3derp5you ago

Aay, the admins strike again!

Mickgoestojail ago

Well shit they might just be human after all.

GizaDog ago

Class act! Thanks Admins.

fabulousalpaca ago

You admins are amazing.

AverageAmerica ago

I really thought most voater's were against direct democracy... or as they put it "mob rule".

vacvape ago

Why don't you clowns get rid of that 'NSFW'='is adult'? Safe space cuck tag coddling fucking nonsense?

Porphyrogennetos ago

Thanks for taking care of this.

It was really great of you to ask the community about this and in my opinion, everything that happened subsequently was the correct way of handling it.

I wish you guys would have acted just a little bit faster though, as there was plenty of time for damage to be done, but that's all I can really say about this situation at this point.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

I disagree with the decision the community made, but I'm delighted the community made it. Thank you.

mvrak ago

Representative democracy. Someday reddit floodgates will open just like the digg exodus. normies turn everything they touch to shit.

ScreaminMime ago

Damn I like the way this is begin handled, can we just start our own world government?

pixelperfect1 ago

I missed the voat but I'm satisfied with the results. This is the reason I came to voat.

UncleSpez1 ago

Sorry i was on my lunch break, didn't get the memo

Thisismyvoatusername ago

But if there were to be a civil war amongst their subscribers, how would you determine which side should get to keep the sub and which move on? You don't want to put the admins in the position of deciding who represents the true faith (especially when they are nonbelievers, or possibly, depending upon the sub, apostates). So you need rules. It helps everyone admins, mods and users.

theseeker58 ago

Nicely done, true democracy in action! Personally I would not call a subverse "v/niggers, v/dindu would suffice-that's just MHO.

squataclops ago

No, thank you guys, a little trust goes a long way.

CKC ago

Nicely handled! I too think the Anon posting was an excellent way to get more honest replies.

PuttItOut ago

No decision is without some negative consequence.

HomerSimpson ago

Making me admin has no consequences.

PuttItOut ago

I do see your point and we will try to do better going forward with this.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Thank you for at least improving on this going forward.

Mickgoestojail ago

Trash was taken out on both occasions.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

put them back and let's discuss it as a group. oh wait we can't because @thc quit for being ninja de-modded.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

I love how any disagreement with the admins on this issue is getting downvoated til it's hidden, and THAT isn't even @puttitout 's fault, it's just a general attitude of cocksucking.

I can feel the early stages of Reddit happening, before Reddit went terminal the "mods and admins can do no wrong" attitude was responsible for feeding the cancer.

goatboy ago

God damn it I love you guys!

GrislyAtoms ago

Fuck /v/niggers, but I like the way this was handled. Assholes should be free too.

HashTagFU ago

Buh Bye WSIMBR. Fuck off back to spreddit.

TheDude2 ago

Jolly good work.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

@PuttitOut I hereby withdraw my comment calling you CuckitOut. For now......

PuttItOut ago

Lmao, you know I've seen it all and you can call me whatever you want. That's what Voat is about and frankly it is needed from time to time.

Never any hard feelings on my side btw. Besides it made me laugh.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

see my recent post man. what about the discussion on finances, communication, and incoming possible rules?

HomerSimpson ago

Screw you shill.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

sir, you're making a scene.

HomerSimpson ago

That ok. I was born this way.

ashekchum ago

I honestly didn't think the post was legitimate given that it was the first anon post anouncment and the metion of a rogue mod. But I do support the replacment the mod over eliminating the sub.

carnold03 ago

Hopefully, with the boards where the mods had to be removed, we can keep them without a mod at least until a few months into the Trump administration.

buttermouth ago

I'll step up and mod /v/chicago if you guys want. I live in chicago, been on voat for awhile and I'm a strong believer in freedom of speech.

341234 ago


this is how i feel about the situation.

lets stand together, we will be sound.. allahu akbar

novictim ago

VOAT is the BEST!

novictim ago

Wait! I am changing my position to #1!

PuttItOut ago


novictim ago

No, that was sarcasm! But I am happy with the outcome anyways.

Bfwilley ago

Voat once again shows it's talent and worth.


