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Would you consider turning the site over to someone else who is willing to lead the effort to keep the site up?

DillHoleBagHands ago

I have never agreed with you more.

Just another kick to the nuts that is 2020.

tury ago

I'd be happy to do it.

Censorship free, except no CP.

ColdSteam ago

This motion is seconded

anoncastillo ago

Someone's made a place for voaters on the chans:


I suppose that's an option at least temporarily. It would be weird with no usernames though.

Nigger_Loving_Jew ago

You can enter a username there if you want. You'll just get called a namefag for it by anyone who's a native to image boards.

kishind ago

Well I'll recognize the regulars by style and dogleg will sign all his crap

Usernames aren't that important

i_scream_trucks ago

Id throw in but i dpubt money is the issue here.

And i dont do that crypto shit.

I prefer money that actually buys shit.


Crypto is the only option because credit card processors won't work with websites that refuse to censor users.

i_scream_trucks ago

Has to be a way to pay a bill or two for the dude somehow directly or whatever but yeah i guess not info you want public and who the fuck you gonna trust when we cant trust each other to begin with.

I have shitfights with everyone but im glad all these fucking idiots are here having their say, its what the world is meant to be.

Babadookk ago

someone suggested sending money to a PO box

sakuramboo ago

Considering how many times the users bailed Voat out (two swag drives, /v/Linux helping port to containers to cut costs, etc), we made it quite clear that we always pull together and keep this place alive. I don't get the defeatist attitude from Putt. We have ALWAYS had his back.

This is sad. :(

Babadookk ago

hes not trying for a reason. most likely he is compromised

Beast-mode-freak ago

The goyim know!

Babadookk ago


Glipglup ago

Likely? He confirmed it a year ago.

Are you people paying any attention at all?

alacrity167 ago

what did he say?

littledodintheforest ago

The canary died

psymin ago

short notice :(

I hope there is a way to save it

I'd donate again if there is a path to victory

chirogonemd ago

We at least need something as a backup to regroup and stay in contact, in case we don't get this resolved before Christmas. What's the "rally point"?

Nigger_Loving_Jew ago

9chan has had a Voat bunker since the last time the site went down for a bit

The admin has been here over 5 years and is not a faggot. I could be biased since the admin is me though.

kishind ago should be friendly and stable for the duration of a relaunch effort. is another free speech site, but I feel bad pointing goats there. They have a nice little community that isn't really like ours.

chirogonemd ago

Fuck it, we'll be refugees for a while! I feel like a fucking kike!

Babadookk ago

we could regroup maybe at discord and then come up with an idea for a new site over there

chirogonemd ago

I am wondering if Poal wouldn't be a good temporary spot, as a failsafe. Maybe we start brainstorming better options, but just in case shit doesn't pull through, we use Poal as the last ditch and organize there?

gazillions ago

This is how the bolsheviks get sites into their hands and destroy them. Turning it over to somebody has to be done extremely carefully.

19841989 ago

How we decide who gets the website: The person chosen will be the person that has the longest history of saying the "N word." We know that person is racist, but also believes in freedom of speech.

KeepVoatAfloat2020 ago

Or we can fund to keep the site online. Accepting bitcoin donations at 3DM2dGoVMZbQgNtKVdaqLzk1EcfcTcBNKb, let's keep this site online!

Silverlining ago

You can always bake a take back option into an agreement.

edgelord666 ago

I volunteer

New-World-Ebola ago

wanting to shut down voat during this particular point in time with such a huge following over "financial" reasons is about as jewish as it gets. This site is a honeytrap.

crazy_eyes ago

Yeah, you really can't do that without it getting kiked

jollycocks ago

Fuck yeah bolshevik kikes!

Qanonplus1 ago


illuminalto2 ago


VoataoV ago

I could do it but I need costs and figures to run it by some people. If it's feasible we can get voat up and running again.

grace8 ago

The current open-source code for Saidit is available here:

It is an update on the original opensource code for Reddit.

KeepVoatAfloat2020 ago

I've already got some spare hardware on standby, whatever happens I can keep this site going. I'm accepting bitcoin donations at 3DM2dGoVMZbQgNtKVdaqLzk1EcfcTcBNKb, one way or another we will persist.

grace8 ago

Github has the original source code from old reddit and the code Said it uses whihc it seems is old reddit plus fixes:

Read more at: Powered by reddit and Aaron Swartz's code.

The current open-source code for Saidit, an updated code with fixes to the original reddit code is available here:

grace8 ago

Subscription if you want to post fixes it. But do we want to fix it. Voat has been a place of constant attack. This move to shut things down now when the Q team is ready to move is confirming my sense that Voat was always a containment site for ppl they didnt want posting on Reddit and infecting the sheep.

We built this sub and we can do it again. Q guided us here. If we are needed he will guide us again.

As far as the joy of posting here, there is our sub on POAL. Use our same user names and we are back up and running, assuming they have the capacity for all of us.

The real solution is Reddit when it is taken over and made a utility. Poal is just a temporary harbor. Is there somewhere better than poal? We already have the sub there.

Hand_of_Node ago

Voat has been a place of constant attack.

