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Would you consider turning the site over to someone else who is willing to lead the effort to keep the site up?

gazillions ago

This is how the bolsheviks get sites into their hands and destroy them. Turning it over to somebody has to be done extremely carefully.

19841989 ago

How we decide who gets the website: The person chosen will be the person that has the longest history of saying the "N word." We know that person is racist, but also believes in freedom of speech.

KeepVoatAfloat2020 ago

Or we can fund to keep the site online. Accepting bitcoin donations at 3DM2dGoVMZbQgNtKVdaqLzk1EcfcTcBNKb, let's keep this site online!

Silverlining ago

You can always bake a take back option into an agreement.

edgelord666 ago

I volunteer

New-World-Ebola ago

wanting to shut down voat during this particular point in time with such a huge following over "financial" reasons is about as jewish as it gets. This site is a honeytrap.

crazy_eyes ago

Yeah, you really can't do that without it getting kiked

jollycocks ago

Fuck yeah bolshevik kikes!

Qanonplus1 ago
