't be getting it, yes the photos show people being far past happy into exaggerated displays for the camera. so expertShitPoster took these and decided to make fun of the people with a gaming platform in /v/gaming. Should he have been able to post this for 5 days straight and nothing done until day 5 and then a ban no they should have been pulled daily and if he kept it up after each past was deleted then yes ban him but not the way this was handled of delete all 5 at once and ban at the same time.

I will freely admit /v/gaming is the main reason I come to vote.

If we are talking about activity being a reason for a new mod /v/askvote needs a new mod cynabuns last comment was 2 months ago around the same time as his last submission so let's not start that as an excuse. /v/news needs some cleaning out as well cynabuns is over there amyacker hasn't commented or submitted in over a year. so don' try this as a justification.

Overall yes I see the posts as having been spam or clickbait either way you want to go, and the posts should have been removed.

Calculated ago

You all are so whiney. Nobody wants to see your shit posting.

auggs ago

Yep this happens every few weeks/months where someone from that circle makes a huge in depth post about their concern for X sub and they want Y moderator removed. Its a fucking sham.

NemesisPrime ago

@Kadynce should be ashamed. Go back to Reddit with your insecurities.

Cheesebooger ago

@Kadynce are you trying to provoke me?

Troll ago

I don't think you should ban him for these submissions, nor do I think that such submissions should be deleted. I know this sounds a bit stupid but I was totally out of the loop on the whole soy boy/nintendo switch meme bullshit until ExpertShitPoster brought it up here. I mean, I noticed that stupid culture showing its ugly bearded face on the internet but I never paid any attention to it. Thanks to @ExpertShitPoster now I know why one of my colleagues at work is drinking Soylent all the time, playing Nintendo Switch and lactating from his newly developed milk glands. I've started slipping Dianabol in his Soylent while he's not watching. I will save that man. Wish me luck, and thank you @ExpertShitPoster.

ExpertShitposter ago

I am attempting to save western civilization with my posts. These posts could wake up millions.

Virology ago

Nope. This stuff will kill voat if allowed. @Kadynce needs to be demodded.

jese879 ago


theMETA ago

IIRC, this is what got /v/AskVoat taken off of the default list, when @she became a Reddit-like cancermod, right?

Looks like there's only one course of action to take, boys...

ExpertShitposter ago

Kay was a actually defending her before she got removed....

Dismal_Swamp ago

@Kadynce is either a tranny or a woman. Neither one should should be able to make decisions. Look what's happened since we've let women vote in the US. Women are incapable of making rational decisions.

odb281 ago


UndercoverRobot ago

Whenever I see someone modding 10 or more subs, I'm not surprised that they act like cunts.

Artofchoke ago

No, never. @Kadynce has no right to decide what is civil, or what constitutes harassment. That goes against everything Voat stands for.


If users dont like the submission then downvote it. Being a mod is not about having a super downvote. When it's a system sub then it's zero tolerance for mod bullshit. Get rid of them.

ICweiner ago

Fuck you /v/protectvoat assholes and your witchhunts.

You are a cancer on this site and make it borderline unusable at times.

Stop treating this place like your own little faggot funhouse.

Artofchoke ago

I downvoated you, and now I'm telling you about it, cause those isn't an alt, or part of a 'brigade'. Censorship is wrong, and its the vestige of cowards and the ignorant.

go1dfish ago

This post is highlighting behavior that is against sitewide policy, and I for one appreciate it.

I’m thankful that people take the time to look at public mod logs and keep mods in check here.

If you want a modded experience go make a unique subverse, ban all these witch hunters from it and have fun doing whatever you like.

I think there is room for moderated subverses here.

go1dfish ago

No this should not be allowed, if you want a modded gaming subverse you are free to make one.

@system subs are for free speech.

The price of controlling a community on Voat is a creative name and that is IMO enough to keep the site free.

@Kadynce should reverse the actions and refrain from continuing this behavior in the future.

ViaI ago

What a fucking sad triggered mod. Control beta profile match.

ExpertShitposter ago

I would just like to point out some additional details.

  1. Sub has rules about what you have to post, but no specified penalty/procedure for what happens when you break them. Previous active mod chillyhelion would warn people if they did something wrong and never actually banned anyone except Chinese spammers. This mod went straight to ban with no warning. That is like having a law against j-walking but no specified fine. It turns out the fine is death penalty.

  2. Mod did not actually point to any broken rule, but as he says "discussed" it with "regulars" and decided that "they" do not like my contribution.

  3. That is a lie as he did not actually discuss it with any "regulars". He made that claim 10 minutes after he banned me. He had no additional comments in his comment history. That would imply he PM'd "regular users", whatever regular even means, and these people who live around the globe all answered his PM's in 10 minutes. He was asked to post these conversations and he refused to comment on anything at all since the ban. This proves that he took personal offense to me calling weird looking Nintendo. switch gamers "soyboys" so he banned me and quickly made a blanket defense to make it look like he is just enforcing the wishes of the community. At the time of the ban, the "regulars" gave me 8up and 4down therefore approving of my post with a 2:1 ratio.

