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vastrightwing ago

jews my friend. It's jews.

curiouserdude ago

How do you know jews aren't controlling you right now? They need to create a threat to justify their fight against non-jews. They probably created Hitler just so they could pretend to be persecuted!!! If you criticize my theory you are just doing the Jews work!

vastrightwing ago

ardvarcus ago

All the social trends eating away at Western civilization were started and are maintained by Jews.

Jews are the cancer of the West.

WhitePaladin ago

Its great to call the jew, but funny how no one calls out the white women for abandoning men and not shitting white kids.

These 30 years old childless childs everywhere that that are too good for the common man, and the statistics dont lie.

You guys always give them a pass, why is that ?

Hand_of_Node ago

Are people giving them a pass?

jthun2 ago

I have to agree, white women have betrayed us. Even the 'conservative' ones have been drinking the left wing yiddish koolaid.

White women who don't want their children to be white are a huge part of the problem.

Mylon ago

How how blame should be levied on the people that spread propaganda and how much blame should be levied on the people that buy it? Our whole society is structured around political correctness and progressivism. Blaming the people that go along with society is empty self righteousness. These people deserve forgiveness, not condemnation.

jthun2 ago

Forgiveness is granted after repentance. Let's see them repent.

lanre ago

Because strong men should've kept them in line.

vastrightwing ago

Think of it this way: when you're being shot at, you don't stop to think about anything other than being shot at. I agree with you, but the damage is done and we need to stop the root cause of the problem. The fact people get influenced by idiocy and brainwashing is a problem that needs to be dealt with, just not at this moment. We have LGBT, identity politics, gender confusing, Talmudvision and a litany of other problems. The root of all of it are jews encouraging this sickness at every turn. This needs to stop. Then we can get society back on track and make Orwell fiction again.

ardvarcus ago

Jewesses created and still lead the modern feminist movement, which is the single factor most responsible for the breakdown of the white Christian family unit. Christian women were told by these Jewesses that they were old-fashioned and foolish to want to maintain a house and raise children. They were told that they should lust after a job just like the men had ("I am woman, hear me roar."). They were told that their careers came first and children could wait. They were told that they didn't need to depend on men, and that marriage was out-dated and unnecessary. They were told that if they got pregnant, they could have an abortion for convenience. They were told by these Jewesses that being a slut was the lifestyle they should emulate. They were told that it was exciting and good to be fucked by niggers, and to have babies by niggers.

And white woman believed all these lies, and still believe them, because the Jew-controlled media (OUR media) backed them up and reinforced them every hour of every day. Anyone who suggested that just maybe this attitude of women was destroying our society was laughed at.

Hand_of_Node ago

because the Jew-controlled media...

Also because they're women. If they're out of the kitchen and home, they're also out of their depth.

Dougal_McHaggis ago

Because boomers across europe made a starter home cost 10x the price in 30 years. Either come up with half a million euros or raise your kids in the ghetto.

WhitePaladin ago

you are very woke my friend, spot on

meglomaniac ago

Because the fault isn't with the women and its never going to be possible to force them to do what we want.

The fact is that the majority of these niggers they are fucking are better men then the vast majority of white men for what they are looking for with children.

Tall, muscular, athletic, good shape, and confident/aggressive.

White men have been told to abandon masculinity, stop working out we dont care, dadbod <3, and that being weak and nerdy is totally cool.

If we want to fix this, we need to funnily enough take a page from the proud boys. Encourage men to be stronger, and not be ashamed of masculinity. Get in shape, hit on women, make glorious white babies.

Atomized_Individual ago

White women contact White men on dating sites. Blacks had the absolute worst rate of being contacted by ANY other race.

meglomaniac ago

Yeah because they can't use their charms in person.

Physical attributes, size, confidence, aggression.

I was a bouncer for 10 years, black guys clean up the bars/nightclubs/etc. Studs don't go onto dating sites unless they are cruising for easy pussy.

throwaway52 ago

Women at bars or nightclubs aren't fucking worth having children with, you degenerate fuck.

meglomaniac ago

Bro, you know how many unbelievably hot doctors/lawyers/STEM researchers women etc go and party with their girlfriends on the weekends?

Keep believing that you're perfect girl is a perfect nice girl that sits at home and reads the bible and waiting for you.

Like the song says, girls just wanna have fun.

Sooner you take that redpill the sooner you're free.

jthun2 ago

I agree with this. In fact, it is even worse than you say.

Women in high stress high profile careers are actually far more submissive in bed. They look for men who will be dominant in the sack, and that isn't gimpy Sven the swedish software engineer who was raised to be a feminist. It is some bad assed primitive.

