brownpaperbag69 ago

Where can I find the video??

SrBearLordofOldCastl ago

Anyone who says this dude is crazy is crazy himself. Hes fully aware of everything, woke lad

modsrcuntz ago

too perfect to be true..."white supremacist" hand symbol, says subscribe to pewdie pie, happens in a country where they are wanting to take away guns...i call bullshit...this a false flag, this image just confirms it for me.

dassaer ago

Unless he has citizenship then he's a T.A (temporary Aussie) , knock off the shitty kiwi-isms you Ethno-phobe.

dassaer ago

WTF maan . it even states it in his me-me-festo, and dont you say your f***ing trolling too, almost had it with half of these imbeciles (the other half i have had it with)....

Hand_of_Node ago

dont you say your f***ing trolling too,

I was trolling too. It was that knock off the shitty kiwi-isms you Ethno-phobe that made me do it.

dassaer ago

"Oh f*** maan you mean you trolled my trolling .... ??" , Jeez I cant even tell anymore.... (* /seriously*),,,


How does it feel for you "White Nationalist" to be so retarded that you let "one of your own" be used by the same jews/masons you so openly hate as an MK Ultra Puppet. And them to celebrate it. 10/10 for you dumb asses supporting the jew pasty

The_Venerable ago

How does a photo compress that bad in such a short amount of time?


Time to start filing lawsuits on his behalf to make his life better in jail I say step number one lets get him a flat screen and some gourmet meals. hopefully he starts running a gang of young white men that he can radicalize in jail

usernameisnotthis ago

i just think this is all a set up. to get the people rowed up against the chans, and the eventual shutdown of 4/8 chan. it seems so obvious to me. because of this guy we all will now be considered potential terrorist and our opinions(and our influence) are now null and void. if anyone shares a meme from the chans people will now be right when they say.... your opinion should not be considered because it breeds terrorist like this guy! how no one sees that this is a setup by (((them))) to take away our credibility, i don't understand. i think everyone on here that is congratulating this is either part of the plan(shill) or has fallen for the con.

goldnsilver ago

I think this is a set up and blame the right Jussie Smollett didn't work they had to ramp it up. Plus isn't NZ (5eyes) one of the ones that will come out in the declass? Probably a C--A asset.

usernameisnotthis ago


Acerphoon ago

That was already the rhetoric before this guy started his attack though.

usernameisnotthis ago

i hope it will quietly go away but i think this will be the next parkland. but instead of marches and legislation, it will be closing websites.

Nadeshda ago

Yeah I have these thoughts too. Credibility is key but connections have to be made otherwise it’s speculation on our parts too.

Fuzzychickens1 ago

I’ve mind my mind up.

Christchurch is like the Broward County of NZ.

Nothing but shady crap happens there and will continue to going forward.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Let's bust him out.

Le_Squish ago

He's an Aussie.

AnonFrankly ago

I can't help but think he's a playing character. The meme references seem too obvious given the circumstances. Seems fishy and in very bad taste.

EnterTheUnKnown ago

This dude is a psyop. Traveled to Pakistan and North Korea. Disappeared for years and he just came to NZ town. Director of Intel in Pakistand suicided same he he showed up. Seems like Mossad to me. We already know Mossad ISS was caught spying there. Ask yourself why were they there? Deep State stronghold (5 eyes)? Rich off bittconnect. And this happens same day Isreal boms Gaza strip. Same thing happend with the Pittsburg shooting too.

I dont know, I think you all are being played.

onelson1 ago

I don't think you will see much more of this guy. Itll be a Parkland thing for a bit on the news to change peoples views and then something else will come up and people will forget about this.

HeavyBrain ago

Could be Mossad could be soup, but in the end its all the same.

There is definitly something off about the whole thing, but most likely we never know.

Poes law is a bitch.

Nadeshda ago

Source: ?

ginx2666 ago

Source: EnterTheUnKnown's cavernous ass and mangina.

Tallest_Skil ago

No, you’re just not paying attention.

Nadeshda ago

Hmmm, but no.

andrew_white_forever ago

Israelis are killing Palestinians every day, there was nothing to cover for at all.

ImPhilippe ago

They dont bomb Gaza everyday.

andrew_white_forever ago

They're murdering Palestinian kids every other week with no elaborate parallel false flags, nobody cares because they're shitskins.

cursedcrusader ago

I'm with you. I sense jewry afoot.

voatuser1128 ago

I'm with you. I sense jewry afoot.

I mean he could have gone to some mega Mosque with literally hundreds of Muslims but went to one that had like barely 20 people in the video. This guy planned it with livestreaming and everything and and yet he couldn't have found a bigger Mosque?

