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vastrightwing ago

jews my friend. It's jews.

GapingAnus ago

Speaking of pollution...

Rotteuxx ago

Gassing & ovening jews might be hard to market to the eco friendly crowd, we should perhaps explore greener alternatives.

What about sun dried jews ? Maybe some wind powered electric showers ?

Hand_of_Node ago

"Sun dried jews" is unlikely to work except in the hottest and driest of deserts.

GassyMcGasface ago

I don't have an eco friendly option for the Jews, but I do for the taco niggers. We can deport the taco niggers via catapult. No fossil fuels and its 100% reusable. It also send a message, one not easily ignored.

I believe we need to send all the Jews to Israel then glass the place.

GapingAnus ago

Just tell the Chinese that dry jew-nose gives you a raging hard-on. The free market takes care of the rest.