  4. Mod presents him self as some community leader even tho he has made his last contribution to the sub 5 months ago. Las comment was 3 months ago telling some one his post "does not belong". Not to mention that his job is only to remove spam. Clearly this is a redditor who pops into voat once every few months to steer up some trouble.

albatrosv15 ago

Maybe i'm asking a dumb question, but... how do you know it's a he?

ExpertShitposter ago

I assumed its a male faggot yesterday. Today i know its a she. Unless its a tranny.

Pissant ago

You twats have a thousand places you can shitpost, why do you seem to choose one sub at a time and annoy them until they do something about it then have a coordinated campaign to attack their moderators inevitably ending with a member of v/soapboxbanhammer being placed as a mdoerator?

Honestly, it's getting to the point where there are what, a dozen examples of this exact behavior? You guys must think the average Voater is awfully stupid.

ExpertShitposter ago

We are the ones always screaming no one should have any mod powers.

auggs ago

So make your own sub with relatively low moderation

ExpertShitposter ago

This isn't reddit. System subs belong to everyone. They are not for the taking.

auggs ago

Sure but it sounds like you aren't quite right in this scenario either so why are you acting so self righteous while saying switch players need to die.

ExpertShitposter ago

I wasn't saying that in v/gaming. Also, i get to say what i want. That is literally the whole point of voats existence.

auggs ago

The point stands that the content of your posts were questionable. And your behavior now highlights your character. The moderator doesn't need to be removed on those grounds.

ExpertShitposter ago

And he has taken upon him self to dish out the highest degree of punishment for witch he has not been authorized by the admin. Yes he does, before the linux debacle, many cancer mods got removed for this very thing. If atko was still around, he would have stomped out kay within hours.

auggs ago

Isnt it a temporary ban? People like you are the reason atko left dude.

ExpertShitposter ago

He edited the post after everyone called him a piece of shit to make it say 24h. He said he will permaban me if i post more. And post more i will. Sanegoat and discord group is the reason atko left.

auggs ago

He said he will permaban me if i post more. And post more i wil

This is why you don't deserve to be taken seriously. You guys are up to something. You're always fucking up to something.

ExpertShitposter ago

Right. Fuck off back to discord char you jewish nigger.

auggs ago

Never been discord. Don't know what it is but it sounds like you do.

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

Kadynce's Reddit profile looks like a basic account that was purely used to talk about character builds in the video game Tom Clancy's The Division, and hasn't been active in almost a full year.

I suspect that it is an old-and-abandoned alt account. I wouldn't be surprised if this "moderator" mainly uses another account both on Reddit and on Voat (likely sharing the same name, like HenryCorp and his Reddit shill-mod account), where they can more openly act like the "powermad moderator" they actually are.

ExpertShitposter ago

Probably just secured his voat name on reddit, mad a few posts so his account doesn't get purged by some mop-up code. In reality is a power mod with 150 subs.

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

Guaranteed he "runs" 30-50+ subreddits (really just "tells AutoModerator how to enforce 50+ subreddits"). Not sure that he is in the 150+ range, as that requires a bit more narcissism and Delusions of Grandeur than is being displayed here.

NumbDigger ago

At least you've lived up to your name.

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

You're a spammer. Any point you had to make could have been made in one post. Your only intention was to provoke that mod, just as you have done on many other occasions to other mods. Nobody is falling for this divisive bullshit.

Seriously, I don't care if you spam. Sometimes its funny. But when you come bitching about getting banned after multiple-day raids on some sub, forgive me for telling you to fuck right off.

Rakosman ago

Posting things that you know will bother someone isn't harassing. That's stupid.

Artofchoke ago

"Raids" ? Spam? I'm not seeing that. "Provoke"?

ExpertShitposter ago

You're full of shit. Firstly, one post per day is not spam.

Second, I've never even seen one post by that mod, i have no idea who he is. The only reason i know about his she defense is because kevdude pointed it out last night in the PV thread. Third, how and why would i be provoking a mod who's last post was 5 months ago. Why would i think he would even see the posts to be provoked? It was probably pure luck he even saw the posts.

Fourth, no i haven't "done this to other mods". The only sub i ever realistically "harassed" was v/linux because thy cried about one post someone made. When they banned me i didn't cry about it but only shitposted about it once because linux is a private sub. Also my linux posts were mass downvoted to like +20 /-30 points indicating that the community mostly didn't like them. Not the case with my v/gaming posts. Not before they were brigaded last night at least.

This is a system sub and that makes a big difference.

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

Justify your behavior however you want. I'm not trying to get you to behave any differently. I only posted at all because someone needed to tell you that your manufactured, bitch-tier drama is nobody's fault but your own.

ExpertShitposter ago


Are you too a pot smoker by any chance? Thare seems to be a lot of paranoia going around that makes people see things that aren't there and then they claim facts.

Even if you were right, and you are not, he has no authority do ban me from a system sub.

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

Are you too a pot smoker by any chance? Thare seems to be a lot of paranoia going around that makes people see things that aren't there and then they claim facts.

