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Would you consider turning the site over to someone else who is willing to lead the effort to keep the site up?

VoataoV ago

I could do it but I need costs and figures to run it by some people. If it's feasible we can get voat up and running again.

KeepVoatAfloat2020 ago

I've already got some spare hardware on standby, whatever happens I can keep this site going. I'm accepting bitcoin donations at 3DM2dGoVMZbQgNtKVdaqLzk1EcfcTcBNKb, one way or another we will persist.

grace8 ago

Github has the original source code from old reddit and the code Said it uses whihc it seems is old reddit plus fixes:

Read more at: Powered by reddit and Aaron Swartz's code.

The current open-source code for Saidit, an updated code with fixes to the original reddit code is available here: