Cynabuns ago

PS. [SUGGESTION] - like in the other thread, recommend that you an an edit to note that RULE3 has already been deleted :)

ChillyHellion ago

Great suggestion, and taken care of!

ChillyHellion ago

Pinging @Atko and @PuttItOut to keep you guys in the loop. Sorry for the kerfuffle; I know you guys have been pinged a lot in the past 24 hours.

ChillyHellion ago

That would probably work best. Thanks Reacher!

ChillyHellion ago

AlphaWookie isn't so bad, all-in-all:

Namrok ago

I'm enormously put off by having public discussion about individual proposed bans. I don't know if you've ever seen a wikipedia arbcom drama, but it's probably the most neurotic, cringy, spergy drama you can imagine.

ChillyHellion ago

That is an excellent point :P

SaneGoatiSwear ago

  1. you rock. epic modding.

  2. thank you.

  3. no fuck blocking. it's single-serve reverse user-user shadowbanning and that's a form of censorship, thus it's only PARTIALLY freeze peach, not freeze peach, which means no freeze peach which means there would be no reason to stay on voat. freeze peach or nuthin'.

edit: on rule 3: whatever the community consensus is is what it ought be. it's a default sub. a community thing, just like you said :)

ChillyHellion ago

Thank you for the great feedback, it really means a lot to me :)

I added this edit to the /v/IdeasForVoat request:

Words don't hurt anyone, but a single user following another user around the site can generate a lot of crap in their inbox. It would basically be a spam filter for you inbox, even if it's something as basic as: don't make a red envelope notification when this user replies to me, and all of their comments in my inbox are collapsed by default.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

somehow you've got me nodding my head in agreement here and i've got nothing - - that's a fair way to allow the edge of it to be diminished without creating a single-serve shadowban experience for users. i really appreciate that delicate balance struck there.

sadly tho, i don't see a code like that coming out for a while. and we're not even talking voatgoat's awful money troubles in the way of good shit like this being implemented, just on a technical level, giving users options like that seems...

and all those preferences have to be stored, more space, more ah yes.. moolah.

voat'sgreatagain! wooT!eeeeyeeeaaah chilz the hellz!

ChillyHellion ago

I can only appreciate your reasonableness, SaneGoatiSwear :) I appreciate all of the great feedback.

And don't underestimate what the voice of a community can do. Voat's admins listen to the site just as much as I listen to /v/gaming, and if the community voices this as a priority change can happen. It certainly solves a lot of problems at the sub level and preempts any anti-harassment rules for each sub.

Cynabuns ago

Haha! You Dick!1!! Too funny, Reacher :D, lmao

ChillyHellion ago

I sincerely appreciate the positive feedback :) waking up to an inbox full of hate was a shock, and my only thought at the time was how it might affect the /v/gaming community. It's a lousy feeling to feel like I've simultaneously let people down and put the community I love in the line of fire. /v/gaming has always been great to me, and I will continue to do all I can to respect each and every one of you.

ChillyHellion ago

You've channeled my thoughts on brigading to a T. And you're right that doxxing is already in the TOS. The TOS does expressly require mods to enforce the site-wide rules (including doxxing), but that's no reason for us to double-cover a site-wide rule in the sidebar.

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

I personally think while we can get rid of the doxing and brigading sections (Only the admins can really prove that inconclusively, anyways), the harrassment section should stay. Obviously, my opinion seems to be in the minority, but if it is obvious a particular user is following around another particular user for the sole purpose of griefing that particular user, that the mods should be able to step in and do something about it. In that vein, I think the harrassment rule should stay...with the caveat that the mod team and community formulate a specific definition of "harrassment".

That's just my $0.02

ChillyHellion ago

All great points. I agree with the doxxing and brigading points completely. What do you think of a site-wide block user button instead of handling it on a subverse basis? Then users each have the tools to block a heckler without affecting anyone else on the sub.

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

I think it's a great idea for Voat, actually. I will readily concede that it comes with the risk of users echo-chambering themselves, but I think we can generally trust Voat's users to seek out enough dissenting opinion on their own to prevent that becoming a sizable problem. At any rate, users are still free to speak whatever they wish, but as always with Free Speech, it is incumbent upon the speaker to be persuasive enough to get others to listen to what they have to say...the same concept applies with this ignore button/command idea, so I see no conflict with Voat's historical support of Free Speech.

