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recon_johnny ago

This HAS to be a false flag.

Too many coincidences.

raisinade ago

If it's a false flag, then how come there was a livestreamed video that the (((authorities))) don't want people to see?

offender ago

All you need to pull a false flag is to make it look like someone else. The Israelis are notorious for actually killing people and doing it for real.

raisinade ago

That doesn't answer my question at all, I know what a false flag is. If it is a false flag, then why did they broadcast footage they don't want anyone to see?

offender ago

Because the "they" who broadcasted the footage are not the same "they" that are censoring it.

raisinade ago

Can you actually name each "they" involved here?

BeetleLord ago

You aren't very creative. The impact of livestreaming the shooting is part of what makes this event a "big deal." So according to you, the options are: 1) Don't livestream it, and give up on that extra impact. 2) Do livestream it, and broadcast it on daytime TV for everyone to watch. They don't want to do 1, and 2 would be highly unusual. So they go with the obvious option 3, which is: 3) Livestream it and censor the video just like they would if this weren't a false flag. Option 3 increases the impact and makes everything look more organic. Just knowing that this video is out there is enough to elevate the impact without people actually needing to watch it.

raisinade ago

Tell me, why do terrorist groups in conflicts record videos of themselves in combat? Is it to increase the impact of their enemy's propaganda? Of course not. Footage like this is very dangerous for the system, because it inspires people. It makes armed resistance against the system and its pawns appear viable. The Jews and their puppets know damn well that armed conflict plays into the hands of white people, because we are better at it than everyone else.

You need to keep in mind that the people running the west understand the power of propaganda more than they understand just about anything else, I don't believe that they would ever risk putting this kind of footage out there. Why bother when they make things up all the time anyway?

BeetleLord ago

That's a pretty valid perspective, but my point is that there are feasible reasons why the footage existing could be considered a positive for them as well. They may have decided that it was important to show the shooter calling out all of the "problematic" individuals such as PewDiePie, or it's just their new strategy of the week. It's simply odd when people act like they can't figure out a plausible scenario.

dassaer ago

JOO-s maan JOO-s, them ones who have said "... we are at the middle of mass immigration , directing and encouraging it...", them same ones that are also following and implementing The greater Israel project, The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan and The Protocols of Zion...