Disappointed ago

Thanks a lot, hopefully this turns out well for all the posters.

PS: don't forget @derram is still banned from v/movies and the mods are inactive. He's working on putting in keywords to stop his archiving.

derram ago

@Puttitout Your mod accused me of spamming but didn't remove a single comment from my bot.

Does this mean bots aren't allowed to post on system subs? That my posts can be removed at any time because of the way I make them, without any debate whatsoever?

TrueMask ago

I love this site and all of you faggots. Well Done!

7571149? ago

See you until summer, when the next rogue mod will fuck up v/niggers.

PuttItOut ago


Bilbo_Swaggins ago

I would like to request that you don't give /v/Niggers to a random user who happens to fit the requirements like last time.

heretolearn ago

good choice. What's up with the canary tho

Mickgoestojail ago

The canary was updated

heretolearn ago

so is voat good for now?

Mickgoestojail ago

If you think a canary is sufficient I guess so. It was updated two days ago.

https://voat.co/v/announcements/1330806 check the edit time on that thread for the last "canary"

heretolearn ago

i definitely don't think it's sufficient. im just not tech savvy enough to know what else to look or ask for. and thank you for the link.

Mickgoestojail ago

Me either really I just don't think the government would need one to read whatever they want, whenever they want. They can access the pipe thats runs to voat, so they don't need to access voat. Bookmark that announcement because the edit time is important.

heretolearn ago

will do. thanks for the advice

toobaditworks ago

But do they have any escort lawn mowers? I really need to know.

TherealScrable ago

Just don't let any corrupted crooks get into your administrative staff or try to abuse that power.

Honestly, all the other things would have been absolute anarchism. There is a need for order. But there is no need for censorship.

Also since you are actually trusting your community... Which is a very seldom thing today(sadly), I started to like you. Also it may seem like my account is a bit older, and it is, while being never used until recently. Reddit's censorship was the main thing which drove me the voat to become a goat.

PuttItOut ago

Welcome aboard.

ExpertShitposter ago

Are you also removing him from v/Chicago since he admitted to being the same person and is doing the same thing there?

Bilbo_Swaggins ago

So here's what adhdferret has to say about it


His plan, should you give him the keys, is to remove /v/Niggers, move the community to /v/Coontown, and have the system moderate.

My first choice, should you give me the keys, is to move the community to Coonshire; unlike Coontown we already have it, the CSS isn't messed up, etc. And it would be something of a new chapter. That being said, what the community wants is more important than what I want: I would put it up to a vote as to whether people would rather stay or go.

In fact, I'd like to put up a survey or something similar to get the community's opinion as to where they want to go next: to have the place run by me, or by the system, and where they want to be.

Again, sorry about all this. It's an embarrassment, and you're always very gracious in how you handle it.

PuttItOut ago

As far as I know there was never an issue with you but in these situations we simply remove everyone.

With this stuff happening we can get better at handling it, so in the end it works out best.

Bilbo_Swaggins ago


Nonetheless I hope that you consider my proposal.

Havengul ago

Ha! Classic.

effusive_ermine ago

Maybe some time you'll return the favor by catching one of my misplaced apostrophes. Thanks for being a good sport.

Donbuster ago

Later this week Voat will be adding a few new site wide rules in order to handle this exact situation and hopefully a few others to help in related scenarios.

Thank you, this is something I've been calling for for months now. I do wish they would be put in place BEFORE any transfer takes place, and applied fairly as such.

equilibrium ago

My nigger @puttitout is the MOD of thee mods.


EarlPoncho ago

you're an embarrassment to the white race. you don't know what a true alpha is cause you aint one jew lover

ThisWeirdIndividual ago

Awesome :)

whatisbestinlife ago

Clever ruse.

MinorLeakage ago

Even though it's standing up for people you disagree with, this is the right decision. You and Atko have some awesome integrity. I've had the subverse in question blocked since the feature came out, but I feel very strongly about their right to exist and have their community. Thanks for standing up for Voat and for free speech.

