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NeedleStack ago

Closure? WTF? Why not tell us sooner so we could pull together for a huge donation drive? Anyway, what's done is done.

Prepare for donations but please don't let it slip like this again.

Be transparent and regularly let us know what reserves you have and what you need to keep running.

Edit: Please email me regarding the crochet goat auction. We need to lock down logistics.

Rotteuxx ago

Hell, get me a .DWG of the logo and I'll have laser cut stainless steel keychains & scaled statuettes for sale, 100% profit to Voat.

@Puttitout :)

scrimmmy ago

Ill take one.

Rotteuxx ago

Thank you for choosing the Order by comment option.

You order for :

  • 1x Foot tall VoatGoat mascot, brushed stainless steel

has been received. Please make payment within 24hrs for processing to go through in a timely fashion.


The /v/welding staff.

scrimmmy ago

Best customer service ever.