thrus ago

You know yesterday I would have argued with you, but today I have been told go back to Reddit if I don't like their methods. Called out for not answering them in 30 minutes (I was actually in the middle of answering them when they posted it) when I have flat out stated that I am intermittent on my use of voat and it is a reason I would be a poor mod, of course this was after it took them 4 hours to comment and even then it was the one mod that I was claiming was active. Finally got a response to past callouts in this thread. Told I don't understand the rules, probably true but then again it is nice that there is a link in the rules for me to follow for more details like the gaming sub... oh wait there isn't. and had something pointed out to me as a rule for the mods posted by Atko that is from a post almost the same age as my account.

Typo ago

Since you won't reply, I took the time to look through your history. You've only mentioned rule breaking posts 4 times. So I'm not really sure why you chose to post now unless there is something else going on here.

state only facts, not opinions or speculations.

OP quoted directly from the article. "“I don’t believe them, and neither should the American people … Personnel policy, however, is driven by the ‘diversity metrics’ outlined in the 2011 Report of the Military Leadership Diversity Commission. Diversity, not military readiness, is the highest priority.”".

His post fell within the rule.

Looks like someone wasnt on before this post reached a significant amount of upvoats and there for, accoding to Atko, shouldn't be removed.

It was an uncoming event offered by a university. Seems open to all so I guess it could be considered advertising. You marked it for Rule 2 though. I feel like that points to your lack of understanding of Rule 2 first showcased in the first one I posted.

and only typo responded

I followed the link and it appears Amy replied as well. You come across as someone who has a motive OP. Especially when a lot of these comments are in favor of removing the rule (because censorship) when you clearly like the rule, but posted because you want it enforced more. You failed to correct those people.

pauly_pants ago

What's even worse is satire articles published here, then people defending them.

Typo ago

What is the issue with the rule? It's been the same one in place for months that the users agreed to and hasn't been changed. OP wants titles to be directly copied from the article. The rule says titles don't have to be copied directly from the article. They just need to be accurate.

guinness2 ago

My only concern about your possible nomination is your lack of post and comment contributions to /v/news.

Mods should be concerned about approving new mods who may have nefarious agendas.

I know that Reddit's /r/DebateReligion has been overrun by Muslim moderators who claim they are atheists and Christians... for example.

thrus ago

Were you ever given a reason for it to be removed? or they just removed it with no explanation?

phenomenaldouche ago

Let's go to the scoreboard, why don't we? Currently it stands like this:

The post whose title bothers you so much: 140 points

Your outstanding effort to be an amateur moderator: 7 points

At this point it looks like goat population at large disagrees with you by a 20:1 ratio . . .

thrus ago


Let's go to the scoreboard, why don't we? Currently it stands like this for community discussion:

The post whose title bothers me so much: 15 comments

My outstanding effort to be an amateur moderator: 31 comments(-6 as mine) so 25 comments

At this point it looks like goat population at large would rather discuss this by a 5:3 ratio . . .

And this in a news sub with a discussion post.

smokratez ago

Ok, thank you for informing us that you are blind then and we don't have to take anything you say seriously anymore.

guinness2 ago

I created an "ideas for Voat" post about your concerns that /v/news moderators aren't "pulling their weight" and suggested a solution.

gota_party ago

I like entertaining titles. Change the rule.

phenomenaldouche ago

Especially the ones that are entertaining and totally accurate, like this one.

acheron2012 ago

So the real problem here is that we need to remove that rule. I thought it was not just stupid, but plain wrong from the start. I adamantly disagree that a post should be removed because it doesn't religiously copy the title of the article. That rule doesn't make the subverse better, it just prevents (potentially useful) summarization. Because let's face it, in addition to often being grammatically offensive a lot of titles are intentionally misleading - aka clickbait.

Typo ago

I adamantly disagree that a post should be removed because it doesn't religiously copy the title of the article

The rule doesn't say that. It says "state facts, not opinions or speculation". People can change the title of articles. OP wants titles that aren't directly copied from the article to be removed.

thrus ago

I would agree that would be an outcome that is acceptable, but as a user I have to look at what the rules are. If the mods have taken the time to make the rule I can at least not make their life harder by breaking them. We can question and discuss them for change but should follow them while they exist. Change isn't bad.

smokratez ago

You want to preserve cancer mods? Let them flourish on voat. Have them make subs about fucking children? That would make you happy?

smokratez ago

I didn't say I want to see things get deleted now did I.

8Hz_WAN_IP ago

Normally voat grabs the pitch forks when they think the moderators are doing to much, I think it is going to take a long time for voat to find a happy medium.

thrus ago

Maybe but I have even tried being directly rude in some of my callouts to see if my comment would get deleted, nope nothing. leads to those of us trying to help getting disillusioned. You will notice I didn't call out the mods in this post, it wasn't to hide it I just honestly don't expect them to show up or comment even if I did so why take the time when my expectations are pretty much 0.

Typo ago

You frustration stems from a lack of understanding of voat. Comments don't get deleted unless they are spam. If you want heavy moderation head back to Reddit.

8Hz_WAN_IP ago

I don't know what you consider rude but I don't think that should warrant having a comment deleted, I used to moderation/admin a bunch of gaming forums and I always preferred a light touch. I agree that the voat moderators are sometimes too hands off but in cases when you are on the fence about something I would say leave it rather then delete it.

smokratez ago

No, delete cancer mods. Not sing koombaye. Are you retarded?

smokratez ago

The regulars of voat have hated these people for a while now. Atko and Putitout don't do anything about it.

