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NeedleStack ago

Closure? WTF? Why not tell us sooner so we could pull together for a huge donation drive? Anyway, what's done is done.

Prepare for donations but please don't let it slip like this again.

Be transparent and regularly let us know what reserves you have and what you need to keep running.

Edit: Please email me regarding the crochet goat auction. We need to lock down logistics.

markrod420 ago

have you somehow been out of the loop on voat's funding issues? I thought it was pretty obvious voat is in need of funding. if I had any spare money I would be doing my best to help. that and if I believed that we have any real power left in this world. but sadly I think our power is basically limited to circle jerking on message boards.

NeedleStack ago

No one had an inkling the state of finances were this dire. An earlier heads-up would have been helpful to prevent such straits.

Tor1 ago

This just happened.

It's the first bill at full price.