You guys really are modern-day heroes, no exaggeration at all. The work you do has a very meaningful impact on the real world. I really hope that you both still feel it's worth the effort, and that you will continue to for years to come. Thanks again Putt.

EarlPoncho ago

sounds good beta male

7569213? ago

This used to happen all the time and is the reason I started /v/OneTruePutt , but Putt isn't really an underdog anymore.

kittysaysmeownow ago

That's it, I'm donating.

SpaceCpt ago

general applause

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

The goats have spoken! Freedom to bleet! BAAHHH

antiracistNew ago

Why are you such a fag, @PuttItOut?

7569253? ago

Let's not feed this troll. He spends his time in places like this farming CCP, and he has no interest in supporting any of his ad hominems.

antiracistNew ago

Shut up, faggot.

JanMichaelVincent ago

Thank you.

How do you make money - how can we help? I don't see any ads.

P.S. Blacks account for 13% of the US population but more than half of all murders.

7569300? ago

lmao that Post Script...

If you're on mobile you won't see the ads on the right of the desktop-mode screen, though if you hit the "hamburger button" while on a non-app mobile it should come into view. Ads are purchasable in the Voat Store along with ordinary donations, and merch when merch is available.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

"hamburger button"


7572586? ago

That was my reaction when I first saw someone on Voat use the term, but it's a thing

Samsquamch ago

Thanks for all you do putt!

effusive_ermine ago

For American English speakers: precedent.


a :  something done or said that may serve as an example or rule to authorize or
justify a subsequent act of the same or an analogous kind (a verdict that had no
b :  the convention established by such a precedent or by long practice


Reddit_Suxs ago

Unlike Reddit, I am starting to really like the admins here. It is almost as if they were NOT bought and paid for by communists and freedom haters.

1moar ago

Thanks man/ma'am...I dig this place and how things are being handled. I appreciate the work put in to the site, and the selfless contributions made to help make it all possible.

7569331? ago


The admins are bucks, not does, bro/ma'am/doe/buck.

7568644? ago

Oh shit, it's a fucking purge planet, Morty! Let's watch them purge!

esoteric ago

Thank you for including all of us :)

EarlPoncho ago

still stuck in your blue pill fantasy. time to take a red pill. you literally just got jewed by that whiteracist guy and still can't see the truth. i guarantee the homo jew that you're fawning over now will do the same thing eventually. it always happens

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

YAY! Free speech wins! Still blocking v/niggers though.

Gigan ago

I love the way tou guys handled this situation. Especially considering the content of the sub in question.

alalzia ago

If you look at the bright side it was confirmed again that what we stand for is more important than what we like .

kammmmak ago

Voat is like a forest. Watch for fires.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

You have no self awareness.


You are whining like a bitch while the admins figure out who to give the subs to.

You seem to think I care. I didn't want the sub anymore. I decided that a couple of weeks ago. And the results of this poll made me acutely aware that this site will always be a bastion of hate speech and incivility, and will therefore never be mainstream to make it worth while to try and do anything with /v/chicago, so I abandoned it.

0iamlordeyayaya0 ago

this site will always be a bastion of hate speech and incivility

Riiiight not civil like reddit.

BTW "hate speech" is just a fake term used by regressives to censor criticism of certain protected groups.

You also seem too stupid to notice most of the really aggressive racism on this site is so over the top absurd it's obviously SJWs in goat's clothing. Who turn around and point at their own comments as examples of what a cesspool of horrible racism voat is (like you just did).

Or maybe you're complicit in that game plan.

Either way, we don't care. We enjoy the minor thrill in saying things the government/powers that be don't want us to say. And even think there might be a solution in it since this path of censorship and whitewashing you and your ilk are being led down doesn't seem to be improving anything for anyone.

embers ago

In this thread @WhiteSoIMustBeRacist claims that somebody doxxed him. Is that true? I can't find the relevant post.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

There is sufficient information in there to find it if you're intelligent enough to follow the clues. But it's cool, because I have a deep pocketed legal team funded by the Soros Foundation to reign hell down on the first person who contacts me IRL.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Interesting. Thanks.

HomerSimpson ago

I also thought the Anon post allowed us to more freely voice our opinions and we might continue to use them for decisions in which the community should be involved with (which is most of them btw).