ChillyHellion ago

Great points all around :)

ChillyHellion ago

I do, but I'm adament about going through each comment and replying personally. It's taking a long time, and I apologize if I miss a few.

CheekyMonkey ago

I had noticed the comments in the last couple of weeks and was ok with the ban at first. I got involved in the discussion thread and had my mind changed.

That whole thread was great and full of people with totally different opinions talking through the issue, not being dicks about it and generally acting like adults.

Then we get this, a mod modding the way it should be done.

Its so refreshing and great to see happening.

I love Voat.

ChillyHellion ago

I'm happy to be part of your positive experience, friend :)

CheekyMonkey ago

Oops I forgot about the rule 3 thinger, I'm for removing it.

ChillyHellion ago

Already gone :) (thanks @reacher!) and thank you, CheekyMonkey, for weighing in!

Cynabuns ago

I'm curious if you ever came to a decision of your own after reading and being involved all the comments.

CheekyMonkey ago

I think so :)

Originally my being ok with the ban was me reacting and not thinking, reacting to seeing the guy I'd noticed doing something I don't like "getting his comeuppance". It really only took someone to make me think to let me realize this. I've said before, one of the things I didn't like about Voat (seeing the front page filled up with stuff I really didn't like or agree with) is actually just a demonstration of the thing I like most about Voat, freedom of speech done properly. I've found in the past that its quite easy to get carried away with something I don't actually agree with just because "my feels" and when I just take a second to think I see it for what it is. So I generally try to keep that in mind, I guess today I just let it slip a little.

Cynabuns ago

There's many places and for a very long time now where we've been quite literally conditioned to go with "muh fee fees" (and to accept those of others) instead of Thinking it through to see what is right or necessary. It takes time to overcome that conditioning but when you do, oh that sweet sweet brain function and freedom of thought, bay-bee!

84626433832795028841 ago

Gaming has mods? Why?

ChillyHellion ago

mainly to avoid turning into the mountain of garbage that /r/gaming devolved to. good mods give the community the freedom to create rules for themselves, just like it says in the site-wide terms of service:

Subverses may create their own rules and enforce them as they see fit, providing they do not violate the terms of this agreement. You agree that voat is not responsible for the actions taken or not taken by moderators.

/v/gaming's rules are community-driven and put up for regular review even if no changes are requested. We push for clear and predictable wording and enforce those rules as fairly as possible.

ChillyHellion ago

I think that's an excellent suggestion!

Edit: You've inspired me:

FullyBespokedTomato ago

We all have our own point of view. I understand that some times mods, just like everyone else, can be shitty people. I watch PV, pulse of the users and all that. I generally stay out of it because it rarely has much effect on me. My feelings are that everyone has free speech down in the sewers, but no one likes to wade through knee deep shit rivers to hear them. If a tree falls in a forest of trolls...

Don't worry, when I feel that I have something to add and that it might be heard, I will, and do, speak out.

ChillyHellion ago

I appreciate the feedback! Part of rule 3 was mainly not wanting people to have an inbox flooded with comments if they pick up a stalker - that's why "sustained" is in the criteria, so collapsing the comment or downvoating it doesn't resolve that issue. But it's also a situation that happens fairly infrequently since I've been here.

ChillyHellion ago

I think that's a good perspective to have. I don't expect the community to have to vote on every rule violation (that's what moderators are for) but if the community decides that harassment isn't a big deal, we can strike that rule asap and play it by ear. /v/gaming's rules evolve with the community and are regularly put up for review. I appreciate you and everyone who chooses to weigh in as a part of the community's decisions.

thrus ago

It is an interesting idea but I don't see it working well. using myself as an example, if someone wants to argue with me I'm happy to do so (some days more then others) but if they are so into an internet argument that they create a specific post to continue it or insult me or even go on a downvoating campaign against me I'm just going to laugh to myself and go on with my day.

FullyBespokedTomato ago

I do not disagree with your goal, simply the way in which you go about it.

Code-x ago

Your opinion just as good as anyone else around here bud. Don't think otherwise

Code-x ago

Awesome. Baby sitter mods are the worst.