DasReich ago

The largest city in new Zealand is Auckland with only 1.6m.

voatuser1128 ago

But from what I read, he's actrually Australian who traveled to New Zealand because it has looser gun laws. He couldn't have done the shooting in Dearborn, Michigan?

DasReich ago

Maybe, but gun rights for non-immigrant visa holders are not the same as citizens of the U.S.

voatuser1128 ago

Wouldn't that also apply to Australian citizens in New Zealand? They are different countries too. I mean if he had the patience to get New Zealand citizenship he could have gotten American citizenship. And he was well off (he said he had money to travel). Though he did a better job than a lot of us would have and he handled that guy who charged him better than I would have.

DasReich ago

Maybe, I don't know what the gun laws are in NZ other than semi-auto sales need to be approved by the police prior to purchase.

ScorpLiet ago

maybe because of the more school shootings in the U.S?

Sometimesineedhelp ago

I'm really sad for all the desperate young men that are falling for this and will soon start carrying out copy cat attacks, they are too dumb to see who is using them. :( I've read a lot of manifestos over the years (what? You haven't? They are fascinating) but I haven't read any that spoke so directly and convincingly to a specific audience that I understand very well. As more and more young people that have grown up on the internet find themselves with nothing left to lose and no hope for meaningful work or a family of their own, the siren song to 'be an hero' will be too much to resist and EVERYONE is going to suffer all the more for it. :(

TheKnightOfGod ago

Don't worry, most people don't have the balls to do this kind of stuff.

GritD2 ago

Needs to come out as fighting for gay rights and how they throw gay and trans people, like himself, off roofs. He was standing up for the open people of the world.

Dark_Shroud ago

When his trial happens we'll get to see how much of a IRL shit post he really is.

Calculations ago

Just keeping the ball rolling by getting the wp meme going

Soyboy69 ago

He smirked What a nazi.

Ozzsanity ago

Yeah he has the power no doubt.

Itsdone63 ago

Absolute legend.

Sometimesineedhelp ago

That settles it, this entire thing is orchestrated to make internet trolls seem dangerous - as a semi professional internet troll, I'm not happy about this AT ALL

alakai ago

Yeah I'm pretty much on that same side everything he mentioned in his Manifesto is specifically aimed at people who are viral online

Flour ago

Noticed the same thing, too. In his attack he also references more memes like “subscribe to pewdiepie” and “remove kebab”. Basically he’s tanking the image of the alt-lite

IsaacJan ago

This is exactly what you fucking faggots put on here every day. Someone does something and you’re worried about your fucking “image”? You’re a faggot.

Flour ago

Bro, if I cared about image I wouldn’t be posting on this Fbi data mining site. Just pointing out the implications

NiggerVirus ago

Is that a white power hand sign? I need to know so I can start doing it all the time.

tokui ago

It can be 666 or WP, or anything or nothing. In this context, it's WP.

bosunmoon ago

Or caught you lookin...

clearthoughts04 ago

People who think this is simple trolling are stuck within the limits of their ignorance. The fools are sitting at home getting boners thinking this guy is a legend. They've been convinced, over years of conditioning, that this symbol is a bit of fun between lads when it has always been a Satanic symbol.

the_sharpest_knife ago

Was literally created on cuckchan to represent a w and p to troll the MSM. Keep up.

oneinchterror ago

Kill yourself.

Deadleftist ago

He needs to do some of the death heads stuff.

Deadleftist ago

God Protect him from the Jews and their Muslim Foot Soldiers.

ShitPostMcGee ago

If he pleads insanity the crown will have to argue that what he did was sane

ExplodingHead ago

He said he will plead not guilty.

HeavyBrain ago

It would be a nice move, but I rather stick it out for 25 in a prison than pissible life in some shithole hospital where they go full experimental on you.

luvgabe ago

Sanity in law simply means the accused knew right from wrong when he committed the act. It doesn't mean an assessment that what he did was sane, i.e., commendable.

tokui ago


wt1984yb ago

This is all a false flag to make every thing the "alt-right" does associated with violence and dangerous. Stop falling for this shit you dumb fucks.

Neverendingpissstory ago

He didn't claim any allegiance to "alt right" he says he believes they are being invaded and has every right to fight back. He wouldn't claim these things if it was psyop. The dark knight massacre was a psyop, a drugged out shooter standing by his trunk waiting for police with blood footprints leading away from the car with an extra gas mask following it. That is a psyop.

riposte ago

Shills calling for violence to get the website shut down. They tried the child porn canvasing but we got that out of here, so this looks like the new tactic for internet censorship. Half shills, half idiots, 100% identity politics.