Any possible way you can allow mods to make anon only threads as well? I think this would be a great thing for community discussion in sub like you did with your announcement post.

EarlPoncho ago


"CCF because while he has admitted to being of Jewish decent and gay he still supports the message of niggers with up most resolve and supports voat above all else."

even if you aren't one, you are an enabler. you should actually hope you're a kike cause if you aren't that makes you worse than one

RedditCEOEllenPao ago

Not what I was hoping for (I wanted to see what would happen if we just left it alone to follow its natural course), but I can live with practicality over curiosity.

Good job, admin team.

watitdew ago


EarlPoncho ago

sounds good jew boy

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Awesome! Thank you for your dedication to freedom and continuing to support the will of your userbase. You guys kick ass.

olinneserpona ago

All hail Goat!

lordtyp0 ago

I think my only concern is what constitutes 'rogue'? I would like to see some sort of standard on it, free speech cannot be protected under an arbitrary structure. I certainly agree with the purge in context, but going forward; please setup some solid guidelines (even if they get updates from time to time) on what may trigger such a purge.

Ina_Pickle ago

Well in this case it was pretty obvious when the mod started banning everyone in the sub because he decided he didn't like the sub's purpose.

He wasn't even the sub's creator. And even if he were, the classy thing to do would be to step down instead of being a complete asshole to the subscribers.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

This is a good point because the sensibilities of a subs normal users might change naturally over time (as opposed to being forced by a new mod or as a result of a clandestine infiltration of new users). How would one differentiate the complaints of a user unhappy with changes between those scenarios?

White_Phillip ago

As i said in a showerthoughts submission; this is going to keep happening because there are people ideologicially or finanically committed to ruining the free speech ideal of this website.

It is imperative that admins maintain their neutral stance that is protecting the integrity of the website, and it is doubly imperative that mods treat their subverses with respect.

Powermods have ruined many websites, it is only a matter of time before the shills, SRS, goons, etc weasel their way into positions of power.

After all, if these anti-free speech folk had a logical argument then they would have subverses with a large userbase that agrees with them. On the contrary, most users here are former redditors, 4chan anons, and so on. We dont take kindly to people trying to screw us over a second time.

Doesnt matter if the subverse is antithetical to your moral sensibility, the point of the web and this website in particular should be open discussion of that which is acceptable to discuss and share under the law thats governs the website.

Thats all, thanks my fellow voaters for maintaining their communities.

bloodguard ago

There needs to be a non-coercion way to handle rogue mods. If users themselves can "unmod" a mod from their perspective it would go a long way towards blunting their power to subvert the system and cause chaos.

For instance if there was a checkbox next to each mods name in the mod list that I could uncheck. If they're unchecked then I can see all the submissions that particular mod spiked and all the comments they've tried to get rid of. They pretty much stop being a mod of the subvoat from my perspective.

Then maybe if enough people abandon a mod it's considered a vote of no confidence and they're unchecked by default for non-subscribers or new subscribers for that subvoat.

Fenrirwulf ago

I don't think it is some big conspiracy, I think it is just a couple fucktards with hundreds of alts each that think Voat is their playground and they get joy out of annoying the normal users.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Well said. Please accept this link to a picture of a golden goat as a token of my thanks.

guinness2 ago

Please let this set a precident for Voat in the future.

What if the community voats against free speech next time?

What if they vote for Hillary Clinton?

Is that when we nuke the site from orbit, just to make sure?

toobaditworks ago


repostpolice6969 ago

Exactly, that's why I said #2 is the best option. Eventually it would have died, became inactive then switched to someone that cares.

Nagga ago

Thought of this too. The banned "mods" can create their own board if they want. It's so obvious they were isolated incidents that got paid off or were compromised.

digitalentity1497 ago

And there was much rejoicing in the kingdom.

EarlPoncho ago

and i dont have the submissions because that sub was filled with beta jews. was clear to me from the beginning that you kikes were just controlled opposition

Drain0 ago

We did it goats! Free speech and democracy lives on another day!

