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SaneGoatiSwear ago

@discoball and fake @jmtullock2 look who voat, inc. CEO uses as his image host! IT"S IMGOAT!

SelfReferenceParadox ago

>puttputt does a thing sane doesn't like

wow the CEO is totally an SJW hired by the NSA to collect your IPs shill shill shill shill

>puttputt does a thing sane does like

wow, voat, in. CEO Puttitout is such a great guy

ExpertShitposter ago

Holly shit @puttitout, why not promote Atkos sweet sweet and not this

PuttItOut ago

I rotate.

ExpertShitposter ago

Yeah i get it, @Atko service for important stuff and imgoat/imgur for stuff that will be irrelevant information in a month. I do it to.

Tipman79 ago

And miss the chance to subtly troll Sanegoat? Pfft. Fuck that.

ExpertShitposter ago


You just gave me an idea...

Tipman79 ago

I'm scared to ask...