Dinosaurium ago

It seems a little too convent that he hits all the points, like it being checked off a list.

a100167 ago

Occam's razor my boy.

wt1984yb ago

Fuck off with your occam's razor. It is not a law. It is a tool. And it doesn't apply to the clandestine insidiousness of today's secret intelligence services. Dumb fuck with your Occam's Razor appeal to logical authority.

a100167 ago

You're a silly cunt. Not everything is a giant fuckin' conspiracy. There are many, but sometimes an angry white guy needs to vent and this time, he did a fuckin' amazing job. So eat a dick. And it applies to literally EVERYTHING you silly chode.

wt1984yb ago

Your faggotry Occam’s Razor shit still doesn’t apply to this situation

a100167 ago

There isn't a single shred of evidence this is a false flag you black pilled faggot.

wt1984yb ago

Everything you’ve been told about this guy has been either through the government, the media, or tenuous releases on 4chan and Twitter.

a100167 ago

No, I watched the full stream a dozen times and read his manifesto completely, I doubt you can say the same. None of it I disagree with. You can kvetch all you want kike lord, it wont change my mind.

King_Leopold_II ago

Oh look a rabbi making the same gesture. This hand signal means 666. Don't believe me look up the number 6 in hebrew. Then look at his three fingers. It's why you see all the (((Hollywood))) people do it.

tokui ago

It can be either. Context.

King_Leopold_II ago

Sure and maybe he simply means "ok". But the (((media))) pushed it as a signal for white supremacy, why? Because now it will be used by those on the right. Just look at the idiots in here, and then realize some rabbi is very happy.

Derpfroot ago

Him and Breivik should start a club.

ShitPostMcGee ago

Kool Kids Klub

hankylanky ago

They will have plenty of time for that in hell.

Deadleftist ago

Sons of Odin would work.

2fat2move ago

Its 666

anamazonslittle ago

Or its "We got the media to think the OK symbol means White Power so we gaffhammer them every time a leftist makes the same gesture."

0011000100100111101 ago

what a magnificent cunt

goatboy ago

The hero we need, maybe not the hero we want.

ForTheUltimate ago

he smirked

recon_johnny ago

This HAS to be a false flag.

Too many coincidences.

raisinade ago

If it's a false flag, then how come there was a livestreamed video that the (((authorities))) don't want people to see?

offender ago

All you need to pull a false flag is to make it look like someone else. The Israelis are notorious for actually killing people and doing it for real.

raisinade ago

That doesn't answer my question at all, I know what a false flag is. If it is a false flag, then why did they broadcast footage they don't want anyone to see?

offender ago

Because the "they" who broadcasted the footage are not the same "they" that are censoring it.

raisinade ago

Can you actually name each "they" involved here?

BeetleLord ago

You aren't very creative. The impact of livestreaming the shooting is part of what makes this event a "big deal." So according to you, the options are: 1) Don't livestream it, and give up on that extra impact. 2) Do livestream it, and broadcast it on daytime TV for everyone to watch. They don't want to do 1, and 2 would be highly unusual. So they go with the obvious option 3, which is: 3) Livestream it and censor the video just like they would if this weren't a false flag. Option 3 increases the impact and makes everything look more organic. Just knowing that this video is out there is enough to elevate the impact without people actually needing to watch it.

raisinade ago

Tell me, why do terrorist groups in conflicts record videos of themselves in combat? Is it to increase the impact of their enemy's propaganda? Of course not. Footage like this is very dangerous for the system, because it inspires people. It makes armed resistance against the system and its pawns appear viable. The Jews and their puppets know damn well that armed conflict plays into the hands of white people, because we are better at it than everyone else.

You need to keep in mind that the people running the west understand the power of propaganda more than they understand just about anything else, I don't believe that they would ever risk putting this kind of footage out there. Why bother when they make things up all the time anyway?

BeetleLord ago

That's a pretty valid perspective, but my point is that there are feasible reasons why the footage existing could be considered a positive for them as well. They may have decided that it was important to show the shooter calling out all of the "problematic" individuals such as PewDiePie, or it's just their new strategy of the week. It's simply odd when people act like they can't figure out a plausible scenario.

dassaer ago

JOO-s maan JOO-s, them ones who have said "... we are at the middle of mass immigration , directing and encouraging it...", them same ones that are also following and implementing The greater Israel project, The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan and The Protocols of Zion...

DeadFox ago

Coincidences like he likes memes and uses them? Wow false flag confirmed.

wt1984yb ago

No. False flag in that he has hit every liberal talking point. "Pewdiepie bad", "trump bad", "ok symbol is white supremacy". Then ISIS said they would respond which is an Israeli/CIA front. ITs a bunch of bullshit to make the "alt-right" look evil and violent. Stop believing this bullshit.