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I am ignorant. What is backpage?

watitdew ago

i realize i'm essentially an unknown to you, but i don't know or necessarily trust you either.

all i'm saying is that i know i could do a better job.

MrEvilPirate ago

Wow. Compare this to reddit. Admins here are classy as fuck. Thanks guys. Thanks for Voat. Thanks for protecting free speech.

ravensedgesom ago

That is why I shall donate to this cause

individualin1984 ago

Thanks, Any chance you are going to also take action on v/chicago?

embers ago

Here he admits that he was also the mod of /v/Chicago.

individualin1984 ago

Damn, I didn't know it was the same asshole. Wow. Is he henrycorp too.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

Great news!!

Personally I thought you guys would take the out and try to take the site to the next level. Because this site is never going to go more mainstream, or even develop a substantial base of activity in mainstream topic areas, if it caters towards being a refuge for hate mongers who have been kicked out of everywhere else.

But you stood by your convictions. At least for now you can't be accused of selling out. I can respect that. (That sounds like a backhanded compliment, it's not supposed to be though).

I'm happy to no longer have to risk my personal identity being associated with a bunch of racists. I can honestly say I did want the transfer to go smoother than what actually transpired. Did not expect the shit storm that erupted. And I admit I am largely to blame. But I can also say with hundred percent certainty it wouldn't have happened without the ProtectVoat brigade instigating it.

And I strongly recommend putting together some written guidelines for mods, and creating a more formal process for dealing with mods who get out of line, rather than relying on a vigilante sub to brigade and use coercion to get what they want.

Anyhow, this site is no longer for me, and I don't think it ever will be. So I am gone.

Best of luck.

Edit: Also the Soros funding ran out an hour ago, so I am just posting this pro-bono.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

What a FAGGOT!

Nobody wants this site to go mainstream. Nobody wants more pieces of shit like you flooding in and bringing along more marxist bullshit. You seem to think that things could have gone differently if not for this group or this sub or that community. You clearly have a feeble grasp on what this community is. We stand for free speech above all else. Above feelings. Above mainstream recognition. Above profiteering. Above your shitty faggotty ideas. You seem to think you would have gotten away with it if not for some pesky racists. You wouldn't have gotten away with it. You think this is a site full of stupid racists - it's not. It's a site full of some of the most shrewd and vigilant defenders of liberty, and your cancerous ideology and its dishonest, dishonorable tactics will never take hold and succeed here. Written guidelines for mods? I think we're ok without your cucky advice. I think "don't censor anyone's speech" is enough.

You people are certifiably insane. You simply don't understand that censorship is among the gravest evils, and seem to think that if you can surreptitiously invoke censorship, everything will be hunky dory and you can convince people into your way of thinking. You somehow hold that you are on the side of justice, while your entire ideology hinges on the suppression of truth, the suppression of communication, and the suppression of the free exchange of ideas, in favor of a false narrative that YOU KNOW is false because you all MADE IT UP - it's evil at its very core.

Do the world a favor. Instead of going back to reddit, how about you just kill yourself? Nobody will miss you. You're a vindictive cunt who goes through extensive effort to control others and suppress liberty as far as you can reach. Human society has long strived to eliminate people just. like. you. If you truly want to help humanity, just kill yourself.

Womb_Raider ago

Get wrecked you piece of trash intellectual want-to-be. Thank god you're gone. You can go ahead and leave the website.

KosherHiveKicker ago

The first of many small victories to come.

Goodbye @(((White)))SoMustBeRacist!!!

7568125? ago

Who do you work for?

7568393? ago

What were your motives of taking over niggers? Are you the original owner of the account?

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

I didn't take it over. I've had it running smoothly for six months. So to answer your question, my motive for taking it over was to recover it from antiracist and get it running smoothly for the benefit of voat and its users.

7568575? ago

What were your plans with a sub named /v/niggers? Something like /v/chickago's policy "no negativity"? Thanks for answering my questions, I appreciate it.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

Monetize the fuck out of it. I was going to start small. Built up one nice /v/niggers location here on voat. Then once I got the business model down, I ws going to franchise it out to other websites .... I had a grand vision of /v/niggers all over the world.