I take back my hateful remarks.

ChillyHellion ago

I appreciate it :) they may have been short and colorful, but at the same time I understood where they were coming from and wanted to personally reach out and say so.

FullyBespokedTomato ago

If only some people would stop holding them up as such...

AlphaWookie ago

That is an old idea it is called the free market place of ideas.

Kadynce ago

We wouldnt even need the rule if the block feature was implemented. We've been asking for it for a year at least T_T

Cynabuns ago

Consider suggesting that users add v/AVE to their browsers; the ignore feature works really nicely.

Cynabuns ago

AGREE, Rule 3 should be removed.

And thank you for the ban removals and the open discussion :)

ChillyHellion ago

You're a top notch voater, Cynabuns; I appreciate your level-headedness.

Cynabuns ago

Very kind of you, Chilly, likewise. Like I told @reacher elsewhere - this whole discussion could have become an @eggnogg or @she shitshow in a hurry but you two have been open and willing to listen to the community. Sincerely, thank you both for helping to make Voat fucking awesome.

ChillyHellion ago

That means a whole lot to me. Voat is a reasonable place, and the thing about mistakes is that while everyone makes them, there's no reason to stubbornly tie yourself to your mistake and go down with the ship. /v/gaming has been great to me and I've done what I can to return that good will and serve the community faithfully. My biggest regret is inadvertently putting /v/gaming's reputation in the line of fire, even for a few hours.

Cynabuns ago

I don't see it as having been put in the line of fire at all; it maybe got a little warm-ish, but some great discussion came about, plus you've probably picked up some new users.

ChillyHellion ago

That's true :) we should never fail to acknowledge the silver lining in all things, and if there's an opportunity to turn something negative into something positive, I'll be the first one to roll-up my sleeves.

Kadynce ago

Feelings have no part of it. It's the discussion of a thread being filled with comments not related at all to the topic. When it gets to a point where its basically spam, there is a problem that needs to be addressed. This is why it was brought to us in the first place, because of the constant sustained harassment in several of our threads.

FireForEffect ago

Good job reversing. I say keep the rule but get some community feedback first? Only thing I can think of right now. Spam will happen more and more as Voat grows so there needs to be guidelines. I like this sub. Not very active but I voat a lot.

ChillyHellion ago

I appreciate the feedback. Rule 3 (and all of /v/gaming's rules) belong to the community and are only created/modified with community feedback. In fact, the sticky that this sticky replaced was a feedback thread specifically for rule 3, which had been around for a year already.

AlphaWookie ago

OP it depend. If you want to referee personal disagreement with users and think you can do so in a way that result in both users staying and both sides agreeing to apologize and sticking with there apology then rule 3 should stay. If you do not want the work let it go and the community do its thing.

ChillyHellion ago

I appreciate the constructive feedback. What would you think of a site-wide block button taking the place of any subverse rules against harassment?

With respect, no one likes a heckler, but because harassment is so subjective, it makes more sense to place tools in the hands of each individual than to try to prevent it at the sub level.

Cynabuns ago

Not sure if you saw or knew, but v/AVE has a block/ignore user feature to it - at least until we can get it from the Admins (and it's been requested at least a dozen times now :() - thanks for requesting/suggesting it again!

ChillyHellion ago

That is a good resource. I appreciate the suggestion! I try to keep my own user experience as vanilla as possible so that I'm seeing what the majority of /v/gaming is seeing, but it's a good suggestion to have on hand when people do report harassment in the future.

Kadynce ago

As long as personal disagreements can stay personal, I dont see a problem with it. There are private messages for a reason. When it fills up our subverse with unnecessary name calling in the comments, then it affects the discussion.

AlphaWookie ago

Testing to see if I am still censored.

ChillyHellion ago

hi buddy :)

Code-x ago


AlphaWookie ago

I so want to shitpost right now. You should know that.

Cynabuns ago

Virtual hugs from me to you for not shitposting and staying on topic. Upgoated, sir.

Namrok ago

Somehow I missed everything that happened.