The Q invasion was the attack that succeeded.

grace8 ago


Hand_of_Node ago

It's true. The Q invasion led directly to the White flight that cut the population of voat to a quarter of its previous activity.

And is it really a coincidence that voat is being shut down just a few weeks before the Q psyop fades into history?

[–] grace8 Our Real History detailed: Multiple US Assassinations linked to Roths/Skull and Bones/Masonry in Death bed confession-he details who killed who [ +5 ] 25 minutes ago

I see I have net upvotes on your account, but I believe Trump to be a very successful op against the right, and conservatives. Just look at the results. (similar to 'follow the money')

grace8 ago

The words you speak are against the ordinance of God. The prophets are all in agreement and all standing and shouting God's plan to free us from 400 years of slavery! Even the heavens declare the coming king with Saturn and Jupiter returning to within 1 degree of their positions at the time of Christ's birth. There are so many signs and you are blind. But the scales can fall cry out to the Lord, my friend, for he is has come! His authority is here in a way it has not been available till now!

It's not over yet, Hand. Wait and see our God move. The very bowels of hell will shake and the dragon's head will be cut off by the lion of Judah. Trump is playing possum and letting people declare what side they will fight on the DS or America's. If we are going to see men put to death it must be because of what they did in this hour with the opportunity Trump has presented and proven he will do: make America GREAT again!

Oh, what a powerful name it is the name of JESUS Christ my King! Nothing can stand against!!!! Our how he loves YOU!!! It will be biblical!! Come to the fountain and drink!

Hand_of_Node ago

Okay, you support a guy who publicly said he would be eager to fuck his own daughter.

I do not, because of that exact statement, and many other behaviors of similar quality. You mock God to his face by associating Trump with God.

grace8 ago

pls provide the exact quote. Cause I really doubt Trump said those exact words. We are all redeemed sinners. Trump is not Jesus Christ and no one needs him to be. We have our savior. God has along history of using wildly inadequate people and redeeming them through his power. Trump is become a Godly man just as we all hope to become more like Jesus. Trump has said dumb things. there is no doubt abut that. But are you aware of the many prophecies about him over the past many years? The earliest goes back to the early years when Trump was a single play boy. A Italian prophet with an international reputation of accuracy said Trump was to be a man who would bring America back to God.
Moses was a murderer who had lead an indulgent princely life and had a stutter. David was the least of his brothers and a murderer. Jesus was poor boy from the ghetto. Matthew a tax collector who turned on his own people to impose the Romans harsh taxes and reported them when they failed to pay. Paul a Pharisee who participated in persecuting many Christians even inciting people to murder them. Peter a man who walked with Christ and witnessed miracles but still denied him to save his own life. Noah was a drunk. Elijah was suicidal. Jacob was an adulterer. Rahab was a prostitute. Using broken people allows the believer to see God's power rather than worshiping a man and thinking the miracles were accomplished through the man's power.

illuminalto2 ago

Keep me posted.

Have IT nuggets.

Have money.

grace8 ago

you know the surce code for reddit and for Saidit are on github:

Read more at: Powered by reddit and Aaron Swartz's code.

The current open-source code for Saidit, an updated code with fixes to the original reddit code is available here:

BjornIronside ago

Rip the site.

Repost it.

Rotteuxx ago

@thebuddha, get that fat wallet of yours over here!

Hand_of_Node ago

[–] Rotteuxx we should perhaps explore greener alternatives. What about sun dried jews ? [ +128 ] 21 points (+23|-2) 7.3 hours ago

I'm going to miss your sun dried jews.

TheBuddhasBong ago

I want NOTHING to do with that idea. Nothing.

Vladimir_Komarov ago

So FNGT looks to be a morning show to see Voat off?

TheBuddhasBong ago

Maybe Thursday night? Maybe Friday at Poal?

It's entirely unknown right now and no decisions have been made.

Poal seems the most likely. Trying to hold the thread on Christmas Eve isn't going to work, nor will Christmas morning.

@PuttItOut should leave the site open until midnight on the 25th, so we can have one last guitar thread - and he should sticky it. I think we deserve that. Not just us, but all of Voat.

Vladimir_Komarov ago

would be a great send off

TheBuddhasBong ago

We'll have the thread on Thursday night. It has been decided.

It may not open at exactly 20:00 Eastern, as they want me to open it and I've got family things going on. However, family will understand - they know I've been doing the thread for nearly 3.5 years, so they're used to me not being all that available on Friday nights. This is just a different night of the week.

TheBuddhasBong ago

It would. It's 12 more hours. I think he can manage.

Rotteuxx ago

A wise man has spoken

goatsandbros ago

That faggot uses a different name here, and has since he decided to go on poal and badmouth us. Fuck that whore. Fuck you too, come to think of it.

gabara ago

fuck you too, bro.

mudbear ago

sobs fuck all of you dirty kike loving nigger tier faggots...

Got i will miss this place

Inaminit ago

Be nice, jarhead.

Wowbagger ago

If you say his names five times he's compelled to appear.

Shotinthedark ago

Isn't that bloody mary