  • www.microsoft.com/v/niggers
  • www.amazon.com/v/niggers
  • www.reddit.com/v/niggers
  • www.whitehouse.gov/v/niggers
  • www.alibaba.com/v/niggers
  • www.vaticanstate.va/v/niggers

You get the idea. My motto was "A /v/niggers on every website, every blog, and every mobile app."

7568705? ago

You are clearly hiding something behind those jokes, you must have had a secret agenda. Either that or you're are a butthurt black African-american nigger.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago


... I didn't want the sub anymore. Planned to give it away a couple of weeks ago. I'm laughing at the whole shit storm I caused. And I'm laughing at the response of a group of people whom I've come to consider pretty fucking dumb who all freaked the fuck out. And once I leave here (I"m staying after late here at the Soros Foundation), I am done.

Maybe you should just laugh at the jokes because they are clever.

Schbergfeldmanstein ago

"I was only pretending to be retarded."

Fuck you, kike.

7568799? ago

The "shitstorm" you caused is a positive thing. Now we might get messures to prevent further damage by mods going "crazy".

What causes the sudden change of your views and why did you moderate a subverse you dont like in the first place?


WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

Yeah, but the site is still going to be infested with nothing but angry people spouting off their hatred to other angry people, in one great big hatred circle-jerk and it's never really going to develop into anything substantial. So... there's that.

EugeneNicks ago

I tried to prevent that but JNC wanted a coup and @Atko ignored my PMs.

Somali ago

I appreciate what you're trying to do but you're misguided. V/niggers isn't about hating niggers, it's about saving them. You see, that sub is invaluable in red pilling clueless white people about niggers, and teaching them how to avoid or handle situations where niggers could victimize them. This also saves niggers, because every time a white person is victimized the nigger gets punished by the justice system. It's like teaching kids to stay away from pitbulls so the kid doesn't get mauled and the pitbull doesn't get euthanized.

I have used the subverse to educate dozens of people, including many children, on why they should avoid niggers, why they shouldn't burn the coal/oil drill, how they can keep their distance and not fall for nigger traps that ultimately lead to both parties being harmed. So have hundreds of other people. People died because you tampered with this invaluable resource. So did niggers. I understand that you were trying to do good but the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and you have blood on your hands. You deserve to see prison time for your actions in undermining public safety in all honesty

golgotham ago

POT CALLING THE KETTLE BLACK. What a remarkably shitty little piece of shit you turned out to be.

Vhaine ago

Counterpoint. Reddit got huge with everything you complain about but with a much larger scale. It wasn't until they espoused your opinion did the site head into the ditch. You will never please 100% of the people 100% of the time. People complain and advertisers scared of complaints never advertise on edgy drama factories. You are chasing unicorns. The site you invision will never exist because the second it tries it falls into declines. Hug boxes don't sell for the same reason men dont by romance novels. Humans require dama and drama pushes eyeballs to pages.

7568908? ago

I agree with you on that one. You seem to share similiar views that would benefit the admins, what is your opinion on the allegations made by goats that this was all done to remove an "ugly" subverse and make it more "investor" friendly? What were your original intentions with the subverse before the change?

EarlPoncho ago

Edit: Also the Soros funding ran out an hour ago, so I am just posting this pro-bono.

lol please be real

watitdew ago

so be real dude: you had enough of eagleshigh posts and snapped, right?

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago


Honest to god truth of what I posted. Yes, I fucked up in /v/chicago ... but the ProtectVoat brigade was bullshit, and after hours of deleting their bullshit comments and posts (by people who didn't give a shit about my sub four hours earlier), I was pissed. And I was even more pissed it was one of my own mods (again, not even a contributor of /v/chicago) who started it

So if you want to know what made me snap it was @CANCEL-CAT-FACTS, @kevdude and his parade of toadys who attacked my sub. If those assholes didn't attack the sub and me, and had a civil conversation with me and allowed me time to reconsider what I was doing ... this would have gone down complexly different.

