sensitive ago

I'm a mod for the pizzagate subverse. People are asking why the search bar is gone. This is the reason? When will it be back? Many thanks in advance.

old_navy ago

Well, shit. That sucks. I go away for a couple months and the place just flies off in crazy directions.

Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

that is the only way I roll

harborcity ago


solar_flare ago

*with night mode enabled.

wesofx ago

I did that day one.

raw ago

Can you please add a few more arrows to point out the menu in the picture? I cannot find it. /s

Grifter42 ago

Quit your bullshit, faggot.

Grifter42 ago

No hope but what we make.

If you desire peace, prepare for war.

Grifter42 ago

Fuck the money. We could hold a fucking bake sale. Censorship and shills are not the fuckin' answer.

Grifter42 ago

Which is a long way of saying he's sold out.

ibepokey ago

oh, thank God.

i SO need this. i sub to about 40 or 50, and the scroll menu sucks BALLS.

Grifter42 ago

Because Putt doesn't give a shit about the people.

Grifter42 ago

Explain the claims of corruption that have been laid against you, if you seek to restore any credibility outside of your shills.

Antikaon ago

Thanks! And thanks for bug report too. It's fixed now.

HomerSimpson ago

Always nice to have someone do the work for you :) Thanks sug

DoomMantia ago

Yes, disabling AVE fixes the issue. But now I have the issue of having AVE disabled, heh.

fluxusp ago

Same issue here, using AVE too. By refreshing the page I can see those buttons. After ~ half a second they disappear again.

DoomMantia ago

Maybe it's an issue with AVE. I only get "subscriptions", "newsubverses", "introductions" and "news".

A_Sensible_Gent ago

I've noticed sets are kind of returning to the spotlight. Can we make our own again yet?

heygeorge ago

I meant to ping you on my reply to fuzzy, but I typoed it. Glad it's working out for you!

heygeorge ago

The menu is working better than ever. I can't click away to close it, but I can click on the "subscriptions" heading to close it. I think this is sensible and provides good ux.


TimberWolfAlpha ago

Amen. I can't stand the Myspace Effect of all that custom garbage.

Womb_Raider ago

Agree. It's content that matters.

teriyakuza ago

Beware the Ides of March

DoomMantia ago

Uhm... there are no "front", "all", "default" and "random" buttons now. Thanks, but I'll pass.

stretched_girl ago

I like the look. Thank you!

8375356? ago

I don't know that I've ever had it enabled. I don't recall ever seeing styles on any subverse.

Jixijenga ago

Is there any hope in us subverse owners being able to disable archiving on stickied posts? Or perhaps some way to have a directory of the subverse?

EDIT: Also a character counter when posting would be sweet too.

Antikaon ago

Nice. I updated /v/osnews CSS to style the new dashboard menu. I think new menu is pretty nice even without my style, but I couldn't help myself.

heretolearn ago

I don't know what happened but thanks for doing it.

Scine ago

You motherfuckers are awesome.

PuttItOut ago

It should, but we will check. Mind letting me know what browser you are using?

@FuzzyWords, did I break this again?

sweetholymosiah ago

great change to the dash thank you!

EmmetMcTaggart ago

can users create their own sets yet?

EmmetMcTaggart ago

There should be a few style sheets you can choose from which cover all of voat. There are some nice ones out there.

tippyc ago

i like this idea

stretched_girl ago

If you have one you like, I think you can use AVE to apply it everywhere.

Disappointed ago

Some questions are hard to answer.

New Proposed Site-Wide Rules

My comment is mainly a reminder of this thread above and that v/chicago was granted to an alt of the previous mod.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Looks better πŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏ

Stavon ago

?menu=dashboard Turn On Legacy Menu

?menu=legacy Turn On Legacy Menu

Is it really necessary to name both options "Legacy Menu"?

PuttItOut ago

Good eye. Fixed.

SelfReferenceParadox ago

@Failure the link to turn on the dashboard menu is labeled as 'Turn On Legacy Menu'.

chmod ago

Putt, I'm confused. My CSS doesn't affect the default menu. I guess my question is, how do I know if I need to make any changes?

And again, who the hell is "we?"

PuttItOut ago

Turn it on, visit your sub with css, if all looks ok, then you are ready to go.

"We" is a bunch of people involved with Voat. There are always others involved with everything we do here. I can't in good faith take credit away from them by selfishly using the term "I" when talking about Voat. As has been said before, Voat is not mine, Voat is ours, and thus you probably won't ever see me referring to Voat with the phrase "I" much. Unless I make a mistake...

chmod ago

Putt, I've turned in on in my sub. The new menu works if I click "subscriptions." However, the blue arrow to the right of the word does not produce the drop-down. I'm on a shitty IE browser. Will see if it persists with another later.

ExpertShitposter ago


ExpertShitposter ago

One from sane, one from smokey/myg7, one from anontalk-ers.

ExpertShitposter ago

LoL @ downvoats for this simple comment. You're gaining notoriety!

Have one free upvote. The next one is 0.5$

Karbuster ago

50 cents for an upgoat? Who do you think you are? George goathoarder Clooney?

ExpertShitposter ago

Well apparently, that's how much it actually costs when you buy upvotes. And 1$ for downvoats.

