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Nihilist ago

Fuck Microsoft azure. Go 100% Linux to save shitloads.

Licensing fees or for normie losers.

9138766? ago

I'm not sure how feasible this suggestion is, but I think I recall Atko saying something in the past about potentially switching to Linux? Or maybe that was him saying it would require massive changes to everything? But didn't Putt complete that massive overhaul?

This might be worth considering if feasible.

Chiefpacman ago

Question for you, as you kind of have been a voat "angel".

Would you not want a receipt? There is a lot of unrest right now over the admin announcement, and I see a lot of people who are hesitant to give money, because what the fuck is happening with the money we give him.

I think it's time we got a receipt. I think you're a good person to be asking for one, I have no right to do so. I have not given nearly as much as you

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

You're talking about a "receipt" to someone talking about a completely different topic... Unless I'm totally out of the loop on some new meme?

Chiefpacman ago

You're out of your element donny.

He knows me/this is an ongoing conversation. Feel free to join v/goats4voat

Its all set up now

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Ah, I'm just a casual here. It's kind of my "in between" place for reddit and the stormer. Also the only place I'm not currently banned. lol