I have a lot of experience with lawyers, STEM researchers and a little bit with med students. They will get down and dirty if they have the chance. A lot of girls in law are actually quite fucked up psychologically. Low self esteem inside.

Having said that, there are still good women around. Just harder to find.

Atomized_Individual ago

Nigs and muzzies will chase and fuck anything, and Whites know there are sluts. But a DECENT White woman will not be in a bar, or roll in the mud with low value minorities.

meglomaniac ago

But a DECENT White woman will not be in a bar, or roll in the mud with low value minorities.

My point was that women chase the attractive, fit, confident, alpha males. The alpha males right now are black males that hang out at clubs. The discussion was about the perversion of white women in the majority and getting pumped and dumped by black guys.

You made my point. We need to make strong, confident, well rounded white guys to make the club NOT the best place for white women to find confident alpha males.

Currently, white guys ain't swinging that thunder unless you're in a private school.

auto_turret ago

Bulldoze your degenerate "club." Destroy that culture altogether. The rest will follow.

Atomized_Individual ago

I've never known an attractive girl or woman who hung out in "clubs". They're in coffee shops. I'm from a different social class than you. We exprience different things.

jthun2 ago

There are plenty who go to clubs, even high social status ones go sometimes.

Not my scene, but I had a party girl type girlfriend who used to drag me out sometime. You'll find a lot of hedonistic, empty headed women among the upper social strata as well. What they do behind their parents' back...

meglomaniac ago

I was a bouncer in nightclubs for 10 years.

They don't go to the scrub bars, they go to the bars with bottle service where they can use their looks to get free shit.

Attractive wealthy guys goe to the nightclub to peacock and show off wealth/looks.

They're in coffee shops. I'm from a different social class than you. We exprience different things.

You mean you're a hipster. You're not in a "social class".

Atomized_Individual ago

You're a bouncer, MF. You wouldn't have been anywhere near where I am, or where I grew up. You've known gutter Whites who drink and mudshark.

meglomaniac ago


The high end executives that would come into the 500 person clubs I helped run security in and drop 2500$ a night were gutter whites.


Atomized_Individual ago

If they mudshark, then yes.

meglomaniac ago

"You associate with high value and educated black men who have embraced capitalism, wealth, and a proper life. Something 90% of the white race can't even do"

Listen, there is truth in a lot of the racism I see regarding crime and black culture, but then there is literal "ew black skin" racism.

Atomized_Individual ago

It take it you're black. White women of value just don't desire blacks.

meglomaniac ago

Which is why white women of value go to clubs where white men of value go to show off money.

Try to follow along.

White as snow buddy.

Atomized_Individual ago

They don't go there to mudshark. Your point was that they want blacks. They don't.

meglomaniac ago

They go there to meet attractive, in shape, top quality men, with money.

Blacks are also that, so they meet them in the clubs.

Not many women go "I feel like sleeping with black guys tonight", i mean some do, but most don't.

Attraction cannot be negotiated, they find the black guys attractive because they are aggressive alpha males not because of their skin color.

Be a better man and she will choose you.

Atomized_Individual ago

I do just fine. I''m far better than a nig, and far better than a simple bouncer.

meglomaniac ago

You do know that the man with the highest IQ in the US was a bouncer for a decade or two.

My job involved supervision, management, positioning, security, and above all the ability to be suave and persuasive in person in tight and hostile situations.

You can talk shit all you want, but if you think its just some muscle bound drooling retard in the corner you're an idiot.

I managed 15 doormen running a 1000 person club. "Simple bouncer" lol

1234554321 ago

Because soy boys and fuck everything chads have let the jews brainwash our women while we enjoyed degenerate goy things jews have pushed.

WhitePaladin ago

Are you implying boomers dont give a fuck because they already are married and live still in the 90´s and the rest of voaters are all chads who get poon and live in their bubble, and do not recognize the holocaust of white men BY white woman fault, and not jews ?

GapingAnus ago

Speaking of pollution...

Rotteuxx ago

Gassing & ovening jews might be hard to market to the eco friendly crowd, we should perhaps explore greener alternatives.

What about sun dried jews ? Maybe some wind powered electric showers ?

Hand_of_Node ago

"Sun dried jews" is unlikely to work except in the hottest and driest of deserts.

GassyMcGasface ago

I don't have an eco friendly option for the Jews, but I do for the taco niggers. We can deport the taco niggers via catapult. No fossil fuels and its 100% reusable. It also send a message, one not easily ignored.

I believe we need to send all the Jews to Israel then glass the place.

GapingAnus ago

Just tell the Chinese that dry jew-nose gives you a raging hard-on. The free market takes care of the rest.