DeadFox ago

That's because he is trying to push the left into over reacting, to cause an even bigger reaction from the right when they strike us, and so forth and so forth until the war has started.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Who cares there? I AM everything the left hates, why not embrace it?

fuckthisshit12 ago

He did that because he's an accelerationist.

He wants to see all of society's cultural problems accelerate immediately and his plan is working ingeniously (probably why he has the smirk).

Everything he did was calculated and planned, everything he's done has been a meme. From the songs he played in the car, to the FPS shooter style filming, to the COD and CSGO style writing on his guns, to the choice of gun he used, to his fake description of himself saying he got rich from Bitconnect (a scam), pointing fun at hate registry algorithms calculating that because he's a white non-college educated jobless male that he's a terrorist, it's why he said subscribe to Pewdiepie, it's why he called Candace Owens his biggest inspiration.

The media runs with these headlines and makes themselves look like fools thinking he was not being facetious. Killing those people was only the 1st act. His true plan is playing out right now in the media.

Tallest_Skil ago

he supports jews

therefore we should support him

Great argument. Way to get us on his side.

everything he did was calculated and planned

Like a false flag is, yeah.

everything he’s done has been a meme

Way to get us to take him seriously.

makes themselves look like fools

Except New Zealanders just got disarmed and the mosques of the Western world are now under 24 hour armed military guard paid for by white taxpayers. And the media just had everything it ever lied about “substantiated” by his actions. Great job, you fucking yid. ✡Accelerationism✡ works like a charm.

cursedcrusader ago

He isn't anti Israel. I don't trust that.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Yup. The dude is a fucking legend.

SparklingWiggle ago

There is video of the first cleansing but is there anything from the second?

oneinchterror ago

I don't think there is a second video.

SparklingWiggle ago

Thanks for the info.

TestForScience ago

There is a short clip of footage of the other mosque, but it just shows the 2-3 people with their guns walking and looking back - it's only like, nine seconds long or something like that.

dassaer ago

Brah that's actually the AOS-armed offenders squad, about to enter one of the high schools they were searching. They didnt search every school but all the schools in the entire city/suburbs of Christchurch was on Lockdown, till like 6pm. Plus Police warned NO-ONE is to go to a mosque in NZ this weekend, just to be SAFE lol.

SouthernSon ago

my name is Blurryface and I dont care what you think

oneinchterror ago


geekpuk2 ago

A fucking manlet. The kind that has to go to Bali or Thailand to fuck shitskins. A horny little midget fuck angry at the world When will they learn? Fucking manlet

a100167 ago

lol projecting much?

geekpuk2 ago

Chads dont go on 1488 gun rampage.

a100167 ago

That'll change quickly I suspect.

magic3383 ago

False flag af. Who buys this shit?

alakai ago

And that's the reason you're being downvoted because they don't want the truth look at all those guys in the top comments f****** fake ass larpers

cursedcrusader ago

JIDF must be flooding us.

2fat2move ago

Jews and normies

Guardbuddy ago

This entire massacre was just an elaborate Aussie shitpost.

FatBruceWillis ago

The Islamophile Hunter

Goathole ago


wt1984yb ago


SparklingWiggle ago

He could have done so much more. I wish he had realized Jews are the real problem. Stop them. Stop the migrations.

DeadFox ago

When are you shooting up the synagogue?

Gottmituns ago

He (probably) does. He targeted the mosque and didn't go all out on Jews in his manifesto so it would create a divide between conservarives and the GOP. While the GOP is whining about it, most magatards, conservatives and veterans I know are cheering this attack on and calling it payback. For his intended purpose he did just fine.

billyvvinz ago

I agree.

Gottmituns ago


Sh-shh-shaaa ago

What would you have done?

SparklingWiggle ago

He would have had a bigger impact taking out high level Jews. I don't know who lives in New Zealand but a trip to America could have netted him a Soros family or a bunch of Hollywood Shekelsteins.

a100167 ago

As much as I'd love to see some serious kike slaying, reality is those people don't just gather in numbers publicly. The guy isn't a magician, just an angry goy. Something we can all relate to I think.

SparklingWiggle ago

Academy awards or many other awards. AIPAC convention.

a100167 ago

I meant to say that those kikes with considerable power don't congregate in numbers. Sure the Hollywood devils do, in fact that would be an excellent target.

SmashMeleeFemDom ago

Synagogues exist too, just like mosques.

SparklingWiggle ago

Can't guarantee high value targets.

SmashMeleeFemDom ago

Can you do that in a mosque though?

