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SparklingWiggle ago

He could have done so much more. I wish he had realized Jews are the real problem. Stop them. Stop the migrations.

DeadFox ago

When are you shooting up the synagogue?

Gottmituns ago

He (probably) does. He targeted the mosque and didn't go all out on Jews in his manifesto so it would create a divide between conservarives and the GOP. While the GOP is whining about it, most magatards, conservatives and veterans I know are cheering this attack on and calling it payback. For his intended purpose he did just fine.

billyvvinz ago

I agree.

Gottmituns ago


Sh-shh-shaaa ago

What would you have done?

SparklingWiggle ago

He would have had a bigger impact taking out high level Jews. I don't know who lives in New Zealand but a trip to America could have netted him a Soros family or a bunch of Hollywood Shekelsteins.

a100167 ago

As much as I'd love to see some serious kike slaying, reality is those people don't just gather in numbers publicly. The guy isn't a magician, just an angry goy. Something we can all relate to I think.

SparklingWiggle ago

Academy awards or many other awards. AIPAC convention.

a100167 ago

I meant to say that those kikes with considerable power don't congregate in numbers. Sure the Hollywood devils do, in fact that would be an excellent target.

SmashMeleeFemDom ago

Synagogues exist too, just like mosques.

SparklingWiggle ago

Can't guarantee high value targets.

SmashMeleeFemDom ago

Can you do that in a mosque though?

SparklingWiggle ago

That was my point. He took out low value targets. He could have tracked down and taken out someone that would have made a difference.

SmashMeleeFemDom ago

On that we agree. But a synagogue is a lot more high value than a mosque.

DeadFox ago

assassinating millionaire Jews who live in high security mansions with armed guards Shooting up invaders at a mosque

What is easier for a lone wolf to do?

SparklingWiggle ago

People leave the house. And just like the mosque, Jews go to the synagogue, er, bank.

DeadFox ago

So then you support Bowers right?

SparklingWiggle ago


DeadFox ago

Robert Bowers? The guy that shot up the synagogue a few months ago?

SparklingWiggle ago

Forgot the name.

DeadFox ago

Don't, he's a hero