Maybe all that's really needed is a clear example on the rules page about what specifically falls under sustained and abusive messages. I mean, it's the internet. Shit gets salty. If two people are really having at it over PM, or contained to a single post, let them at it. To me it only crosses a line when one of them follows the other everywhere else on voat, and starts getting into crazy arguments everywhere. You get into an argument on /v/politics, and they follow you into /v/games calling you a filthy Trump/Hillary supporter while you're trying to talk about how much you hate DLC.

ChillyHellion ago

To me it only crosses a line when one of them follows the other everywhere else on voat, and starts getting into crazy arguments everywhere.

oddly enough, that's exactly what happened. Rule 3 has always had support from the /v/gaming community, so it's jarring to see that sentiment change so quickly. but a mod's responsibility is to the community, and it's foolish to maintain a rule that no longer has community support. I just hope that people continue to weigh in whenever there's a rule discussion, because the modteam does all it can to sticky those discussions right here in /v/gaming and seek feedback from the community directly. If you don't weigh in, you don't have a voice.

Taking the solution one step further, I think having a block user button would solve the problem completely. Harassment is tough to define at the subverse level because everyone's definition is different. Giving everyone tools at the individual level allows everyone to handle the issue personally in a way that doesn't affect other's on the sub.

I've made the request for a block user button here:

Namrok ago

That's too bad you're catching flak then. To me that is pretty much the only time I'd ever want a user banned. But I guess I'm alone in that.

You're probably dead on about an individual block button nipping the issue in the bud. Here is hoping they can get on that.

ChillyHellion ago

You're a great voater, Namrok :) I hope we always have your reasonable perspective on Voat.

Kadynce ago

I do not agree with removing or suspending rule 3. There are occasions, rare as they may be, that we need to enforce this rule. We have a large subverse and it will happen. Harrassing commenters does not add anything to /v/gaming discussion in most cases and should be warned and/or removed.

ChillyHellion ago

I think you raise good points, and it illustrates how difficult the problem of users stalking other users is. Maybe the key isn't to handle it at the subverse level, but at the individual level. Having a user block button has been on the site-wide to-do list for a while, and it would solve the problem from both angles. Users would be free to define harassment for themselves, and solve the problem individually in a way that doesn't impact anyone else. I've put the request for a block button here:

Also, to anyone reading this, please don't downvoat someone for raising a valid issue. Kadynce's feedback is constructive and raises the other side of an issue that a lot of us don't want to acknowledge. No one likes being followed around by a heckler from sub to sub, so we should work together as a community to find ways of solving that without detracting from the community experience.

FullyBespokedTomato ago

While I disagree with the reversal I applaud your actions and responsible disposition.

I would agree that if you feel doxxing/brigading are fully covered without rule #3 and you (the mods of v/gaming) are trying to step back from the "harassment" restrictions, then the rule doesn't make sense.

Fuck'em, let the trolls get downvoated to hell for not adding anything to the discussion and keep your hands clean/head off the witchhunt lists.

ChillyHellion ago

I appreciate the great feedback :) I know it's not possible to please everyone all of the time, but /v/gaming's modteam has always done a good job of approaching the community with any and all changes to the rules, only implementing them upon request. Rule 3 has been around longer than I have, and has been up for review along with the rest of the subverse rules a few times - in fact the sticky that this sticky replaced was a rule 3 discussion thread.

What do you think of the idea raised in my edit about a block user button? that would allow each individual user to handle harassment themselves without impacting others on the sub. It's functionality that would have to be implemented on a site level, but it's been on the admin's to-do list for a long time:

FullyBespokedTomato ago

No worries, I have no complaints about the work that you and the other mods are doing here in v/gaming.

I saw this shit kickoff and generally avoid getting into other mod's modding tactics as a rule. If I hate the way thing are going I just find somewhere else to spend my time. You could certainly do with one less whinging pom.

I am a strong proponent of the block user function. I really like the block subverse function already, why not be able to condemn the shitty trolls/spammers to a room all by themselves? They can still have their "free speech" and not waste my time with it either.

ChillyHellion ago

My thoughts exactly :)

FullyBespokedTomato ago

You have my voat for King of the Mods!

ChillyHellion ago

I appreciate the support! I'm happy just serving one active community at a time with a few hobby subs to tend to. The real king of the mods is the community, but in reality it's more of an equal partnership :)