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crazy_eyes ago

Don't feel bad asking for donations, us goats love this place, and will do what we can to keep it.

tnargkiller ago

I've always been more of a lurker here but I'd definitely be willing to put forth a bit, anything to help.

TAThatBoomerang ago

The point is that donations is not usually a regular and steady form of income, which Voat needs.

tnargkiller ago

It's more of a rescue boat than anything, but hey, sometimes a rescue boat can get you to someone who can help.

HeavyBrain ago

Would really like to contribute too but I have no way to use bitcoin or Paypal.

Feels bad.

HeavyBrain ago

Thanks for the link, I looked into it, tunrs out those pre paid gift cards were taken off the market in my country cuz muhhh money laundering.

Fuck that.

Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

how are you unable to access the both of them? Sounds more like an excuse to not donate?

HeavyBrain ago

Its 50/50 I dont want to set up paypal because I dont trust them and dont want to give my data.

And I am too stupid to figure out bitcoin.

If stuff like Paysafe was possible I would donate right now.

Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

fuck paypal indeed, and there is no hard part about BTC unless you are coding with blockchain tech

Conde_Nast ago

Whatever the admins do, please don't sell the site to me.

Donbuster ago

Hell, between Conde Nast and sane, I'll take sane...

0011011000111001 ago

I wouldn't have an issue with them asking for donations like Wikipedia does.

Trevelyan-s_corn ago

Just an easy way to set a paypal monthly subscription/donations.