SeemsReasonable ago

Don't let the door hit you!

watitdew ago


TinyRick ago

Thank for ACTUALLY dealing with the issue and not just being absent admins. As our freedoms do rest on your shoulders very heavily.

I admire the Admin team here, especially with two guys.

I donated just because i have faith in Voat, I don't even donate to diabetes charities when my daughter has it. So this is actually a high honor for me to give you my money without asking for anything in return.

7568009? ago

Apparently, the actual leaders at v/niggers, @Bilbo_Swaggins and @adhdferret, both were actually in favor of Option 3 to deal with the bad subverse name, redirecting the subverse's contents to either v/coontown (their original planned subverse when they first came here, which was blocked by a rogue mod) or v/coonshire (their current backup subverse).

EarlPoncho ago

those guys may be jews who knows

7568371? ago

Bilbo is the Owner for v/coonshire, and seems to be keeping it pretty well under control. Adhdferret has been associated with the v/niggers subverse for a while, and seems highly competent in my interactions with him (although he may not be fully there, as he did apparently put an active shop vac against his young son's cheek in an attempt to wake him up).

EarlPoncho ago

https://voat.co/v/AskVoat/1553987/7567702 he wrote this about a jew today. he's just as bad as them. he doesn't see the full picture. he's still living in blue pill land

Faustian ago

Good riddance. Thank you for everything you do, especially listening to the users. <3

7567995? ago

Why did it take so long to take action? This should have been taken care of on the first day. Was this done to hide the shameful parts of voat so you can attract new investors?

doginventer ago

Or perhaps to highlight the virtues of voat so they can attract new investors?

Runaway-White-Slave ago

Just don't give it to a fucking Jew huh?

tanukihat ago

Perhaps all Jewish members of the site should get a special badge on their profile, so we can identify them easier

go1dfish ago

I agree, though in the future I think this should be decided by the subscribers of the sub in question in the future.

I.e. a poll like we just had, but where only subscribers to /v/niggers since X date would be able to participate.

That way a community is protected even if the wider voat community is against it for whatever reason.

nottashill ago

No. Terrible idea.

toobaditworks ago

I agree, though in the future I think this should be decided by the subscribers of the sub in question in the future.

But if you do that then it's possible the majority of subscribers are actually those trying to deceive.

Good to see you around fish!

Artofchoke ago

Fuck that. We handled it accordingly, and cam be trusted to do so. There's no need to segregate your weird selves. We aren't children.

EllenPaosEgo ago

The only issue I see with that is for instance in this case a lot of the subscibers to v/niggers were banned. How the site owners handled things now lets those that were part of the old v/niggers userbase vote on what to do. I especially like that even those that did not like v/niggers were still pushing for the sub to stay up. That really speaks volumes about how much the main userbase on Voat cares about free speech.

just_wanna_say ago

im sure the new owner will undo the messups, it is really non issue

whatisbestinlife ago

That's me. Subs exist like stereotypes exist. For reasons

7567992? ago

Problematic in cases of a hostile takeover. Once that rule was in place they would coordinate to subscribe some period of time before actually taking over.

Havengul ago

Not only that, many people get banned quickly in a hostile takeover. Just look at people who were banned from v/niggers for racism. The takeover account could just start mass banning before anyone realizes what's going on and then leave only his shills in the group.

watitdew ago

We think alike.

watitdew ago

That's a lot of effort for 'protection' relative to how easily it could be subverted. IMO.

Redditsdead ago

Glad to hear. Thanks for the quick response. I hate v/niggers but think the current mod has gone full retarded. Let the sub be what it was meant to be.

UncleSpez1 ago

I haven't got a clue what all this is about, can you enlighten me?

Redditsdead ago

V/niggers and their former mod who banned racism.

UncleSpez1 ago

And there was a voat?

antiliberalsociety ago

@WhiteSoIMustBeRacist I ask again, do you know why I'm smiling?😊

Rellik88 ago

Kek buy felicia

Havengul ago

A hahahhahaha. Weaaaaaak.

Rummel ago

Fuck off SRS, you cannot break the organic mesh of VOAT!!! Not now, not tomorrow, not next year...NEVER, BITCH!