LetsBeNakedOutside ago

While I agree with you, this should be a fairly easy rule to enforce.

Especially since OP is flagging things for them.

They should get more mods, or change the rule (which I don't support).

thrus ago

Actually I stopped flagging them my latest comments are along the lines of "Rule 2 User-editorialized titles are subject to deletion. but don't worry the mods never enforce it." to many times of just getting nothing leading to me being disillusioned that they will respond, explaining why the post is fine would be ok but we don't even get that when we call them out just nothing. and as far as I can tell from looking today only Typo is even active on Voat.

Edit: I will add that Typo is even aware that the rule in question is wanted by the community as it has been discussed before, they said so in response to unruly.

FreeSpeachRocks ago

Mods is a thankless, time consuming job.

If you are able to help, shoot them a note volunteering to become a Mod. If you can't Mod then help by messaging the offending poster or by down voating the post. Lastly, help make Voat what we all value by posting more.

thrus ago

you are right about the mod job it is the reason I'm bringing this up instead of offering to take it up, I don't believe that I could do an acceptable job in the role. See my response to Gunness2's post for more details a lot of my response here would be a copy of that.

guinness2 ago

Agreed and thank you for the profoundly constructive comment.

thrus ago

Really most of the titles are fine, 95%+ of the time the poster simply copy and pastes the title that is great and easy to do.

Cops rarely punished when judges find testimony false, questionable - perfectly fine it is the exact title of the article

It is the ones that they ignore the title and twist it that annoy me especially when they are doing it to draw people in by sensationalizing them.

Typo ago

It is the ones that they ignore the title and twist it that annoy me especially when they are doing it to draw people in by sensationalizing them.

The site is run by the users. Before last rule change we received a lot of complaints about user titles so we changed the rules to "copy the title exactly". People weren't happy with it at all and it generated a lot of controversy. Users wanted flexibility so they got it. Install AVE and block users who editorialize their titles or hide posts. It will make your viewing experience closer to how you want it.

thrus ago

So the example I gave is not what you call "user editorialized"? Not once is that article was religion mentioned, that was a speculation on the poster's behalf not a fact. I should not need AVE (no clue what it is even first I have heard of it) to see posts that follow the rules. Especially a rule that you know that people are extremely insistent that it be implemented. before when you argued for a title you quoted the article that is great and I can accept that summary titles are acceptable but many of these are not summaries they are edits that are blatantly to sensationalize them and bias the people that read the title and not the article.

Typo ago

So the example I gave is not what you call "user editorialized"? Not once is that article was religion mentioned

That's borderline. You should read this "Err on the side of leniency rather than inflexibility". The admins don't want hard rules. Make sure to visit the announcement sub for more history and if you need more help, consider posting to /v/protectvoat.

people are extremely insistent that it be implemented.

Only one person other than you have complained about it.

guinness2 ago

Would you @thrus be willing to help as a /v/news mod?

Is there anyone else here that wants to volunteer as a /v/mod?

That's a sincere question: perhaps the four current mods are insufficient because they all have other demands on their time?

That said, I do agree with you: I believe the recent spate of abortion pill advertisement posts is an indication that the current mods are failing to maintain a minimum quality for this sub... which is important to Voat because /v/news is one of the most popular subs!

Ah_Pook ago

I'd do it, except as one of the raving socialists on here, I don't think I'd be taken seriously. :)
We had a brief and similar discussion in Politics though... I'm totally against censoring, but the editorialized titles bug the shit out of me. Yes, they're clickbait, but they're not getting any better with the changes. Post the actual title, and then take the five seconds to write your view.
Just my (as usual) contrarian opinion. :)

guinness2 ago

Yup, I agree with you that the legitimate click-bait titles are bad enough without users making matters worse!

thrus ago

I don't think I would be a good pick as a mod mainly due to the fact that I browse in my spare time and if something comes up I stay off Voat I also ignore the site on the weekends entirely. being a mod is a commitment and I don't believe that I could hold up my end of it to do an acceptable job.

You may be right and if that is the case they should look for people that are interested in helping out, and look at their history to decide if they are active and post rational comments to try and avoid anyone that will abuse the position. They may have posted elsewhere but I haven't seen them asking for help. Needing help isn't a weakness, ask if it is needed those of us in the community can even help by calling attention to things same as you called me here but when we do that and still get no response or can't see anything happening many hours later we get disillusioned and stop as it seems pointless. I'm more then happy to help out that way but in the past no comment to the OP or response to me either just nothing over and over, so I stopped what felt like wasting my time calling them.

But making a comment a week or so total and holding a mod position (amy 3 comments in the last month, forksandguys the same, system 2 comments total both 10 months ago not sure if this is a person or voat system account through) if that is the time put in is anything gained by having them there vs no one?

guinness2 ago

and look at their history to decide if they are active and post rational comments to try and avoid anyone that will abuse the position

I absolutely agree!

We need mods who are reliable. I already mod a smaller sub and it does take a lot of thankless time: mostly in keeping up with evens and research.

My question was directed towards you personally but intended to possibly motivate other Voaters to consider the same question of themselves.

Thank you for raising this issue and creating this post because remaining silent won't achieve anything!