SparklingWiggle ago

That was my point. He took out low value targets. He could have tracked down and taken out someone that would have made a difference.

SmashMeleeFemDom ago

On that we agree. But a synagogue is a lot more high value than a mosque.

DeadFox ago

assassinating millionaire Jews who live in high security mansions with armed guards Shooting up invaders at a mosque

What is easier for a lone wolf to do?

SparklingWiggle ago

People leave the house. And just like the mosque, Jews go to the synagogue, er, bank.

DeadFox ago

So then you support Bowers right?

SparklingWiggle ago


DeadFox ago

Robert Bowers? The guy that shot up the synagogue a few months ago?

SparklingWiggle ago

Forgot the name.

DeadFox ago

Don't, he's a hero

BumbleTummy ago

Magonia ago

They seriously blurred out his face? Like on the daily mail but then they have a picture of him. I mean... really?

zxcvzxcv ago

They had to blur out the smirk since smirking is a hate-crime.

HarpoonIt ago

He probably has name/identity suppression.

In nz if you ask the judge for name suppression and he denies it, you can then immediately appeal that decision. That gives you an automatic month of suppression in which to file/receive a decision on the appeal.

It's supposed to be so that the accused receives a fair trial or to protect victims but it's a bit of a joke. It's incredibly rare for anyone accused of/arrested for anything to be allowed to have their face shown by the media. It basically never happens.

dassaer ago

Nope his name is already plastered over the news and internet, imo its more for the huge shit lording grin....

HarpoonIt ago

Yeah it is a bit late for them to try to shove that genie back in the bottle.

Doglegwarrior ago

I expected u to copy paste his face over. Also this guy screwed up should have impregnated a couple white womsn before he did this shit make a couple little legends. Know the gaurds inside that hate the muzlim invasion need to help him and sneak him in some girls to impregnate after the fact.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

He's probably grinning ear to ear, like a fucking mad lad. I LOVE IT!!!

SparklingWiggle ago

The minecraft marauder.

J_Darnley ago

The blurred picture was probably done by the original source, the photographer/videographer in the court room. Might be required in NZ.

In similar insanity, here in BE they had a public search request for a suspect including is picture on TV, internet, and I assume papers. After he was busted and sent back here for trial suddenly he developed a severe case of pixelitis in his face.

17389061? ago

Hahahahahaha I was just joking

a100167 ago

Slayer of Saracens.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

when you research heated shot

voatuser1128 ago

when you research heated shot

Puckle demonstrated two configurations of the basic design: one, intended for use against Christian enemies, fired conventional round bullets, while the second, designed to be used against the Muslim Turks, fired square bullets. The square bullets were considered to be more damaging. They would, according to the patent, "convince the Turks of the benefits of Christian civilization". The weapon was also reported as able to fire shot, with each discharge containing sixteen musket balls.

WeekendBaker ago

Name oddly relevant

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Too bad Agrianioi wern't in that game.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

hahaha holy shit the absolute mad lad.

dudelol ago

Who here knows that this was a Knights Templar false flag?

Who else here knows that the templars serve the Pope?

70times7 ago

There are photos of him in his mason/templar/wtvr outfit.

Would make sense.

dudelol ago

Keep digging anon. The black sun rising?

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

Elaborate, please!

dudelol ago


a100167 ago

You're only slightly misinformed. The organization that he mentioned is a new white nationalist one that shares a similar name.

dudelol ago check out what this guy says.

a100167 ago

Ok so I watched the video, the man seems like a good godly man, but I think he's way too deep in misinformation. He's ahead of the vast majority of his generation so good for him, but I think he has it wrong.

dudelol ago

Thats just one source. If you go dig through all of the 8ch research into this you will find crazy stuff. Realize this the secret societies are activiting their mk ultraed sleepers to provoke Zionism and islam and Christianity into all out war.

Neral ago

That savage... F

Inquisitioner ago

OH, AND HE SMIRKED. Is smirking also a symbol of pure evil nazi bad goyim now, too?

HeavyBrain ago

TFW he really goes smug and sues the media from his cell for the same reasons the smirk kid did.

zit ago

OMG! You are right!

His smirk is a hate thought crime, just like the "OK hand sign"!

A Smirk on a white face! Reeeeeeeeeeeee!


Just like my nigga the sand man

Pubiclouse ago

Face crimes... member?

TestForScience ago

They already declared it as such with those boys the lying Indian got in the face of.

Inquisitioner ago

The news is calling it a "well known White Supremacist symbol." That makes another meme he made reality.

speedisavirus ago

Despite even shills like the SPLC acknowledging it's not a hate symbol none the less

GritD2 ago

We need to take every single mannerism Obama did and turn it into a white supremacist symbol.

