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Inquisitioner ago

The news is calling it a "well known White Supremacist symbol." That makes another meme he made reality.

GritD2 ago

We need to take every single mannerism Obama did and turn it into a white supremacist symbol.

DeadBeatNigger ago

if if if if if

voatuser1128 ago

if if if if if

Please no. I'm having flashbacks now.

DeadBeatNigger ago

Imagine being Obama. He spent eight years rubbing his smug ass nigger shit into the white man's face, ultimately getting Trump elected, then his legacy became that he put Trump into office, then Trump tore everything down in a single week. To make matters worse, no one fucking talks about him anymore, and his daughter is getting bleached by white dick. Fifty bucks says he's sitting alone in a chair, somewhere in his house, with the lights off, staring into the dark.

voatuser1128 ago

his legacy became that he put Trump into office

Though I wish Trump would do more to limit all types of immigration (not just illegal) and stop the talk of helping niggers. I cringe so hard everytime he talks about nigger unemployment numbers and more government aid for niggers.

Tallest_Skil ago

Trump has deported zero illegals and stopped zero immigrants from entering the country. He has built zero new inches of wall and arrested zero traitors in government.

Trump is a paid jewish shill like all the others.