ExpertShitposter ago

FIRST!! oh...fuck...

breakingpoint ago

Stoked for some voat merch

creep ago

"my subscriptions"

What's wrong with just "subscriptions", as it is now? Do I not know that they are mine?

PuttItOut ago

I know right. Done.

psioniq ago

That's really neat, but please do something about the default styling.

Something like this maybe.

PuttItOut ago

Are you saying that you don't like the BS look?

Bunch of Subverses

8370300? ago

15th of March...the Ides of March...Julius the Shakespeare play...

And Putt used Middle English in title.

IiIIy ago

Sufficient arrows thou post receiveth not.

middle_path ago


Slayfire122 ago

No. This'll replace the current drop-down menu under "my subscriptions" on the top left. That "more" button is now the "discover" link on the drop down menu.

Uncle420 ago

r u 5 real?

Slayfire122 ago

Unless Putt changed something from the prototype vision I tried.

TheTrigger ago

It really is though.

shutupfaggot ago


LaTourette ago


TheTrigger ago


oiseaulibre ago

Are you going to make a commit to github soon?

PuttItOut ago

Yeah, I need to update the license agreement that we use as well as update all the file headers in the source, then I will bring the repo back to date.

oiseaulibre ago

Thanks for responding fam.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

^ Yes, @PuttItOut. Inquiring minds want to know!

DeltaBravoTango ago

The text is wrong for the dashboard link (the actual link is fine)

TheTrigger ago

omfg, this looks 1000000x better. Thanks for finally addressing this; the menu cutting off at the bottom of the screen has been a super pain in the ass for as long as I remember.

sakuramboo ago

Holy shitty formatting, Batman!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@discoball and fake @jmtullock2 look who voat, inc. CEO uses as his image host! IT"S IMGOAT!

SelfReferenceParadox ago

>puttputt does a thing sane doesn't like

wow the CEO is totally an SJW hired by the NSA to collect your IPs shill shill shill shill

>puttputt does a thing sane does like

wow, voat, in. CEO Puttitout is such a great guy

ExpertShitposter ago

Holly shit @puttitout, why not promote Atkos sweet sweet and not this

PuttItOut ago

I rotate.

ExpertShitposter ago

Yeah i get it, @Atko service for important stuff and imgoat/imgur for stuff that will be irrelevant information in a month. I do it to.

Tipman79 ago

And miss the chance to subtly troll Sanegoat? Pfft. Fuck that.

ExpertShitposter ago


You just gave me an idea...

Tipman79 ago

I'm scared to ask...

Disappointed ago

A couple of weeks back you said you were aware of some things that needed admin attention and would address these after the sets update. Also you were going to clarify brigading a bit more. Is this still the case?


P.S. I know there are some situations that need admin attention. I will deal with these when this update is released.

Bonechip ago

Is it just me, or when using the (new) Dashboard Menu.... "All" is missing?

Mick ago

I am he.

Unless you meant, 'you are, Mick?'

heygeorge ago

Turns out the SBBH CSS is seemingly ok with the new menu, and it even turns off the black top bar, just like I do about once a month or so.

@homersimpson FPH seems to be working fine for me also.

HomerSimpson ago

Good because I am too lazy to fix it

heygeorge ago

too lazy

Hmmmm... There's something associated with that personality trait I can't quite put my finger on... Hold it, it's on the tip of my tongue... Damn, it's gone.

HomerSimpson ago

Just like that cake I just consumed

heygeorge ago

Everything in moderation! Even this cake.

HomerSimpson ago

Nah. Whole thing. No such thing as small quantities

jerry ago

I feel like the number of people who this affects vs the number of people who see this is very far apart lol

PuttItOut ago

You wouldn't be wrong.

jerry ago

That doesn't mean the update isn't appreciated! :D

HomerSimpson ago

I am kind of lazy. How much will this affect fph's css?

Mick ago

It will fuck it so I'm going to have to permanently disable it. Sorry.

ExpertShitposter ago

-3 mick, are you an e-terrorist by any chance?

HomerSimpson ago

Well. If that is the case what is sbbh's situation?

Mick ago

It's toast too.

HomerSimpson ago

Like that ass.

Mick ago

Thanks, I've been working out.

PuttItOut ago

You should hire @FuzzyWords and get the complete analysis done. I'm betting your css could be slimmed down.

MCVoat ago

could be slimmed down.

Based putt

Uncle420 ago

could be slimmed down.

HomerSimpson ago

Probably. I had to do a lot of work arounds because voat doesn't offer certain things (user flairs as one example)

And the css limit itself is quite annoying.

Bonechip ago

Patiently waiting for the SaneGoatiSwear rant post.

Edit: That did not take long

SaltyMango ago

I love seeing his CCP meander its way down. And lol at his submission points.

8372680? ago

criminal attack shill shilling against SaneGoat


Proof: My lubricated and easily accessible arsehole

shill shill shill wikipedia link to three random logical fallacies

HillBoulder ago

Tool rules

Bonechip ago

Updated my post :)

brandon816 ago


Marsog ago

Thanks Putt

SpectralForces ago

I'm not sure I understand. Needs more arrows.

lord_nougat ago the KNEE!!!