DeadBeatNigger ago

if if if if if

NoRagrets ago

Ah, the exact sound an AR-15 makes when it goodifies kebabs.

voatuser1128 ago

if if if if if

Please no. I'm having flashbacks now.

DeadBeatNigger ago

Imagine being Obama. He spent eight years rubbing his smug ass nigger shit into the white man's face, ultimately getting Trump elected, then his legacy became that he put Trump into office, then Trump tore everything down in a single week. To make matters worse, no one fucking talks about him anymore, and his daughter is getting bleached by white dick. Fifty bucks says he's sitting alone in a chair, somewhere in his house, with the lights off, staring into the dark.

GritD2 ago

Solitary will do that to you.

Things dreams are made of.

voatuser1128 ago

his legacy became that he put Trump into office

Though I wish Trump would do more to limit all types of immigration (not just illegal) and stop the talk of helping niggers. I cringe so hard everytime he talks about nigger unemployment numbers and more government aid for niggers.

Tallest_Skil ago

Trump has deported zero illegals and stopped zero immigrants from entering the country. He has built zero new inches of wall and arrested zero traitors in government.

Trump is a paid jewish shill like all the others.

prairie ago

his legacy became that he put Trump into office

Also when 0bama roasts him in 2011.

GritD2 ago

Fucking white supremacist! ! Everyone knows that's the secret sign of the K K K !

muffalettadiver ago

okie doke

Pwning4Ever ago

yes, it's a very well symbol, specifically created to troll the media.

remainselusive ago

The hero we need.

Dean_Wilhelm_Hawkins ago

Atta boy.....get at it

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

This dude is a motherfucking living legend. I'm proud of the work he did.

8_billion_weiners ago

You are celebrating a terror attack where 49 people died. You are just an extremist in the other direction. Idiot.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Terror attack? No, legitimate justifiable reaction.

There is a global war against whites and non-whites are invading our homelands and destroying them.

He was attacking the invasion. Open your fucking eyes you naive sheep.

8_billion_weiners ago

Gee, I bet I could hear the exact same conversation happening on the other side. You really don't see how you are mirroring them? You have become what you hate. Retard.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Long before this SJW bullshit and radical leftist movement, I supported and still do, massive global eugenics and depopulation.

I'm smart enough to realize we're sitting on the precipice and if we don't act soon, we're all fucked.

8_billion_weiners ago

"Smart" might be a bit of a stretch.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

You're energy is wasted in ad-hominem attacks on me. Instead, focus your anger on improving conditions for the white race worldwide.

ScorpLiet ago

you psychopaths are the reason, why this world longs for peace. You just love your own "race", I'm ashamed of even giving white a color label. I love everyone . Stop spreading hate. I'm a Muslim and I hate radical Islam just like you do and extreme white supremacists as well

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Islam and Judaism should be globally banned religions. They are evil at destructive at their very core. I have no sympathy for followers of either religion.

Also, some genetics are superior to others. Truth. Deal with it

ScorpLiet ago

Well I'm Muslim, and I find no truth in the statements but all the hate I can find and again extreme points you'll find in a normal radical Islamic fanboy or from the other side of the fence. Genetics and color don't have any basis of judgment, but a psychopath like you will do anything to include stupid shitty ideology to prove others wrong.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

I'd expect nothing less from someone indoctrinated into an intolerant and hateful theology. You call me a psychopath for expressing completely normal sentiment in these dark times, so you have to ask yourself, what is so wrong with the world that a normal person like me can see so much evil, and be called evil for calling it out?

ScorpLiet ago

Do I need to remind you that you think he did something to be proud of? you sound like you completely want to spread this type of sentiment, I also want to remind you again that I condemn terrorism and extremist bullshit

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Good for you, faggot. I fully support action like this. Muslims have killed tens of thousands of Christian's in the last 10 years. And people like you kvetch over 50 muslims dying.

Go fuck yourself you pussy ass faggot. The world doesn't need or deserve fucking pussu faggots like you.

Either grab a proverbial rifle, or shut the fuck up and let the real men and respectable humans do the grunt work that pussies like you would never do. Fucking faggot.

ScorpLiet ago

When at last you have nothing legit to say you blurt out words full of hate and ik radical islamists' terrorist activities. I never said I like Christians being killed, they're also humans just like every victim and we are except for extremists and people who hate somebody just because they were born that way. I don't despise you, I despise they way you judge everyone. My heart is for every victim be it a Christian or a Muslim or anyone

8_billion_weiners ago

By becoming a terrorist? No thanks. Less people like you. That's what we need.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Did I say that? No. You're putting words in my mouth and assuming an awful lot.