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

Fuck off SRS, you cannot break the organic mesh of VOAT...BITCH!

Looks like I did.

toobaditworks ago

Actually you just brought Voat together even more. They just won another battle against false flag infiltrators. You just proved that infiltrating scum exists and can be stopped.

diodine ago

That's why you're not a moderator, right?

Rummel ago

Fambida ago

I feel that ought to read "yuo tired"

I mean, it may be mean to dyslexics to imply they have a relation to wsimbr, but the current grammar is too correct to encompass wsimbr's failure, both at his attempted shenanigans, and at life in general.

antiliberalsociety ago

So what's next for you? Applying for positions at CTR? DNC? Or back to Eddit?

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

Probably going to write a book or turn it into a musical. Then I'm going to go on the talk show circuit, talk about the experience. You know, pretty standard stuff really.

Lucienne ago


ExpertShitposter ago

Musical = fag.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago


lokfort ago

You're about to suck a big one buddy, enjoy it.

JustFeelsGoodMan ago


7567850? ago

Great way to do it and get the community idea. Also an amazing idea to make the whole posts anonymous. Do you think we can get an option in the future to make threads for anonymous comments only?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

we won again

draegspir ago

We did it reddi-VOATERS!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

go back

watitdew ago

Make me level 1 mod of v/niggers I would do the best job.

EarlPoncho ago

no me

watitdew ago


EarlPoncho ago

are you jew

Vices_and_Virtues ago

Is there any way to have raw numbers? This information would make an awesome visual thing. Maybe grains of sand representing each vote on the three options as a balance?

go1dfish ago

The data is all available at https://voat.co/v/announcements/1551024 if someone cares to build that out.

guinness2 ago


Thank you and Atko so much for your dedication to free speech!

And I still promote this idea of making subverse moderator changes more visible so users and the subverse community can research the applicants before cucks can do damage to free speech.

7567789? ago

Thank you, Putt. This was handled expertly and the transparency shown throughout was inspiring. I'm also glad such a vast majority of us are in agreement on this.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@puttitout i agree with peace: i appreciate you allowing the community to come together and discuss handling a serious issue like this, and i appreciate you facilitating that process and acting by the community's wishes, albiet i'd have preferred you to NOT do this in an anon post. there are a lot more issues to deal with, and they need to be dealt with like this. thank you and i hope that's really fucking you and one day you two @atko you as well can come out and face us and re-integrate into the community that truly wants you to be a part of it.

0iamlordeyayaya0 ago


one paragraph

shill detected


etc. etc.

fujin ago

God damn you nailed it buddy.

character assassination

shill confirmed

SaneGoatiSwear ago

puttitout i agree with peace:

i appreciate you allowing the community to come together and discuss handling a serious issue like this,

and i appreciate you facilitating that process and acting by the community's wishes,

##albiet i'd have preferred you to NOT do this in an anon post.

there are a lot more issues to deal with, and they need to be dealt with like this.

thank you and i hope that's really fucking you and one day you two atko you as well can come out and face us and re-integrate into the community that truly wants you to be a part of it.

7572649? ago


SaneGoatiSwear ago

lol then i fucked up my recent post and made it all intelligible and legible.

kcamstar ago

Thanks for leaving the paranoia and the "all caps" up on the shelf.

go1dfish ago

First Post!

spez: nope :(

edit 2: still waiting for my hoodie :'( It's been unusually cold in San Diego lately and I have to go up north where it's even colder (and infested with liberal SJWs) later this month.

Voopin__Voopin ago

@voatmerch ?

damn that sucks. have had mine for at least a week or two.

7567826? ago

Me too :(

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

You done good fish!

go1dfish ago

Nope, hungry_mungry beat me to it.

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago


go1dfish ago

Voat lied to me, said it was the first time.

Like I haven't heard that one before.

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

Hope you wore a condom.

hungry_mungry ago

I beat you by six seconds

go1dfish ago

Doh :( yeah you did. Congrats.

7567810? ago

That's why you're supposed to just say "first". Typing out "post!" cost you those precious seconds :P

hungry_mungry ago

Thanks for everything Putt