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NeedleStack ago

Closure? WTF? Why not tell us sooner so we could pull together for a huge donation drive? Anyway, what's done is done.

Prepare for donations but please don't let it slip like this again.

Be transparent and regularly let us know what reserves you have and what you need to keep running.

Edit: Please email me regarding the crochet goat auction. We need to lock down logistics.

0011011000111001 ago

I would totally buy one of your creations depending on the price. They're fucking sweet!

234134124123 ago

Is there a "gold" for Voat? If so, I'm happy to start dishing out a couple today. The only reason I never did gold on reddit was that I didn't want to give money to trash.

But I have gold to give here, for damn sure.

Judge1972Holden ago

A lot of the new TD members feel this way. We would love to donate, but a Gold analog would also go far.

cousineerie ago

We can have a big gold circle jerk, and you guys can shoot your gold right into my mouth. Cool?

Judge1972Holden ago

If that somehow contributes more to the site hosting us...sure, I guess....