Don't mistake my appreciation of this accelerstionism as anything other than just that.

This world is on a fast track to global conflict and complete geopolitical and societal upheaval. Get ready.

Spy_Banking ago

You and those that think killing innocents represent the worst in humanity and in voat. I'm glad we have a place where you can speak, and where I can remind you that you are an identitarian extremist admiring evil acts on innocent individuals and children just because they are a part of a group you don't like.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

The world is overpopulated with far too many people who waste its resources. i.e. 95% of shitskins around the planet.

What are you going to say when the population exceeds 12 Billion and the ensuing famine, drought, and wars kills Billions in an instant.

enormousatom ago

More like a walking talking shit post. This guy is like 8chan and voat spawned some sort of human creature. We should have more children.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Lol, fuckin classic

niggerwhipper_5000 ago

The great goodifier

pushthis ago

We will see

Civil_Warrior ago

Damn Skippy!

oneinchterror ago

Is it true that there was another area in the mosque filled with literally hundreds more people? If true it's a shame he wasn't able to get more of them.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

No idea, that is a damn shame though.

TestForScience ago

No way, dude.
Did you see the video?
The building definitely wasn't big enough to hold hundreds of more people.

voatuser1128 ago

The building definitely wasn't big enough to hold hundreds of more people.

Yeah, it seems like a real missed opportunity that he didn't target a bigger Mosque. I mean he literally went outside to look for more targets, went back inside, shot at Muslims he already shot, and did this several times before driving to another site where his pump action shotgun started to have problems (I don't know why he didn't stick with his AR or use one of the other long guns in his car). I bet he could have found some mega Mosque with literally hundreds of Muslims.

GrandNagus ago

Can you link? I'd like to see this video, it would be much appreciated!

jewlie ago

Subscribe to pewdiepie

RandomBOT ago

No. He supports Israel. Fuck this troll.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

He doesn't support them. All he said was they can live in Israel and fuck off as long as they dont fuck with his country.

You are right that he doesn't understand the full scope of the problem and ALL Jews deserve to die, but also, he is waking up white people and inspiring many more.

ShitPostMcGee ago

To be fair he lives on an island in the middle of the pacific so I can see how he's come to the "fuck off and leave me alone" conclusion.

pessimisticsteel ago

He was only there for 2 years to prepare.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

I mean Australia is just as much a Island in the middle of the ocean as New Zealand, just bigger.

ShitPostMcGee ago

I do think a lot more normies support this secretly then if he were to have gone straight for jews, so maybe that has something to do with it?

oneinchterror ago

100%. Even normie nationalists hate shitskin muslims.

iamthecircus ago

7 up votes, zero downvotes. Voat, like all jewish owned media, is fully cucked and I will not be participating. Jewish media is trash, stay away.

Thingsarenotfriendly ago

This place is becoming more and more Jewish everyday, the Jewish kool aid is strong on most Voaters.

DietCokehead1 ago

shut up, nigger.

ForTheUltimate ago

how about you learn some economics you probably nazbol while you're complaining about others not getting an issue right.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

What the fuck are you talking about?

Magonia ago

Still can’t believe they took him ALIVE! I figured they would have took him out to end the story there...

Doglegwarrior ago

The one thing that makes me think this not a psyop is the lone wolf didnt die! Same with berverik

zxcvzxcv ago

I thought this same thing. Still, I was curious about why he went back in a second time rather than traveling to another destination to make another attack. He also wasted a lot of ammo shooting at crowds, so I'm 50/50 on this one. He's either an armature wannabe lone wolf or a FF. He had way too many guns on him to be professional. Who brings a 6-round shotgun when he could easily have brought 4 more mags for equal weight, which could have allowed him to take out many more targets?!?!

Doglegwarrior ago

I wouldnhave rented a preasure washer made a flamable liqued diesel and something and rolled that in the front door after locking the exits

Le_Squish ago

The real deals they keep alive so they can study and profile then.

GlassSmith ago

That makes no sense, the profile for this type of guy is already well documented and understood, especially by those in power. He is a deracinated white man who has come to terms with the fact that his country and race is under attack and did the only thing he could in our corrupt system. The (((elites))) fully understand what created this mentality, their goal isn't to identify or cure it but to suppress it long enough for white nations to be completely overrun.

Le_Squish ago

Not saying it makes sense it's just what happens.

And no the (((elites))) don't understand what creates righteous radicals. Their domain is herding NPCs. They don't know what to do with people that break the conditioning.

JastheMace ago

Yes they do, they kill them.