Jesus christ, it just hit me. English is your second language, isnt it? It all fits so well: why your downvote brigades only operate during eastern daylight hours, your lack of ability to define basic words like "spam", your confusion of such basic words like "too" and "also", why you attack a US website thats only good for discussing geopolitics...

Oh fuck me thats hilarious. Be honest with us just once: pajeet or ruskie? Based on your grammar hangups, my money is on pajeet, or are you just another alcoholic with a fried speech center?

Retorical question, doesn't matter either way, the word is out.

ExpertShitposter ago

From EU, white.

US website

LoL? Would you explain that?

Its_Just_A_Ride ago


Hosted in the US, with ~80% of traffic coming out of NA, 71.3% from the USA.

ExpertShitposter ago

Yes, most people on the internet forums in general are from America. Whats your point?

Maroonsaint ago

We should doxx said person then spread rumors to the nearest minority community, rumors that would agitate them into seeking some sort of vengeance. Yes I am serious. Go work for the government you faggot fuck. With upmost sincerity I hope you’re days are filled with suffering. I want them dead. People died for our rights and beliefs clearly they’re out of control maybe they should die for theirs.

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

Go to bed FBInigger.

FishsticksForever ago

@kadynce Don't be a bitch, cunt!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

More and more I feel like all default subs shouldn't be allowed to have mods at all. All they ever do is violate free speech.

ExpertShitposter ago

They are jealous of our hi tech standoff ordnance. They will never have such technology.

Workman ago

No, the only time a submission should be removed by a moderator is if it's obvious spam or illegal content like CP, otherwise, let the community curate its content. Shitty and irrelevant posts will be downvoated into the gutter where they belong.

SparkS ago

u are relatively retarded but wtfever.

Diggernicks ago

Nah this is nigger faggot logic. Too many brainwashed weak minded kids here who get easily ass blasted by words on the internet. Censorship is pure failure.

UnknownCitizen ago

So, freedom of expression only works if your saying something? Is it shitty? Yes. But this is Voat. The community should handle the issue. The moderator is there to moderate completely at their discretion, unless there are community rules. Then the community should handle their issue. The second that voat as a whole starts exercising their will on smaller, less powerful groups, is the second we go down the Reddit Road and into the Digg Ditch.

Note: all within the confines of applicable laws.

ThisIsntMe123 ago

Here's the problem with them removing posts "at their discretion". What if they get paid by PUBG to hide Fortnite posts? In a "default" sub, they can hide posts from most people. How can the community fix it outside of asking for a rule? They can't leave a "default" community for another without getting the default changed and that post would look close to this one.

Basically, unless it's against the community's rules, I'm there to see what the community posts/upvoats not what the mods allow to the top.

SpecialtyPizza ago

Eat a dick niggerfaggot. We dont need shithead mods deciding what is good and bad. So long as its not spam or bullshit then they shouldnt be involved.

SparkS ago

totally agreed dunno exactly what bullshit means but id also use that word bullshit in my way(propaganda, manipulatory socialistic tedencies)


The moderator is there to moderate completely at their discretion

Go the fuck back to reddit with that bullshit attitude. The site is the community. The mod is not the voice of the community, the vote count is.

Crensch ago

Reddit cancermodding will not be tolerated, and supporting the use of modtools as "freedom of speech" to remove others' speech is really quite stupid.

Pissant ago

You honestly don't notice that every time this shit happens it's users of v/Soapboxbanhammer starting the bullshit?

Crensch ago

What the mods are doing is unacceptable.

EyeoftheChampion ago

No don't like isn't a good enough reason. If they are shitty posts that no one likes downvoat it into the ground.

wtfeva ago

Oh, fuck that bullshit. You know thats fucking gay. If there are going to be bans on posts other than spam, then a sub shouldn't be a default. Faggotry isn't spam.

Hell, I'm betting Kaydence is really that fucktard Mobbed who went and cried bitch and then when I tried to go and see what was wrong just looked like they must've gotten goddamned credits per everytime they mentioned their faggotass game of choice. They (or their buddy) downvoated me each time and claimed that I was SBBH or some shit like that because I've talked to people or belong to a sub.

I really am just guessing because I'm pissed off at gaming lamery and going to re-unsubscribe because it sucks dick, like @Expertshitposter

ExpertShitposter ago

Kay is likely linked to the rPV redditos who like to start shit like this here while admitting to spending most of their time on reddit because it "has more content", while calling everyone they don't like reddit SRS.

Also check my reply in this thread. Also, you smoke meat poles.

wtfeva ago

So maybe Mobbed is Kaykay and is a crying little bitch. They sure as hell kept bringing up SBBWHATEVER which I'm obviously the owner of and jack off too while crying myself to sleep.

ExpertShitposter ago

Some guys from that rPV sub admitted to having 200+ alts and one even posted a screen shot of his log in screen with 20ish alts visible so anything is possible.

wtfeva ago

Fuck! I need some goddamned alts! Problem is, I'd start with one that I intended to be serious and then still end up with some jackassery.

ExpertShitposter ago

You cant escape the shitpost. It runs in your veins. Its who you are.