Le_Squish ago

After studying them for decades.

shadowbanthisFux0r ago

Some christchurch police just started carrying firearms 15 days ago most of them only have them in the vehicle. That makes it easier and not get shot by the police.

dassaer ago

Yeah, NZ police as a whole do not generally or usually carry side arms in public (except Single-posted officers out in the doo-wops, Detectives(CIB-criminal investigation branch), AOS armed offenders squads, and Mobile Duty watch/shift commander officers), their Police Union has been champing at the bit to have them regularly and permanently armed for ages, esp more recently (last couple of months) citing more and more 'gang members' in possession of firearms during the execution of search warrants, although to be fair its never really been that difficult to get a stolen firearm if you really really wanted one, plus there has also been huge efforts by Australia in the last couple of yrs, extraditing former Kiwi's previously living in Aussie esp those that have engaged in crime and also those that are members of gangs over there, many had lived there for years and quite a few were born there (but didnt have citizenship). Not sure how long this guy has been in NZ or if he lived here his whole life but in sync with his entire 'shit lording' narrative, he was in fact born an Australian...

a100167 ago

In his manifesto he says he wished to be taken alive to continue the fight. He said he wouldn't attack any police unless they were non whites themselves.

DeadBeatNigger ago

I can't wait until he gets out of prison and fucks up more muzzies.

HeavyBrain ago

Considering how fast this shit went to court, you can expect he will be made an example of and be throwen cuffed and blindfold in a cell full of muzzis.

Boyakasha ago

That's what I'm worried about. Hopefully he knows how to fight.

oneinchterror ago

Fucking legend.

Magonia ago

Interesting! Didn’t know that! Haven’t had a chance to read the whole thing yet.

Turn_Coat ago

Is gud, read it.

a100167 ago

It's pretty darn long haha but a very interesting read to be sure.

DBag113 ago

crazy how much I agree with pretty much everything in there

FattestManOnMars ago

Make the time to read it, it's not too long. Ted Kazcynski's from the 90s was much much longer. An amazing read, lot unlike this guy's.

He told the media if they'd release his manifesto to the public, he wouldn't do it. They wouldn't do it. So he did it...

Surprise. Lots of fear mongering material for the media to cover, though!

Lakswjnsiz ago

The unibomer was def a good read. He basically wanted to get rid of all technocrats who were trying to kill all of humanity. I tricked my dad and asked him what he thought of someone killing sombody who was trying to kill humanity. He said he was doing the right thing, the. I said well try reading unibomber manifesto. He was shocked.

Magonia ago

I just read the part about surviving the attack. Getting a “blessing” from the reborn Knights Templar. Lots of interesting stuff so far!

Also, is the rainbow going to be a symbol of white supremacy now? Did he just take that back from the LGBTQs?!

“In my mind a rainbow is only beautiful due to its variety of colours, mix the colours together and you destroy them all...”

PoliceICE ago

I think that the reference to the knights Templar was just a lark. Idk anyone who knows anything about this group. It’s most likely lip service to the idea of being a crusader rather than any crusader movement. Don’t get me wrong we need crusades for sure

Argle_Bargle1 ago

Here check this out.

chuckletrousers ago

mix the colours together and you destroy them all

You get white

a100167 ago

Yeah you're confused with colored light.

chuckletrousers ago

The colors were separated from the white sunlight to start with, so put 'em back together you get white again. Voat sure has some ignorant motherfuckers.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Quit being retarded. Nobody is talking about light you stupid bitch

a100167 ago

I remember reading that was the original meaning to the rainbow before it was stolen as a symbol of sodomy.

Pylote ago

Thought it was a Christian thing with going to heaven (no idea tho)

2fast4u92 ago

A symbol of God saving Noah and his family from the Great Flood

Argle_Bargle1 ago


CowWithBeef ago

He also expects to serve the same sentence as Nelson Mandela. 27 years. Half of his manifesto is trolling though so who knows what the hell he really thinks?

AvariciousNose ago

He's one of us. He posted on Voat that he'd attack a mosque. It's somewhere on /v/8chan I believe

DasReich ago

He posted on 8chan but not voat from what I've seen.

DasReich ago

The timestamp doesn't match. That appears to be a copypasta from 8chan. The timestamp of the post is March 15th well after the crusade was over.

KosherHiveKicker ago

The Dude is following Andres Brevik's game plan.

By being taken alive, and pleading not guilty ensures he gets to speak at length in his defense.

anamazonslittle ago

And suck the state of resources to feed, clothe, and house him, he said.

ginx2666 ago

That's the only inmate I wouldn't mind my tax money going to.

oneinchterror ago

Fucking based.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Super fucking based. This dude is awesome.